NODE 2022 SMASH Tournament - No One Saw This Coming!

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foreign hey everybody Welcome to the long-awaited 2022 Smash Brothers tournament here at the corridor Studios all our hard work all the videos we've made have just just been so like we can come here today and enjoy one day where we finally get to decide who sucks and who's trash outside of the four Champs of returnings we have 12 other contestants take a look at that big old crowd over there yeah they think they have what it takes but we're gonna find out if they do I think all the Champs over here can we get some more Champs can we fill this frame with some Champs oh what's that you got there and oh you know it's just one of my most prized possessions that will go back on my shelf this evening oh to kick things off here each of us the Champs will pick a name from a hat just a little uh treat to uh you know uh moisten the okay there's never been a two-time champion in the four years I've done this so is today the day does another scramp rise to the the echelon yeah I mean I can only hope so in fact last year it was so heartwarming to see Ren become a champion he was the first people's champ you know someone not hated by everyone else this is a hat full of scramps let's pick some appetizers Sam goes up against Peter oh perfect [Applause] I'm going up against Cliff it's gonna be a good fight Jordan Allen [Applause] that's not a Sprint [Music] [Applause] Fenner [Music] round one [Music] my name is Ren I'm last year's champion and I'm gonna win this one however out of all the scraps names I could have picked I picked the one name I didn't want to so slightly less confident than I should be I'm Jordan they call me jowling around these parts and this is my first tournament Jordan is very very good and he got sick right before last year's tournament I was supposed to be in the last one but I got covered God said I wasn't ready but I'm ready this year dark pit is going to take me to the wind got all the training under my belt I'm ready to go first round of the 2022 smash tourney are you guys ready you guys ready yeah let's go no kids scrap juice on my hands okay let's go oh my gosh this is the first game it's so hype this is this is the type of game where you forget everything Brandon's beginning to spend a lot of time off stage which hopefully won't backfire right to the kisser Joey's just waiting for the reflection Ren is taking a beating but he might have more in store for us you don't count people classic whoa there it is oh missed the edge guard he's gonna have to start laying those Edge guards he's gonna take us home you know there's a reason why he's the people's Champs oh he's still alive he moves like an angel playing he needs to start having fun friends has a Monumental task ahead of him do not count out the change of momentum if it happens foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I'm Chase and I'm gonna be playing with Bowser this year oh I am Jan Michael lozado uh and I'm here to play some piranha plants and shush okay I've maybe played like six matches of Smash this year so I'm a little rusty I'm not going to feel bad punish and Chase May the best Grandpa win the plants will always remember and yet they will always forget wow because Chase does play Smash but he never plays in the office all right see what Oh wrong kid died oh look at that chase has some confidence here yeah Jan's doing a really good job of setting up traps and keeping Chase in disadvantage at the ledge and also just not letting him land right now look at all that damage he's putting on is Chase gonna avoid the three oh there we go chase is gonna have to really go on the offensive if he wants to close this gab in stocks when big hips not quite Landing that [Applause] unfortunately okay [Applause] [Music] so it's been a while since I won a championship but I've been playing Isabel all year she's cute she's a pup we also call her the bad maybe that'll work on my favor and I've known Sam for a while but I know Sam it's not just about the skill of Smash it's about that psychological skill he likes to get in your head I'm keeping the stakes low I'm gonna pick a character not so I'm not like the best at but if I win with her it'll be that much better [Music] look how much they love you Sam is trying to get in my head and you know I don't know welcome in come into my head you're you're welcome keeps going with the mind of no mind I mean we'll see it's just a video game after all that's true all right it's starting to trap on the on the platform oh double rash it's around the top of the head but it's not oh crap a scrap is taking the lead on a chance [Applause] oh you're a tree inspired just kind of letting the long line come for them out of there okay okay there we go two socks but Sam is a significant debt to make up for lunch away you know that might be all Peter needs to get inside of Sam's mind to avoid oh no oh my gosh what a risk [Applause] crowd is alive this is top level gameplay we are seeing today calming it down oh the snipe oh dang Peter dealing damage Sam looking for an opening from far worse than them oh your tree expired some damage but taking some damage from the park another champ cut down just like he was chopping those trees [Applause] wow what an upset the scraps are making these are really interesting you could do it thank you I'm gonna pass out I'm gonna pass out oh man him well I'm Matt and I'm playing Pac-Man uh this year and the smash tourney I'm going against Jordan Coleman and she doesn't play a lot of Smash but the thing is because she doesn't play a lot of Smash I'm not used to playing her very often especially not for his buy with I haven't played much this year but I'm a little excited now because I'm going against Matt and you know not to talk bad but if there's someone that I do have a chance of beating it would be Matthew J Karen so I'm excited for this one I in all accounts should win this because I've been playing this game every single day it's three plus years and um well I guess I'm a little bit nervous because if she beats me then um I'm probably gonna go into a deep dark depression Jordan whatever happens happens it happens yeah just don't think about it too much I won't I don't think about it in my free stock you it'll be fine why does it have to be a three stock don't get too depressed about it all right here we go Matt versus JC let's do it and that plays very aggressive see look at him just kidding yeah look at him getting in there putting hands weapons yeah I think Jordan's only option here is gonna be the keeper distance oh see how those kids come out on the first stop right there Matt's gotta be careful does anybody know the Heimlich I'm already joking oh nice try that's beautiful wow Jordan keeping the pressure on Wow and that has not landed hitting quite a bit oh perfect Dodge it's a completely even game oh [Applause] just yeah I basically only poop hydrants Jordan with the SD Jordan is Her Own Worst Enemy that's not opening Matt's got a good Rhythm right now Jordan's still playing oh wow yeah Jordan's playing the map from one round to go all right Matt's holding the momentum is this the tournament this is anybody's game is this the turning point oh nice try what a great game lots of twists and turns well played on both [Applause] [Music] hey it's me cliff and I'm back take down Nico this time all right let's get it on Cliff is not in our daily rotation so Nico's not prepared to play it's over I think Cliff has an opportunity here early on to get a lot of damage because yeah it's already over that's right if Cliff knows to keep his oh my goodness okay well anyways really quick um that's the danger of Ganondorf is that he can kill you in basically three hits here it's this is about this is an honor match at this point wow there you go gotta get that stock oh [Applause] you can see has been restored [Music] man pure fear well done there's no cheering why is there no cheering for the first time today a champ a former champ has won yes and it's kind of uh it's sickening yeah it's sickening well it won't be the last either [Applause] [Music] I'm D I'm playing Cloud as always I probably play the least smash out of anyone in this office but you know what I've been practicing for the last couple days and I'm facing Griffin D's gonna be playing Cloud so I need to close that distance I need to hit him hard and fast if I can close the gap between him and that big old sword and hit him really hard I can end this pretty easily uh Griffin always plays Captain Falcon and you know what I've been training against him so let's see how this goes all right Dean Griff let's see it good luck good luck man good luck [Music] all right he's opening up with some uh just a down smash right at the top on my side my goodness Griffin's nerves must be shaking he there's no way he'd expect that much damage so quickly he's gonna figure out how to get in on these projectiles wow we have a no touch game wow wow frankly this is phenomenal this is phenomenal Griffin just hello down his opponent oh my goodness Steve suggested a spot dot all right Griffin's gonna bring it back he's got it he's got the momentum it's a good one all right trying to get in over the over the projectiles it's well read by Griffin but D putting up a fight no momentum is in clear Victor's hands yet it looks like Griffin understands Dee's language now but D still dished out damaged regularly oh Griffin holding that bay Here Comes oh damn we're all at a disadvantage we have no idea how to fight him oh there it is look at the aerial hit oh damn D trying to knock one sock off grip Griff box is not stock up a d oh oh my Lord oh my Lord Griffin patiently waiting D still trying to get that third that stock my goodness 206. Griffin is nothing far past his bedtime [Applause] what a domination move wow wow thank you [Applause] I grew up watching Dean he's like my hero and I can't believe I'm facing off against him in the first round he's the reason I got into smash I don't even know who this guy is you know he's uh he's like some scum like so much scum on the bottom of my shoe so I'm gonna wipe the floor with him uh and use him basically as an example for everybody else it's a dream come true to be facing off against him [Music] oh he's looking at a snake he's just he's eyeing up that little snake I played a little bit of Dean last night and he's leveled up with his gummy worm techniques here oh and his stick still prevails [Music] oh but he lost it there to use his upbeat rather than double jump when he recovers hits him with the heirloom Darkness Darkness it's not looking good but once again now one can only hope for dignity to be restored ending with a one-liner in doomed and [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm Austin and I'm playing summits Samus is that Thomas Sheamus uh I'm still shaking I feel like my blood sugar is low now barely won I feel like I'm gonna throw up now uh it's just a game right it's just the game I'm a newcomer so I just want to get in there I want to have fun I want to have a good time I love Mario party so uh that what game is this so far [Music] all right let's do this and let the games begin Clint and Austin [Music] all right oh right oh right back at him going for the long burn can he get this is what oh my goodness my goodness wow has been practicing out of Silence despite seal the deal though there it is oh wow Austin's starting to play 4D smash 40 smash man oh my goodness classic move double Rockets yeah the decoy missile you send one out oh my goodness Austin in the lead Clint double focused Austin feeling good about himself let's see what happens I love the sound of that little Blue Shield oh wow okay here we go here's the thing there's adrenaline coursing through their veins instead of blood right now he's anybody's game at this moment oh wow wow Austin is playing the best I've ever seen him play WoW trying to just get a break here barely snatching Victory from the Jaws to defeat right there Austin wow putting on a world-class show right there what an incredible match that was wonderful [Music] emotions are high I need to keep myself centered it's not about them it's about me right now it'll be a good little exercise to get to them you know the actual me there's not a lot of meat and dark Salmon's I think she's actually a jelly I haven't played against him he hasn't played against me so he doesn't know what he's in for Jalen versus Jan the battle of the Jays let's see it oh first hit James first Blood oh look at these These are these are some tricky Edge guards here oh Jordan Allen should know better there's no way a dead man's oh [Applause] it's like a booby trap it's like a booby trap there's no way out here it is all right challenge turn it around when he needed to here it comes Jordan is not shy about that blue ball today oh is that it nope that's not it 170 percent there there that approach from above hard with Samus oh that ball saved him what a blast wow dang that was dumb all right Jan's got a hard fight but it is possible I can see it he wants this trophy but he can't have it yet thank you I've been playing all these guys in the office for years now but one thing that they don't know is that I've been playing at only 80 percent of my skill level this is strategic I've done it the whole time I've been slightly worse at the game and let them believe that I'm worse that is uh that is one of my closest friends that could order and I worry that after this game our friendship might not be the same now I'm going all 100 and I'm going to the finals I want to see a Thrice charged pyramid here's one for you right here [Music] got plenty of what do you call those things shots sleeping shooter that's got an excellent move let's see if you can pull it off it's where he puts a hydrant down and uses the water pressure to direct his head even further it's very nice very nice oh water I don't unfortunately [Applause] dignity has been restored at least oh wow flawless I am so perfect at this game Matt's starting to feel it starting to feel good oh this is crazy fully loaded Hydra fully loaded the hydrants oh my god oh cycle hydrants are coming out Peter almost launching himself off the other side of the stage [Applause] what a signature moves Sam I Gotta Give You kudos for calling it like that foreign strength and that's what I'm gonna be relying upon to beat this little boy into the ground so Griffin better watch out let's do it let's do it [Applause] this is one of this is where Griffin proves himself Griffin has been working very hard what I what I love about Griffin's play style is that from day one he was styled over over Basics you know I think this one to be honest I hit you this year he finally developed the basics oh goodness goes with the Falcon kick oh the spot does this is a very highly skilled game wow this is Neo and agent Smith he goes for a falcon punch oh all right Griffin's getting a little confident with that Focus you really should have gone to the platform but it's you know there might still be a Twist it's some psychological Warframe all right we're back to being even wow an Unstoppable Force it's an immovable object it's like a dance they move they move the same they clearly know they've learned from each other that's it that's it that's it wow Griffin that's 70 on his second stop he just has to put some damage on Nico but he's going for offstage shenanigans I don't know if it's going to treat him too oh that's not oh any buffered air Dodge it's completely even as if the match has just finally begun wow okay perfect Griffin controlling the flow battle hiko can get his grabs off wow [Music] wow this could be it Griffin takes the day and three of the four chants are down only the last and greatest champ is left yeah it's crazy how that works out with Peter out of the match the last pure innocent heart to remain is that of Clinton Jones yeah but I appreciate Clint's new tactic of sitting down all right oh wow this is like two boys fighting in real life this is a true schoolyard beating wow out of the park Dean with the Hail Mary [Music] there it is anybody's game there's no momentum on either side yet here no oh and just like that Clint takes the lead oh can't do that Dean ready for that move uh-oh punished [Music] [Applause] are we looking at reality where no Champs are in the finals if Dean sacrifices what little Humanity he has left he might be able to pull this off oh no oh no wow flip no chance left in this game a scorpion ship a Scrappy and ship this is a this is a revolution looks like there's no two-time champs this year semi-finals this is sort of like a Brother's divided kind of thing house is divided um we love each other like brothers but now we must hate each other to hate like brothers honestly like brothers they fight they do so we're gonna have to do that either way one of us and that feels so good to say but it would feel better to see me I want to destroy you later I want to ruin your honest literally I want you to cry in a weird way I want people to see you cry oh I want people to see that and I don't know why I'm feeling that way matters let's go apple right to the ground doesn't even need it just throws it away this is very distracting animal wow wow wow that's not good it's not good wow wow right to the kisser Jordan has opened up the doors to Matt's mine and he's hanging out on the front porch drinking a lemonade he's raiding his fridge he's drinking milk straight out of the carton and here it comes players oh my God what a show of power from your Jordan Allen here whoever's going up against him in the finals better be careful because he does three stocks Jordan [Music] foreign but I think I go up against Griffin next yeah this is weird I could like actually win Maybe let's do this guys plant versus Grant let's go oh great for the classy opening oh I'm just punishing them oh no Clint is hungry man he may have made a mistake in eating all his hot dogs too soon a full tummy that's how you do it oh look at that Reed oh game is tied up oh great for that perfect oh look at that back here oh but he can't this boy is coming back I was wrong this is still anybody's game here oh oh Griffin taking a lot of damage in the defense opening there Griffins Griffin still got some juice oh can he recover from this wow good attempt at recovering High Clint wants it Flint has been practicing damn [Music] wow [Music] wow all right we are down to a single stock anybody's game this game is basically tied up oh sending it oh my gosh what's that what a placement oh man this is anyway I am on the edge of my seat final I'm proud to be this one I'll tell you that I feel like we've come a long way we've grown as people haven't we it's the finals um it's Samus I nearly lost to Samus first game but I think I learned what I needed to learn from that first game and I know the crowd's against me I understand that I can hear their hush tones their Whispers um either way this is cool I'm into the final so let's see what we can do everyone finals finals finals finals let's go let's go let's go are you ready Jordan Clinton let's see this fight oh and Clinton takes the first hit Clint looking for his opportunities trying to figure out what he's gonna do here oh get some PK Fire Jordan Allen playing a close game with his projectile still so that quick does not have time to react and there's the first stop all right all right oh garbage day there it is oh [Music] Mickey Jordan Allen burnie's Dodge journal's got high damage oh right into his tummy that's it we got ourselves two socks two socks Clint might be on high HP here we have high damage but don't count them out oh these combos oh my goodness oh my goodness Clint dangerous oh wow hey these are the kind of plays I like to see these are the kind of plays I'm here for look at this this is back to anybody's game oh there it is wow all right boy got a tough fight ahead but I've seen worse Joy now I'm forgetting that nest of his short okay little uh fear bombs oh we forgot to do any has finally begun whoever wins this is when's my heart this is it they're both winners in my book the game like this [Music] oh no congratulations oh no oh my goodness jogging shocking shocking [Applause] Jordan's the champion we have a new champion [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look life is never fair I want to thank all of you for doubting me for hating behind my back you fueled me Dean you especially I'm gonna picture this moment for the rest of my life look me in the eyes I'm gonna take a picture oh yeah that feels good man good luck plant it was an honor you had the momentum you were coming back it was a beautiful match it doesn't feel fully complete in my heart um but it was an absolute honor brother facing another scrap in the final scraps Grand town [Applause] wow get out of here [Applause] and so Jordan Allen joins the annals of history no longer a scramp forever a champ [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Node
Views: 260,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, tournament, insane, intense, champions, nintendo switch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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