Wrecks to Riches | S1E8 | The Legend

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very what it's got a problem I see chairs the chairs are back the fire department's taken over the speed shop he's only got a month to turn this wreck into America's nice Mustang it's a strange it's a hard thing people know this crew this is kind of a little ship war and this car is finally unglued bear I don't have one that's why I bought one how to make a buck the Barry White Way just rip that out of there find a wreck that's exactly what we're looking for you sleep get the right people then do something the right parts easy easy and go to work than home it's flawless someone wants to buy it let your money make a happiness that's how you get from wrecks to riches well we got four Mustangs well I found this one the speed shops next project is already underway can you get those front pieces I believe so extensions yes a classic 69 Mustang Fastback found on the internet he originally came with 351 Windsor in okay he checked out pretty good a car looks to be really complete you know when we get into the build process it's a lot easier if you have a complete car to know how things went together when you go to put it back together if you start with a shell and you have to buy all the stuff new sometimes you don't know what you're missing until it's too late it's one of the better racks the team has had to resurrect so what were you asking for the car I go 5,600 about 54 you have the cash on you or is absolutely yes we do thank you great appreciate it this is what they hope to build the 69 fastback is a muscle car classic aggressive lines sweeping tail and snarling grill become Street legend but Barry wants to go further our kind of gold on this whole car is to capture that and put our own spin on bring it up to date you know make a super muscle car Mustang Fastback will be on the block here at the Cruz Auto watch in Las Vegas big money comes here chasing exceptional place where buyers and sellers dance for a few minutes then leave happy or heartbroken with the body in such good shape it took less than a week to have it ready for paint it's a good color Red's a go-fast color you know and as we all jokingly call it resale red and we all know it's going to the auction so it's gonna get sold so resale red is a good color so far Barry spent 15 and hours on this pony and 90 work hours but he's getting help from high places the Beverly Hills Fire Department has a bunch of muscle car fans who want in on the action I can already see in my mind with things gonna look like I'm ready we're all ready it's gonna be great between shifts they're heading to the speed shop to fire up the bass perfect well I've always liked cars with power and nothing beats a muscle car for power my first car was a 66 Mustang there's nothing else like it and they don't make cars like that today fire captain Dean Guccione is a friend of Barry's Dean's restored his own cars in his garage but nothing this big or this quickly you guys ready for this we're all ready with Barry tied up on customers cars the swarm of firemen strip the car in under a week the nice part is the guys that are sharp their job is improvising so you can't throw them a curve I mean they're just they just pick it up if that doesn't work they go to that so it's really kind of cool but some of their work practices are taking very less prize given ten minutes he takes out the torch it was the start of a cultural clash yeah I think later both sides how can you go home with app done those guys can't even put out a fire in a day this is a quarter percent yeah we're about seven percent continue this super muscle car won't just look like a racer it will have new performance parts to make it feel like a racer we're gonna have to put all the performance stuff in it ourselves which is spring shocks and a arms all that kind of stuff to make the car handle and do we want it to do I feel good about this car just the way everything's coming out you know all the hills fire fire now those doing a great job and everything they've done so far the car is just impeccable I mean it's I wish I had this car with the old components stripped out the team can start building the new car ok it's a half an inch away this cultural exchange program is really working out somebody may die a lot of times so we are - yeah we don't work as a team somebody might die - just two weeks to auction but in the bank at that price some of America's highest rollers by their rides at the Cruz auto auction in Las Vegas Barry White needs the big one to land on rent a 69 Mustang Fastback the baby-boomers fantasy muscle car Barry has just two weeks left to drag it into the 21st century and to track the big bids the whole super muscle car theme is to upgrade all these pieces come together to make this you know what we what we're trying to achieve and that's to be able to go around a corner still accelerate fast put the big tires on it the big brakes works great stripping and painting the fastback was trouble-free but very struck approval with the brakes the brake flanges are too short for the new racing discs that's the problem the nine names for that makes so many different rear flanges this flange here this is a standard Torino flynch they call it and I don't know what Chris harder so bring me one of those flanges after 25 years building muscle cars Barry's got a few spare parts hidden he's rustling up a quick fix good these are working that's good news the guys from the fire crew don't like holdups don't keep moving it after fun they're supposed to be good in the lattice you're scaring me that's not the only thing that scares Barry about these guys the spotty this Beach shops never seen work practices like nudes what's up with this what we need this that's it come in Adam we show you how to do it the hill style the fireman you ain't never done mechanics like this the only place Barry wants to see seats is inside the car I see chairs chairs are bad if we got too many guys we got chairs we're in trouble these things would recline big lever you pull it astronaut position right now let's just save your energy in case there's a call right when you're working on cars they might be sitting down on the job but they're working around the clock the fire crew has split into two rotating shifts so that you joint by your knee that's going to go right up there today the B shift has to replace the old heavy steering with a modern power rack and pinion racing setup basically it's a GM stainless steel column or the steering wheel adapter and steering wheel so it's a whole kit I mean from the steering wheel to the wheels it replaces all the old kind of antiquated steering that was in the car rigidly it'll give you more of a sportscar feel and that's kind of what we're looking for with the whole super muscle car theme you know that's what it's all about the handling upgrades adding another two thousand to the bill bringing the total so far 20,000 and 180 hours work that angle works out about two inches above that other pillow block make the cut right there and the things should be centered perfectly if it's the depth is good the B shifts make good progress but it had to the next crew is about to take over and there's a healthy firehouse rivalry with team Gucci oneis a shift but we wanted to finish this we didn't want Gooch to come here and it was half done and then we didn't hear about oh yeah we'd have to put up with all the guff I hear about it anyway there you go this is kind of a little shift Wars he's on the a shift we're on the be shift okay thank you all right turns out if there's anyone harder to impress in the speed shop than Barry it's the a shift the a shifters we come in we do our stuff right the first time it doesn't really need to be taken all apart and redone again be shifts job on the steering column ain't up to scratch you've gotta hope these guys get along better when your house is burning down I'm not really sure bringing out the best in the muscle-car brings out the worst in the fire send in the chairs when I got here Terry and the chairs pulled out huh with the a shift on deck there's not a chair to be seen there not be able to work on the motor when the chairs are sitting right here they're always in a good mood they're always joking around they've been putting the effort in you know this car isn't for lack of effort I mean so we got boxes of parts and every time they come in they jump on some and they get it done so yeah I'm thrilled to death throw the death wish we had a team like this on every car there's no doubt a and B shift have the passion to get this job done but with two shifts getting through the work in double-time now the pressures on Chris he needs to keep them supplied with parts and the biggest part of all is missing some tracking numbers for the motor yep looks like it's not gonna be R till Monday you go tell the fire boys that their engines not gonna be here till Monday they'll be real happy with you parla job maybe Chris doesn't realize how badly the team wants that engine work will grind to a halt without it hey boys got bad news Oh Matt and I just looked at the tracking numbers and it looks like the motors not gonna be here till Monday Monday oh did you see your new supply yeah I like that you can hang that truck driver with that all right that's it we're going home that's not what they want to hear with just ten days to auction the Las Vegas cruise auto auction attracts some of the most of the snoop car buyers in the country they don't come here to splash cash up against the walls they're looking for a sure thing a one pony race but Barry's hoping his 69 Mustang Fastback will be it you guys looking for a motor you got one back in the workshop they've got more than 400 horses to deal with boy this day has been long and coming at it I can't believe it Bishop shows up Motors here it's gonna be good you know I was gonna bring it the other day but then the other guys what I got to play with it no want you guys to be able to when the B shift is here we do the big stuff saving it for you the a shift their door guys outstanding let's get that thing get to work 18 ain't gonna be happy it missed this all right all right good looking good looking good hey bring it down slowly it's a small-block engine like the one dropped in at the factory back in 69 a little more all right but that's where the similarity ends oh this mini monster pounds out 100 horsepower more than the original this one's 450 at the crank so this wasn't definitely get out of its own way that's what this'll be this would be a good car good performance the eagle has landed the new race engine will add $10,000 to the ticket the running totals jump to thirty thousand and two hundred twenty hours and it's the time it's got very worried they'll be the mad dash this weekend we'll be all hands on deck Saturday these guys have done a great job everything is working good it's just there's just a lot of parts on these cars with the engine finally in the last thing Barry needs is more missing parts that's exactly what he's got now we don't have a flex plate so usually they come with a flex plate this one's a flexible now we got a scramble to get a flex plate on it so without that flex plate they can't install the transmission okay thank you all right now I'm gonna suck fire me both side door handles yeah hopefully they make this upper lock garage so it's gone we don't have it your jam switches - man it's a certificate that one's burned out the gate is when you need a door lock read what else this story's getting worse it's not just big parts missing the piece of stainless that goes on the back part of the door glass I am looking for a flex plate sockets for the taillights anything you need write down the missing list is over two pages now today it's been by far been the worst day for problems because they're they're compounding on each other nothing's work indoors all other parts for the - interior stuff is just not working so desperate times call for desperate measures harness they've salvaged the original wiring harness out of the trash kind of get my ass chewed out here and I'd really like to have some answers reinstalling 30 year old wiring seems like a gamble those right there they don't need more problems down the track when it's too late well we've committed to these auction houses that we will have a car at this place it's just a huge undertaking and I think it's hard to understand for people how many parts and how quickly that the people have to come up with the parts so you can put them on the car so you can get the car done in time it's a strain it's a hard thing to keep up with the longer the fire crew has to wait for parts the bigger the rush they'll have to face we've got a lot of assembly to do the fire boys are gonna have to stand on it pretty hard here in the next week in order to really get this thing put together all right finally a flex plates arrived they have to bolt pattern's okay but the fire was supposed to fit inside the bell housing - yes you're talking burger right yep it's too big all right I just sent somebody all the way from Corona to your shop to pick up a flywheel for a small-block Ford with a c4 transmission this could break the Mustang it's too big it's the wrong flywheel the right wing could be days away the things like a third too big I don't have one that's why I bought one all the firemen in the world can't stop this flexplay problem from burning out of control the cruise auto auction in Las Vegas can be a gold mine for a graveyard for custom builders that 25 drive it out here go this is your last chance competition is intense and the bidding ferocious bring the wrong car no freeze you out he wanted thousands for there's just eight days to get to Las Vegas and if it's not finished this perfect Mustang will end up costing Barry a bundle finally berries caught a break that's it a new flex plates arrived and even better it's the right one now they can fit the transmission the race to the finish line is back on and it's all hands to the pumps both fire chefs are here and the guys from the speed shop have dropped their tools to help too finally the Mustang is coming together every part that goes on is creating a unique super muscle car trick is state-of-the-art stuff there is so that's that's the key you know we're trying to stay on that super muscle car theme and keeping that's at the cutting edge the new components melt perfectly with the fastbacks timeless muscle car shape poor hit the mark on this one it was just an aggressive looking car front and back you know but once we get this running together all the headlights and stuff on you know with this bright red this is gonna be a nice looking car I'm kind of excited but in the mad rush someone screwed up big-time clear yeah no you can see something was dropped on it pretty hard they knew about this I wish I would've told me already because I could have had this fixed when it happened but now here we're trying to install fenders today and I ain't gonna how it happened the way we want that's why we come to you Tony cause you save our ass every time we chip something Tony's not happy that tiny chip is a huge problem now they have to clear the shop mats the entire car apply three coats of color and three of clear yeah I have to take my time you know I don't want to rank it again it's a huge setback but they can't afford not to get the paintwork right if I was interested in this car this is the one thing that could deter me and then that makes me go look at other stuff on the car make sure it was done right because let's face it the fit and finish that's the first thing everybody looks at it doesn't look good who the hell wants to buy it the rest of the day is a write-off back on deck the next morning and just two days left but the finish line is in sight and the final touches are going on the headlights the trim the heritage beautiful good one with a finished piece finally the interior in the Henry Ford tradition of any color you want as long as it's black it's going in fast but it's not going in sheep you know we'll spend ten to fourteen thousand dollars just in crimp parts fenders mirrors stainless buffers you know interior and then you got to put it all on you got to put it all together so the spend domitor has topped 35 grand and they've spent two hundred and eighty hours right now they're winning the race to install the engine and create the perfect body but there's another roadblock what's that black wire you took off for the fan the Mustangs electrical system is a mess maybe they shouldn't have recycled that old wiring harness because just two days before the auction turn the key all you'll get is burning plastic to make top dollar selling a car you've got to go where the buyers fight for your wheels the Cruze Auto Show in Las Vegas is the place Barry White's latest rescue project a 69 Mustang Fastback has less than two days to get there problem is the electrics keep frying when you turn the ignition so it should function fine without that relay it okay well we'll try that they've brought in an expert and new wiring to replace the recycled electricals you didn't have power coming to your coil you would use just you'd use our relay and then you'd use our our harness can't go your coil so he said the redundant power was probably just holding that relay it's like yeah so we should be good what that means is they finally got it sorted out car sounds [ __ ] fired first go it's music to the ears of the fire crew that worked so long and hard to get this Mustang built this is a culmination of three weeks worth busting our butts building this far from a fair shell and as any car guy knows this is the largest soul of any car and prefer to run is unbelievable this thing is in a way the car is almost done there's just one last decision to be made Chris was telling me it wasn't sure which one you wanted no made up your mind yet hmm chris has come up with two designs for the graphics one has the side stripe low on the body the other high I like the low one personally because it's it makes the car look a little lower designs work there's no right or wrong here which one do you guys think Barry's feeling unusually democratic pull up a chair let Terry pick one no yeah bottom let's do that we're gonna override his ass they both look good the fastbacks defining lines are laid in inspired by years of Mustang tradition but all super muscle this car would be impossible to ignore in Las Vegas by the time Chris's specially-designed gold wheels roll in this Bend domitor has topped out at just over $40,000 and 310 work hours dropping the fast back to the deck every minute was worth it all the fire guys should be excited I mean this is a hell of a big effort for them Dean especially because he's he's been here through the whole thing you know he's taking time off work and everything else to make this happen a 69 Mustang Fastback goes to show what four weeks hard work and passion can achieve look at this thing beautiful this is unbelievable I can't believe we did this and obviously the help of Barry's guys and all the guys from the fire department it's been incredible for fire captain Guccione who managed two teams of firemen this is what he's been waiting for building this car and seeing that the end result the stang is beautiful it's gorgeous the Mustangs been reinvented from the rubber oven adding modern substance to sixty style got that old late 60s Trans Am look so yeah it's going to turn heads everywhere it goes only all the heads turn in as we're just driving down hurry it's a perfect blend of old and new with its 351 small block and sports suspension it'll perform like a racer this makes crazy it's not as it's insane it's fun in it gosh this this is a lot of this is what it's all about the boss inspired paint job ensures the summer of 69 who will be riding right alongside it's a feel-good car but the only way Barry will be feeling good is if it pays off in the auction the Las Vegas selling floor will be a crapshoot it's always a gamble and we're gambling and in Vegas again but Vegas was good to us last time hopefully Vegas would be good to us again this time it's time to roll the dice economically perfect we're better in Las Vegas where fortunes are won and lost every minute it's a break by the Cruz Auto Auction attracts rock-hard buyers find the right car they'll spend man you'll be driving his Mustang home again down the strip well it's definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing obviously a incredible take apart masterpiece the color the cleanliness the wheels the detail stripes way they did the hood nice interior styling that you guys have done that's got some modern appointments in there with the with the old interior I like a lot the engines just amazing it's instinctive done an awesome job on the engine compartment as well looks like it's pretty fast barry's fastback is unique but interest in this later model will give him an idea of which way the wind is blowing 596 97 97 97 98 35 35 36 36 13 thirteen fourteen fifteen thousand thirteen eight he said no so forty-seven so so 13700 fairies owes him more than forty thousand it's a stock part wasn't restored or anything other things so it's a good auction there's a lot of life here there's guys looking there's some people here that are ready to buy cars that's the important thing that's what we need Barry White hasn't just like his money on the line at the cruise auto auction in Las Vegas his reputation is out there to make about 10 or 15 bar right is his 69 Mustang Fastback up to scratch here we go good luck let's see what we get the 69 Ford Mustang and it's loaded with everything this has done left tires of all the firemen who worked on the car Dean put the most time in and he's here to see it through to the end yeah I'll be sad to see it go but I always have the memory of it and how hard you work to build it and the work that it took to make it what it is I'm only the thing that's gorgeous is beautiful and there there's nothing really like it in here this is one of the nicest cars in this auction today super muscle car lettering for 700 engineering for for the last month or they lived and breathed fastback it started with a perfect wreck it's a good car than that me rust in it muscle car lovers from the Beverly Hills Fire Department had it stripped and racing red in a week will show you how to do it the hill style my chairs in the workshop tears are red they're bad luck a flex plate day slipped away waiting for parts there get your clear mysteriously chipped paint cost more time had to go somehow they overcame it all to create a super muscle car with the soul of 69 Mustang 69 Ford Mustang beautiful of post aries hoping that's an irresistible combination alright ladies and gentlemen and how much would have beared here we go boys hey I got 25 thank you on the multimillionaire I got 20 seconds the Mustang is going to shell two bidders one car excuse give a big hug our downs the buyer way to go oh six and a half thousand dollars just the right car in the right place you know someone can go high someone can go low it's just having the right one in the right place our Dell can pretty much count on getting a speed shaft Christmas card this year the Mustang will be a good company at its new home Barry's in the money but for fireman Dean building a car like this meant more than cold cash the best memory is working with all the guys and getting to know Barry and all the guys that work with them again working with our guys at the fire department as a team to get this thing accomplished yeah we don't work as a team somebody might die do that's the people aspect oh yeah the cars are inanimate and they're the end result that's the reward when you're done but the true reward is actually working with all the guys and getting a know Barry and all the guys that that work at the shop all right that's it we're going home
Channel: Automotive Channel
Views: 733,217
Rating: 4.6925306 out of 5
Keywords: series, rebuilding, Pimp my ride, Frankenstein's Monste, trans am, Car, Barry, free, riches, dvd, White, cars, season 2, season 3, online, Wrecks To Riches (TV Program), charger, The Legend, muscle, rods, new, latest, to, season 3 episode 1, Mods, full, mechanics, mythbusters, hot, Christine Camaro, watch, wrecks, s01e08, Mighty, s02e07, Ford Fairlane Thunderbolt, episodes
Id: cjtk6N0E3vY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2015
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