81 Things to Sell on EBAY to Make Money Consistently

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what is up everybody it is Wick here and I've got another video where I'm going to show you a bunch of things that I've sold on eBay got over 80 items today this is all stuff that I found at thrift stores garage sales estate sales places like Goodwill and even rummage sales these are all things you can look for in the wild and also make some money hopefully don't forget to hit that like button if you learned something today let's jump into it so here are some of this Fire King stuff I got recently if you didn't catch the video go check that out awesome find on this stuff I talked about it in a video literally a week later I find a bunch of it I'm breaking down the mugs I got 15 mugs and some other stuff and I'm selling them in lots of four I saw this first lot of four for two hundred and forty dollars plus shipping and these are in amazing condition they're the C handles and uh the thick ones heavy ones which are worth a bit more money when it's all said and done you know I'm making at least a thousand dollars on this stuff we're gonna make sure these are packaged very well gonna wrap them in heavy construction paper and then bubble wrap and pack them tight first set of four took less than a week to sell here are a bunch of GI Joe accessories vintage found these at a garage sale I paid a quarter for all of them and I decided to do an auction on them because I didn't want to listen individually a lot of them are only worth like you know two to five bucks that I probably could have made more money listing them individually and just waiting for all of them to sell but went ahead and just sold them all on auction for 38.42 plus shipping so for paying a quarter that's some really good profit coming in here's a big mouth of Billy Bass and this is a very special Big Mouth Billy Bass I picked this up at Goodwill for ten dollars and I've sold them before the Billy Bass the original ones you get a little bit of money for them profit if you're getting them cheap enough however this is a newer one and it works with Amazon and uh Bluetooth so I saw it at Goodwill for ten dollars I'm like oh I'll look it up I walk past it at first and this is actually new in box and the value on this uh well I sold it for 190 dollars plus shipping over two hundred dollars total I guarantee you a lot of people selling these are just not going to know about them but a phenomenal flip and I'll be looking for some more of these that's for sure here is a DDR Super Deluxe Dance Pad it says the foam on the bottom pretty rare a great sale I paid 4.99 for this at a Goodwill and I sold it for 125 dollars plus shipping somebody bought it yesterday and canceled the order and then I relisted it and it sold today took about three months four months to sell so not that bad for easily a hundred dollars profit here's a brand new pair of Fila shoes got these at a room to sell only paid three dollars for them I sold them for thirty dollars plus shipping I love finding new stuff it's easy to list and easy to sell here is this ax youth baseball bat got this at Goodwill for 2.99 and I sold it for forty dollars plus shipping sold less than a week nice flip here is a lot of 11 Stephen King books I've just collect selected from various places got anywhere from a quarter to you know three dollars Max I wouldn't be paying more than three dollars for a basic Stephen King book unless it was something special vintage that I could sell for a lot of money so probably less than twenty dollars into these books and I sold them for fifty dollars plus shipping here are these Panasonic speakers that come with a five disc CD player tape player I ended up selling the CD player uh for about ninety dollars plus shipping I had it listed with the speakers the person sent me a message and told me not to ship the speakers they didn't want any other discount so you know I got basically a free pair of speakers the very very very rare that's ever happened if ever but I ended up selling these speakers for thirty dollars plus shipping so just some extra money in my pocket I'll happily take it I bought a couple of these bronze Shavers at a Goodwill they were 5.99 a piece I sold one really quick for forty five dollars plus shipping and about a year year and a half later the other one has sold for forty five dollars plus shipping thing not sure why the second one took so long to sell but I'm happy with the profits here is this pirate troll plush I got this in a garage sale a couple years ago paid a quarter 50 cents for it something like that sold it for 15 here is the last of these first alert fire home extinguishers got around 10 of these at a Lowe's oh a year and a half ago or so only paid like two dollars a piece for insane clearance price this is the final one and I sold it for 25 plus shipping sold a couple pair of San Antonio shoe company shoes here's a pair of these tan ones I don't remember exactly where I got these but I sold them for twenty dollars plus shipping then I have this new pair of black ones and I got these at a rummaged sale for only one dollar I sold them for ninety dollars plus shipping so these shoes are big money if you can find them new that's for sure I sold three or four pairs of new San Antonio shoe company shoes over the years I remember I even sold a pair I got at a garage sell for a dollar I think I got about 120 for those but some insane profit for what I paid on these shoes here's a sealed DVD set the Divine defense got this at a thrift store for one dollar and I sold it for 35 incredible return on my dollar investment here's a Bernita sewing machine foot this is another one I got from the Bernina sewing machine and parts a lot so this one for 45 and of course in the end I'm gonna make right around a thousand dollars on everything paid a hundred dollars for it all here's some cleaner for aligners and retainers got these at Walmart for about five dollars a piece sold them for thirty five dollars plus shipping for a total of forty four dollars and nine cents here is a Homedics massager got this at a Goodwill for five dollars and I sold it for thirty dollars less shipping glad it sold because I just found one in the garage sale for three dollars and we'll list that for the same price here's a great flip here I got this dual Trucking Lantern Lantern a great flip right here dual trunking a great flip right here I got this dual trunking scanner got this at a rummage sale only paid a dollar for it and I sold it for 100 plus shipping sold less than a week here are a pair of Brooks Shoes I believe I got these at a rummage sale for one dollar when I sold them for twenty dollars plus shipping here's a Jurassic world dinosaur I thought I had sold all these from a lot I got last year this one still remained sold it for 25 plus shipping so I'm already in the profit from the lot so this is just extra free money I have these Ikea Stockholm I guess candle holders found these at Goodwill I think for about five bucks sold them for thirty dollars plus shipping I'm gonna tell you the secret right now on how to sell stuff on eBay anything that's been sitting in your inventory for a long time and you've forgotten about all you have to do is touch it touch it or move it so many times I just come across inventory like oh I forgot I even had that listed this will probably take a while to sell I'll touch it or I'll move and it sells the same day it's crazy how often that happens okay let me know in the comments if anyone else has that happen to them but a great flip at five dollars thirty dollars plus shipping got these new Skechers shoes at a garage sale last year I don't remember exactly what I paid for him 10 or 15 but I sold them for fifty dollars plus shipping so nice flip on these Skechers shoes I just picked up a new pair of Skechers shoes like this at a garage sale and I thought those were the ones that sold and I went to ship them and then I realized I haven't even listed those yet so funny I found another pair and then this pair sells I'm glad I didn't ship the wrong pair that would have been terrible here is a vintage Garfield plush head I paid five dollars for this I sold it for twenty dollars plus shipping only took about three days to sell I probably priced it a little low wear any comps for it but some similar ones were listed and they weren't selling so I just priced it 20 bucks here's a pair of Five Finger shoes I got these at Goodwill for five dollars and I sold them for 25 here is a great flip this computer motherboard I found this in the thrift store it was one dollar I thought for sure it wouldn't be the same motherboard that was in the box I opened it up and sure enough it was even better than that it was new uh the right motherboard and new for one dollar and has all the accessories and pieces in there paperwork I ended up selling it for 85 1.85 I'll take it any day another Bernina sewing machine foot from the Bernina lot I got for a hundred dollars sold this piece for forty five dollars here are a pair of Adidas shoes I picked these up at Goodwill for five dollars I sold them for 35 plus shipping here's a pair of new without tags Merrell shoes I got these at Goodwill I paid six dollars for them and I sold them for thirty dollars plus shipping so some great profit here's a Star Wars book I got a couple dollars into this and I sold it for 18 I had another one I sold for like 25 or 30 if I remember correct sold four more of these Fire King mugs and so these were 250 dollars plus shipping got seven more to sell I'm just gonna keep raising the price so I bought an electronic Battleship game at a rum itself for two dollars unfortunately it did not work but I'm able to sell these pieces for 14 and get my money back also this is international order so the person paid over thirty dollars to get these so I got my two dollars back and I made some money and I'm still gonna sell a battery cover eventually hopefully here are some Lord of the Rings books I got these at an estate sale where ninety percent of the contents were media books DVDs and stuff I filled my Ikea bag with stuff I ended up paying thirty dollars for everything I got that day and I've sold these books for fifty five dollars so that puts me into the profit when you're buying the right kind of media it just adds up very quickly sold this hunter fan remote I got this at a Habitat for Humanity ReStore for three dollars I sold this for fifty dollars plus shipping and these things sell for about a hundred fifty dollars and new on Amazon I sold a lot of them made some really good profit on them got a great deal where I got about somewhere between 50 and 60 of them I think anyway when I saw this I knew it was going to sell great used three dollars into 50 bucks here's a sealed Unforgettable first season DVD got this on an estate sale where I got a bunch of media for thirty dollars so I I got less than a dollar into this I believe and I sold it for thirteen dollars picked up these connects at a Goodwill for 2.99 and I sold them for 18 plus shipping priced them pretty low just wanted to sell them I already have some other ones listed just wanted a fast flip make about 10 bucks actually these three gears right here could probably sell for about 12 or 13 dollars by themselves all the rest of the pieces nothing great but I just put it all together here and it sold within about five days here is a bread maker lid and screw for a Panasonic unit parting it out I'm sure I've made my money back on this already end up getting 25 shipped for the lid and the screw here are some Allen Edmond Flagstaff shoes I got these I believe these are the pair I got at Salvation Army one time they had them priced like 40 something crazy they went half off no one bought them at half off the final step after that is one dollar and that's what I bought them ended up selling them for forty dollars plus shipping so great profit on these picked up this Lakewood vintage fan at a rummage sale for five dollars put on eBay for forty dollars plus shipping somebody locally wanted to buy it and pick it up so I added the local option on eBay which is great because I was a little bit nervous shipping this I was gonna ship it in the Box there's not enough room really to put good protection in there to ship it so five dollars into forty dollars great flip here's one of the Magnavox DVD VCR combos already got it wrapped in bubble wrap but that's what it is pick this up at Goodwill for five dollars I sold it for seventy dollars plus shipping this did not have a remote and it sold within well I think less than 10 minutes of me listing it had another one which is like the model before this the gray one this is the black one with the remote I listed that for the same price because it doesn't sell as well it still hasn't sold so these black ones I forget I think it ends with the nine the model number they're a bit more desirable unfortunately I didn't have the remote for this one still some great profit and the sell-through rate on these is insane there's like 120 listed with like 900 sold comps very desirable unit here is a Prince tennis racket I got this at Goodwill for two dollars I ended up selling it for forty five dollars plus shipping for a total of 65.65 nice flip picked up this brand new pair of Red Wing Shoes at a garage sale about eight months ago for twenty dollars I have sold them for 75 plus shipping Red Wings are usually big money especially new here is a couple great shoe sales I got these purple Nike Zoom Pegasus three shoes got these at a garage sale for three dollars kind of shocked to see him there because I saw some resellers leaving so I just assumed everything was picked these are new unworn shoes and I sold them for seventy dollars plus shipping for a total of 95.45 so a great sale there and then I got these Nike at a Goodwill for five dollars torch fours I sold them for 35 plus shipping you really can't beat it just a couple of awesome shoe sales here's a Stargate Atlantis DVD set got this at an estate sale where there's a bunch of media paid thirty dollars for all the media already made my money back sold these for thirty dollars plus shipping here is a new in package Cora the smart VTEC toy got this Addie rummage sale paid five dollars for it and I sold it for twenty five dollars plus shipping here's a Wilson baseball glove I picked this up at the garage sale for three dollars and I sold it for 65 great flip on this baseball glove seems like every year I find great baseball gloves especially at garage sales because people use these especially kids they grow up they don't play anymore and they're just sold at a garage sale for three dollars here's a couple good shoe sales I got these Skechers D lights these came from a rummage sale only paid one dollar for them bottom because well they're in great condition and they are a pretty popular shoe a bit saturated on eBay but what you pay a dollar and sell them for 25 which is what I did is some pretty good profit so 25 plus shipping on these then at a Goodwill I picked up for five dollars these brand new fitbill shoes and these I don't know if I've ever sold fitville to be honest I can remember but at five dollars they're a great pickup because I sold them for forty dollars plus shipping just some more awesome shoe flips so here is a Howard Miller Clock I picked this up at Goodwill for 7.99 because I looked at the comps and well they looked promising anywhere from 50 it looked like to you know some listed for over six hundred dollars some of the Soul comps I saw you know 150 I saw a lot of 40s so so I priced mine at 45 plus shipping and it sold within about a week and a half so some pretty decent profit on that you know Howard Miller is a pretty good name but these clocks are just not that great quality like this paint's already kind of starting to peel off here and I'm afraid the buyer is gonna get it and just start touching it too harshly and it's just gonna rub off and because I was even touching it and this little corner piece came off which I you know I photographed in the listing already but it comes off very easily just you know for some big name Clock Company like this I just assume their clock quality would be a bit better here is a Power Rangers toy got this at a Goodwill for two or three dollars don't remember exactly but I sold it for 18.95 here are some Monster High dolls I believe these are the ones I picked up for a quarter a piece at a garage sale I ended up selling them for twenty dollars plus shipping for a total of 33.45 here are some refrigerator wear boots don't think I've ever bought this brand before but they seem to be pretty pretty decent quality comps looked okay so give them a try paid five dollars for him at a Goodwill sold them for thirty dollars plus shipping here's a nice sale this GI Joe sealed vintage figure I got this locally and you know what I can't remember how much I paid for I got a few clgi Joe items somewhere between 50 and 75 dollars I ended up selling it for 200 plus shipping so I made some good profit on it I have another one that's a bit more rare I've had priced well for about two years now six hundred dollars just gonna hold out on that price I'm in no hurry to sell it so that should be a good sell when that finally happens here's a Garfield plush from 81 with the tags got this at Goodwill for five dollars and I sold it for 28 plus shipping here's a vintage ice cream maker I got this at a thrift store I paid two or three dollars for it sold it for thirty dollars plus shipping never been used here's a used size baseball glove I don't remember where I picked it up at this point I'm sure I don't have much into it sold it for 24 dollars got these figures and a bunch of others at a Goodwill years ago uh we're talking like probably seven years something like that now I sold the better ones already these are just kind of worthless no one really wants them I priced them thirty dollars plus shipping and they finally sold so happy to see them go I've already made my money back on what I bought so this is just a little bit extra from that lot here is a Sylvania VCR remote I got this at a Goodwill for 3.99 and I sold it for 38 plus shipping took about two days to sell sold this vintage HP 12C calculator I got this at a thrift store for one dollar sold it for thirty dollars and yes and these vintage calculators big money this one not as much I think the best calculator I sold was about 220 220 bucks but I'll happily sell this one for 30 for only paid one dollar here's a DVD and book set brand new sealed got this at a thrift store I only paid 50 cents for it and I sold it for 30 dollars in what business can you take 50 cents and turn into thirty dollars that easily got about a dollar into this Poltergeist the Legacy a DVD set got it from an estate sale and I got 25 for it so here's a blade from a black Decker food processor I've already made my money back on the units parting it out and I'm selling this piece for 20 bucks here's one of these Columbus globes made in Germany uh shows the constellations and all that lights up pick this up at a garage sale for five dollars and I sold it for forty dollars plus shipping I will definitely take those profits here is a caller ID I got this at Goodwill for 2.99 and I sold it for thirty dollars uh took about six months to sell these caller IDs some of the vintage ones can make you some pretty good money especially the ones with the large screens here is this Fluval G3 aquarium pump it's a very high-end pump I picked this up at Goodwill for 12.99 and I sold it for 150 plus shipping so that's an incredible flip I can say it's the first one of these aquarium pumps I've ever sold and that's for sure here is a Magnavox DVD VCR combo I sold this for 75 plus shipping paid five dollars for this at Goodwill very rare to see these anywhere let alone Goodwill and for five dollars so great pickup took about a week to sell here is some Lion King plush I got these at a rummage sale I think I paid a quarter a piece for them four of them in there and I sold them for 28 also when I sell clothing hats and plush if possible I like to fit them into a poly bag just to protect them from if the package gets wet or something spills on it dust dirt all that kind of stuff paid 50 cents for this sealed PlayStation 4 Drive Club game at a garage sale I sold it for twenty dollars took about three days to sell here's a Homedics massager I got this at a garage sale for three dollars sold it for twenty eight dollars plus shipping this one is not one of the heated versions or I would have sold it for a little bit more here's the Sony PSP game SmackDown versus Raw 2011 got this at a rummage sale for uh one dollar maybe two dollars and I sold it for forty dollars here's this Disney photo album brand new sealed paid four dollars for this at Goodwill and I sold it for twenty eight dollars so not a bad flip and it sold within about three or four days of me listing it so awesome find awesome flip pay 299 for this bun coffee pot replacement at Goodwill sold it for 18 plus shipping for a total of 36.66 and it took a little over a month to sell I think there it is everybody there's some of my sales from the past month I hope you enjoyed it make sure to hit that like button for me before you go the be subscribed if you want to see more of my content I really do appreciate you watching you can find me on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock flipping underscore junk and this has been Wick till next time
Channel: Flipping Junk
Views: 62,020
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Keywords: items to sell on ebay, ebay sales, selling on ebay, ebay flips, thrifting for ebay, garage sales, buying and selling, thrifting, thrift store finds, garage sale finds, flipping junk, ebay reseller, ebay reselling, ebay picker, ebay picking, ebay bolo, ebay tips, ebay tricks, what sold on ebay, ebay solds, bolo guide, yard sales, estate sales, ebay full time, ebay part time, is ebay worth it, how do people make money on ebay, ebay seller
Id: 5PbS0muYmps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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