Plain Old Bad Luck...

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hey there viewers and welcome back to the South Main Auto Channel got the bu Encore it's back and never sent you and that includes you because you were there worked on it we got these issues that's not what the lady said but that's what some customers say actually this lady is really nice she didn't say anything about it but she wants to know what the mysterious fluid all over her tailgate is so she stopped in with it of course if you guys don't remember this one I'll link that uh video there this thing got towed in as a no and it had the rear diff clutch module that was shorted out spoiler alert just ruin the video for you and uh we replaced that programmed it and you know Bob's your uncle and uh that's it so it was probably a couple days after that she comes in she's like there's something leaking out of my wheel we looked at the left front wheel yeah I think it's covered fluid like a brake caliper cut loose but it wasn't there's a transmission line that runs up near there that rusted through and it was leaking down the control arm my boy Josh put new training lines on it for her Center on the way two days later she comes back she's like there's a stuff all over my tailgate we're like well maybe it's the training flu cuz that's it was spraying everywhere under there and they dumped like four quarts of fluid underneath it so it was a mess we assumed it was that we looked at it for anyways cuz we're a couple of nice guys and lo and behold the rear axle seals are now leaking so I'm like what the world this lady's going to think that we're ripping her off uh I went back and actually had to look at my footage from you know when it was here the first time just a few weeks weeks ago and that rear end was bone dry so uh I don't know if putting the rear diff control module on there making the all-wheel drive work as it should cause this issue or if it's just luck of the draw I'm going to say luck of the draw the way the cookie crumbled for this lady oh and her engine lights on with a PO420 for catalyst efficiency when it rains it pours for this girl maybe she's not living right I don't know but let's have a look [Applause] [Music] and here's what it looks like now you can see the fluid all over the rear differential all over this vicinity here I want to grab a mirror I just want to look up top here I don't know if there's a vent up there I had my boy Josh check and make sure that it was full he said the stuff in it looks like mud uh it only holds a little bit so he topped it off because we weren't sure if what the lady was going to do but that's our new module we put on there of course that's host down with the fluid film I'm assuming we're we're dealing with an axle seal here but uh let's just have a look see up top see what things look like up there and then if not we'll just uh we'll pop the axles out and uh see if we can knock those little stubs out and pop a new ceiling for w this is interesting there's uh oh boy oh boy use your words uh there is no vent I think the housing's broken I think the aluminum is all coded away and it might be cracked there's a bunch of dirt and so hi Kitty hi F come here hi hi Luna how are you you want to go see mommy H do you see okay yeah to go okay here you go I'll show you guys what I'm seeing here cuz I'm thinking cuz I'm not seeing where it's slinging out here off the end of this stub you know the axle itself looks dry and that seal looks pretty dry now that I look at it if I see all the dirt and junk laying up here on top but more importantly I see I see that so that's part of that web that part of this casting that comes back to this Mount and I can see it's rotted away naturally aluminium disappears just like steel here in New York if I can see it's clearly rotted and broken I'm wonder if it's cracked down in this housing so let's uh let's clean some of that dirt off up there and uh see if we see a crack that would make more sense because Josh said the fluid here was pretty brown look like mud oh I don't think this is a smooth top I think this thing up top has these same ribs I don't think it's going to be for this lady's pleasure because I'm gambling here that this is probably broken and the reason the fluid is Muddy so to speak is it's probably because it was broke up here and it's got moisture in it I think I'm going to have to get a blown now though because it definitely feels ribbed yeah it is we're have to try to blow some of this junk out of here well it's really kaked in there pretty good folks that's not really helping as much here oh never mind I can see the crack in the housing anyway she split wide open all right well that was easy wow get my mirror here for you let's see I saw it yep right there uh let's see I might have to thises open I can't hit the enhance button it's cracked right off the end of that web and goes right around into that other web that's funny it's it's broke back here not even up by the rot spot where I thought it was going to break unless that's the epicenter might be that's broken pretty good might be broke all the way straight down through there but there's an obvious crack right there no kidding H let me give Mrs o to hold this thing yeah let let me show you what happened up here she's talking to somebody right now but you see uh that transmission line that sticks out right there that little Loop that sticks out a general General Motors was nice enough to put that out by the wheel uh so and they covered the entire line with plastic see Dave except for that little section there of course that rotted out soaked all of this with trainy fluid you know got all over everything here was slinging out of her wheel that's what she first noticed that's some fancy welding [Music] there yep so my boy Josh put those trainy lines in and then oh boy AC compressor is leaking too it might be time to flush this toilet Lady it's going to need a cat more than likely we have check to be sure AC compressor is leaking front brakes are about hammered yikes rear diff is broken rear springs broken man he got a lot wrong with this thing I don't know how might be it's not been well maintained but our job the other day was just get it running folks don't don't come down on me it's time it's time it's time I can no you can't quit and you're not getting fired you got to take a nap no what is it time for you need to help us oh hi pumpkin how are you I you know what's in my cup today what's in your cup wine no oh coffee I don't even drink coffee you're getting all like this how tired I am getting the Jitters can't hardly keep my eyes open what do you think Luna this lady is having some bad freaking luck out here let me tell you what uhoh oh my God I'm almost starting to feel bad at this this point oh yeah that's yeah so we thought it was just the axle seal but it's not more than that yeah the whole freaking axle housing's busted oh dear like she hit something no like freaking salt and corrosion stinky oh don't you love that no hate that feels good I need you to hold this the mirror here hang on suck just a minute people okay you're doing a good job Mr though hang on now don't even move a muscle don't even breathe H H I can see it I can't cuz my eyes are too close but I see it you can see the crack you can see the crack in the viewfinder I see your crack that's why it's all cracked out dang wow that changes things yeah so that sucker's cracked right around almost like in a square there oh I didn't see that yeah I see see it's kind of got a rounded corner to it oh interesting yeah and then the thing is though I didn't expect to see the crack there because it's all rotted out up this way like if you move your mirror up there see how it's all broken and rotted up there uhuh oh yeah I don't know if that's the we called it the epicenter that's the beginning of the crack perhaps we don't know yeah we're good you can go ahead and pull out broken rear spring codes for the cat AC compressor leaking oh wow gter jard [Music] maybe though maybe all she knows is that ever since you ever since you yep oh well I was telling people we were hired to get the thing running we did don't break it King joy down not the first time King Joy do you want to call her no you want me to call her yeah W I don't do the bad news things I just call and say it's broke that's it that's it we'll call her up tell her it's broke you call her up and say oh I'm here for you let me hold you oh that's me wow well that's how you make them feel I do I'm just like oh hey you're a m of a fat girl I'm aoer I am not aoer and that's why we're married got to have one on a little bit of a serious note folks I do need to call the customer and tell them you know here here's what we see you know I guess we initially thought it was an axle seal but now you know closer examination that housing's busted and you know it's going to need new housing I looked on GM parts or our supplier and $12.95 68 for the carrier assembly without the viscus coupler and 63460 $1,600 for the entire you know assembly which I don't think we would need the whole assembly granted we can probably find a used one but we would have to get a used Southern unit obviously seeing that this is likely uh the product of you know salt and corrosion sitting on top of that uh differential and finally just eating its way through uh the aluminum on a side note on that side note is aluminum around here disappears just like steel does so uh in case anybody's wondering about that particularly if there is aluminum touching any other type of metal if there's any dissimilar Metals the aluminum just it's gone first year that stuff's gone like when they do it on uh exhaust mounts and stuff like that the aluminum just disappears at any rate there's that plus the labor to install it which doesn't look like a lot and then you know going through and reconfiguring the computer to whatever number differential gets put in it but things she's going to have to keep in mind just kind of glancing it over is you know yeah it's got a broken rear spring front brakes are looking crappy we got the 420 code it's going to need Catalyst but here in People's Republic in New York we're forced to use carb certified converters so it's going to have to have you know an oem carb converter on it you're looking at a few grand there I imagine and then you know seeing the AC compressor all covered with you know dye like you know do you like your AC cuz that's you know looks like the writing on the wall if it works now it's probably not going to for long and the other thing we have to keep in mind that I think the customer should know about is just you know the 1.4 you know these things are notorious for everything valve covers intake manifolds Turbo engine oil coolers you know you name it like the list is long on these engines for what goes wrong with them they're pretty much throwaway so I'm just going to inform her what I see give her my thoughts and feelings and then let her make a informed decision from there some people elect to put you know several thousands of dollars into a car just to keep it going because at the end of the day if the body's not rotted out it's you know in their mind cheaper than you know another $30,000 car or car pay you know if there's no payment they put in four or five grand get everything else fixed you know whatever that's how some people will look at that and you know from an economic standpoint that's that's probably the best uh cars uh do not appreciate uh the second you'd buy that sucker it's it's going down and then uh in the salt belt our ticker ticks a little bit faster you have your normal depreciation and then you got about your 12 years before this thing's ready to hit the crusher uh just because of the salt and the liquid magnesium uh chloride they put on our roads year round they put it on our dirt roads and they put it on our roads in the winter time so we have a you know 365 24/7 exposure to Salt if you drive the back road so our cars just don't last long and people don't oil spray them or do anything preventative there but that's how I handle that I don't know what the lady's going to decide if we end up doing the job or she wants see other stuff fixed maybe we'll bring you along but uh just wanted to bring you along and show you what we saw and that's it anyhow the only thing you've got left to do for me is to go in that comment section folks leave your comment tell me what you think should I eat everything and pay for the entire car I don't think so anyhow I look forward to reading your comments I always do insty Facebook you know where to find us and just remember viewers if I can do it you can do it you didn't do anything thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: South Main Auto LLC
Views: 153,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buick enclave, differential, rear end, differential fluid, rear differential, rear differential fluid, bad rear differential, rear end differential, rear differential noise, low fluid in rear differential, rear differential problem, rear differential fluid change, low oil in rear differential, equinox rear differential noise, buick enclave review, differential bushing, 1st generation buick enclave, buick enclave suv, buick enclave maintenance, 2022 buick enclave
Id: IoknHd_Bw9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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