WOW Horde How to Level an Alt Army - Horde Garrison Guide

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what's up gaming heroes welcome back to another awesome world of warcraft video this is one of two videos i'm doing both an alliance and a separate hoard video this is just to make it easier for people to search it online you know when people are looking how to build your garrison for horde how to build your garrison for alliance and i just want to separate them and make it easier for people to find them effectively what we're going to be doing is breaking down the process of creating a new character getting it over to all of the adrenal getting the garrison fully set up and then discussing some tips for you know xp alt leveling and just leveling using the garrison if you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comment section below and i will try to address them in a future video please remember if you found this video useful hit the like button and lastly everything in this guide is over on my patreon where i've spent over 10 hours working on specific guides for this leveling strategy if you do want to support me everything in this video is over there in written format much easier for you to read if you so wish thanks so much to the huge amount of support i've been getting on patreon but without further ado let's get into the video alright so it is worth noting that i'd sped this up to 150 percent i've gone for the mage just because personally i actually find the majors the quickest character that i personally found to get you know to this to the to this garrison leveling point in in the fastest way possible mostly because they're just so efficient at killing things oh there is an argument to say that you know death knight is is a little bit quicker probably is because you know you get the 100 mount speed uh the second you create your character because you're considered a hero class so a couple little things i'm doing that a lot of people ask in the comment section below is how do i get my character set up so quickly i use presets to do this so uh i'll explain that a little bit more in a minute but i just want to show you quickly i use this mailbox here because i've already set myself 100 gold and i've sent all my gear instead of having to create all the heirlooms uh i'm just you know send it across free preparation is everything when it comes to like speed running things and stuff like that so i send myself 100 gold you don't need to send yourself 100 gold uh you will need i believe it is 10 gold to make your barracks but that's it i like to just send that straight over so here's the preset boom bang ping i'm just copying a preset so i clicked bartender four i right clicked that i went down to presets and then i clicked copy from erifam and that's my alt and it just copies their profile over to this character and makes it nice and easy to use now it's worth noting i created my character and because i created an allied race i started in ograma i spoke to chromie and i put myself on the iron horde the walls adrenal campaign now what i'm doing right here is just doing the exact same thing for my sexy maps i just right clicked my map and then i clicked preset and i right clicked copy from errorfam and it just copies everything across from my previous alt which just makes things so much easier and it's just an intelligent decision to make when you're trying to do all your add-ons why sit there and try and configure each character individually it takes too long use presets really important moment here guys is abandon your quest before you go through the portal this will save you the time of having to do the starting campaign it is worth noting that if you do the starting campaign it is four levels of xp so it is you know great to do you get tons of experience and you you're further ahead in that campaign for your garrison and you might even be able to build your your garrison level two a little bit quicker it really depends on if you complete everything and uh and you're lucky to have it like that so at this point we've uh we've skipped the starting campaign because i abandoned the quest to speak to kataka before going through the portal we arrived straight in for us fire ridge and we're just we're just following up the mountain with durotan and we're going to open up the portal to oklahoma which will allow all of our future garrison you know uh followers and workers to to start on our garrison it is worth noting that the horde do have to run just slightly further than the alliance uh but it does make up for it in in other aspects where you know quest givers will give their quest a little bit quicker you know that that type of stuff which is is pretty interesting now the previous time that i did this i actually i went and you know found each of the secret resources for my garrison in this video i actually don't do that because you don't really need to it's more of just a habit for me when i create a character and we're going through i like to just get all the extra resources because it's free and easy xp but you realistically you don't actually need to so i'm running this so i'm just getting the getting the job done so to speak now the quest that we're going to get in a minute is to kill the gronlings and to cut down i believe eight trees the groundings can be really annoying because if someone else is doing it there's not enough gruntlings for two people to do it you have to wait for something to respawn so i did make a little cut here because there was two people doing it so it did take me like an an extra three minutes where it really shouldn't have but you know that's just because i was doing this at a busy time and and it is what it is really so i just getting those gruntlings killed the the trees are kind of annoying it doesn't do this with the alliance if you cut the trees down all the trees down they all fall over so you're best off actually leaving you know seven trees and then killing all your groundlings and then doing your last tree at the end to avoid the trees all falling down just make it easier to spot more groundlings all right we're gonna hand these bad boys in boom bang ping and now we need to go kill the elite he looks like he's got loads of help but don't worry you get loads of help from thrall and your other followers with killing this guy all right we're gonna open up and skog over here let's kill him take him down and not boom boom boom wow we did a lot of damage considering like new year's in late kind of beast look at that so there is like some secret uh garrison treasure in that water there's like an underwater cave so if you did want to like find that secret garrison treasure it will give you a little bit of extra xp if you wanted to but it's not something i i personally bother with uh in this video great so now we're going to build our garrison level one which is uh just clicking this thing over here a bit weird really there's done like this but oh well there we go it's all built excellent now let's go grab our three quests we need three quests we'll need to get the peons back to work then we will need to collect a bunch of wreckage or salvage that's it salvage 10 salvage and then we need to kill a big boy there we go so we've got that usually here i do go speak to the the first worker uh outside the left side and get the peons back to work in that way but i decided not to do it this time and i thought i'd do it afterwards which is not really a problem now for this quest as a mage i like to just jump from here because i use slow fall and that'll just take me straight across nice and easy you can get the achievement which is uh going down i'm not doing it for the achievement but hey you're not going to complain so the way to do this the quickest way so usually if i wasn't doing the quick way i'd go straight to that tower which is straight ahead and at the top of the tower as a treasure and i'd collect that treasure then slow fall across to the uh to the other ridge find the other tower collect the trash from the top of the tower this just gives you additional xp it's quite a lot of xp you get from treasures as well and if you've got like you know heirlooms and you've got rested xp it can be extra like decent to do which is pretty cool all right so now we're just literally going through this cave because this cave has enough a treasure and enough mobs to kill that it's like you you get everything you need for this quest from here and it's just as easy as killing this stuff now as horde i choose to hearthstone from here just because uh horde have like these weird like uh levels you know like height levels and i don't like that so i just i chose to uh the hearthstone at the the highest lowest uh level there we go boom all right everything's dead now hearthstone away i forgot to put my hearthstone on my bars bit of a silly mistake but i can work on that in future speed runs of this all right now let's hand in these these quests oh i need to hand i need to get these peons back to work over here as well boom get back to work done lovely jubbly and we're handing all these quests now super now it's going to be about building our barracks we're going to need to build our barracks so we need to collect our barracks plans beautiful then mount up go straight back and then right click the barracks plan learn that now this is where you would need the 10 gold typically 10 gold 150 resources or is it just 50 resources i think it was just 50 resources can't remember but oh well now i'm just waiting for for this goblin to get a shift on come on mate go over here okay beautiful all right and that that's as easy as it can get really just hand in the quest and now we need to recruit our first follower uh first follower is trapped out in the wilderness so we need to go help him so that's what we're gonna do level 12 ding dong let's go uh so yeah our first follower is trapped out as i say if you did want to get uh some more garrison resources at this point there are two loads of garrison resources and there's one just to the three to the right of me right now and there's another you know scattered around the outside of the garrison you'll find if you just run around the walls it's quite easy to see but again that's additional xp and additional gas and resources if that's something you want a good add-on to find those is handy notes draenor and that will just show you everything that you kind of need for your resources and this is easy at this point as just jumping in there getting him down mr olive on behind and then simply running back unfortunately we don't have our hearthstone anymore so we're going to run it back but it's an easy run from this direction it's not as easy if you're going from the cave because you know you don't have a mount to get out of the cave and then you get to the end of the cave and you have to run all the way around and up i find that really inconvenient so that's why i used my hearthstone earlier now if any of you are wondering what's this this weird like you know markings on the left side of my screen that's actually a cards of omens uh weak auras and basically when i'm flipping cards moments which is something you can make in the garrison later on when we do the garrison gold guide uh when you're flipping it it will basically show you what cards you get and you know what they're worth without you having to look into your bags so it's quite convenient for me in that regard so i just leave it on all the time and it's kind of faded out and it only shows when i'm actually in the garrison it fades out completely when i'm not and then go hand it in now it's time to do our mission mapping that would be the the speed run complete there but i actually like to go to ashran and make my appearance in ashran because you get two followers from ashran so i actually learned something from some of the you guys actually in the comments section recently you guys told me that you can get an additional follower from stormshield ashram on both horde and alliance and see i knew you already got one from doing the quest to get you know the the epic follower or the rare follower but you can also get the panda which is fenshau and we're going to get fenchow in just a minute this is really helpful when you've got no followers and later on when you do um when you do have like loads of followers you can get rid of fence shower if you wanted to i have actually found that i've actually got really lucky on one of my characters and fenchow got extreme scavenger as one of his traits which is like insanely lucky for a level uh you know 13 to get so that's what we're doing it's just completing this quest we've already recruited friendship as a follower it's as easy as clicking to it on him and like learning a little bit about the story and then saying yes i i'm happy for you to join our cause and he becomes your follower easy peasy double lemon squeezy all right hand that in lovely and now we need to go and uh do two things hand this quest in uh which will recruit our you know rare or epic follower it can be either really um it can even be green and then we need to learn architecture uh not architecture what my own about archaeology there we go we got a vivian the epic follower i completely forgot what she was called on horde because i'm so used to alliance okay and then we have to find the archaeology trainer it's just in here now we're gonna learn all of the archaeology just because this will unlock additional missions in the garrison which will give us potentially a lot more gold like such as the treasure maps which you can sell to vendors for 100 gold don't learn the treasure maps all the missions won't proc again for you and you'll uh you'll kick yourself for uh for having done that now gotta bear in mind we have no garrison hearthstone at this point so you've got two options either log out and then log back in later on or you can just fly back like i'm gonna do right now but one two three boom were there look at that how did i fly that quickly that's incredible honestly that was incredible that speed of flying rose how do you fly so far so fast you're you're so awesome just joking guys so that's actually an archaeology mission and you can see fenchow um isn't getting sent on a mission and that that's fine because we need to complete the first mission in order to unlock more missions so here i am on different alts and basically just displaying you know what it is and how i choose missions so that's a 10 hour mission i've got choice of a 10 hour mission or doing like a 45 mission and there's 200 xp difference why would i choose 10 hours for 200 difference xp that's crazy so i'll choose a 45 minute mission over a 10 hour mission and this gives me a higher chance of procking uh purple xp missions so a lot of people say to me erosion i don't get any purple xp missions that's fine do the other missions and it will give you a higher chance of procking the purple xp missions you're not always going to get purple xp missions the best thing you can do is choose the missions which offer you the quickest uh finish completion time and then you've got a higher chance of procking additional missions this will give you a better chance of making gold a better chance of getting the xp missions loads different things so here i get pretty lucky i get two of those which is awesome and at this point i'm just like yeah xp four days my bro four days look at that nice and easy i can check in an hour and do some more and this is absolutely a fantastic strategy the only downfall at all to this strategy is the login log out timers and uh if you are having any problems with logging in in terms of like you're taking ages put your your world of warcraft on an ssd uh ssds just a faster hard drives and in general much faster and better to use uh so this is trial and charles just needs to quickly learn fenchow as a follower there we go lovely jubbly got an epic follower is this the one where i got the um the extreme scavenger i can't remember if it was but i got really lucky with one of my characters we failed an xp mission so a bit of a gutter but i'm not going to do a 10 hour mission when i can do a you know one hour mission uh and just be able to check it again later on just makes it so much easier to to go through and and do things why do those 10 hour missions that you know aren't 100 when you can just go do the shorter missions and get way more experience in the long run are we gonna be successful no 54 and you're gonna fail me that's so rude so yeah guys this is exactly all you have to do as you're leveling is just keep completing these missions and at this point now you've got your garrison set up it's just as easy as log in complete emissions and just keep proc in those xp missions keep procking those treasure maps easy peasy boom bang ping now level 35 go ahead and complete your luna fall in i think it's called frostwolf in uh for horde but complete you're you're in get it to level two and now that will allow you to start recruiting followers you want to start recruiting extreme followers extreme scavengers at that point which is a trait and that will allow you to gain additional resources from your garrison at level 40 learn your garrison level 3 that will also give you access to additional buildings and the buildings that i typically build for the gold making is the storehouse level three this uh these the inscription building level three and then the salvage yard the salvage yard does require a quest line that you need to complete over in spies of iraq so if you do want to look at that go to surprise rack and you'll see at the goblin town uh basically the start of that quest line it will unlock an additional follower and it will also get you the salvage yard on that character you have to do on every single character the reason i like to get the salvage yard is because i basically make a lot of gold from using the mission table and the mission table when you've got a salvage yard will give you additional treasures from wallace adrenal you can open those in the salvage yard from every successful mission you get you can have a chance of getting additional salvage this will give you things like garrison resources uh transmogs and heck it will give you loads of trade goods from walnut adrenal you get so much awesome stuff additionally if you want to upgrade your followers there are a couple of things you can do to speed this up when they get to when your followers get to level 40 you this is where you start to enter the stage of giving them armor and weapon upgrades to increase the item level you've got a couple options if you say say you're level 40 you can build yourself a say a level 35 you can build yourself a barracks uh barracks level two and that will allow you to basically fulfill work orders which will give you weapon and armor upgrades or you can get you know weapon armor upgrades from doing missions or additionally you can buy them from the auction house which is you know the arms of the frozen hero they're quite cheap and they give you 50 item levels for both armor and weaponry on that character that you use it on so you use it on a follower they get 50 item levels super easy they're getting you know to be upgraded very very quickly if you've got some gold burner in your pocket just use it on those arms of the frozen hero really really good to use those basically all right guys i really hope that you found this video useful if you've got any questions please feel free to ask in the comment section below i'll see you next time and if you're an alliance player uh the next video will be alliance as well thanks for watching this is erosium out remember if you want to check out any of these guides i have that i've got basically a garrison gold making guide i've got a garrison leveling guide i've got a tsm uh strings where you can use all my tsm strings that for crafting everything like that i've even got a i've even got a gold guide a general gold guide as well which i have on my you know my most secret tips that i don't share on youtube and there are another places like that over my patreon so if you do want to support me links in the description thanks so much for everyone who is supporting so far really appreciate you watching goodbye this is erosium out [Music]
Channel: Erosium
Views: 1,448
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, leveling, warlords of draenor, world of warcraft leveling guide, world of warcraft guide to leveling, wow leveling, wow leveling guide, garrison, wow how to setup garrison gold, leveling guide, world of warcraft (video game), world of warcraft garrisons, how to get gold in world of warcraft, wow how to level fast, WOW How to Level an Army of ALTS!, WOW Garrison Leveling Guide, wow horde garrison, horde garrison, horde garrison guide, horde garrison tutorial
Id: Nh5S-2mw3XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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