WOW Garrison Gold Setup Tutorial | WOW Garrison Passive Gold | Part 1

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what's up gaming heroes welcome back to another world of warcraft video in today's video we are going to be looking at a massively massively asked for video uh we're going to be looking at how you can start to earn gold in world of warcraft using your garrisons this is going to be covering right from the start all the way up to building an army of alts with loads of different garrisons so that you can make lots of gold now i've gone ahead and i kind of made some decisions ahead of schedule so i can make this easier for myself and potentially give you the advice that you guys might be appreciative of if you are starting out doing this so this is that that very first episode will be a multi-part series and in each video we'll be looking at a slightly different thing and anyone basically in the future who's looking to get into garrison gold making can start watching these videos and go from here all right so the first is first first thing you need to do is to analyze what realm you're going to be basically making your garrison army on okay so we're on silvermoon right now on my banking character and we're just gonna check the auction house this is it the biggest realm in eu okay the biggest realm in europe so this will give you a good indication as to how much it it like it is okay so 148 gold for hex weave bags this price has not changed on the auction house in over a month 148 gold this should be between 400 and 700 gold each it is a hype realm and i'm just gonna look at the bags again get a similar kind of like look at that and just work out how much things are let's go to my characters just here all right hex we back hex weave bag 485 gold okay so this has a much smaller market for hexweet bags it's still quite a low market what i would describe as a low market it's still quite lower than i would really want to but this amount of bags i could reset so this is the next step to the garrison gold making method once you've decided on a realm that you were going to play on you need to therefore go and create 10 characters so i say 10 you can create more if you want to but with 10 uh you should get enough gold from this garrison gold making method to pay for your wow token each month by far so definitely worth doing this if you are on top of this you can make more than your wow token with 10 characters okay now bear in mind 10 characters it doesn't take much work it's logging in for 30 seconds each day each character and then at the end of the week just doing all your crafting which is completely fine quite easy to do as well all right so what past that right we are just going to go ahead and create 10 characters now i suggest creating death knights the reason for that is if you're going to use heirlooms you can enchant one set of their looms and just keep sending across to each different character makes it nice and easy makes it really quick we're going to need to get these characters up to level 40 at some point so um i create 10 characters and death knights have 100 movement speed on their mount at level 10. so if you go as an allied race death knight you start at level 10 not level 8 and at level 10 you immediately have 100 mount speed instead of 60 it doesn't seem like a lot but makes a difference overall especially when you're having to level up 10 characters makes it nice and easy not just knowing your spec perfectly warlords of draenor there is a really quick and easy way to get to worlds adrenal and i'm going to show you that trick right now this is how you can get as many characters as possible to wallet adrenal without having to go through the long and arduous 45 minute quest chain just to get to the garrison section we're going to skip all that and get straight to the garrison section almost immediately the first step is get yourself over to chrome hello chromie can i please go to warlord's adrenal of course you can erosion just click the iron horde okay the next step is go over to the mage quarters okay we're at the mage quarters and we're going into the tower and we're gonna speak to the vanguard battle mage who's gonna teleport us to the badlands all right now this is the trick guys we've arrived at the badlands and simply open up your quest log see this quest here abandon it abandoning this quest will basically skip the whole quest chain to warlord's adrenal and it will allow you just to go straight through the portal and land straight at the beach next to valon which is exactly what we're gonna do right now so we've skipped that quest we're gonna climb up this hill and go straight through the portal and into the portal we go if we can ever get unstunned here straight through the portal and we have done the trick we've landed at the beach just here here's the prophet valen simply speak to the prophet get the quest and he should say okay please escort me up the hill okay at this point just simply meet the prophet at the top of the hill and we only have three quests that we have to complete at the top of this hill to unlock our garrison hello again profit plant the banner wait for the portal to release all of the alliance this is barros alexton and this is the guy you're going to be getting your quests from he's going to give you two quests right now kill birds and cut trees that's exactly what we're gonna do for the alive if you're marking your birds and cut trees turn around grab the first tree grab the first bird and just simply kill every single thing that lives breathes or moves in this area and it will make it nice and easy for you okay when the trees are cut and the birds are dead simply run back and hand the quest in okay now once these quests are handed in turn around and grab the quest from yuro you need to go kill kill you need to go kill quake fist right now ah there he is you've been summoned by the ebb and blade to die for your misdeeds now die quick fish die okay now quake this is dead so simply hand the question with this quest handed in we get the new quest which is to basically create your garrison and that's done nice and easy we did it it skipped the cut scene go straight over to baron alexton right here grab all the quests and make sure you grab all these reports right here we need to get the report from this assistant brightstone just here and then there's a report out here which we need to get from shelley as well and this will allow you to see garrison resources which is really important for what we're doing grab those resources just there and grab these garrison resources just here and the quest in and this will allow you to see garrison resources as they come in so every three days we simply come back to this little area here and we and we gather our 500 resources it's honestly that easy took me about six minutes to do and just think you can do this on as many characters as you like well up to 50 per account so if you do this on 50 characters you will end up with a huge amount of gold coming in per week now guys that has been my first step in the gold making journey of the garrison gold in part two which is the next video you will need to get your characters up to level 40 and the reason for that is at level 40 you can unlock the garrison level three which means that all your profession buildings can be level three and therefore you can get way more work orders done and that means overall the amount of golf that you'll be making will be huge it doesn't take long luckily it only takes us two to four hours depending how quickly you are at leveling to get level 40. i would like to say thank you very much for watching this video and if you have any questions leave them in the comment section below i'm happy to answer them any future updates i will make sure i record a video and update this actual playlist all of the steps for this playlist all of the steps for this garrison gold will be put into this garrison setup playlist make sure you click subscribe you click like and i'll see you in the comment section below this is erosium out you
Channel: Erosium
Views: 14,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garrison gold, garrison gold making, making gold with your garrison, garrison gold guide, wow garrison, world of warcraft garrisons, wow garrison gold, wow gold farm, WOW raw gold, erosium, WOW Passive Gold Garrison Crafting, Daily Crafts in Garrisons WOD, WOW gold farm alts, WOW How to setup Garrison Gold, WOW Garrison Passive Gold, wow garrison tutorial, WOW Garrison Gold Setup Tutorial, wow garrison gold making, wow garrison gold tutorial, wow garrison gold guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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