1,000 HP 'Vicious' 1965 Ford Mustang - Jay Leno's Garage

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[Music] one the episode of Jalen's garage today's featured vehicle 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback so far from stock that it's hilarious this is exactly the kind of car it just gets the comments section going some people love it to somebody else is serious one time we had the ring brothers here remember they had a Mustang with a Chevy engine and that's it I am not watching it show anymore I will not put up with the people furious so I love things that garner controversy and this will be a controversial car it's built by timeless customs right here in Southern California Jason the Pesa ganas am I saying that right Jason that's correct come on in how are you good to see you my Jenn I see a beautiful build so tell me the story behind this here this started out as what started as a 65 Mustang coupe tried six-cylinder car a six don't look car okay very original very clean right very little rust okay and then we tore it down to the cow yeah wow you obviously put a fastback roof on it car the cars been changed from coupe to a fastback all Dyna corn sheetmetal pretty much like I said from the Cal and the a-pillar everything else is this is probably those controversial aspect of the car completely here could be I'm still trying to decide whether it works for me or not like I can't decide I mean obviously the build quality and everything is unbelievable and it's pretty low to the ground does it rise up at all that's not that's right that's right I what folder do you have this is a 5.1 liter coyote in it okay so we're Ford Motor anyone modern enough or do you got apology I'm just a little I will never watch your show again if you ever put a Shelby here and okay let's do the basics brakes look pretty impressive look so car is called what the vicious a vicious vicious okay yes it's got fifteen and a half inch Brembo carbon ceramic brakes on it Wow the motors a 5-1 all alloy illuminator ford motor it has a set of 68 millimeter precision turbos on it and then it has a Magnuson 2.3 liter supercharger on it as well so it's compound boosted okay so you have to turbochargers and a supercharger echt and what kind of horsepower we talking we just made a thousand wheel horsepower thousand at the wheel that seems to be the new mark I think so you know when I was a kid that was unattainable I mean for 27 was the end of the world right when the bugatti veyron came along with a thousand horsepower okay and you have obviously not using a Tremec or a manual box you have a paddle shifter the car has a Nemco 6-speed sequential box in it it's air shifted shifted very quickly how many to be six feet six feet okay it's fully independent suspension so it has a Morrison front clip and it was c7 Corvette front suspension and the rear is there IRS this is based on your Camaro and how long does it build like this tape we built this car in nine months start to finish oh okay there's 10,000 hours in the car 10,000 hours Wow yeah okay even at two bucks an hour it's expensive the car right oh yeah and now what do we have here am i looking at carbon fiber and we're looking at steel wool car steel oh it is all set so it's all steel car okay even wood even the hood and the aesthetics are really based on the functionality of the car you commented about the fender flares and the only reason they're there is to accommodate the track width of the car and the suspension and the bullets on top of the fenders these are because the turbochargers blow up into a boost tube and blow down to the top of the fender and then into the front mount area intercoolers okay so everything's functional these are the air boxes for the turbochargers themselves oh I see and this is this is for your waist gain one it's just let allow hump the high-pressure out the stretcher out okay interesting why steel because a lot of times I see guys will go with you know the carbon fiber front ends why a choice of Steel over covering five or even fiberglass you know we wanted to build a street car and we fabricate for a living with our hands so we wanted to do the car out of steel or aluminum you everything on the car stealer of aluminum we took into consideration the gauge thickness and everything so we try to minimum mentalize the gate the actual gauge size to make the car as light as possible and how many millimeters are we talking well all the sheet metal is either 19 or 20 okay and then all the alloy is I'd say about 16 gauge I remember when the first Lamborghini your is the first couple made they were so sad people go like this they leave a handprint the car then they went to the whole thicker-gauge but just seems so pretty strong so and what is the car way any idea thirty four hundred and fifty pounds dry ok so that's about yeah that's pretty good that's an honest wait how is get people come by as about eighteen hundred no it's not it's not eighteen hundred it's got to be at least so I appreciate that and what wheels are the hump what size wheels I'm a nice so the front is a nineteen by twelve and the rear is a nineteen by fortune okay nineteen is about as big as I like to go on a street that you know these twenty-twos you had a pothole bang and your wheels got a real short tire on yeah yeah it's not enough tire and the interior is a triple evil look at that I mean that is red yeah that is a lipstick Marilyn Monroe look at me renter you got a believable but it works it works these seats are very nice what are they there's parkas okay now was that do you start with their basic like tub and then you upholster manage yes that is a pro mm tub and they've been upholstered by us correct okay and the gauge package is was so the car has full motek in it with all the wiring all the PDMS all the controllers all no tech call so that's their that's their display now explain what you mean by motor so Motech is a wire is is a company that builds not only electronics but they also have their style of connector so all the all the wiring in the cars is wired like an aircraft it's all very very small thin wire like I've got a little loan in salon over there what we use we use the speedometer is satellite so you pull out of the garage and you just reading zero it takes about 30 seconds to a minute and then once it connects with the satellite the nice thing is you're not running you want it's not run any cable it keeps it extremely light but that's not what this is this is that's not this op distributor no it's all well there's no distributor B I mean yeah I'm not too sure but off ignition correct a yet yes yeah and the steering wheel is what it's a spark Oh as well okay all right wow the car runs on e85 the reason it does that is because we ran 26 pounds of boost for the most part of it all the time you run pure b85 from the pump Wow and Tsar enough enough for those pumps around so for you you know it's not bad the good thing is is obviously you can get away with some substantial boost pressure yeah and they all the other good thing is it's about two dollars a gallon so it beats race gas all day long is that all it is two dollars a gallon yeah it's very inexpensive oh wow yeah yeah you know I I've got a lot of old cars and I have a problem with the ethanol just eats through it does lying to each through the early pot metal I mean it just it's very corrosive it's like a nightmare but in this obviously using all what stainless steel and so all our all our fuel system is done either in stainless steel or a Teflon coated to hose and then the fuel system and everything that's or the actual tank anything that's alloy has been hard anodized and this is our door pull right here that is our door pull correct okay so can you not lock the car the car does lock okay it'll just it'll override the door pull oh I see and how do you lock it with a remote I would remote fob okay cool can we look under the hood course please here now that looks extremely like the way you just lifted that it's not bad Wow boy that's a nice looking package I like this with no no guard on it it's kind of cool you guess it like that I like to open the hood and see things moving around you know I hate these cars open up and if I didn't hear the audio I wouldn't know it was running you know so most people what they miss about the fact that this car is is when they see this it's it's very simplistic but there is a set of turbo chargers back here so you kind of have to look back here and see the headers and where the turbos are are plumb but the turbochargers are sitting back there in the fenders so you're back in in here look back yeah back under here about at the airbox okay and like I said there's a boost to that runs up the top of these down into the front mount intercooler and then it runs to the front of the nose up and do a single up into the supercharger I would love to put this on the lift later can we do this so people can see underneath because that's where Wow and boy beautiful detail on the motor here this is this is all very nice thank you is this your piece or this a Ford piece that's a factory Ford people anymore okay so this I like that and what do we have there with that so these are the these are the reservoirs and all the adjustability for the triple adjustable shocks oh my god okay Wow look how small they are that's amazing very nice and come back and then all your heat comes out here off yeah we vented everything through the hood try to keep the intro part meniscus possible everybody want just standard coolant in it it does just got something distilled water in it water way yeah and what have you done to the motor piston crank so the block started as it is a 350 our block right and then we sent it out we had a dart and sleeved so we put a steel liner in the block it has a manly rod and piston in it it's got a factory forged cord crank in it the CNC heads are from the new our program as well so this is a 2015 ish 350 our motor correct it's a great motive to me this is the greatest motor since the small-block Chevy so this motor does not have the flat crankshaft in it oh it doesn't no at this power level we chose to stay with the standard okay so this is not flat crane and what's your rev limit on 9,000 rpm oh you can still go to 9 grand ok because I know I've got this motor in my 350 it runs great you hit 6 grand you think you're at it oh no I still got 2500 more to go I mean yeah it's a brilliant brilliant motor Wow now will it run on pump gas 2 or strictly 85 so yes we have a part of the motek as it has a computer in the trunk and if you do change the fuel in it the computer will compensate for it oh you're not to switch anything over it sends it oh that's pretty good so you don't get stuck you do not get stuck I tracked down a farmer hello it'll run on 91 my time is corn crop comes in and you're waiting around they turned that into ethanol and as you can see that's how you're going to grow really exactly Wow and just all the fittings so how do you do this do you sketch it out on paper show the owner what your dream what your idea is you just kind of start working and build it and show them as you go on how does that work so Chris we had built another car for him it was another fastback and it was it was very simply simply and tastefully modified right and after we finished that car we decided that this one would be everything but look so so it's not tasteful so this car has no taste what's up let's hilarious this car is an exercise in and performance for us yeah I mean to me this is the kind of detail I like where everything looks this looks factory looks better than the factory actually thank you just a way to check your fluids here so this one is well that would be power steering power steering and that one intercooler overflow the intercooler that's the water for the heat exchanger of the supercharger very good the car has oil has an oil cooler with its own fan it has transmission and power steering cooler over here with its own fan so every system is very redundant and these are nicely done the those are our friends the ring brothers provided those boys they were normal yeah boys we've had we'll burn our hole the ring brothers on here many times they're there funny guys nice guys you know so funny I was gonna say I don't want to say it looks like a ring brothers thing but that's it is so you guys all that's run rocks eat each other y'all talk to one they're great guys yeah no they're great guys they're a lot of fun there are a lot of fun ok let's see we can close the hood again okay let's uh let's go around to the back of the vehicle let's take a look back here I like to rear taillights I like the tip of the hat to the 65 Mustang it's kind of cool thank you black them out instead of these were here but chrome and the Mustang correct correct very nicely done and center exhaust and big diffuser down there got your Mustang black plain can we open the trunk sure okay you and the wife are not going on vacation in this car okay you're not gonna get a lot of shoes and a lot of winter clothes or anything in here know how many gallon tank we talks 26 gallons wow that's pretty good size this is your dry sump for your oil correct quick question when you're running 85 you use a different oil because you standard we do this we're running the car in a Brad pan race oil 2050 in the car right now we do change a little way more consistently because of the e85 right because it saturates and sets it does get into the fuel yeah so we do find ourself changing the oil more often now most of these modern engines tend to run 0:40 you know 543 sin but that's just for environmental reasons isn't it mostly anything else does it is it 2052 sick for a motor with this type of tolerances apparently not I I guess not I mean yeah seems to work pretty good yeah for what we're doing and and you know when you make a thousand wheel horsepower you're asking a lot of that oil yeah yeah so we're very happy with it and how many gallons that's pretty good side I think we run about eight gallons of oil and capacity while reserve eight gallons not I'm sorry a quart yeah thatthat substantial difference right yeah and then we've got a gallon of air that shifts our transmission Horace so we have a compressor that run it pumps this up correct okay and what is that there so that's the computer that senses the fuel so if this car was to be driven somewhere and we couldn't find any 85 all right that computer right there the owner could fill the car with ninety one pump and that computer right there will tell the car that it has ninety one pump in it it will go to a ninety one pump octane tune now when you're going down the road and it suddenly switches do you get it does the car hesitate is it does it hunt to try and find a car loan hunters it's seamless you don't even realize it you knows you have less power correct you won't even notice it but it will go to a less power - okay I wonder what the saturation point is 20 so I wonder how many gallons of with 10 gallons of gas against 50 you know you know usually when we're doing that we're so low yes we want to keep the car in 1885 right so if you were at that point I think you would be down to a point where it would have a very minimal amount of e85 in here well I mean the level of workmanship is pretty pretty incredible that's heavier than I thought it would be yeah we don't have any spring in it right now at all oh well just is this a stock for this okay is it really that heavy it's amazing yeah if I say 35 pounds huh yeah yeah just everything else is so light it throws you you know now is the body itself wider than a standard Mustang no you just just offend your welder flares correct there's so much of it as an illusion and that is that the stock piece of glass it is it's just that it's flush now it's been flush mounted yeah so that it appears larger than that yeah do you run air conditioning in the car it doesn't it has heat and defrost don't eat the fries okay there you go you got your fire system in there well it's pretty impressive it's it's it's pretty good it's something I can't wait to read the comment no people get so snarky this is a definite comment car well you know the good thing about it is when you see the level of work you can appreciate it if it was if it was badly done I would say I didn't like it but now it grows on you is you go okay get okay I'm just not used to seeing a Mustang with that wide a flare on it how many how much so that flares five inches in the rear and about three and a half up front okay yeah well and what we are into you run on this so this is an Art Morrison IRS it's based on like a 2010 up Camaro okay and what's the gear ratio the red you know that's three sevens in it right now all three salmon okay that's a nice sense a nice compromise even 375 got more than aqua whore you could probably go to 323 visits um three o's yeah three us yeah and what kind of mine would you get with the 85 it's not great in it so we that's a bad sign they go well we're not looking for mileage here yeah yeah yeah you know 85 you're gonna use about thirty percent more of it just by volume anyways right so you have that to think about but I'd say this car realistically maybe make 15 miles a gallon cruise I have no idea what that's beautiful my wife right honey it's getting it's only two dollars a gallon see and it's 15 miles per gallon and what do we got here this is is this a matte finish it is this is PPG global clear PPG that sounds like something I'd say it's a schoolyard Pittsburgh paint and glass is there a PPG just sounds there you go sounds dirty it's is don't show me a PPG okay that's just keep that I'll keep that covered okay so and in what color is it again hood so this is vicious silver this is a custom mix okay so you had this mix for the car we did and how many syllables did go through can you find the one you like it I always find that kind of stuff fascinating this car was supposed to be believed in about a week and a half before we got ready to paint it we decided that the lines just wouldn't show up in blue the way they do now yeah no it looks good in this color so I like the stripes thank you the windows electric I mean they're not they're manual all the manual and you want to keep some of the old money gang stuff yeah can you want to save money now to keep the weight out of ours here you wanted England that's funny I shot the hand wine probably weighs more than electric motor these days you know it could what you do mechanism in all your area in centre lock wheel yeah those are made for from forged line for us it's a vicious wheel well it's pretty amazing we fire it up we put it up on the lift and see what it looks like please let's do it you know it's rainy here today in LA and this we didn't get any benefit out of driving this thing of the rain but we're going to show you what the underside looks like as well so that that's pretty impressive fire it up let's see excellent this is not a car you give the valet ok yeah give a little prod Angela so we have a clutch - we do have a clutch to start and stop the car okay so you just use your clutch to pull away in first and then the paddle shifters okay you got it that's interesting okay because I was thinking pure automatic you know oh that's kind of cool this is more of a race style box right right right well let's put it up in the air and see what you looks like underneath see if it's good underneath it is on top okay we got it up on our sterile kony lift here yet you know whatever guys come to the shop not impressed by what working on they just love these lifts and and a pretty mate aren't they pretty man he's going I like these lifts yeah yeah how about some bodies but anyway we got it up in the air so you can see what it look this is where the real proof of how good a bad a build is you know a lot of guys don't put it up on the lift could you see that Midas muffler thing there with a bad clamp you know this is a beautifully I mean it's just pretty on the bottom it is on the top I mean it's just it's unbelievable what finishes is here on here so that's a that's like a bed undercoat all right bedliner okay you should borrow urethane it's just so nicely done that it doesn't seem like it like that but it's basically like a powder coating or another coat it's just a two-part urethane it's pretty high pressure okay very cool and what do we have here okay some Magnaflow recycle resonators just the way she's all put together it's so beautifully done I'm trying to find something that haters can jump on here but I can't find anything excellent and let's see we got I mean I just like each nut has the same number of threads showing that's that's how you know how serious we are yeah yeah same thing here and this rap works really well doesn't it I like this movie route yes I would say their rapid keeps the heat out of the vehicle too this is no this little tiny filter here does it all wow that's your whole aura feel so a filter correct Wow and you got you dry some runs to the back so we actually run it through the through stainless hard line all the way okay all these are all coolers yes we have an oil cooler we got two right we have a trans and I transit are sitting over there yeah that's pretty cool now is this as it's got a fan of a fan okay fans yeah this is what we did on my old three litre bentley with the eat lien range in it there wasn't it's too much motor for the front radio so we lined the bottom we didn't do as an extra job with this unfortunately if you did here but it's beautifully done and what kind of butcher these polyurethane bushes are today that's a c7 control arm and we went ahead and we pulled the stock bushing out and put a new set of energy suspension Paul Yura they squeak no not it okay I mean the old they used to me it's like walking with tennis shoes on it's beautifully done but I mean even the bottom here is a bottom of the a arm here is what's that on there what does that fit so that's a c7 arm so it is a cast aluminum are also so it's a first Corvette hollow arm okay it's a real lightweight arm so you got Corvette parts I know dang ok this it's gonna cause some problems oxygen sensor there I got headers it has independent eg T's on each on each tube as well for the motek and what gearbox was this again this is an emka I'm go we've never used them I'm not familiar with them it's a pretty fantastic box yeah on it mostly in road racing in Grand Am car so it's okay for a heavy car yeah for a car that makes a lot of power no it's obviously straight aluminum case yes okay it's a build a case of the Wow section Center for still diad clutch in it it doesn't get much better than this it's a real top of the line build and whether you like to design you don't like the color that's not the point of it the point is it is just impeccably done and that's the amazing really a really the amazing amazing part the number of times people bring their car we put up a lift and I see hardware store bolts and stuff like that and you know they go man but this is uh this is real real top-of-the-line nicely done and you did it in nine months that's what I'm most proud of yeah shop built this car from start to finish from from a thought so how come on some of the TV shows they do it over a weekend I wasn't you know it's amazing Oh Jason thank you very much for bringing this by it really is impressive Thank You Jay okay appreciate it hope you guys enjoyed seeing the top and bottom of this car we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 3,519,337
Rating: 4.8486962 out of 5
Keywords: Ford, Mustang, Vicious, Jay, Lenos, Timeless, Kustoms, Garage, Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, car reviews, compares cars, classic cars, vintage cars, sports cars, super cars, cars, car gear, McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder, Camaro Z28, jay leno garage, jay lenos garage, car collection, cnbc, episode, motorcycle, ford, corvette, tour, dodge, lexus
Id: gvAqEGbkx5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2017
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