Wrecks to Riches | S1E7 | The Fireman's Ball

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why don't I just feel like I bought a car my dad's gotta look at it before I can what's better than building a hot Mustang how about two Mustangs I'm excited about this car an old one for auction a new one for competition but it looks gorgeous on the car I never got an award I think we're gonna really shoot through one hard this time the speed shops on double duty but helps on its way how to make a buck the Barry White Way just rip that find a wreck that's exactly what we're looking for sweet but I need to get the right people the right parts and go to work someone wants to buy it that's how you get from Rex to riches [Music] somewhere in this junkyard Barry and Becky whiner hoping for the jackpot but they aren't looking for imports they want real American muscle the one they call the pony car if you're a Ford guy at Mustangs where it's at that's what they're all about you know it's hard not to like a Mustang if you're into Ford's they want a bag a 60s Mustang Fastback they got whacked really hard the back end restore it to its former glory and sell it at auction the lines on a Mustang Fastback are really aggressive the way that's short tail long nose kicked up in the back taillights or you know leaned it a little bit of an angle when Ford's Mustang debuted 64 22,000 of them were sold the first day and over time the range and power group creating muscle legends for me the 69 is my favorite year I think they're probably one of the more aggressive 60s Mustangs the Mach 1 the boss a badass muscle car that's what attracted people to him and that's what gave it the mystique that it has it was all about power and cool styling where we got four mustangs I found this one no luck at the wrecking yard but back at the shop in Corona California designer Chris Brown may have something front fenders a little worse for wear can you get those front pieces I believe so extensions yes 69 fastback Rex fetch good money there's no rot along here with for 6,500 this one's going cheap compared to what they've seen so far she's had eight and $9,000 cars that are just wads it's a lot for a wreck but if they do this right they'll get it back in spades you know we're betting we're gonna get a bunch of money for this car in four weeks they want to take a pony dancing at the Cruz Auto Auction in Las Vegas it's the place where money and nostalgia fall in love berries hitting 10 auctions in as many months a crazy schedule that could just make him rich but only if each car is a masterpiece time to check out Chris's peg originally came with 351 Windsor in okay looks like where the battery goes the car looks to be really complete you know when we get into the build process it's a lot easier if you have a complete car to know how things went together when you go to put it back together you start with a shell and you have to buy all the stuff new sometimes you don't know what you're missing this may be as good as it gets for under ten grand so what were you asking for the car sixty-five hundred with a 390 big-block engine and automatic transmission and headers okay what what do you want for without without those parts um I can knock 700 off 5,800 what do you think let go that far I'm gonna try to keep it under that well we take cash mr. Louis cash price I think you heard another car pull up someone else is the oldest story in town come on help us I pull them out or deposit full amount I go 5,600 about 54 you have the cash on you or is absolutely we do [Music] Barry and Becky sink they have a bargain at 5400 [Music] but it's their Paint & Body guy Tony who will pay the price if it's a rust bucket it's a good car doesn't have any rust in it why do I just feel like I bought a car my dad's got a look at it before I can I'm keeping it now the hot rod business isn't always about old cars Barry has another Mustang surprise each year the Ford Motor Company sells a dozen of their latest vehicles for just $1 each [Music] the catch is it's only two selected builders and each team has to spend their own money transforming it into their own style [Music] for a dollar you get a car but it's not exactly a free car because there's a lot of work involved the idea is to encourage innovation and imagination and for the builders the chance of being judged against their peers it helps bring us recognition - we don't only just do street rods and muscle cars but we can also do new cars too see how good a run [Applause] [Music] something we've never done was got an award from Fort they've they've done stuff with us before we've gone we've built some pretty cool stuff I thought never got an award I think we're going to really shoot for one hard this time [Music] the build off will be judged in two weeks at the giant auto industry party called SEMA 100,000 visitors from 100 countries converge on Las Vegas there's no bidding that's cool only votes from the judges for Best in Show I love this one is killing me Barry and Kris plan to transform a standard v8 Mustang into a boss inspired super muscled pony well we got this great car to start with I think you guys got a really good canvas to paint a hell of a picture Jerry's gonna make a whole new intake and put the supercharger on top look like a factory deal so it's not polished and chromed in it just be bitchin maybe we can even flat this I really needs a spoiler in the back of the car yep the boys seem to have forgotten about the old car they just bought Tony's looking mighty lonely on the 69 Mustang destined for the auction floor how's this gonna work the crews Auto Auction in Las Vegas attract some of the best cars and the biggest crowds on the business oh this gambling town loves money and Barry White is hoping to hit the jackpot with a 69 Mustang Fastback he's bringing back from the dead the Mustang had several different looks in 69 that you can go for so we have to do something that's similar to one of them but it's really our own look designer Chris Brown's still working on the look but Barry knows exactly what he wants below the surface I'm putting all the big brakes electric power brakes on in three and a half inch full master exhaust and the mufflers just got that bitchin deep sound put a small-block Ford in it but it's a drive around 500 horsepower small-block for it so it's a stout small-block [Music] and if that's not enough another transformation applause brand-new Mustang just delivered to the speed shop they've been selected to enter a custom build off to give a standard v8 a Barry White makeover but it looks gorgeous on the car and to be judged against other builders for the prestigious Best in Show award at SEMA and the old I kind of like the the warm colors more so than the cool ones yeah I think you know orange we did yellow ro5 Mustang is yeah I don't want to build twins so I want something that grabs you by the shirt and pulls you over to look at me look at me so a hot seller it's gotta be a hot Mustang and hot Mustangs red so alright grab it to the red red with the gold wheels I don't know how it's gonna get any better than that that's settled one red one yellow [Music] Berry's asked his fire department friend to help with the 69 freeing up himself to work on the new car [Music] I've loved cars ever since I was a little kid actually and I got into rebuilding engines and motorcycles and that kind of thing when I was 12 13 I had muscle cars all my life growing up I still into them out 43 years old it's this yes it's amazing I love it [Music] the contrast between old and new shows just how far auto technology has moved in 35 years clip-on plastic parts versus screw mounted metal new cars they come apart in the big chunks if it looks like the old Mustang is taking a backseat it's for good reason Dean's car will be sold to the highest bidder this one's staying in Barry's garage win or lose that's what I get to keep the bribe though this one's not going on the auction block this is mine but Barry's got to spend a lot of his own money to make it competition Retta they start with a pre-molded bodykit worth two grand the nice part about new cars is they're they're pretty easy to do it all bolts on and snaps on and off most of the manufacturers that make all these part just do a super job of put them right back to where they were you know as far as mounting brackets and hold they just snap right back into place so that's the good side of this these kind of cars there's not a lot of bodywork the 69 is another story it needs some love and attention from the grinder and some new panels base will replace one floor we got a couple holes weld up got hit here at one time it was a unrepairable quarter panel so they bought a new one the wolf straight out look a little better than that before put a filler on if we want to get as close as possible there's no reason put a lot of filler in the carp you don't have to it's easier to bang it out and make it straight before you start getting the 69 body in shape will cost a little over three grand added to the purchase price the speedometer hits 10,000 so far and eight work hours transforming the new car is gonna be a lot easier carbon technology delivers ready-made parts ready for paint basically what we're trying to do is get all the salt to the surface so it gets on the system so we don't have a part that's contaminated all that's needed is some chemical preparation both with the adhesion promoter out here that sticks and that's a good surface for the primers to stick to and of course primers for the paint to stick to so there wouldn't be any peeling problems or anything like that think of the price one part product that's called a flex agent so the paint won't crack because these parts will move a little bit the new parts are made to match the factory color [Music] by the end of the first week both cars are ready for paint time to make the 69 hot fire engine red it's a good color Red's go fast color you know and as we all jokingly call it resale red and we all know it's going to the auction so it's gonna get sold so resale red is a good color Barry wants to improve on the new Mustangs factory paint job it's getting four new coats of clear to be polished down to a show car shine it's a little bit of history in the speed shop two classic Mustangs generations apart given a new life by the same master it's fun to put those super muscle cars spin on this car especially like this car because it's got the throwback to the old car in our super muscle car whole theme fits that car so perfect Barry White is working to duel deadlines the first is in two weeks at the renowned SEMA Auto Show build-off it's an invitation-only contest Barry wants to win by transforming a vanilla-flavored Mustang v8 into a boss inspired super muscle car then later he's taking a second Mustang to auction in Vegas hoping to hook a rich buyer and make a killing but this one's old-school a 69 fastback built from the ground up focus on the new car so far has been cosmetic a full body kit with the Barry White signature Kris drew the car with a Cobra mirror on the thing so in order to do that what I've done is I've taken a piece of aluminum cut it reshape the edge we'll paint this black then we mount the mirror on it you know mount from the inside so on the inside the car it'll look exactly the same as it always did but on the outside we'll have the smaller a little bit different mirror just kind of give it a little bit different look right now the shops in Mustang heaven but with two cars the place is stretched good thing Berry's got friends in high places the Beverly Hills Fire Department has some muscle car fans willing to work after hours on the auction guard help is on its way [Applause] you guys ready for this we're all ready absolutely want to get it up in the air we want to pull all the suspension out of it want to clean the whole bottom anything they were not using which is anything that's on there off the bottom of the car undercoat the bottom clean the inside out paint the inside then we got a clean place to start the fire departments used to giving orders not taking them but they're in Barrie's world now the nice part is the guys are sharp their job is improvising so you can't throw them a curve I mean they're just they just pick it up if that doesn't work they go to that so it's really kind of cool it may not be the fastest shop but it will be the safest [Music] meanwhile Chris checks out the all-new super charger being prepared for the competition Mustang this is one of the early prototype patterns we made for the base manifold as you see this is all done in would you build the inside first a coarse stick we have right here which actually shows the runners section Wow so this is basically the hollow inside the this thing when you're done this is the air that's the air right there it's just a nice performance product it's easy to live with but when you you know put the throttle down it's there the new design promises an incredible horsepower post we usually run anywhere from 120 horsepower game which is real typical on some other application so what that kind of game should be very interesting car to drive berry we'll find out in less than a week though they've all done you don't need a casino to gamble in Vegas the cruise Auto Auction can be a roulette wheel for buyers and builders Barry White's hoping his ball will drop in the right spot with this 69 Mustang Fastback and his friends at the Beverly Hills Fire Department are helping to bring it to the table gonna be a stunning card and it's red but Barry's placing another bet in Vegas at the SEMA custom build off with a new Mustang hoping to take out the Best in Show award and leave his rivals in the dust everyone's doing double duty but designer Chris Brown is saving time and money on the wheels just because we happen to be doing two Mustangs at the same time and they have so much things in common with them styling wise we wanted to have a wheel that was very similar for both cars the oh five Mustang is gonna have an anthracite color and the 69 Mustang was going to come up with kind of a gold tone to it [Music] the new car will be ready long before the old one the body kits on and ready for Chris's graphic design all the sixties cars that we do all have kind of our modern interpretation of an old style of graphics well this is kind of going the other way and we're doing an old-style graphic on a new style car you don't have to have an old muscle car to have a super muscle car you can have a new one the unique wheels will be made from scratch designed on paper then scanned into a computer guiding an automated cutting machine the only limit is Chris's imagination but he and barriers staying faithful to classic Mustang lines which work for both cars what you want to pull in some of the themes from the car you want to pull in some of the shapes like these each spoke as a little flat to cut out area that basically picks up the shape of the side scoop on the car in it on a 69 or in the case of the old five that fix up that kind of hockey stick shape indentation that's on the side of the car but you got to pull out some of the design details from the car to really get a wheel that fits the car perfect [Music] custom wheel sets for each car set them back $3,000 expenditure on the new Mustang so far $12,000 and 100 hours back at the speed shop the competition Mustangs performance suspension has arrived front struts rear shocks these cars are non adjustable when they come to the factory there's nothing adjustable on it what you have is what you get and that's the way it is race grade adjustable suspension can be tuned for the street or the track if we decide that we're gonna go race this car or whatever you're gonna do with it and you want to preload a corner of the car you can then crank this up which the loads pressure against this spring so the car won't lean over on that corner it's hard it'll make it more rigid and or if you just want to adjust the car and raise the car up you can preload the back and actually push the car up turns a regular spring almost like into a coil over spring so that you can actually adjust it [Music] with just a week to the SEMA show down the new Mustangs in pretty good shape the monster supercharger is yet to come but Barry's confident it will drop in without a problem this car should be pretty much ready to go short of some detail work the 69 wow that's a whole different story you know I got some firemen over there and no know how that's going this is what we need to do all right the problem is I've got so much room up here on the shaft of the compressor right here see all this room that we have to take the fire department is struggling to remove the old suspension right now without any load on the car without the engine being in there there's not enough weight on the car for us to compress the spring with the floor jack I say that's heated up and let's let's let's try it well fire is their business eating them up they'll relax and hopefully take enough tension off them where we can pull them out you only need to bend one spot just keep it in one spot let it and let it go Orange and that'll be enough to bend it not sure this is in the very white handbook say the backside already back yeah it started to go right now go and put some pressure on it there you go looks like it's totally compressed it give him ten minutes he takes out the torch it worked Barry was hoping for more yeah they're both sides how can you go home with app done it's dinner time now this food shop never misses a chance to rib new comers this is it's not even a quarter percent yeah for here it can wait we're about seven percent continued a good day not that Barry doesn't appreciate the help he's torn between which car most needs his attention right now it's all out on the competition Mustang [Music] Barry wants a unique grill to set off the new front end [Music] so we've got it warped close enough isn't good enough judges will be looking at every detail not gonna work should be making a lobster trap out of it instead of making a grill clean go to Maine next week yeah we could back to the drawing board very speed shop in Corona California is in overdrive fairies building to Mustangs for two very different events a new car for the siima award I've never got an award I think we're gonna really shoot from one hard this time what if you have a potato video and a super muscle 69 fastback for auction so what bettin we're gonna get a bunch of money for this car 36 years apart these pony cars are getting the same treatment stunning good looks and high performance and everything [Music] barry's first priority is the new Mustang his build-off showdown is in just two days this is good in the boost range of about six eight pounds he's been waiting for a newly developed supercharger to finish it off that's a bolt on a few hundred horsepower well it will boost the standard engine by up to one hundred horsepower it's more of a rout slower than the screw blower and you got the pulley up here at the front that is driven off the crankshaft and it goes down this shaft or drive our blower drive pulley here which in turn turns the two rotors and creates the boot [Music] looks great started up keep the make sure to mark it's sitting on floor JAXA got a lot of modern technology very good reliability and power this should impress the judges it seemed I don't know what we're gonna be up against I'm not sure how many Mustangs are out there this year and I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of really wild cars out there and there's also gonna be a lot of subtle ones so we're gonna kind of fall someplace in between so I hope they like what we have [Music] on the other side of the shop the fire department is grinding on the second Mustang their deadline is a few weeks off just as well they're still stripping out and haven't started to rebuild this team is well-drilled and methodical it just takes three of them for one job out I'll set it out on the table up there they're learning on the job Barry's learning to how to give a factory grill some attitude in two hours [Music] quite an adventure trying to get the whole grill put together have to go from a handbell grill to a v6 drill to put in the screen into making it all fit and work it's pretty involved people don't realize how much time you'd be spending just doing stuff that looks simple but simple it's usually complicated [Music] just the wheels to go now Chris's custom design he did a good job I like it it's got a relief cut in it so different let the big breaks the graphite Center wheel on the graphite brake caliper looks really nice together once we set it on the ground we'll adjust the shocks and everything get everything sitting where we want to set but I'm really happy with its it's good it really makes the bodykit look really bitchin with the black graphics on the side and on the hood it's just really really cool they get a factory car for one dollar then spent 23 thousand to bring it up to Barry White specifications I think the big challenge and the whole thing is to not screw up their car just like the old super muscle cars you don't want to lose the flavor of what the car is that car is what it is and it's a bitchin car they started with good bones and made them better will it be enough to win at SEMA every year's a little bit different as the style of a build that they're looking for quality wise I know we'll have it the bag as far as having a nice car that's built very well [Music] unlike anything else he's built Barry gets to keep this car win or lose he's gone with his instincts hoping the judges feel the same [Music] our car is a real-world car we want somebody to be able to buy this kit and buy these parts that we have and go have fun with it [Music] the handling of the car is incredible it's got the HR suspension and then we put the big 20-inch wheels on it and the supercharger definitely makes a huge difference in the power it's just awesome [Music] I hope that we win something made it'd be a great honor if we did tomorrow they find out [Music] [Applause] it's crunch time at SEMA Vegas has become gearhead dreamland the Las Vegas Convention Center rolls out two million square feet of floor space for the coolest cars and latest products because everything can drag cars to candy red cars everybody's different concept of what it should be Berry's custom oh five mustang lines up against builders from all over the country each with their own dollar car transformed into their vision of Mustang muscle beautiful color yeah I love that right you got a lot of electronics and stuff in this oh yeah oh jeez I got a huge stereo yeah me they engine just to charge the battery very cool styling wise I think ours is one of the cleaner ones very much fits with Ford's heritage where some of the other ones are a little bit more of a concept car those little beads dirt cuts that of a windshield yeah got all kinds of little things on there some of the competition's looking kind of hot asbury in the team size up their rivals four judges are already taking notes I'd be very interesting getting a real good brush finish doesn't look as hand done you know what I mean you know when you see it machined like it is on the shifter that's cool everyone's looking for cool but will the judges be looking for more traditional lines or frontal concepts but it's just something whatever this into the old Pony car six and seven sixty eight okay but are we doing a Corral on our California special they're looking close and judging hard the only thing I don't really like is this little comes up it just kind of the interior in the baby blue maybe flash is what they're looking for the more traditional speed shop Mustangs up next you just look at the attitude of the car it's got some serious side wall in the back and the rake it's it's at okay it's kind of cool it's it talks back to what these guys really do all the time which is build muscle cars you know there's a bit of an OEM look to this yeah right I mean you can almost imagine this coming out of our studios with the black hood and then the stripy on the side that's got to be good and the handcrafted mirrors hit the mark oh yeah it's also in the mirrors and I think this is something we ought to be kind of looking at - a bit Barry and Chris can teach the big guys some tricks there's always more things that you can do to the car given the time frame that we had to build the car I'm very happy with the way it came out because of the line that comes through here real clean there's a fantastic opportunity make a glass roof I wouldn't cut the car up I think the lines of the car are great I don't think we could just start doing custom stuff because it wouldn't be a muscle car then you know and the wheel is cool too yeah I like this cut out in there I think this is a very successful car this is working real well all in all though the car looks very good I mean it's indicated it's sitting right it is the business and it looks like it and that's what a Barry White muscle car is all about [Applause] they started with a car many would envy and set about making it even more desirable Jerry's gonna make a whole new intake they added an all-round body kit created all new wheels matching a boss inspired graphic scheme conjuring up the head down muscle era that made the Mustang legend we're doing an old-style graphic on a new style car you don't have to have an old muscle car to have a super muscle car performance suspension and brakes and a supercharged engine to push them to the limit this car would be as at home on the track as it would be in Barry's garage which is just where its stand this is mine [Music] but how much better to have an award to match I'm a little concerned about what's gonna happen at the awards because you know we've got a pretty stiff competition here we kind of had more of a TransAm style with this car it's got a supercharger on it and all that kind of stuff and it's all in the opinions of what they what they're want to see you know and everybody's got their own opinion so it's certainly you never know it stands above the other is both and off the pavement there's a little bit of something for everyone in this booth and it just kind of depends on what that team really wants out of this deal is gonna win there are two Best in Show Awards one for the Ford booth and one open to all builders okay here we go best of show on the Ford booth Ford Mustang by 3d Carbon the part of 3d carbons California Series this Mustang is a bonafide v6 cruiser the speed shop has one more chance best of show Mustang convertible like a birthday design congratulations no trophy this year but Barry speed shop made its mark it's an honor just to be in the for food there's probably 500 cars outside everybody in here to winter far as I'm concerned looks like they were looking for something that was a little more of a concept that's really not what we do [Music] what they do is create classics to stand the test of time and back in the shower there's another Mustang to play with 400 horsepower small-block in it sugar in big disc brakes it's gonna be a stunning car if Barry can just get the fire department up to speed see chairs chairs are bad in a little over two weeks this 69 fastback will go under the hammer deliver a profit to pay for the extras on Barry's new Mustang 69 fastback you know and this fastback I mean doesn't get any better than the Mustang you
Channel: Automotive Channel
Views: 846,555
Rating: 4.6590486 out of 5
Keywords: mechanics, rebuilding, series, Pimp my ride, Frankenstein's Monste, riches, hot, to, Mighty, episodes, muscle, Wrecks To Riches (TV Program), White, dvd, free, charger, mythbusters, The Fireman's Ball, s02e07, rods, watch, season 2, season 3 episode 1, Christine Camaro, online, Car, Barry, wrecks, trans am, cars, full, s01e08, season 3, Mods
Id: EzW7aHzLwL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2015
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