Wren Competes to Win Clint's CGi Contest

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[Music] i've been getting really into 3d renders this year way more than i have previously and clint has been doing a bunch of render challenges that i've unfortunately been missing out on thousands of people have been participating submitting their own renders and clint has strung them all together into some really epic montages the fomo is real especially this one which is pretty cool the world's largest digital rube goldberg machine that sounds way up my alley come on i'm gonna try to make a zombie killing machine so i've enlisted the help of vfx artist jordan allen to simulate the zombie horde and then we're gonna squish him with this only problem is i've still got my surgery arm slowing me down a little bit and next week we begin shooting son of a dungeon and that's all day every day so i have to get it done this week or i won't be able to submit it [Music] look who it is [Music] we saved your spot for you just like you left this just like i left it looked like you left me i've been here the whole time so nice to meet you yes you too man yeah absolutely yo clint so what have you been up to since you left other than losing that smash how am i supposed to just breeze by that part oh ren's up in here when i was live streaming he challenged me in smash bros like over chat and i'm like dude you won't come over dude come over here right now i dare you oh he's gonna do it too he came over my house live on stream and like freaking challenged me in smash bros people were jumping in like i thought it was a render challenge like what is this smash bros what are you doing done game [Laughter] dude that was great what's up with these render challenges you've done two before this is now the third render challenge the first two were more cinematic challenges when the montages came together you know match cutting between all these people through all these different universes but this challenge in particular is a way to create a large seamless rube goldberg contraption with individual artists and it's going to be pieced together to form the largest rough contraption on the internet basically what i'm providing you is a box with a camera movement and you have to create your contraption within that box that guides this ball from point a to point b there's a number of technical limitations that need to be met in order for your puzzle piece your render to fit into the larger picture such as when the ball drops in when the ball exits the scene so i'm curious what what do you guys like do you guys have an idea for what you want to do i have a video pulled up okay that was kind of a big inspiration for this idea the video i'm talking about uh have you heard of it it's called lord of the rings specifically it was the second video uh like at the battlefield so this is kind of generally the inspiration but instead of horses it's a ball yes and instead of orcs it's the entire corridor crew that's great that's great that's the general idea and jordan has been basically r d the actual pipeline to create this which involves crowd simulations and ragdoll physics and cinema 4d isn't particularly tailored for either of those for sure however houdini is jordan knows houdini are you at neo level on i'm no way i couldn't claim neo okay so you're like uh like cipher i'm still looking at the pills debating how much can you help us cheat now cheat yeah i want you to give us preferential treatment i want to win that grand prize give me the prize i'm not whispering secrets into your ear the whole time you're doing your writing a good word you doing this there's no way you're going to win this thing disqualified immediately i don't know so okay obviously we're not going to be up for any prizes here but my goal is to get into that top 100 we'll see we'll see i mean if our thing is good it'd be really awkward if you didn't because then because then you'd have to be like dude like you wouldn't directly say this to me but you'd be thinking like it kind of sucks you didn't put me in the top 100. you know i'll have to see that's gonna that's up to you you gotta make it good enough sweet all right so i think you guys got all that um good luck and hopefully yeah makes top 100 or else uh friendship's gonna be super awkward i have zero doubt in my mind i actually don't believe what i'm saying at all we actually have to earn this oh boy all right where are you at with this you know i got to say i'm kind of nervous to push play here i think we're in a good spot yeah we're we're getting good contact like they're falling over they're falling off the ledges like we want them to so these guys if a person hits another person that person's not going to react to that person hitting them exactly but i think we can do that i think we can do that one step at a time i got to finish blocking out what is going to go within this cube and kind of get timing blocked out as well like kind of get the the ramps set up kind of get the ball simulated into place and that is what we'll kind of bring into houdini to actually do the rest of the crowd sims but in the meantime i need you to basically be the most pro level crowd simulation expert you can possibly be with the time i'm giving you and how much time are you giving me uh till the end of the day fantastic perfect all right i feel like we're we're dialing in on the idea there's no way there's no way this video is not the top 100. what i'm trying to do is basically clear out all the stuff here so that i can 3d scan it using my phone this room is going to be the top floor of the dynamic machine i'm using the new newest iphone 12 has a built-in lidar scanner so you can actually get like real life decent quality 3d scans these are real life textures i want to capture them all the fine detail and whatnot why try to spend a whole bunch of time trying to recreate this detail and i can just scan it and capture that detail and display it for all of you that's pretty sweet it's like you actually see a bit of a mesh of this room that we're standing in here the fact that i can just literally just take a break from my computer come in here and turn this room into a 3d model it's pretty cool what modern phone technology can do the scene where i destroyed clint at smash bros that is going to be playing on the tv i think i think we're on to something i think this is going to be sweet oh boy we're getting down to the wire here it's now friday and this is the day we're supposed to be done with this we are actually legitimately preserving our 3d models for the next eon last year we 3d scanned ourselves and preserved our essences so we got six different character models each with i think five or six animations all randomized so you've got 36 different possibilities for our zombie corridor crew so i'm gonna have to try to figure out how to basically texture and light this whole scene i see a lot of wonderous things happening what i want to hopefully see is wonder turn into product by the end of the day next week we're shooting son of a dungeon the most ren's going to be able to do is show up here with his muscle suit and his one free hand and like maybe like click the mouse a couple times and we're going to like rand get back down here this is this is the part where i'm like cool stuff guys no pressure but there's a lot of pressure i'm not sure you have to get the top 100 but you also need to get done today there's a lot of work ahead of us so yeah let's get to it [Music] so we have a final crowd simulation that has been packaged up and exported so that i can bring it into cinema 40 i've already tested it it works so jordan's responsibility through this whole process is pretty much over now he's busy this week doing other things and so now it's on me to be able to finish this project the problem is that some of the dungeon shootings this week this is my sole responsibility for the entire week this this week has been six months in the making and so this obviously has to take priority because we've got a whole crew here got d in i don't know how you're gonna do it or what you're gonna do but watch it all go down in flames nick what happens if you don't make top 100 if i don't make top 100 i i have to write clint out of my will do you think you can maybe bribe him dude i tried already man like he's just not having it my my thing has to be top 100 quality to be top 100 i mean just put let's put this in the context there's gonna be like 3 000 top vfx artists submitting their work people who are like professionals i'm just saying like you know it might not be that great compared to them let's do this hey clint hey um so chances of ren uh actually being in the top 100 of your video i'd say are pretty low because i don't think he has any time to work on it at all this week come on i need to talk with you too okay clint like i i get it he's your friend but like if his runner's not that great you know probably shouldn't put him in the top 100. sam see ya [Laughter] my first plan of attack is to understand what this virtual production is going to mean for me as an actor i will be in costume and ready to go film at a moment's notice the thing about film shoots in my experience is a whole lot of hurry up and wait i can sit down here at the computer but instead of waiting i'll be working and action [Music] sweet hey that's not bad that looks cinematic i finally have a break instead of finishing this video i wanted to tell you about expressvpn i don't agree with a lot of ren's choices today but i think one thing that we both can agree on is that expressvpn can give you better internet security and unblock content all over the world am i right you're right okay so the first thing you got to do is do some kind of warm-up exercise and i mean physical you can do squats okay okay is that as low as you can go slow as badgers go you feeling it no feeling the blood going through your system man all right so what what's the first thing people got to know about expressvpn ren it can hide you from the world kind of whenever you're on unencrypted wi-fi your information is out there and vulnerable but with expressvpn all of your information will be 100 encrypted in fact specifically your internet service provider will not be able to see the websites you visit and therefore won't be able to sell your information to third parties the point is you can unblock content all over the world ron what's your favorite show right now nba finals great and how did you watch the nba finals by finding a random stream online and using expressvpn to make it think that i was in the uk yeah i'm not kidding the kid's a natural see what i mean you know what i do when i'm here i use it to watch mlb because when i'm in texas there's certain teams that i can't watch and then when i'm here there's certain teams that i can watch so i just do a little flip-flop on them and boom and it's super easy you can use it on any device your phone your tablet your computer your smart tv and you can do nba finals you could do netflix you guys probably don't know but there's a bunch of oscar-winning films on other countries netflix and and you can watch them all just by using expressvpn find out how you can get three months for free by clicking the link in the description e-x-e-r-e-s-s vpn dot-com slash corridor crew hey he got one part and then you will get your three months of expressvpn for free all right so anyways good luck with the uh render i hope you're in that top 100 like you've been hoping for no guarantees though uh-huh yeah see you later uh i'm so lost right now you have a lot of work to do [Music] oh boy i have to literally pull my hand to use the mouse i mean [Music] it's cool i got it i got it i got it don't touch my hats you're injured right you've got two broken bones just i'll take care of the mods okay okay you go do what you got to do [Music] all right the uh bow or it's the crossbow shot i literally did not even have enough time to log into parsec are you telling me that you haven't had enough time to you're good i've known ren for 10 years i've known that man for 10 years i don't know how he thinks that he's going to be able to do all this in the same day i know i love that he's enthusiastic about both of these things i mean corridor shoot friendship with clint right it's like two great things but one of them's gonna have to go [Music] [Music] wow you got so confident your render must be so good i didn't get the the outfit memo though show me what you got show up show me uh here [Music] i'm gonna i'm gonna rotate this monitor oh so this is what i will be seeing so now get back over there oh over here over here i didn't sleep last night so i am cranky ren this is what this is what's at stake right now i cannot confirm that you're gonna make the top 100 montage today but i can confirm that you will make the all renderers montage if and only if you follow the rules all right i'm gonna hit play and then that will be your cue to come check it out you ready [Music] wow wait wait who if nest versus versus bowser what did you do that's so funny dude this is so cool this is sick first off nice photo scan i see you got a nice photo scan of the room up there it's lit perfectly i love the way you did that and then i love the fact that there's two worlds to this you have like normal life and then it's just like mordor down here it's so cool this is my subconscious yeah this is my subconscious okay and my loss triggered a just a clear destruction of my psyche and me as a person and it's destroying all of me right that was that was exactly what we were going for are you for real yeah we talked about it from the beginning that was the plan no way can you make us a hard commitment right now for top five it's it's we need it right now here here's what i can tell you here's what i can tell you so far out of all of the works in progress i have seen i have not seen any finals this is one of the best ones give it to me come on baby yes this is awesome this is really well done thank you man oh yeah and also our friendship saves oh my god i'm writing around a letter that he can't open until the winners are chosen hopefully it will it will ease his soul friend yes my lord friend mm-hmm and jordan this letter here this letter here is for you and you can't open it until the winners have been chosen so do i have your word not to open this until the winners are chosen you do i have one aye okay here you go thank you hopefully that'll take care of things make it super do you and jordan's render is amazing and deep down in my heart you are number one you know what that means a lot thanks clint yeah absolutely guys are we number one on the contest though like do we actually get the number one spot like stay tuned stay tuned but no joke though this render challenge is a really fun one and i cannot wait to see all the final entries august 1st is the deadline there's still time for you guys to participate make something cool make a contraption it's going to be amazing i can't wait come on over youtube.com check it out and let's make some fun art together [Music]
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,167,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, cgi, simulation, simulated, satisfying, best, new, vfx artists, react, houdini, render, how to, tutorial, blender, cinema 4d, zombie, machine, pwnisher
Id: KKdahGUHaWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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