Power Levels Do Not Exist In One Piece

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yo I honestly can't wait to see the egg and Island spoilers tomorrow I'm just so excited like I can't wait oh my God a grown-ass man since the dawn of time there has been levels set into place in order to gauge a character's strength in one piece over the years many people transitioned from this traditional way of power scaling since it didn't seem to make any sense in this video I'm gonna break down the different perceived levels that the community has set into place to determine strength and tell you why it doesn't make sense cut the music off hey you yes I'm talking about you the person listening right now let's have a one-on-one talk come closer a little closer all right chill out not too close you freak I found out that you can actually check the people watching your videos if they're subscribed they're not from a fellow YouTuber to my surprise a lot of y'all keep checking in and not subscribing why are we doing this I love y'all and y'all enjoy these videos why we doing this guys why are we playing these games y'all got nothing to lose and you get to hear my dumbass takes and you're gonna have to experience one piece Through My Lens when you get to see these straws achieve their dreams on this channel come along for the ride guys what are you doing this right here is a typical way of gauging strength within the community this is how many of us started including myself and this is how many people still power skill characters I'm here to completely debunk this because it's a hundred percent wrong as you can see the list is divided into several levels the yonko level the Admiral level and the Commander's level so Yanko Commander won yonko Commander 2 and yonko Commander three let's start off with the commander levels how many times have you guys heard people say [ __ ] like yo bro you ain't even yc1 level how can it be a yc1 level if he ain't even beat a yc1 that brother is only yc3 level so it's going to be destroyed I can't occur because the aqua Commander won these right hand oh sorry I just got out of hat I got carried away I'm sorry these statements are made because people assume the pecking order of commanders for each crew is supposed to parallel every other crew and the first Commander right hand should all be on the same level or near power to each other as well as all the other ranks like yoga Commander 2 young Commander 3 should be on the same level as every other Cruise young Commander 2 and yank Commander 3. but the truth is there isn't an actual level because all their strengths vary Oda distinguishes most commanders and portrays them in a different light from each other and this also depends on what crew they are on fun fact I bet you didn't even know whitebeard's division commanders rank isn't even based off strength here's an overall representation of the yonko commander ones and how they vary in terms of strength and how they are portrayed or going to be betrayed by the way this is just a grouping this is not the current level I have these characters I can already hear the category fanboys come on I don't go [ __ ] man at the very top you have your Vice captains which are typically way stronger than your average yonko Commander one these guys are considered to be the first commanders but are portrayed very differently Chang's crew is said to have a high average Bounty and to be the most balanced crew while being the most impenetrable crew that alone shows you that each of shang's commanders should relatively scale above their respective parallel and other Crews and in this case with Ben Beckman what makes him different from the others he gets the red comparisons and statements with his own Captain it is said that his existence is feared comparable to Shanks in the new world we don't know what they're specifically referring to why he's as feared as much as Shanks but it also mentions he's incredibly strong in physical combat so take that as you want if shines could be described as the sun then Beckman could be described as the moon Rayleigh had even better portrayal than that Beckman him even at his old age could still be considered the strongest right hand right now guard mentioned Rayleigh as a legend alongside Whitebeard who was considered the World's Strongest Man at the time and was said to be equal to the pirate king Rayleigh was even able to cause problems for kizaru and saboti more recently he was able to stop the situation with Blackbeard even though he admits he can't beat him but it just goes to show you how Rayleigh is viewed he's also a hockey Master as we all know and is also very very likely to be an advanced conquerors hockey user but more importantly relay is the vice captain of the pirate king or the former pirate king I should say Zoro is not technically confirmed the Vice Captain but he pretty much is Thor is going to be the vice captain of the strongest pirate king and the world's strongest swordsman and he's going to be stronger than most of these YC ones captains in the future he's already performed some of the best Feats out of pretty much everybody else considered to be a yc1 as well he's also an advanced conquerors hockey user and the lowest tier guys have nothing that would put them remotely on the same level as Zoro EOS potential includes Sabo and shuru it's all but those have better portrayal than most people here it's clear that Odo thinks of Sabo highly and he will very well be a strong character we see him him go into a stalemate with another Admiral similar to Rayleigh he was also present in front of even when D5 gorose although wouldn't just have anybody in those type of situations he has potential to be a porn in the final war and some people even think he will fight Akainu where we know characters were shown at the end of the series typically look like some of the strongest Cherry could be a EOS Zora opponent that's pretty much all he has going for him since he's the first commander on presuming give that version of the world challenge he'll be terrifyingly stronger than the commanders Below on this list these three goobers are going to suffer from Power Clips some of them have impressive features right now but they are only impressive at that given time trust me you're not gonna catch me in 100 chapters saying remember when Marco took that light beam remember Marco took that big one attack hey remember Marco took that attack from this and that this and that this and that Marco how about you [ __ ] hurt someone how about that you ever thought about that buddy you ever thought about actually doing damage to people instead of just being a human sponge and the people lose their minds like oh he's so he's so sad how will you impact the game and other ways man how about that that's some good hockey under your thumb get some better [ __ ] [ __ ] because you won't die doing that [ __ ] to the wrong guys man how about you run out of divine departure hi Marco these other Vice captains are going to perform better Feats on stronger opponents as we head into the end stages of One Piece where characters are just gonna look overall stronger via Shonen progression that the time these three goobers were shown like I said these other characters are going to be portrayed on another level so what these characters above these three Goober show are gonna be shown to be stronger than anything they've ever done or said or implied to be stronger than anything these three goobers have done in conclusion there's no real yc1 level they all vary in strength so it's impossible for them to be considered on the same level it's the same with the uncle the term yonko lover was viewed as the highest level in one piece many people mistake this title as strictly referring to one's power that grants them the title of yankov which is false because it's a title not only predicated on one's Soul fighting ability but there's multiple actors like influence on the world Cruise territory Etc the most recent Yonkers like Luffy for example possess an insanely strong crew because they have guys like Sanji you know what I mean Luffy just defeated another yonko and previously The Arc before was set to completely best another Yoko like big mom in her own home and now he's awakened the legendary fruit that the world government is afraid of the world finding out about he also has territories like Fishman Island for example and lokiwano that's super low-key though buggy is a prime example as to this not being specifically a strength level and what it actually requires to be a yonko Boku became a yonko because his previous accomplishments and his current influence on the world and obviously with his current crew known as cross Guild where he has the world's strongest swordsman this is what elevated him as a status to ayanko with the top of the Cure list I have Blackbeard and Shanks I believe these two will be more than likely to be shown stronger than every other yako we've seen besides EOS Luffy Shanks I have no real reasoning but I just think oda's been hyping this man up for like how long he's been hide Against full power forever and he won't disappoint he is already the hockey god of the verse so I know Oda has big plans for this guy Blackbeard will challenge a pirate king Luffy so he'll become strong than any other yonko in the past like kaido and big mom since a weaker Luffy was able to challenge them Luffy's on the same level as cattle right now but it won't be like that forever as we know big mom has seemingly died and hasn't shown Feats that are on the same level as Luffy right now whatsoever the big mom we've seen wasn't even on kaido's level either emphasis on the big one that we've seen and buggy is on a level of his own clearly that's my goal he's number one lastly the Admiral level this is actually the only level that someone makes sense since the Marines is an organization where they breed their own admirals and assign them their ranks we know that there has to be a certain level of strength that a person has to achieve to be considered an admiral that's more than likely why they recruited green bowl and fujitora in the draft so we know you got to be a certain level to be an admiral but does that mean every Admiral can't exceed that level I don't know so here is my personal list with the kindness placement I made a video on GARP versus the kai and when I talk a little bit of why I view him the way I do so if you want to see that go check that out and I believe the fleet Admiral to be on the same level as other Admirals doesn't make any sense including alkiji personally I think the OG Admirals are Cut From a Different Cloth than the newer ones I think they were portrayed in a better place but all my bias aside without concrete narrative importance or Feats and once again I don't want big alkiji's on the same level as Fleet Admiral a kind I know the 11 day fight how could you not think that you're insane Superior besides that they could all be considered on the same level for now since the current three animals especially all have a similar role to fulfill and have it done much to where we could distinguish push one is stronger than the other and to the point where they're not on the same level and we know that you have to be a certain level to be an admiral so it's not a bad level to use in the community but yeah you guys might see from time to time me using these words and titles and stuff and videos Admiral level yonko level Commander level I don't actually use those levels to gauge who stronger but it's just a term that the whole One Piece Community is accustomed to so I just use it to make it easier for everyone but anyways that's something I want to touch upon epic awareness to the community that levels are not a proper way to gauge another person's strength since they all pretty much vary and I guarantee you even though I said the Admirals one is low-key okay they will vary a lot too we just have nothing to go off yet and we just don't know what they're gonna do at the end of the series and we don't know who they're gonna fight and we don't know their full abilities so it's just to say that for now if you guys like the video make sure to subscribe subscribe stop being stingy and let's get to the Egghead signed the agenda this week boys it's here let's go that's it guys leave a like subscribe and I'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: SuperiorIQ
Views: 15,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One piece chapter 1089, OnePiece, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
Id: WLz29aazdx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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