Wrecks to Riches | S2E2 | Mercury Cougar

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Oh check out the on this episode of wrecks to riches what is that Barry White's on a mission to make fast history he's walking junkyards looking for a 67 Mercury Cougar we're gonna do this Trans Am inspired tribute brother to bring out of retirement and back onto the track it's a race car a tribute car to celebrate legendary race driver Dan Gurney I think it'll be really cool to have a look at it brings back all families okay I'll take it but when you're Racing's walking OH bleeding all over down here there's no room for false starts oh man it's all over the place that's ugly how did I do Park this thing in the lake how to make a buck the Barry White Way find a wreck it's exactly what we're looking for get the right people I don't want to hear that go draw something the right part and go to work bring it on then hope someone wants to buy it let your buddy break a quitter that's how you get from wrecks to riches Barry loves history as long as it's on wheels Barry started school when America's longest-running racing series started Trans Am he grew up watching legends like Dan Gurney who's never forgotten one of his favorite rides the 1967 Mercury Cougar I remember this car I ran at Green Valley Texas Fornelli was right on me i won by about a foot Dan Gurney's battles with fellow legend Parnelli Jones set the tone for Trans Am racing which only ended in 2005 but Barry's yearning for the good old days forgot the roots on steel auction up in Monterey you know the historic sort of that weekend oh yeah let's do race crime the racing cougar was one of Dan's prettiest drives under the distinctive paintwork was a modified Street car it could hit 60 in eight seconds that was something back then do a cage with your two front seats will eliminate the back seat eliminate the air conditioning put power steering and you know frankly even a motor the revs yeah yeah will get bigger really fun to drive their next auction in Monterey coincides with historic races at Laguna Seca so Barry's planning to give Trans Am fans a chance to buy their own piece of history and there's another motivation Barry wants his turn behind the wheel on a racetrack before he sells the car different cars these are all pretty much parts cars huh first things first finding a 67 cougar they have some leads Barry and daughter Jen check out a junkyard candidate to four small-block Ford in a four-speed move out and super awesome see if we can crash it into the wall meanwhile paint-and-body guy Tony heads out country is it an xr7 a day on the farm you know that I'm not sure I know it has the only thing I really know about this is it's been sitting there for about 10 to 15 years surprised there's not rats in here yeah I am too I'm sure there's some guy some other critters that crawled around on this though Oh check out the hood we got to just take that hood my they take the hood and take a bet what is that Jen's a modern girl but she shares her dad's love of auto history yeah I really like working on these on the old race carts they're really cool I like the old styling and all the old letters and stuff like that it's really cool bring you back all the stuff that like my dad and before my dad you know my grandfather and stuff all that racing stuff it's really cool to have it all back and to redo it and make it you know new again so the kids my age can understand and enjoy it makes very proud it's a lot of work basically it tear it down to you take it the bare metal and and start from there start some scratch out oh yeah out at the farm Tony's Cougars looking more like an alley cat it's another old car it's dirty better you can see it's been sitting in one spot for quite a while it's the wrong year and life on the farm hasn't been kind and see the hard stuff is finding all the trim and stuff you know yeah all the parts are here but it's still a major amount of work any way you look at it things don't look better in the junkyard oh yeah that's attractive but if you sandblasted this you'd get it back in a bag you need a tetanus shot to work on this thing what did you say last time rise from the rise from the rust it's not rising from anywhere like this yeah this this one definitely is uh it's pretty hurt yeah it's pretty wounded both wrecks crash out too much work too much rust too much money hey Tony how's it going hey what you got all 67 cool all right can you send over some pictures so I can show Barry yeah good shape decent shape workable okay he's lined up another cougar for Barry to check out maybe the third time will be a charm here's the Cougar I told you about Oh excellent 67 excellent this is a tribute car the urine model have to be right doesn't look too bad huh pretty good shape broken window on the other side but it's got full console the buckets yeah the cellar is singing and Barry likes the tune don't pour a barrel on it somebody put wrong carburetor at one time but yeah it's really solid all the inner structures real good it doesn't appear to be wrecked before but looks cleaner structures you know the base of it yeah the floor pans look good that cars cars actually in pretty good shape it's a it's a 67 that's what we were looking for body wise that's got some rot on the back a little bit but nothing that really can't be fixed top that we can probably maybe get it Barry can get it for the right price he can afford a little extra bodywork so where we're at on this one I'd like to do it around I take two thousand nine okay no and then I'll help you it felt Bobby's helping out with the parts and stuff okay all right well Barry wants this bad yeah that's the best we can do there I know you wanted this particular car yeah we want a 67 and that's what it is so that's the main thing time for the poker face but with the time you have this would be a better choice all right here yeah it's up to you I mean how about 18 Bobby you're a pushover how they to go I'm gonna go at 18 because it arrests in the quarter problems okay that's a bargain cool that's great let's do it thank you shit with the cat in the bag the team at the speed shop get to work they need to start from scratch they'll replace almost everything with parts improved over a generation because this will be a race car the interior will be bare-bones Barry loves this look but it also saves him time he wants to spend just three weeks on this overhaul instead of the usual for this this isn't very good shape up here but shop chief Adam Ramsey just found a flaw in Barry's plan this card has more parts than we ever would have thought I think they go like this I think they go that way yeah I think we're at part like 94 right now so we're gonna try to keep track and we're looking at probably about 800 parts there you go you put it all back together tall you bleeding all over down here bad speedo head berry treats his speed shop like a surgery no grime allowed you got a transmission food fetish or what he likes it the video much okay now you can take it out this engine and gearbox goes back to the grave replaced by modern equivalents we'll put a standard transmission probably a Tremec six feet in and we'll put a small-block forward because that's the same thing it'll be a bigger small-block board but a high-revving one far as drivetrain wise and that it'll pretty much be a street car but they were pretty much streetcars then they weren't Full Tilt race cars that's what the trans answers was about Trans Am promoted new production models as they hit the streets inspiring customers to imagine themselves as race drivers there you go but right now Toni's imagination has turned to the dark side oh boy rust but redeemable maybe oh man it's all over the place I see about 40 hours in respite prayer alone yes that's a week in my club but Barry's book tells another story to hit action the Cougar needs to be in paint in half that time is it pretty bad look at that it's in the court panel the whole package tray that whole quarter family inner panels gone that's ugly a lot worse than I thought me too I know this is 67th that's what we wanted to do yeah we just got an incredible amount of work here Berry's racer just stalled in pit lane it's gone I don't know Park this thing in the lake in just 19 days Barry White's hoping to cash in on a piece of American Racing history at the Russo and Steele auto auction in Monterey to get these bidders engines revving Barry's planning a tribute car to racing great Dan Gurney designer Chris Brown uses old racing photos to conjure up the spirit of journeys 67 Mercury Cougar gonna do this Trans Am inspired you know tribute car I think it's gonna show the lines really well with the two-tone paint that we're planning on doing and it just it's a very masculine looking muscle car and Chris is not going to disappoint a legend but out back the news is all bad this $1,800.00 wreck is starting to look like money down the drain it's rusted through here and there's rot in the bottom quarters back here yeah I mean that's the stuff we thought we're gonna fix bottom line is this cougar won't cut it the body is rusted out it'll never be ready for deadline this is all hooked to the hinges hey Tony how's it going hey so you got a cougar Chris has Plan C yeah well we might be interested in one of those you're gonna be around for a while okay yeah we'd like to come over and take a look at them if that's okay with 18 days to auction they need a replacement fast fortunately Cougars seem to be a dime a dozen they might need them all the way they're going where was this when the boys were junk shopping there's a good one for Tony it's a little bondo and a couple of hammers you good to go you think perfect doors Jim Barry's already blown 1800 on the first one and two days stripping it down he could use a bargain how much is this thing 500 bucks another 500 bucks not just the speedometer to 2,300 dollars and 60 work hours smile you get to fix it Barry's nearly a week behind schedule but this time the body checks out Tony's cut some slack and new parts Kris ordered for the first cougar should be arriving soon that car is basically the platform of a Mustang you know it's the same basic car as a Mustang so it shouldn't be too hard to take it all the parts and make it all happen quickly stripped the second cougar is ready for a work over at Tony's shop with just 17 days to auction this is not where Barry wants to be but Barry's been here before building tribute cars last year Barry's team built a 1964 Mercury Marauder to honor Parnelli Jones so you okay if we reproduced the car and kind of do this paint scheme in the number and all that kind of thing I'm really excited about it we'd be honored to let for you to let us can't wait to see it was a really cool experience I mean it's just kind of one of those once-in-a-lifetime things to meet a legendary racecar driver yeah it was a real thrill of me Parnelli the legend was taken back 40 years with this Barry White special he even thought about adding it to his museum he probably trying to sell it to me like Parnelli Jones the team are hoping race car legend Dan Gurney may give them his blessing on the Cougar yeah we're hoping that that Dan will come down and kind of put his stamp of approval on it kind of like Parnell he did last time Jennifer white is hoping most of all it's just the history I like the style to drag cars like the old NASCAR's it's it's like you know it's tough your grandpa did and you don't get you haven't you never saw it and you just get to relive it through all these old cars like my dad's redoing the paint design is a challenge for Chris capturing the Trans Am spirit of the 60s will put the the numbers on side of it they had one that was kind of cool-looking that was a little crooked on the hood and also you know maybe the team cougar logo if we can reproduce that that would be kind of cool but it's gonna look the race car look what do you think Tony the fancy paint work will be Antonis boys right now with only 15 days to auction they're racing to get the body prepared there's no rust but all the panel's need to be smoothed out and primed uh yeah we made Tony a little gentlemen's wager that it couldn't get it done now talk to me Tony you're just stumbling instead I'll talk to me if he gets it done then he gets to go to the races this weekend and if he doesn't he says you're gonna paint so we'll see we'll see how see how inspired he is to go to the race tony has an appointment with an oval he's a nascar nut the Cougars false start is jeopardizing his weekend plans I cut some corners in a couple things I didn't like and but you know what it's gonna be fine but it's just done our standard way of doing work get over here and so uh yeah that's that kind of bothers me a bit yeah reject cougar has come to some use berries using it as a stand-in to build the roll cage I want to bring it up the roofline and down to the floor here okay and then a side bar but I wanna keep the side bar kind of low so Chris still streetcar so you can get out fairly easy okay we're gonna probably put race seats in it and all that stuff but I just wanna be able to get in and out fairly easy oh you're right like 20 degree 20 yeah although the cougar will be street legal it has to look every bit the racer bidders will want the real deal every car is different they don't make a kit you know a roll bar kit for a you know 67 cougar they are giving a total on that and I'll wipe that down and cut it up and basically run for the main hoop in it what they call main hoop we'll put plates on the floor you're just distributing the weight evenly if someone was ever impact the roll bar you know it's gonna look like it's gonna look like a race car okay what are we building a street car it looks like a street car they hit him with that piece of pipe I got back in the paint shop the real cougar is almost ready for paint get back to work kids it's Thursday and Tony wants to be eating hotdogs in a NASCAR race come the weekend it'll be painted on Friday cubette the only thing standing between Tony and a NASCAR meet is some cans of red and silver all right Flo Krista's gonna explain this paint job to us are you doing flow and instructions from Chris just put your hair okay Trump don't show the trunk 100% super one of his cars and it looks like the silver just goes along here whatever color you want the door jammed a whole doorjamb gets that color the reason being if you start wrapping the masking stuff he'll be here for two days doing this I know that outside the car silver I'm just I don't know one in this paint booth understands each other oh you're only you know I don't want to say hey guess what you know cuz I have to get the son of a panting you know turn it back you know it's a redo doing sadhana stuff mask it after this over yeah so you're just gonna put the silver in the spots where we need first at what you tell me yeah if these guys don't get things sorted this projects going to end in tears we're gonna get overspray around everything else then ready or not in only 12 days Barry and his team will be here the Russo and Steele Auto Auction in Monterey fast cars fast money if the dice Falls your way Barry knows it's a crapshoot every time but he keeps coming back this time he'll bring a 67 Mercury Cougar a car that made TransAm folklore and Dan Gurney a Trans Am legend it's as sweet as they come yeah it's very cool the silver and red is kind of different looks like a race car all right well hey you guys come here for a minute 12 days to auction but before the auction Barry wants to take the car racing and get the blessing from Dan the man but that's going to cost him three days leaving Barry and team only nine days to build this car the squeeze is on do we know where the Z bar that's out on the pallets right are you taking charge of this dealer what Oh throw that wheel outside stack them get them out of here there one man down Tony's eating hot dogs at NASCAR we need parts what part you want to bring some parts over here wick we need crap Mike and Jenna are gonna start bolting stuff on this car can't mess around everybody's got a really dig in and help that includes family but any of the pieces door locked front block all my stuff let's get that in let's start doing this stuff Tony's gonna paint the other stuff these are pieces of stainless you know how these going we've done this they're working with more than 800 parts some original some new the roll cage is custom made suitable for a weekend's racing but with enough room for grocery shopping fairly accurate reproduction of Dan Gurney's car in 67 it's not gonna be perfect you know they never are it's gonna be a street car it's got their brakes it's got suspension no it's got all the stuff now the stuff the car probably in reality if you talked to Dan and it'd probably be a little better now than it was then and that's very super muscle philosophy yesterday's heroes running today's hardware Becky and Jen are on fire and so is Barry spend ometer 20,000 bucks and 200 work hours and there's more to come so all the parts are all the stuff from Summit came today at gas tank seats a lot of that stuff the gauge is supposed to be here sometime this week so good we got all the pieces we just got to put in the man-hours and make it happen now Berry's even thinking ahead to when he gets to drive it on a race track come on a racing fuel cell completes the safety package now you say we don't need to use the shim plate Dan Gurney's cougar had a manual gearbox something Barry isn't familiar with this is a 28 inch out of balance right what's that this motor is 28 inch out of balance I have no idea he's called in clutch guru red Roberts will need to know this flywheel is made so it's got bolt on counterbalance okay so if you've internally balanced the motor then we need to unbolt the weight before we put this okay I'll find out okay I'll definitely find out you never stop learning in this business right this is called a pressure plate they're a full threaded bolt and they have no shoulders so you got to put the dowel pins in with the full threaded bolts big red is talking another language okay so if you're using a shoulder bolt then you don't have to use the doubt pin and the stock bolt from four it has a shoulder armor no it does no it does not okay there's not unless you're talking the early type okay flywheels okay so we're just going and put the pins in and get some great eight 5/16 bolts no if you put the pins in and you need to put the metric ball okay so then I don't need are we following this oh I don't know it out pins if you're gonna put the five sixteenths shoulder bolts in okay we'll make it work okay we don't have a choice all right very steep learning curve isn't over yet earlier in the week his wife and daughter dropped a bombshell they were looking for a new place to live we're driving along and somebody said something about an apartment and I didn't know if I was moving out who was moving on it was some relief to learn only one was moving out his 20 year old daughter Jen until I was married and I was like okay and then he's like well you if you got to do what you got to do and that's usually like I really don't want you to but you can do what you have to well her dad didn't like it all funny enough I have actually been encouraging her to you know to get out and experience life I guess the white family are close but when it comes time to leave the nest turns out that's girls business although berry will see his daughter every day at the shop her empty room back home is tugging at his heartstrings you know Jen lived 20 years in this room and it reflects her she whatever mood she was in whatever things she was into I mean she did artwork she drew things she's a very artistic person and you know it's got all the ribbons in here we'll probably keep some of the stuff you know just because it was you know it's a cool thing to have Barry's happy his golden girl was stepping out on her own but it's still a sad day for any father when the inevitable arrives you know it seems like five years ago she was just a little kid and not just 20 years old and felt like she needs to move out so that's kind of the way it is it's not much you can do they all grow up unfortunately just six days to auction six days till Barry White finds out if there's money in tribute race cars his team are beating on an old 67 Mercury Cougar bringing it back from the dead and giving it to spirit of driving legend Dan Gurney and the start of the Trans Am era Barry's been wrestling with the manual gearbox a first for his super muscle car 1 but with some help it's falling into place you're the man you're the fireman just got to be rough hundy it's that the secret Jen may have just moved out of home for the first time but in the shop it's like nothing has changed stop talking for a minute go get some teflon sealant out of the right drawer in top box the big drawer in my toolbox put a little bit all the way around come back screwed in that hole these two have always been close and Barry's not letting a little geography and that I guess at the end of the day she still hangs out and goes to dinner with us a lot of times at the shop and works with us in the evenings and so it's all good I get to see her a lot anyway kids today barry sees his family like his cars appreciating the past while looking to the future the Cougar gets all new high-performance suspension you guys are good with chris's racing decals it's starting to look like a Top Cat Dan Gurney would have loved these brakes in 67 standard drums are replaced with large diameter discs look at outlook and what Dan would have given for this a John Barrett 347 small-block a high-revving 550 horsepower power plant yeah I'm excited this is good somewhere right to help the engine breathe Barry wants big pipes with enough clearance for racing a really concerned about the ground clearance going around the corner you know pre-meeting everybody going around the corner 60 miles an hour you know I just don't want you draggin on the ground and then we got to take it up there so if we can get another half inch clearance or so that would be the best thing all right so we gotta figure out which one's of these we're gonna restore Chris and Tony are looking for some eyes to transplant the vacuum operated trim and the lights can't be bought they need to be mixed matched and resurrected there's quite a bit of stuff that crosses over between a cougar and a Mustang mechanically but trim wise there's not a whole lot so we're kind of at the mercy of what we can find the grill covers for the lights give the 67 cougar its most distinguishing look right the hard part is getting through the stuff that people don't know where it goes because the fortunate part is we've got two of these cars and one of them's out back it's kind of partially disassembled but at least we can get an idea where things go so we don't spend a lot of time fooling around putting things in upside down and backwards and then having the straight in the mouths you know just be careful to take your time on this they said you break something we're really up a creek here with just three days to option berry wants to leave himself enough time for a day at the track and the meeting with the Cougars inspiration Dan journey it'll make his daughter happy too I think it would be really cool to have him look at it and it'd be nice you know I haven't sign it it'd just be nice to just go meet him and talk to him just in time Chris comes through they have a meeting with Dan Gurney he's a really busy guy but we've got a on how I've counseled in yeah he's he was pretty excited about it but cool said unfortunately don't have a whole lot of time now Barry needs his cat to be best-in-show as they head for the finish line this spend ometer is still cranking 28,500 with 260 work hours of 800 parts they've refurbished or replaced in the Cougar this is Barry's favorite design this new shifter we can adjust this actually in three different positions to get this where we want this is that whole super muscle car do what you know putting a new technology and when you're trying to go around the corner you want to see what's gonna be here you want to be able to just bang this into another gear and back into another gear so and we can always at the track adjust this shifter if it's too low or too high the custom-built - screams race car the whole interior is an industrial theme made for purpose not appearance but to the right buyer it should be pure elegance but you screw the dash in quit screwing around new wheels and rubber mean the Cougar is almost done yeah perfect just cut a little bit trim a little bit he's good to go just one more question to ask will she start perfect looks like everything is starting to stick roll the window up even when it shouldn't Berry is locked out and he's not happy there do it to track tomorrow in just three days the Russo and Steele auction in Monterey California will be a hot house buyers and sellers facing off each wanting a bargain each wanting to win Barry's fishing for race fans with money and a sense of history his 67 Mercury Cougar a tribute car to racing great Dan Gurney is all but done if he can just get the door working everything is working clear clean and free it's hard to say I don't know it seems to be working okay now I think the door panel might have got hung up on the inside it's the little things somebody stick a fork in this it's done looks good in almost record time two and a half weeks the team turned a junker into a race ready super muscle car classic 32 and a half thousand dollars and 320 work hours can turn back time it was really cool to work on a project like this because it's still exciting to see something go from a historic photo to reality but this 67 cougar is practical history we've tried to replicate it as close as we could but still keep it a street car the technology is super-sized you know we got the big power brakes and all that which they probably wouldn't even have the bare-bones interior almost smells of racing fuel this stick shift says business and ultimate control on the track under the hood a go-fast John Barrett custom 347 small-block 550 horsepower looking to let loose it's the complete package fit for the legend who inspired it that's good right there but before it's royal audience with Dan Gurney Barrie has another appointment at the Willow Springs International Raceway Willow Springs it sounds like bottled water I mean we got brand-new sticker tires and everything so it's gonna be hard to say what we're gonna do but we just got to keep it on four wheels and not tear it up too bad Barry gets to play racing legend for a day it's a dilemma though his heart wants to smoke this thing his head wants to keep it pretty for auction the driving part of its going to take over the auction part pretty quick race drivers know it as the red mist the rush of blood behind the wheel what we do is come out of the banking and then we come through the esses through here and you have to get down in some low gears through there's some warm-up laps before letting loose you got to be careful going down beers that's the biggest thing we got a pretty low gear in this bar corners are a new concept for this former drag racer as you're coming downhill you can get back on the throttle come downhill you got to get back out of the throttle to make the last turn berry and the tires are up to temperature let's go berries transported back to the 60s to the start of the TransAm era and he did it in just three weeks this was an incredibly short build and to be able to take a car like that and put that many performance modifications on it and take it out on a track fresh not even broken in and flog it and go around the track and not have you know a bunch of problems I think that really says something about the shop and something about Barry what price this sort of happiness and what price this car buries about to find out he has just one hour with one of the country's biggest names in car racing Dan Gurney this car is a tribute to the man who gave motor racing so much brings back old memories yeah you probably want to take a look at that motor in his 70s Dan Gurney still has his finger on the racing pulse it's a street version to force what you had on the other one so we mimic that it's got six gears this time instead of four so it's a little better yeah well we should have had this one we were arrested Dan's mind races back 30 years to a cougar duel with teammate Parnelli Jones and he's going across the the verge on the grass and bam great big rock came up the whole windshield caved in about a foot oh I still trying to drive it into this thing was at least the foot down there and all crumpled up a big moment for Jen she wants to adopt a legend it makes such an awesome grandpa because he has all these racing stories it would be so cool just to sit and listen to him for however long he had to listen to everyone's happy I'll take it and Dan gives the car his official seal of approval good thank you you're welcome that's very cool it's been a wild ride now it's time to go got some money d-day in Monterey the Russo and Steele Auto Auction is raging hundreds of cars thousands of people from all walks of life we got our mix of muscle cars we've got restored you know original cars we've got hot rods we've got lead sleds we've gots a couple of customs we've got some race cars you know it's just it's a mix of a lot of things even with all this competition very super muscle racing cougar is starting to make its mark I don't know whether I'd want to run this car is so nice just a detail you know from the wheels to the engine the decals just everything about it top notch it's gonna hold its own on the track I think that's just like a whole nother appeal to this car it's a pack but yeah you could drive it on the street and then you could pick it on the weekends put on the track there's race fans here about how many Chris is hoping traditional buyers will be tempted to something you can show up at the local cruisin and have a good time in and not park next to yourself you're not gonna pull up next to another cougar like this so I think there's a lot of appeal their confidence is pretty high but then a discovery serious competition a 1971 Richard Petty NASCAR Drive the real deal petty car built late 70s it's gonna be the Battle of the legends when Barry White and his team arrived at auction they planned to blow away the competition with a Dan Gurney tribute car a 67 Mercury Cougar street-legal but built for the track but they might just be trumped by this classic one of Richard Petty's old NASCAR racers with race track form and the champions mark that's right this NASCAR is the real deal and Barry is impressed this is a documented Richard Petty NASCAR from the 70s I don't know if it how many races it won or what it did already that but this is a real car you know ours is obviously a reproduction of dance and if ya want to be a gauge to see what what things are going for you Hetty's racer is going up against Gurney's which will take the winners check an opening bid of a hundred thousand that kind of money berry dreams of but then this is the real deal a car driven by arguably the greatest NASCAR driver of all time at Monterrey auction cars parade the street before rolling onto the block it's a little crazy here it's kind of cool a lot of people on on the sides of the streets and and I guess you come up to the corner as you're called and you go up the hill and inside the second floor of the hotel so it's it's kind of cool deal Barry's hoping this is a victory lap car looks so much better outside you know under the under the natural light than the lights in the in the parking structure yeah it looks bitchin the cars - cars bitchin we got a lot of good response off the car and it's running perfect and we're good we're here for a good time 175 grand that's something to think about as Barry prepares for his turn if they knew the race behind the scenes to get it to auction there was a false start oh boy oh boy that's the first cougar was a rust bucket he's a pretty bad yeah look at that it's in the quarter panel that's ugly a lot worse I thought they had to find a replacement fast how much is this thing 500 bucks and start again one week behind I cut some corners a couple things I didn't like and but you know what it's gonna be fine the paint job was looks like the silver just goes along here part guesswork so you just kind of fall on stuff mask it after this over yeah I got the other eye but there were no doubts it would be a racer this cougar was born to run just like its predecessor did in 67 for Dan Gurney brings back old memories okay I'll take it Barry's got 32 and a half thousand riding on this time to roll the dice in the old race car you know with the Dan signing in and telling so much old stories and know of some things we can tell the new owner about Barry just watched an original Richard Petty racecar drive out the door for 175 grand maybe all the money went with it Danny Gurney's signature thing with a no-reserve auction I mean you are gambling you know you're gambling a lot so it's a it's a do or die deal no reserve no withdrawal the highest bid of 36 grand is just a little over breakeven three weeks of hard labor could be for nothing we thought this car be closer to $75,000 but it's a no reason sale counts for everything I've got 36 but there's still a spark in the road 3:38 thousand going once 38:30 7500 just five grand profit this buyer has got a bargain like berry doesn't know it's different every time and some things you think ago medium go high and sometimes they go high and it goes low that's part of the whole process you know the right guy could have gone for three times that but Barry ended up with something more than money he got to be Dan Gurney for a moment general listening to him was beyond amazing he'd make such an awesome grand budgets to be so cool just to sit and listen to him for however long he had to listen to and Chris and Tony turned out their most beautiful creation yet everybody can make a really kick-ass car and I think the result was stunning this cougar gave something to everyone can enjoy it a little bit and just have some fun with it for a while
Channel: Automotive Channel
Views: 513,110
Rating: 4.6618819 out of 5
Keywords: muscle, Ford Fairlane Thunderbolt, watch, mythbusters, episodes, series, riches, hot, The Legend, dvd, cars, charger, to, rods, new, full, Mean Green, mechanics, season 3, season 2, s02e07, s01e08, Christine Camaro, White, Mods, Mighty, Pimp my ride, season 3 episode 1, Barry, The Apprentices, free, wrecks, Frankenstein's Monste, latest, trans am, rebuilding, Car, Wrecks To Riches (TV Program), online
Id: v3xd2v5n-jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2015
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