3-Day Engine Overhaul - Roadkill Garage Pilot

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If they created a series where they do nothing but Modular Motors, LSx, and Gen III Hemi motors (and maybe some 5.2L, 5.9L Mopar Magnums), I would subscribe.

This classic stuff doesn't really help me, baby boomers have priced classic stuff to the point were it's not feesable for me.

"FS Rusted out 1969 Charger 6-cyl $12,000 FIRM, cash in hand, future classic if restored, I know what I got."

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Slimy_Shart_Socket 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2016 🗫︎ replies

This might actually make me subscribe.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/rudbri93 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2016 🗫︎ replies

What would we cool is if the just took some non-performance vehicles and supe then up with stock parts. Think a 5.2L Dakota making more power than an R/T. Simple, but fun.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/WarlockSyno 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2016 🗫︎ replies
hey it's David Freiburger from roadkill here with the message that roadkill instill free on YouTube the next one's going to show up on March 25th but this episode you're watching now is an all new thing called roadkill garage and it's only going to be on motor trend on demand dot com the reason we've got this pilot here for free on YouTube is so that you can check it out and decide if it's worth it for you to subscribe to motor trend on demand to see it now roadkill garage is with me and my buddy Steve Dulcich but the other thing I don't want you to panic about is that Finnegan is still on road kill don't worry about it now watch this episode of roadkill garage and at the end we've got a teaser for the second episode which is live on motor trend on demand right now this is the very first episode of an all new show called a roadkill garage with myself David Freiburger and him Steve Dulcich and we're gonna show you how to do the wrong thing the right way this time we mane by 351 Cleveland in your car the sixty-seven cougar I can't deny it my theory here is that two guys working on a car like this and get the engine out and do a quick dingell ball rebuild on it rings and bearings in a new gasket and they can get all of that accomplished over the weekend starting Friday afternoon after work and then by Sunday able to drive the car to work again that's my goal are you ready fired up to see actually what's wrong with it something wrong with it now there's nothing I see a lot of lifter clatter and I don't think that it's a solid lifter Cleveland sounds pretty good to me by roadkill standard this is like new and does battle that annoying oh yeah we're about to break the seal and ruin it so I just want to tear it apart dingle ball hone it put new bearings that make sure the crank isn't totally jacked and painted all nice and purty and if we have time even paint the engine compartment and throw back together and fired up driving away when by the end of the weekend alright sounds reasonable I've never done a Cleveland before kinda looking forward to it the cougar is just like a 67 Mustang mechanically it's got a three inch longer wheelbase like an ugly version of a popular car this engine is 72 351 Cobra Jet if a Cleveland engine where they did not put Cleveland's in Cougars or Mustang until 19 70 so somebody has swapped the thing here at other things all having bolt pattern is a regular Windsor 302 that would have been in this car treating I actually so it's a fairly easy swap but the heads are completely different so the exhaust manifold different we should have the thing out by now we're dragging a little rusty on the fords my goal for the ended today is to have the engine out and completely disassembled I don't think there's a pet cock on the radiator there isn't when I bought it the guy had got that off with the tie down strap and so I just JB welded a patch on to get the big splash pan then yeah how's the flood not as bad as I was expecting a good distance on the splash there dude what happen everywhere my money says you have no mop at this point all we have to do is take off the bellhousing bolts the exhaust and the motor mount bolts and it's ready to come out we're talking about whether we should take the transmission out with the engine or leave it in the car we're going to leave it in the car that we will deal with like the shifter and all that other kind of junk of the driveshaft we're gonna take apart the engine from the bellhousing and hope that the engine will slide forward enough to get off the image after the transmission right yeah no problem you want to get underneath and undo it all the bellhousing bolts are you volunteering me right now that's the fun part right I'm just going to let the starter dangle by the wire is that ok with you these are the two bolts I took out of the motor mount check out how they're two different sizes and this one's course and this one is fine this was just like dangling freely on the block were home free you can tell by the way the waters hitting the ground yeah that's how you can tell he think we should put a pan under there or wait to completely drains out and then put the pan in that's crazy talk the extraction took longer than it should have but it was way too easy which means we're going to have a huge problem putting it back in we're pretty much on schedule right now till Friday evening hopefully have any burnt valves I know what I'm worried about we'll see that and ring ridge I didn't really hear it misfiring you really want to back these out a little at a time but swapping it out anyway the parts we got our correct don't jump to conclusions clutch looks like brand new what's up with that I don't know lets look at the disc oh wow that's that fly wheel is heat checked the max I guess it's like they put a new clutch on a destroyed fly wheel that's not very good either and I was flipping there's a lot of heat marks and slippage here on the pressure plate and a few little cracks like that that's a big crack and this is like polished smooth and smells like bacon check it out bacon tasty yeah that's junk but even look at the flywheel all these little cracks in it i mean it's not horrible I could be serviced or whatever but I got a new one not that bad wow kind of impressed there's a dead guy right there there there clatter there's a really common problem on an old motor that hasn't been running zinc in the oil and got a flat tappet cam the lifter cam where they come together we'll just eat each other probably what that it's ok let's go ahead and pull their heads taking the heads off is probably the most significant part of the whole process right but the most fun 'cause get to find out if they're open chamber closed which they're open and then you get to see how to get to see what the ring Ridge looks like yeah pretty much tell you if your engine is pretty good or total garbage and trash junk biggest concern we have been doing a home rebuild job like this where we're going home the cylinders ourselves and just bang pistons in and out of it with new rings is that the top of the cylinders can have what's called a ring ridge which is when the ring on the piston comes up and creates a buncha wear in the boar and leads a groove at the top that means there's a lot of cylinder wall taper and it means you can't really hard it with a dingle ball like we want to do so right now is the moment we're gonna find out if we're gonna be victorious or pretty much pack it in start drinking beer we're also gonna mythbuster right now because this is 351 Cleveland four barrel and one of the reasons you know that without taking the engine apart is this four that's cast in the end of cylinder head and a lot of people believe that there is a dot cast next to it some people call it a cannonball and the Internet lingo that means that it has an open chamber this does not have the dot on it and I'm betting it's still an open chamber so it has no cannon ball that's right that means it's closed chamber right all right it's not though not be if it doesn't have the cannonball nope my money says the internet says the cannonball ok moment of truth it all comes down to this right now these are actually closed chamber heads open chamber has no intrusions like this it's actually a perfect circle this has a pad right here which will lend some quench to it actually a little bit around the plug here to ya know that is a closed chamber head without cannonball very cool that's a score I'm impressed that's a good score more compression we just grew up a lot watch this will be open chamber what we're doing now is taking the lifters off the camshaft and having a look at them and the deal is if I have any intention of reusing this cam I have to use the lifter that came off that Loeb back on that Loeb later so we put them back in the same place they came out of exactly this is something you don't want to do on lifting you intend to reuse wasted ok textbook example of wasted so you can see right here this is a good lifter completely flat on the bottom but this one is concave actually dipped in because it's been wearing on the surface of the cam will pull the campout you'll see that that lobe just destroyed cuz that's trash that basically means everyone of these lifters is garbage this lobe is completely destroyed you could see right here how the top of this is virtually round and has a wear mark and you can feel it see how the one next to it actually has a sort of a point lobe than that and does not that change in height in the lobe is what opens and close the valves junk end of the first day we got the engine of the car and everything is gutted on it a lot of good news and bad news the good news closed chamber Cleveland had bad news their garbage what's gonna burn us tomorrow as i didnt get cam bearings and those have to be replaced the rest of the night is gonna be a whole lot of cleaning and then painting tomorrow when it snows freezing cold will clean and spotless meanwhile tacos it's Saturday morning member last night I told you are gonna stay up really late and clean a bunch of parts that didn't happen we did however make our own homebrew and caustic solution I don't know what soap and lye and a whole bunch of stuff so parts were self cleaning overnight I call it the sauce don't shoot it in your eye you think the parts are clean in there are I'm not reaching in there no you don't want to find out if it actually clean parts are completely delusional here that's not pristine you got to hose it off should I touch this no no get a rag too late I totally burned my finger tips in that amount of time I know but see much cleaner is right there it proves it works not bad what happens if you scrub it doesn't take any of the rust off but we'll take all the grease the fact that these weeds they're still growing pretty much proves there's nothing wrong with it you ever realize that you actually have well water yeah pretty well going your point is it appears the Dulcich's concoction worked the grease hosed off and we have a lot of grinding to do you want to just tune out for a while we clean up the pressure Steve's pressure washer is neither that's not road kill the little too good for us feel like a Star Wars character this is a brush along with what it's going to do with this gonna put a new surface into cylinders basically holding out the war is very likely what I'm using here is a diesel fuel that's my lubricant and it also helps clean up the slag grit and debris while we're owning this thing out it's a cheap and quick way to resurface the cylinder for this kind of overall this front cam bearing is absolutely destroyed and I've called a bunch of people locally we can't get one till tomorrow but if we don't get one till tomorrow we're never gonna get this finished and back in the car by tomorrow I think we're just assembling it we are just totally screwed on this one let's give up and just call it good enough but all else fails just decide that it's fine what time is it it's time this thing should have already been assembled for 4:45 Saturday evening in a perfect world you would have this professionally polished at a minimum in our world for slapping it back to get there it's not gonna be any worse than it was before but for the parts that are terrible this motor is pretty good that his taper and piston ring compressor which is pretty cool it's tapered like this when you push the piston down it squeezes the rings in so it will go in the hole its pretty cool square smack it do you want to submerged the lifters do you have a pre luber no you don't have a pre luber for a Ford it's called starting motor wow we're really going to that level I have to point out you realize that we spent more time on cosmetics than we did on things like oh that destroyed camp bearing a broken cam plate or not very good crank journals well it looks good on the positive I was a really really optimistic yesterday when we got the engine out of the car and completely torn apart and got some progress and then things just started to go downhill sometime in the middle of the day and then the next thing you know you're standing here at 10:30 at night with zip ties forming an extension on your dial indicator so that you can try and top dead center from the underside of the motor now we've got a bunch more junk to button up on this thing when we come back tomorrow will finish off whatever is left and drop in a car fired up and get out of here Sunday morning now we were here till 2:30 in the morning last night doing all sorts of little detailee stuff that was pretty boring don't worry you didn't miss anything right now we're gonna slam the intake manifold on it and the valve covers which will cap off the motor we gotta get it off the stand for the clutch on it and then slam in the car and fired right up coming down coming down coming down what pop right in place installed boom BAM boom boom also Dulcich has a new catch phrase is boom look at that doesn't just put a tear in your eye here that was almost too easy what's going to happen when they didn't really put up a fight did it no but something's gonna happen now there'll be some reason we have to take it back out all the three left now is exhausted carburetor spark plug wire alternator how long the cardboard was I know I was expecting much more I just wrapped up the flawless and time-consuming spark plug wire installation which reminded me to give you the road kill garage zip time moment now I've surprised every time I do that's how many people have not seen how to make a spark plug wire separator with zip ties so I'm gonna show you what to do first thing is getting nice in order you're gonna put one of them here and then simply slide zip tie in between each wire you gotta keep all of the zip tie tails on the underside so that they can't be seen those little things that count when you're building garbage so once you have all of them in loose like this now is your opportunity to make sure all the wires are exactly where you need to be and then tighten each individual's that tie-in between the wires first once you're done with all the individual ones you can tighten up overall snip the tails off and bam lawless plug wire separator zip ties for virtually free look at that list fan done plug wires done alright wiring harness working on it almost done almost done OK turn the key this will be the very first fire and we do need to rev it up break the cam in but I'm thinking the timings probably questionable you could sure doesn't work what do I don't know are there to starter bolt holes sets in the wrong one did you get the right diameter flywheel we never even looked at that that would suck the old clutch was eleven inches that's the problem that blows Freiburger you got to be kidding me that flywheel is way bigger than one that we put on there that is this that was the stupidest thing ever is over there is no salvation now it whatsoever we're going to try and push start it in here and we're gonna have to tow it who stop debacle it's a month later does that surprise you even a little bit I don't think so since the last time you saw it here trying to drag start the car out front which was complete redneck butchery we've actually put this thing together pretty right we made sure we had power to the ignition said the ignition timing fixed a massive fuel leak that I'm glad we didn't burn ourselves to the ground last time and we've got gas and the carburetor so it's gonna fire right upright well yeah you got the right size flywheel and at this time I think so yeah you would make that mistake twice runs good and sounds terrible but that's not gonna stop us from driving it the radiator leaked really really bad fortunately it didn't over heat trying to c-clamp it together so it'll hold water long enough to do burnouts for your entertainment out of gas on the side of the road a perfect way to end the very first episode of roadkill garage check us out every single month on motor trend on demand dot com sometimes will be working on roadkill cars doing some crazy stuff getting stranded hit by garbage trucks I was wondering if we should stop that guy to give us a ride to the gas station be perfect but we're gonna go do that well you come back into its next month on motor trend on demand dot com so there was our pilot episode of roadkill garage there's another episode that up on motor trend on demand right now we're about to show you a teaser of that but remember Motor Trend on Demand as a whole lot more stuff there's live Motorsports old movies all TV shows it's like Netflix for car guys but most importantly it's got roadkill and roadkill garage here's the teaser of our next episode this time on roadkill garage we're gonna run elevens with the crop duster or die trying to piece of cake the dying part I mean there's a new episode of roadkill garage right now Motor Trend on Demand dot com that's all you got to try and push again ok back me back up for some reason there's no second gear you're kidding me that since I can so I would just wasted a whole push ok I'll try it
Channel: MotorTrend Channel
Views: 3,621,534
Rating: 4.7221804 out of 5
Keywords: Roadkill, Road kill, Roadkill garage, Motor trend, Motortrend, Hot rod, Hotrod, Episode, Show, Video, Pilot, MotorTrendOnDemand, Motor trend on demand, 1967 Mercury cougar, 67 cougar, 68 cougar, 351 Cleveland, Cleveland, Ford, Engine swap, Engine rebuild, Overhaul, Dingle-ball hone, Cheap, Inexpensive, Garage, David Freiburger, Steve Dulcich
Id: 55TY4fuJCTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2016
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