IRON CHEF but it’s a VFX Challenge

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thanks to Nvidia studio and Razer for sponsoring this video one week ago a man's dream became big Stadium a state-of-the-art visual effects Arena the motivation for creating a corridor stadium was to encounter new original renders which could be called through digital art to realize this dream he secretly chose the best VFX artists from the corridor Crew He called them the iron VFX artists the Invincible men of digital skills iron artist Unreal Engine Sam gorsky iron artist After Effects Nico perringer iron artist engineer Ren weichmann and iron artist glender Peter France Corridor stadium is the arena where the iron artists await the challenges of Master digital creators from around the internet both the iron artist and Challenger have just two hours to tackle the secret special asset of the day using all their skills senses and creativity they're going to prepare a series of renders never seen before they'll do it all on our Razer Blade 15 and 17 workstations powered by Nvidia gpus and if ever a challenger wins against the iron artist they will gain the people's Ovation and fame forever what inspiration does today's Challenger bring and how will the iron artist fight back the heatsink will be on and today's contest is Jordan Allen Jordan today it is your responsibility to choose one of the iron artists here wisely I am a glutton for punishment Peter I Choose You looks like someone wants to step into the blender not unless I escape like Houdini Jordan you have challenged Peter and didn't win you gained the respect of your peers comes a grand prize of 100 US dollars this is iron artist America contestants take your seats for this challenge we have provided a secret ingredient some say it is the oldest 3D model of all time and that secret ingredient is oh my gosh the pyramid one of the default shapes Child's Play honestly of all the default shapes that it could have been this is the worst news for me I never expected it would be a pyramid scheme I already have the render made in my head all I have to do is put it on the computer I do not this secret ingredient has a total of five polygons and five vertices the mesh must stay intact you can scale it up but don't ever even think about adjusting it um Hill you will be given two hours to complete all three dishes here but first you will be allowed access to the asset Pantry where you can grab any sort of files you need to make what you want you have two minutes to transfer everything you can but you can only transfer it to these USB 2.0 thumb drives I think I'll grab one or two things it's time to kick some asset give me the thumb drive oh are you okay sorry artists to The Pantry I know what I gotta do hard part is doing it two minutes starting now slow dude that's so slow I have a pre-prepared folder you have now wasted your first 30 seconds whoa okay oh no this is not good come around there's a lot of files that are still transferring and whatever transfers is what you get this is insane I'll just I'm just gonna go with whatever's fastest oh no one minute on the clock oh you're starting from scratch you just canceled everything baguettes I would like the bag I'm there uh uh whatever this is and slab it yeah I don't know um striped bass go go go go go go go please I need this right now in 10 seconds I am pulling that card from the computer the five seconds four three [Applause] this did not go very well oh oh 15 seconds straight to your eyes sure clinch surface imperfections I am pulling this thumb drive give me more time I don't know if I got what I need I really hope I didn't actually like imagine if it corrupted everything yes everything's corrupted I'm sorry that you were not able to get all of the assets you wanted okay I've got some geometry to work with yeah and I've got some materials to work it's not a lot but I think it's enough I got a baguette and a sea bass let's do this the first task will be to create the appetizer that is a render that is only the secret ingredient and nothing else which will lead into the main course where you get to do whatever you want you could like throw whatever you want as long as it's still featuring the main pyramid and any good meal requires a good dessert you're gonna make a meme I mean you said you have two hours and that time begins now I think I'm going to break up my time into chunks so I'm going to do 30 minute appetizer our main course and then 30 minute dessert I'm working on the appetizer first I'm gonna get this out of the way I'm gonna make something that I believe is passable look I'm trying to think outside the box I know they got one of their own in the competition but I'm trying to bring something a little different to the team I can see that Peter is making great strides but I can tell by something that Jordan's doing is he's got a more complex vision in mind I think the biggest hurdle is finding complexity and simplicity see the beauty of today's ingredients is that it forces the competitors to return to the roots when you look at the history of CG renders you know there were three shapes that were designed in the very beginning you have the sphere you have the cube and you had the pyramid these three shapes floated over chrome waters for years inspiring many many artists and today we get to return to that art form our contestants are deep in thought and busy working on works of Arts so in the meantime a word from our sponsor right now our artists are deep in focused utilizing the full Hardware cost of their brains while pushing the limits of these state-of-the-art razor blade mobile workstations powered by nvidia's GeForce RTX 3080 TI gpus they're able to bake dishes seven times faster than any Fruit Stand these machines feature 16 of the fastest vram gigs ever shipped in a laptop combined with rapid-force scaling to optimize GPU demands in real time the only time that matters unlike downtime thanks to the extensively tested Studio drivers this multi-billion dollar Studio can rely on tools just working this ensures that our artists need only worry about their Creative Vision while they maximize the clock speed of their eyeballs against the 144hz refresh rate of their 4K screens and with every second counting down to the completion of their Michelin star renders now is the time for them to prove whether or not they are Damascus steel or cast iron and if you want to test your metal click that link in the description to find out more about these laptops and nvidia's studio now back to it we are here with the contestants it has been one hour since the competition has begun one hour left I see where you're going with this Jordan uh you know I'm really enjoying seeing these polygons flying across their screens if they're up to me I would take a completely different route I know I think I saw Jordan check his wrists as if to look at the time is that a good sign or bet it's a bad time he has no watch and we hear nothing but clicks and Clacks in the studio here as it's quiet as our artists here focus on what they do best I can't get caught up in the minutiae I gotta move on I'm so close to Calling it Quits on my app and I'm very happy with it um oh my God oh shoot I don't know I mean Peter's a very talented artist we all know this so he could be working on anything right now I'm gonna get started on my speakers I have to let this go I'm getting hungry yes chef oh did you just hit render I hit render it's not rendering there we go it's rendering excuse my language but fudge fingers dude I just had a crash I want you to look at this oh please we're good we're good baby thank you Houdini um okay main course oh my God no half of my assets are corrupted from one red yanked out the flash drive you have so much fish dude let there be fish [Laughter] okay you know what I'm just gonna load in everything I have I have just like a few random animals some like antique furniture items and a baguette so I gotta think of a scene that includes the three of those artists and you have made some wonderful progress you have even completed some appetizers I want to hear what the other iron artists have to say about what you guys have been cooking up there's a lot of layers to this as an artist I don't want to tell you how to interpret the art God is such a freaking little judges boy what was that where's the inspiration for this coming from so this is the future 12 seconds later and how far we've come in the process and I hope that this makes you feel warm and tingly inside and you know makes you feel like give me a hundred dollars so all right hi I'm gonna be honest I forgot about the pyramid oh you must include the pyramid in the main course of course of course I was going to do that you could include the pyramid probably like somewhere in the background okay but seriously what does the pyramid mean to you um well the pyramid reminds me of a pyramid scheme similar to um feudalistic capitalism of society that we live in right now where uh the the bottom part of the pyramid um is just serving the the very top part of the pyramid which is reflected in my artwork here as you can see yeah oh okay I get it yeah everyone's just slaving away for like 100 bucks right yep you have less than 30 . uh I'm having some render issues right now I'm just trying to get it like get some sort of visual on where my render's at I can see it in the viewport just fine it looks good but we're in crunch time now and I'm having some issues so wish me luck like literally all of the assets that I have will be in this render but I don't know how to get a pyramid into this like I have a metaphorical pyramid going on as far as the real pyramid wait I have an idea as you can tell I'm in panic mode I don't know what I'm doing anymore I'm losing function wait I haven't even started the meme uh you know dessert and dinner is as important as The Landing in gymnastics if their meal is great but your dessert sucked well it might as well the whole meal might have sucked I mean just ask you know everybody who liked Game of Thrones is that what they think of the series kind of the same thing the worst thing that can happen to you as a chef is if one of your patrons leaves your restaurant wanting more going to another restaurant and continuing to eat dinner and then continuing to eat dinner that is the worst that's the biggest shame that Chef can taste it's like why don't we resume dinner elsewhere [Laughter] [Music] dish to be including texts if it's going to be a joke with text If Your Meme requires photoshopping you will have to have it photoshopped until the time is up you might just hit the snip tool the good Lord be awful I don't even know three and a half minutes I see these worried looks coming from the table I know I smell burnt assets and then I started tweaking it you know what they might only have two minutes left but with these fast laptops you can do a lot in two minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can do a lot in one minute and it's amazing how they've had this much time to render that app once this alarm goes off I am removing the laptops from your Possession looks like one Chef's ready to go I'm done hi I'm Diggity done eight seven six let's hope at least something has landed on Jordan's play tonight why don't you taking it [Music] why did I keep tweaking I don't know spoken with such confidence I'm mentally hungry and I just need some good renders to satisfy these eyeballs artists who have finished your renders and it is now time to present them to the judges may I just say it is an honor to be presenting my work in front of you talented and handsome men today permission to speak freely but let them speak Guapo comes to mind gorgeous handsome intelligent fantastic may I just says the judging begin I present to you my appetizer hmm is that the color logo do you see any pyramids wait a minute are they all pyramids I I sense tiny pyramids everywhere the color is great there's this naturalistic effect that the bokeh it feels like it's coming through a physical lens yeah usually Jordan you're so dark and dreary and just it's so interesting to see you open up this this new page it's beautiful it's beautiful uh what is that inside it sorry something's just sharp hit my eye there's something wrong with this dish oh oh whoopsie [Laughter] I didn't even look oh I feel sick frankly after trying this were you trying to make the corridor yes I was you could have just looked up at the door for the sizing and honestly all of it I've had my fill thank you hey guys this appetizer is called First Mid [Music] oh this is very filling appetizer actually you order nachos and they're like anything else like no that is my dinner wow what a what a glowing response I find it fascinating that you have managed to model an entire scene of a guy sitting by a Fireside in a forest amongst the mountains using nothing but a primitive pyramid including the ground plane that you flipped upside down I like the image tells a story but much like with Jordan I perhaps question if you are perhaps running from the pyramid rather than embracing it that is what I find to be tasty about this about this I like that sauce not what I expected but still quite interesting this is one of Peter's trademark dishes I would expect nothing less for you thank you Chef all right main course I present to you my main course [Music] where are my eyes solid question so this is actually pretty cool I'm really digging the composition like you got a lot of symmetry going on and that's the whole point of the pyramid I like the use of characters the recolored Foxtown robots the robots The Columns the background the environment so great one might argue that you have a Shader mistake happening on the pyramid but I would argue that those streaks and lines make the image more interesting and perhaps add an element of non-photorealism to an otherwise geometric and photo real image that said the hollow eyes are a little creepy as his friends weird like double lip I will not step on that review at all thank you Chef Peter what is your main course dish for us tonight this dish is named Society okay [Applause] thank you okay oh this one sit for a second it says pyramid on the menu right yeah it's a pyramid on the menu yeah it did say pyramid on the menu I'm sorry but this note in there sorry uh is this I'm just making sure this is the right dish well you know there is some pyramids uh as gemstones on the bread yeah it's like you order a hamburger and then they come and give you a big pile of french fries with like little lovely composition thank you Chef it is clear why you are an iron chef but today it seemed that as an Iron Chef you want to make your own meal my stomach isn't full I need dessert bring the dessert card over please for dessert I have prepared something that I'm sure we can all relate to enjoy what a delight for me what a delightful meme oh my gosh this this dessert has me floating on cloud nine I'm tickled dude this has little sprinkles that pop in your mouth like I'm like giggling just trying to Feast on this thank you that's clever more clever than I thought you know a last minute rush panicked meme would be thank you Chef it was rushed and panicked thank you so much all right um I hope this render makes up for the last one and more so that's all I'm gonna say ah there's the pyramid in my dish dude what the freak is going on I did not know it was possible to be this disappointed damn girl I'm gonna be honest I forgot about the pyramid in this game all I did was look for a triangle and when I just saw this like weird glitching fish that's not even like fully framed up I I have a strong aversion to Authority what can I say that's why we that's why we have them here yeah he's constantly challenging us constantly challenging us it's amazing how funny something with such little effort can be artists congratulations on finishing this challenge Sam who won this challenge in your mind while Jordan's effort was very Noble ultimately Peter's dishes were the most flavorful and tasty and I say this with great reservation as his rebellious attitude soured my expectations thank you Chef thank you Peter while your renters were delightful and expertly crafted and I would expect nothing less the end of the day Jordan featured the ingredient that we requested the most therefore he is my iron artist of this challenge it seems to me that we have a tie and that means I am the tie-breaking vote now today's winner of VFX iron artist is [Music] Jordan are you [Applause] [Music] sure [Music] Jordan today you have proven worthy of being an iron artist congratulations thank you chefs welcome thank you chefs it's an honor Peter is just the cream of the crop and it took every ounce of energy and belief in myself that I had in me I am rung dry I'm gonna go take a 72-hour nap and come back a new Iron artist this is this is surreal wow what are you gonna spend this on honestly I did not expect to get it I will have to game plan I have nothing prepared for this money this was a lot of fun we want to do this again and so therefore we need some suggestions perhaps what the secret ingredient for the next episode should be leave a comment down below that'll give us some ideas in the meantime subscribe because we got more of these coming and I don't know who we should have on next someone else to challenge us find out now this wouldn't be a video sponsored by Razer and Nvidia studio if we didn't have a giveaway happening we're doing a sweepstakes you can win a laptop for yourself or a couple other cool prizes the details are on our Instagram basically you get to be an Iron Chef also check it out there you have to follow our Instagram anyways enter the sweepstakes so at tour or digital go check it out get yourself a laptop
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,057,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iron vfx artist, iron chef, cooking show, vfx, cgi, vfx artists react, funny, new, digital art, contest, challenge, experiment, visual effects, reality tv, render challenge, c4d, blender, peter france, unreal engine, react, kitchen nightmares, master chef
Id: jQyEAz5op4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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