THE GREAT SIEGE INCIDENT!! | One Piece Chapter 1089

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welcome back in you guys to one piece chapter 10 89. this chapter was amazing because we finally get to see our 10 favorite characters after so so long we finally get to see the nine Vice Admirals and Rob Lucci all this week so Jokes Aside let's get into the chapter first thing we have is the cover page where we see another reader requested one with Sanji asking a cow to pass on a love letter to Nami personally I'm kind of at the point where whenever I see a cover page like this I look at it and I'm like okay this is either a cool and fun reader requested one or it could be Oda hiding a secret message in here right if we really wanted to get nitty-gritty with the conspiracy theories maybe we could look at the note that the cow is passing Nami as a sign that they might go to the stars because the cow has a note that says the stars outside shine almost as beautifully as you nami-san what would you like to come watch them with me and hey Egghead being under siege there's nowhere to go why not go to the stars but like I said that's probably just me looking for meaning and things that don't have any so on to the chapter now we go back to our hometown of fuchsia Village and we see everybody's favorite character whoop slap finally making a reappearance he learns the news that GARP has gone missing on Hachi nosu but he's not worried he says yo this guy is a living legend darp is that guy we do not have to worry about him but the minute a baby starts laughing he's like wait you you there you you stop it this isn't funny though even though I think GARP is okay this is still a bad situation so even whoopslap kind of realizes that but it turns out the person that was laughing was actually Maki knows baby whenever makino's baby comes back into the story it brings up the age-old question of who is the father is it Shanks or is it just a random villager that impregnated Makino we have no clue I've actually seen a couple of people say that this baby has red hair so it's obviously shanks's kid but that's actually not the case this baby has green hair just like Makino so it's still just really hard to tell the truth of the matter is there's nothing really there to prove or deny if Shanks is the dad or not the only thing we have is a really strange SBS where Otis says that man is the father and we also have a connection through cover pages where we see Makino and her baby finally making an appearance and Makino is wearing a wedding ring and then we see Shanks supposedly at a wedding so there might be some connection there but I think it's too soon to really tell but I do like that theory a lot I think Shanks having a legitimate kid with the Villager in fuchsia Village would be nice considering he is a Celestial Dragon showing that Celestial dragons can get down and dirty with the common folk so anyways back to the baby the baby is crying and funny enough the only person that could get the baby to stop crying and start laughing again is Loopy the you know Reincarnation of Joy boy so I love that even through the newspaper he has that effect on people so then we cut over to Don and the mountain Bandits and we learn that they have also read the newspaper about GARP and Luffy and yes you know the Don is crying and she can't really do anything about it right she wants to help Luffy and GARP but she's kind of stuck to the mountain she can't really go to Hachi nosu beat Blackbeard she can't go to Egghead Island defeat kizaru she is powerless all she can do is read the newspaper but you know who's not powerless though this straw hat Grand Fleet and the Navy the Navy is also probably reading the newspaper about GARP and I'm really wondering if they're crafting some plan behind the scenes and the same goes for the straw hat Grand Fleet if they read the newspaper that Luffy is Under Siege at Egghead Island I would assume they would want to go out and help them and I'll talk more about that later as well because I do have some points I want to make so with that being said we go down to the next page and we see that earthquakes and tidal waves are hitting every country around the world East blue West Blue South Blue it doesn't discriminate it's hitting everywhere and not just earthquakes Rising Waters giant holes and this is all because of what took place at the Kingdom formerly known as La Lucia I say that but little Lucia could technically still be there there are some theories that La Lucia is at the bottom of the hole but we're not too sure yet either way the weapon the mother flame destroy the Lucia made a giant hole and now it's chasing catastrophic events around the world and it's really interesting because when we look at this we're like wait we've seen giant holes before right boys we saw the giant hole at Uni's Lobby and it looks just like this it's a hole it has a little waterfall there's something here did the mother Flame or at least an older version of the mother flame also caused the hole at ini's Lobby that is the golden question of the day personally I think it did but I don't think it happened recently there are some theories that God's Valley actually used to be there until boom mother flame explosion and God's Valley disappeared I don't think that's the case simply because the timeline doesn't exactly match up oimon Kashi had been guarding in his Lobby for about 50 plus years God's Valley on the other hand happened about 40 years ago so that really wouldn't make too much sense and another reason it wouldn't make sense if this hole at ini's Lobby was made post void Century then we would have felt earthquakes but when you go up to this chapter in the second or third page it says that no earthquake in recorded history matched the one we felt that day so with that being the case my opinion is that the giant hole at in his Lobby was created during the void Century of course you could make the argument that maybe the hole at inis Lobby didn't have any earthquakes that followed it but I'm gonna say it did simple because emu this chapter didn't really react negatively to the earthquake emu literally just stood there and was like ah yes earthquake and then later in this chapter emu even wanted more of the mother flame so emu considers what happened today and at La Lucia as somewhat of a success to me the rising water levels are the most fascinating part about all of this because that could be attributed to a lot of things like Aqua Laguna water 7 and how it's you know constantly being submerged year after year and then there's also long ring long land which has a weird situation going on with their Tides I really do feel like by the end of the story every weird weather phenomena that we've witnessed thus far will somehow be explained and I feel like this is oda's first step towards that oh yeah one more thing about the rising water levels but last night somebody commented this and it really opened my eyes but they said hey every time they use the mother flame water levels rise by at least one meter so if they keep on using it time time again a lot of countries are going to sink and then it'll be kind of not not poetic that's like the wrong word but it's crazy to think that the only safe place in the entire world from the mother Flames After Effects would be the red line it would be the Holy Land if they just use the mother flame on every single Island would be the only safe place the celestial dragons live so high up that they are safe from all of the dangers of the water also if you look to the left of the panel where we see Longtown suffering from the earthquake you can actually see somebody who kind of looks like chocolate from the fake straw hats one thing that I did find a little bit curious though is that while we were going through the earthquake and water panels we actually go to kamabaka queendom and we see ivankov reacting to the rising water but we don't see Dragon right we don't see Dragon talking about the earthquakes or the rising water we don't see Sabo either so it really makes me wonder are they still on that island or do you think they read the newspaper about Luffy and about GARP and they actually set off to help them I hope so I mean like Sabo going to Luffy Dragon going to GARP I feel like it makes sense but you know I I don't want to reach quite yet but I do find it kind of interesting that Oda only showed us ivankov so now we cut back to Egghead Island after what seems to be three months of being away from it and we see that the Marine ships have finally arrived a hundred battleships of all size 20 great warships and we got nine Vice Admirals at the helm along with kizaru and Saint Saturn a force to be reckoned with honestly I'm really impressed that Oda decided to introduce six new Vice Admirals in this one chapter he had so many vice Admirals all ready to choose from but Oda said no I'm gonna cook up some brand new designs and if you count doll as a new one boom seven brand new Vice Admirals the only one we knew of beforehand was doberman and kandar who was formerly a a rear Admiral but it looks like he jumped up to a vice admiral Post Time skip so major shout outs to Kadar as well you know what I just realized is a little bit weird it's the fact that whenever we met a group of nine individuals or a number that is close to the straw hats sometimes we'll look at them and say oh look we got Zorro's matchup Sandy's matchup blah blah right like we start lining them up we do that with the Blackbeard Pirates we do that with the Toby Ropo you know the Beast Pirates big bomb Pirates whatever we do that all the time but for some reason I look at these nine Vice Admirals and as much as I love these guys I can't imagine any one of them 1V wanting a straw hat and yeah it could be a power scaling thing it could be the fact that we have no real backstory or names to these guys but it just feels strange right they kind of feel like potter-esque fights and that is why I want to introduce you guys to the straw hat Grand Fleet because if they were to show up at any point in the story and fight some high-ranking official I feel like now is the time having this sure I had Grand fleets show up and fight these dudes I feel like that would be pretty dang solid but yeah kizaru is coming to kill vegapunk and I kind of feel bad for him in a way I wonder if he's even remorseful right at least we're all kiji all kiji felt remorse when he had to fight GARP will kizaru feel remorse when he fights centimaru or vegapunk I have no clue because he's just like hey I am a cog in the machine I'm just doing my job you guys committed the most heinous crime out there by researching the void Century I can't vouch for you guys on this one so to me at least it's really strange and I don't know how kizani was gonna play all this out if he has a chance will he let Vega pumpkin send tomato go or will he actually just cold-heartedly do his job and eliminate people who call him uncle right I don't know and I would love to hear what you you guys have to think about that but also I want to remind you guys what kizaru's sense of justice is it is unclear justice so there is a chance he might not even know the answer right now either so we then cut over and we see Saint Glizzy gobbler Garcia and he wants his presence to be unknown he doesn't want anybody to announce him just yet and I would assume that is simply because he wants to take control of the seraphim and to do that the seraphim have to be out to play if the straw hats know that Saint Garcia is out here then they're gonna hide this seraphim they're not gonna let them see this man so yes he wants to catch them off guard but you know given how the chapter ends I'm not sure if that's really going to play out anymore we go on and he says hey not just on Egghead Island though but things are happening off of it because a researcher ship actually departed a while ago and we have been tracking their movements and Saint Saturn does not waste any time he says yo eliminate them go kill them get rid of them they might know something which brings me back to the black beard ship that we saw back in chapter 1079 so the Marines actually surrounded Egghead Island and since they're surrounding the entire Island you would imagine that they would have spotted Blackbeard ship they would have reported it saying hey Mr Garcia there's a Blackbeard ship here kizanu there's a Blackbeard ship here PX3 model 3 sent to Modern they would know that Blackbeard's here or somebody from his crew is here but where are they I think that the Blackbeard Pirates were actually after the researchers because what if they do know something and even if they won't talk about what they know they have pudding what if pudding is able to extract the memory out of the researchers that could be a possibility and I mean that would be the only way to explain where the Blackbeard ship currently is and not to mention when the researchers departed Egghead Island it was shortly after that that we saw the Blackbeard Pirate Ship so maybe they were just trying to intercept them they weren't actually trying to get on the island but you know obviously that's just my guess on it that's the only way I can explain where this ship might have gone unless they just sunk the logs or something but yeah I would love to hear what you guys have to say what do you think about the Blackbeard ship is it on Egghead island is it after the researchers why have the Marines not spotted it I will to know what you guys think here but also if the Blackbeard ship is here just like Jay Garcia says the security Dome is at a hundred percent nobody can get in or out so even if Lafitte or Devon are indeed here they're at the bottom floor they're just as stuck as the Marines the final thing that doberman reports is that jewelry Bonnie is also present on Egghead and Saturn has a really interesting reaction and of course um op scans TCB they translated this a little bit differently so I will wait for the viz to see what they have to say but Saint Saturn says Ah Kuma's daughter well we no longer have any use for her given that she is just a little girl you can leave her be and I was like wait little girl she's 22 24 what are you talking about so it's either Jay Garcia sees her as really young because he's really old or Bonnie's age is a lie and she's actually a lot younger and she aged herself up with the devil fruit I'm not too sure it could go either way but also it does make me wonder how Bonnie and the gorosei have a connection and of course it could be with Kuma right they were trying to get get Kuma under their control so boom you capture Bonnie and you have her under your thumb so that Kuma is also under your thumb and now that Kuma's gone you don't need Bonnie anymore I feel like that's the most logical explanation but I have seen some theories out there that say that Bonnie's devil fruits might have been used on some of the celestial dragons and or gorose so there's also that route as well because let's be real here Jay Garcia wants to execute everybody on this island straw hats Becca Punk researchers nobody is safe except for Bonnie he says Bonnie well you could just leave your bee so there's something there so the next event that happens is that York ends up calling the gorasay kizaru has a little saboti callback because he doesn't know what a black transponder snail is but thanks to the advice of a random Marine Soldier he uses it properly so we get the call and York says hey this is York speaking you guys are so rude why are you trying to kill me I'm the one who told y'all about Stella's betrayal they're going to say give their very obvious reasoning as to why they're trying to kill her saying hey you're vegapunk you're just one of his satellites of course we're gonna eliminate you you're no different but York ends up clapping back at that sentiment and brings the gorosei to their senses and they're like you know what you're kind of right but also the mother flame let's change the topics right forget the void Century that mother flame it's awesome could you York replicate more of that and York says oh will you look at that so you do want something from me I am glad I sent it boom we have confirmation that York is the one who sent the gore say the mother Flame the egg Punk had no intentions of turning the mother flame into a weapon and it does seem like it is just an actual energy source if anything this reminds me of nuclear energy where it's actually very great for society but it can also be used to create a crazy crazy bomb if the nuclear tie-in wasn't direct enough Oda even uses the kanji for Fusion reactor while talking about the mother Flames power station so there's also that so York ends up negotiating with the gorasay saying hey make sure that I'm safe my laboratory is safe and also make me a Celestial Dragon the gorset end up agreeing to all of those but that is when York throws a curveball and says oh yeah one last thing one small thing I need from you guys I need y'all to save me because Straw Hat Luffy's gonna kill me and boom we have it we got the double page spread of the boys back in town the gorus a Saturn kizaru are all shocked by the situation and most notably Saint Saturn and kizaru are the most shocked they're like wait what what the hell what what is going on over there so it looks like they can't wait any longer even though Egghead is under siege it looks like he's Otto and Saturn might have to speed up their mission a little bit if they want to obtain the mother flame because if Luffy executes York I mean obviously he won't right like Luffy's not gonna like stab York in the throat but with the threat of that being the case kizado and Saturn are gonna have to make a move fast I'm really glad Oda decided to gloss over the seraphim fights and the York fight because let's be real Luffy wasn't struggling Lucci wasn't struggling zoro's son nobody was struggling against these guys minus usop and Frankie which you know that that's you know they're not the monster Trio you know to be fair I love those guys they're just not Luffy but Luffy and the wrestling they could mop the floor with them York is no challenge any member of the straw hat could probably take down York she doesn't have any supernatural abilities she is just a big woman she's a big woman with a big gun that is all she is so I'm glad we didn't spend like 10 or so chapters going through Egghead Island trying to figure out what happened it's nice that we fast forwarded so much but also with that being the case there are some things that I'm now questioning one what happened to Kuma's flashback because Bonnie obviously went through all of it because she has forgiven vegapunk she is eating food next to him whereas beforehand Bonnie couldn't go two seconds without trying to kill him the next thing I'm wondering about is the seraphims where are they they're not in this shot so they must be out and about somewhere and I would assume they're with the other missing characters because Robin isn't here Stussy isn't here Kaku isn't here and Atlas is in here and Atlas is like one of the last surviving satellites alongside Lilith Lilith also isn't here either Lilith was turned to stone but Usopp and Frankie were also turned to stone and here they are unthawed so that must mean that Lilith is also walking around somewhere and I'm just like wait where are those guys everybody's in one room where are they why would they leave here maybe they're out there looking for the ancient robot maybe Robin wants to study whatever Pony glyph research they have but yeah there are some questions here I know some people are saying that maybe the Blackbeard Pirates have kidnapped Robin but I don't think that's the case if Robin was in trouble Luffy Sanji and Zorro would not be chilling they have good observation hockey and they would know if Robin is in a pickle so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that all of those characters that I just mentioned are A-Okay but they're just on a side mission doing God knows what and I would love to hear what you guys have to say what do you think they're outside doing and also elephant in the room my favorite character Rob Lucci is here I was joking kind of joking about the vice Admirals but I am a huge Rob Lucci fan and he is chilling in this room my man is chilling at the straw hat Feast I mean you know usually whenever the straw hats are eating you know they're with friends they're amongst allies Lucci's here Lucci is here nobody's paying him any attention they're acting like he always shows up or something I don't know and here's the thing the man isn't even handcuffed this Terrapin are dealt with we got the Seraph then back under our control because Usopp who was frozen is unthawed so s snake is with us we don't need Lucci's help anymore but he's not handcuffed so it's like yo like is he like a unofficial nakama what is he doing you know the world government wants to help York but Lucci's chilling watching this go down I don't know man and here's the thing when Saturn kizalu and the vice admiral show up does Luchi flip to being a bad guy again or does he help the straw hats leave this island and maybe he abandons his job I don't know there's a lot here and I love the mystery I guess so now on to the comments from the previous video the first one we have says I was thinking that the crew would purposefully blow up Egghead and hey I think that makes sense right Luffy and the others allowed York to make this phone call probably to have York send those guys into a frenzy right now that York is asking for help kizaru's Saturn the vice Admirals they're gonna have to rush up here I don't know how they're gonna do it but they're gonna have to rush up to the labo phase so maybe that is what Luffy and the crew wants they want them to come up there and then the straw hats will leave and maybe they do blow up Egghead Island because there is a nuclear reactor there right blow up the mother flame giant explosion maybe that is where we're heading the next comment says Katarina Devon may have infiltrated the group already I like this uh I am a huge fan that Canary Devon and Lafitte are the ones here on Egghead simply because they're the only two blackview pirates that have been M.I.A in the current events but I don't think Devon is here quite yet simply because the Dome is still up it looks like once the Dome is up at 100 nobody can really get in there and that's why it's currently a Siege if kizado and Saturn haven't made any moves until you know next chapter I would be shocked if Canary Devon was able to get here before that if that makes sense the next comment says I think Kuma's memories would basically be a recording on what life's like in marijuana and Bonnie will tell Luffy everything she saw and he will get pissed at people aren't free get used as slaves and treated like dogs and I like this and I've always been questioning how Luffy and the world government will actually fight each other or why they would fight each other because right now you know even going to this chapter Luffy doesn't want to fight kizaru Luffy doesn't want to fight Saturn the vice Admirals the Navy ships Luffy's main goal is to escape he says hey we're gonna take York we're gonna use her as a shield that is Luffy's mindset Luffy going to Marie's raw and fighting them doesn't make sense right now but maybe this is what starts it maybe Bonnie does tell him that there's a lot of slavery over there and Luffy does want to free them there's a lot there and I really like this Insight the next comment says the sunny gets her upgrade there's no other way for her to escape 180 ships an admiral nine Vice Admirals gorosei and the Clones they control I hope vegapunk gives Frankie or the sunny a devil fruit or another and now be a sick upgrade and I 100 agree I think the sunny will get an upgrade and that's how they will get off of this island and the thing with that too is that if we go back to Frankie's Bounty poster it is of the sunny go so it's like wait like Oda is foreshadowing something with the sunny so the sunny getting a devil fruit or some upgrade it's pretty much in the cards at this point the next one we have says what an amazing chapter straw hats mean business now I hope Nami and usop get an upgrade maybe we will see the crew fight the vice Admirals and defeat them that will show how strong the crew is since we already know that Luffy and the monster Trio are strong you know what's funny about the vice admirals the vice Admirals obviously bounties do not equal power level but Vice Admirals are potentially worth 1 billion berries according to cross Guild so if we go back to the chapter where we first learned about cross Guild bounties we saw one guy that had a crown for a bounty which we now know to be 1 billion we don't know who this character is he's not Admiral he's not a world government official so there's just a high chance he's a vice admiral so one billion might be the base level of everybody we see here at Cat Island which is kind of insane I think inflation hit them hard personally but hey nine people potentially worth 1 billion each that would be a very insane feat for the straw hat crew and like I said I'm a huge fan of the vice Admirals getting a fight but considering how they didn't even get introduction panels or like names for example I don't think we're gonna get crazy 1v1 fights or anything I think they're simply gonna be here to amp up the stakes of the r but yes next comment says a cow waiter reminds me of the ameglian major cow there might be something to that if it's a reference that's scary that that is actually the scariest thing I've looked up in a hot minute but hey thank you guys so so so much for watching up until this point of the video you guys are the freaking best please consider liking commenting and subbing down below it would really mean a lot and thank you so much to the patreon members and channel members here on the side you guys are the freaking best and I will catch you guys later Psy signing out
Channel: Syvn
Views: 86,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Syv, Syvduck, Syvreon, One Piece Chapter 1089, one piece chapter 1089 review, one piece chapter 1089 discussion, one piece chapter 1089 spoilers, one piece chapter 1089 raws, one piece chapter 1089 live reaction, one piece manga 1089, one piece chapter 1089, one piece luffy gear 5th, one piece luffy, one piece kizaru, one piece chapter 1089 full spoilers, one piece saturn
Id: BSIfhMw0_eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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