Rainman Ray Got Fired Today!

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man how you gonna get fired on your day off Craig oh somebody really screwed up on this one guys really screwed up on this one there's an upside down truck in the middle of the road that's not cool hope they're okay all right I see someone walking around it's not a cop that's good yeah I hope they're all right up there so anyway hi everybody good day to you looks like it's disasters all around this morning I can tell you right now this video is going to be a complete departure from my normal style of content See I'm uh on my way home it's about 8 30 in the morning I I went to work today with uh with the flatbed or the dump trailer actually I was gonna pick up some gravel from my driveway project on the way home and uh I had a little micro meeting this morning oh well let me back up I get to work and we were locked out because the guy with the key is not there and then the other key doesn't work and and I no longer have a key that's a whole different story but uh so I get to work we have this micro meeting and uh it turns out that it's uh that I'm not gonna go back to work for where I was working for before there it is that's the news that's the breaking news of the day yeah we have some fundamental disagreements on on a few things and uh and I'm just not going to participate anymore that's uh that's how it's going to be moving forward so I'm actually headed back home so I can unload the dump trailer so I can go get my toolbox moving trailers because I would like to collect uh my assets as soon as possible now I understand this is uh kind of sudden for everybody um it's not so sudden for me uh it you can feel when there's a change in the air or a change in the wind so to speak and it's been going on for for a few months now a lot of you guys have noticed that there have been some folks who uh who have been absent lately and um yeah we've we've we've been experiencing something of an issue of turnover I must say I didn't plan on a personal departure until the end of the year it's only mid-october right now so I'm looks like I'm eight weeks or six to eight weeks ahead of schedule but that's fine I kind of like being ahead of things but what is not fine is the three extra hours of commuting time that I wasted this morning I'm actually a little salty about that it's like 20 gallons in fuel in three hours of my day in my three hours of my day is important I don't like my time being wasted but you know that's part of the problem we waste a lot of time and We're not gonna do that anymore oh man that's not cool at all I really hope he didn't run into something else or get run into very upside down truck here let me move you guys I don't want the cops watching me recording them because that's rude try not to rubber neck this all right let's get out of here oh there's this truck involved there's a pickup truck back there yep someone pulled out in front of someone and then someone hit someone and then that first someone rolled over their giant truck onto someone else I saw Silverado with no front end that is uh that's not cool I feel bad so anyway uh that's what we're doing today I'm switching trailers and then we're gonna we're going back to the x-shop again yes Google I know where my directions are going it's telling me where to go which I find that very unfortunate because I just loaded and unloaded my tools commentary redacted on account of Google kept rudely interrupting me but I was talking about moving my tools out of the shop then back into the shop during the hurricane last week or two weeks ago South but you know people tend to let those Freudian slips out when they think they know or they don't know or they know what they think they know I'm gonna go home and throw the trailer then we're going to go back and then quarter miles turn left onto 75th Avenue this time's different I get to take all my stuff I can take my shelves and my cans and my floor tools and my lights and my extension cords and my oil drain funnels and oh there's there's probably lots of stuff oh my trash can it's gonna be a lot of stuff so yeah today is moving day all right now I mentioned briefly earlier about not planning a departure until the end of the year I I do have something cooking uh right now nothing is like set in stone just yet uh we haven't signed any paperwork but I do have some things that are supposed to be taking place at the end of this year beginning in next year so I don't know if I'm just going to take a sabbatical and uh and just kind of hang out for the holiday season or just do some work around the house I'm really not sure what I'm gonna do yet I do need to go back to work though so I'm not sure if yeah I don't know I'm not sure what I'm gonna do yet we'll play this one by year that's what I think when in doubt don't do anything do not make Hasty any rational decisions this is the time after I get the trailer so stay tuned this should be a pretty good video now I won't say too much that's kind of huge right there I won't say too much about the circumstances at hand I'm not going to be salty on on that situation right there so I've got a feeling that I've just broken the internet and like the reddits and the discords and the comments are like absolutely freaking out right now oh don't forget the twitters and the tick tocks yeah I think all the I think all the social medias are about to break like right about now because everybody's turning to the other platforms going what's going on what happened no [Music] no and uh fear not I assure you I'm not going anywhere I'm always here in half a month I'm not going anywhere because I like a good challenge and I accept change as well change is one of the only things that remains constant let that one cook your noodle turn left on but you know what's really not cool is I've got a pair of lower control arms in the back of my truck and these things are huge and I wanted to put those on this week and now I don't have a lift this exact moment to put that project also I'm getting tired of everything delaying everything I'm trying to do here it's annoying no worries though I'll just save that one for later you know at the end of something you start looking back towards the beginning of said something and then you move forward until you realize the moment the breakdown occurred I was uh just recalling a conversation that I had a few weeks ago it was a it was a conceptual business conversation and it it didn't go well it actually turned into a debate which turned into an argument and I recall at the end of the argument that that's why I think this is my fault at the end of the argument the other participants no longer had anything to say and they turned around and left like and that's what happened the day that I left the dealership uh like a year and a half two years ago is we had a difference in opinions we got into a conversation which got into a debate which got into an argument which turned into the other party stopped communicating and left the room I wonder if it's me it's got to be me because that's happened twice two times at work two times in the past like three years so that might be me I don't know what do you guys think and don't be shy be honest like I can appreciate some honesty look out truck turn okay uh just pulled into my driveway and we're gonna switch trailers I'm gonna pick up that white one and then I'm gonna drive all the way back to the shop to uh to go get my goods foreign [Music] landing gear down is spring-loaded it's actually very spring-loaded please go down it's not where I want it [Music] no go down I missed the that last hole looks like looks like that's the one all right moving on now foreign I always leave my chains on until last for some reason maybe it's the fear of the trailer will want to roll away once it's free I don't know anyway on to the next foreign [Music] moving on up foreign now we're there yeah we're there now almost oh you're sitting on the wrong part here Pull It Forward some watch this this is gonna be good it's gonna literally fall right into place this is how we like this get in there please lock and plug it in [Music] what do you guys think chains crossed or chains straight ahead I uh I prefer to cross them that way if it comes off it cradles everything but some people say don't cross them but what if they're too long do we twist them or do we just let them drag comment below on your preference good there plug this guy in there's a problem with that other trailer the uh the dump it does not have uh tail lights it's got everything else but no tail lights or markers for that matter markers are the ones up top or the ones on the side okay let's check the lights on this trailer four ways and headlights okay markers are on that tells me the tail lights are on and uh let's check the four-way flashers we're flashing flashing lights are good let's roll [Music] [Music] coming back up on that accident scene that's the truck that was flip-flopped that's the one that got runned over put you guys down so I don't look like a bunghole in front of this cop right here that look good that's not looking good this guy's been here all day at least they got the thing flipped back over that was kind of a nasty nasty crash right there slow down everybody there's an obstruction in the road you know the trailer's still looking good I can see you hey this actually kind of rushes my plans a little bit I said earlier I didn't want to I didn't want to exit that uh my job for six to eight weeks and and now I exited today and I didn't want to do that until the first of the year I oh I want to tell you I want to tell you guys so bad but I don't know yeah I got something cooking but it's not it's not like solid yet oh what do I do do I tell you now do I wait till later do I let you guess what do I do guys what do you think I you know what I'm not gonna tell you I'm not going to tell you until I have something to tell because then I'm just running my mouth that's what I'll do I won't tell you until I've got something to tell that's that's how it's going to be that's what I think I know it's going to drive you guys insane for a while but that's the way it's going to be that way I don't end up getting myself into a position uh where I've got to put the proverbial foot in the mouth so to speak so yeah I'm not going to tell you I'll let you know later I'll let you know via video that way everyone knows at the same time you know tell you what you dump truck guys by the way you're a whole nother breed on your own like I've never seen an 80 000 pound truck riding 80 miles an hour in a 45 Zone Before Dawn to go and run those loads like that's some some dedication appreciate you guys except for that dump truck over there he's doing like 30 miles an hour maybe his truck's broken he's holding up show back here all right well as soon as I can get this break in traffic this will be my last time turning into this parking lot uh except I can't fit through there so we're going the long way around okay you know it's really funny until I announce where I'm about to go you guys are gonna have to like find me all over again so all of your hard work to locate the shop has now been ruined I've ruined that for you you go ahead lady don't don't stare just keep going yeah what are you doing I'm staring at me weird around here dog people and kinds of people we're back back at the shop look at that I get back in the trailer again and and my wasp friends are still here they they just don't want to leave and they're all accounted for too one two three four five six seven yeah they're all still there cool [Music] this thing's a mess from last time what do I do time to clean okay I've got to get some of this stuff right here sort of cleaned up this I'll take this as an opportunity to sweep the trailer out uh got a bunch of that stuff packed up and we're about to start pulling my shelves off the wall and we'll get that stuff broken down most of the tools are put back away so I'm pretty much gonna pack up the small stuff and start loading it in here then I got to take my lights down empty the trash cans I'm taking my trash can with me and then I gotta find a place where all that stuff on that shelf that's not my shelf so I'm not going to keep that yeah see when I packed up for the hurricane I just brought the boxes this time [Music] including my giant hammer let's see let's pick up some more stuff and get this out of here I don't want these towels anymore in fact they're not even mine enduring times when not everyone's getting along you don't want to aggravate the situation I have all the screws out of this except for one this is about to be a moment coming off the walls don't fall I don't want to replace this it's not of the highest quality cabinet gravity here we go all right there's a wall back there let's see I think I'll just put this against the wall over here for now seems like a good spot right over there nice and kind of out of the way [Music] hang them over there on the side [Music] foreign [Music] Maybe it comes spring-loaded now there we go beautiful [Music] [Music] you guys it's uh it's getting real now look I took all my lights down they're all in here so now it's dark in this entire section of shop it's happening by the way that's not my mess so I'm not going to clean it that's my mess uh not mine this is mine yeah yeah all the all the lights are gone well I gotta say I'm seriously running out of space this all this stuff right here all right yeah I think it's time to roll the boxes in here and get them strapped down I got all the small boxes worth of stuff in now as soon as you get the big stuff shelf is empty so I'm thinking big boxes and then I'll sneak the roll carts in and my charger and my fans I got a lot of stuff oh no I need a bigger trailer all right time to roll the boxes and get this done bro [Music] it was pretty heavy this is a pretty good job that's the heaviest one it's the heaviest one yeah [Music] ready oh come on guys [Music] what's that that's that goes on here what yeah what that right there because oh that yeah the speaker and a radio and some switches for something that works anymore I used to have like solar panels up here and a bunch of batteries down below charged controllers like I had all some types of stuff going on in the sink I can't forget my swamp cooler I need that later almost wrecked it battery charger coming in I think I'll put this on top of the swamp cooler the spring up floor space that's it last one [Music] last doodly do for now that's the big roll car coming in running out of space real quick have room to maneuver thank you that's probably good sweet okay last one where everybody go all right [Music] all right that's it I got it from here all right thank you sir appreciate it go ahead and get this guy parked right here and I gotta Tell You Folks are acting a little strange today there's there's fear amongst the ranks feel bad treachery it's a super toy squeeze I wanted to turn it but so the drawers would face backwards I think I tried this last time it didn't work I'll just put it over here yeah that's good because that gives me space for more roll carts and stuff piece of plywood all right guys we're locking it up time for the door click foreign let's get you guys loaded up next get in there [Applause] okay I can't drive in the Hat so it's gonna go over there you stay right there starting is the engine because you guys can use your imaginations on how this all worked out and what I had to say and other people had what they had to say and what I had to say was not in line with what the other people that had something to say wanted to hear and uh I got reminded whose name's on the sign you guys remember the dealership experience and uh because of that we had our impasse so so I'm leaving I'm bringing my stuff with me so the Adventure Continues onward and uh oh I can't go anywhere the truck in the way yeah onward I can fit my Adventure Continues onward I don't know where I'm going right now except for home but um I got some plans working like I said yeah pay attention squeeze on through here a little bit there we go yeah I do have some plans in the works uh my timetable is slightly accelerated but I have no fear Show Must Go On all right guys while I'm hitting the road uh since I do have all of my precious valuables in the back I'm not going to do any more uh any more filming for the duration of this trip so I'm gonna go ahead and close this one out right now so that being said as always like thank you for watching my video I hope you enjoyed this video uh don't be scared uh this is not the end this is just the beginning let me know what you think about today's events down in the comment section uh below and I will catch you guys on the next one so again and as always thank you for watching and most importantly do not forget to have yourselves have a great day see you guys later end of transmission end of retail job so we had a meeting on Saturday and we've determined that we don't think you're very happy working here because of that you think it would be in your best interest if you would find an environment more suitable for your personality and politics got me guys politics got me thank you there we go trailers parked look at that nice nice all good Perkins the auto finalize powering down for the day see you guys later
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 1,562,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n2VfsWsQN-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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