WTF IS HAPPENING On Egghead Island

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finally it's time this is what I've been waiting for all this Garb stuff was cool Garb versus lucky garbage to go he's a legend Kobe oh that [ __ ] was nice look out of here boy get that weak [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here man but in comparison to the Egghead incidents I do not give a [ __ ] we don't care the way the narrator hyped up echid Island before we left for like a span of 10 chapters because we haven't seen egg yet and the main characters for like six to five months and then he hyped it up this chapter because we're about to see it in the next chapter the famous Egghead incident that will shock the world that brings up the question what the [ __ ] happened on Agate Island first of all we can assume Blackbeard not Blackbird I should say some of his members are pulling up to Egan Island because we've seen these [ __ ] pulling up I'm assuming it's Luffy and Katarina Devon since I never seen them at Hachi no suit or with Blackbeard at the time that we seen the ship so it might be them and they might do some extremely slimy [ __ ] and I feel like they're gonna have a big impact if I'm correct Katarina Devon is the one that can shape-shift so she can make herself look like pretty much anybody with the devil fruit power so Uno she might pull up to the island she might be Saturn she might shape-shift at the beggar Punk himself and she might finesse some people she might even turn into kizarro at that Saji fights here yo don't put that fast order yo that's a [ __ ] up scenario but Oda is a masturbator let me rephrase that Oda loves baiting my [ __ ] ass so I wouldn't put it past him he loves baiting Sanji fans it's a fact he's been doing this and he also loves Sanji a lot if you didn't know and there's obviously the biggest problem of the Marine Fleet including kizaru and Saturn on egg and Island but we will discuss those again the matchups later so the last time we left off we had the monster Trio dealing with the seraphim respectfully respectfully Sanji looking like he had the easiest time respectfully though the seraphim are gonna be a problem regardless since agorose member AKA Saturn who has the highest authority over the seraphim is pulling up or he's on the island right now I should say I'm kind of conflicted on whether they get defeated for good since I feel like it's too early for them to be done and they need time to develop and potentially be a part of the Final War I did say develop I feel like Bonnie's though through would be interesting seeing if she can age these seraphims but hey Odom might have some of them get defeated early on if he wants to because it's a ton of them obviously I need Sanji to beat the [ __ ] out of shark I need to put this [ __ ] to bed oh what is Sanji gonna do if Elena and has his flames on he can't damage them oh my God can the Wildfire we do not care I also do have a little bit of azure agenda going on I want to see how Conker's hockey reacts to a flames on lunarion like I want to see what happens if you hit them with Congress hockey I want to see if they take that [ __ ] or not because we haven't seen it I also need bro not to mention and end my time limit once again for agenda purposes so all these rats could stop using that in debates because they love using it Luffy I feel like is gonna do his thing in gear 5. I imagine Luffy does defeat a seraphim if they do defeat some it's gonna be a power due to his gear 5 ability something Goofy and once that is over the real battle begins so what all you guys are probably wanting to hear is how do they deal with kizarro when Saturn and the Marine Fleet I want to mention that there are Vice animals pulling up by the way I don't think these guys are just fodder I feel like they're gonna be portrayed in a pretty high light I won't go as far as to say that I think if odor really wants to I would have put it past him if he has door all signed you start out and fight these Vice Admirals if that's what the plot demanded but I don't think so I feel like they can be fights for other straw hats since Saturn is portrayed to be kizarro's superior and like the top dog you might not necessarily be stronger but he's gonna look like he's the boss of the fleet so this fight would most likely be reserved for Luffy now when it comes to kazaru listen I want to say Luffy might actually be the one to fight kizaru while the wings fight Vice Admirals and stuff but if Uber doesn't fight he's our room I have an agenda this agenda is an agenda that 90 of Sanji fans have prayed for it needs to happen and I will speak it into existence which is Sanji vs kizaru if you existed in the community you understand why Synergy fans want this then the reasoning behind it kizar will simply the fastest character in the verse sanchi is a very Speedy character that performs insane speed feeds and he's only gonna get faster they both have this parallel dialogue in terms of speed speed is weight who really talks like this in one piece Oda ever wanted to portray hisaru speed he can do it with him moving way faster than Sanji asanji moves fast the fight would be the most aesthetically pleasing it would be very beautiful since they both have similar fighting styles so I would love it and it will happen unfortunately though I'm not older and he will do whatever the [ __ ] he wants he could honestly make zorf like his arm I know I know I know it's okay just saying that and hearing that it's going to hurt a lot of souls but we're dealing with odor here it's [ __ ] because Zorro is gonna be the one to take our most anticipated and sought-out fight I know it hurts Dora was gonna be the one to take it auto man please please please please this guy already fought two yakos man stop the [ __ ] don't make me wait till EOS for Sanji to fight a top tier but the reason this is possible is that if Luffy does fight Saturn that means kizoro is the number two and kizor was also like a kind right hand man it's always also a number two in that aspect as well so we all know older mix or fighting number two while Luffy handles the main guy there's also the connections of kizarro having altercations with all the right hands like Marco my back then Rayleigh he did with is over back in sambodia as well and now he might need to get his get back some people also mentioned this is a parallel to somebody where Zora had an altercation with kizaru listen all these connections don't mean [ __ ] who made a million connections to zkk so yeah realistically side Jen got no concrete [ __ ] to fight gizuru neither the Zoro the only real concrete [ __ ] is that zoro's fighting the second strongest which Oda constantly does so it is likely that Zoro can fight he's out I have a solution something I would actually prefer is if they work together and fight kizarro if Mother Moore I love more than asajians or team up and that's on everything like those two working together in wano was my favorite part of wano I don't expect these two characters Saturn and Luffy to get defeated actually it depends there's a lot of Gore say if you want to get defeated it's something that could most definitely shock the world you have to remember something drastic has to go down here and if a Gore say gets defeated that would actually be insane for the world to hear I think this Arc could probably end with vegapunk also sailing with these strats this is obviously a big deal a Yanko has the world's greatest scientists working with him that's honestly world breaking to some extent I feel like something tragic might happen to the island like a way for vegapunk to completely get rid of the island and all his work like a dramatic explosion while they just slightly managed to escape from the island or I may be just looking too deep into it but while looking on the surface from what we know kizarro and Saturn are getting defeated an admiral getting defeated and agoro Sega getting defeated but when it looks like that's the biggest thing that could happen right now to shake up the world but knowing Oda the little we know is not what he's gonna show there's something crazier something more hectic something we don't expect that's going to happen and all I ask for is Sanji to be at the center of it listen Maybe I'm looking too deep into this because I just remember that big news Morgans yes this guy right here he controls the news and whatever he says goes and whatever he puts out there the people believe and we all know he has a lot of Tendencies to spread his propaganda which he does time and time again so whatever happens at egg and Island might not be the truth and there could be some fabricated lies there could be some fabricated events that he's spreading that might be the craziest [ __ ] to the world so yeah that's just something to keep in mind and that's my general thoughts of egg and Island I know it's about who's fighting cool but I really can't think of anything really crazy that can happen on the island besides the main Fighters pulling up so yeah that's pretty much it make sure you guys leave a like subscribe catch you guys next time peace foreign
Channel: SuperiorIQ
Views: 18,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Onepiecechapter1089, OnePiece, Sanji, Zoro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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