Wow! Ebro & Rosenberg SHOCKED By African Ancestry Results!

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while New York and on the new odd 97 happen ebrill in the morning all the mics wrong the families here gather round everybody is here all in the morning your style Rosenberg African ancestry back on the program is yourself so the people again good morning I'm Gina page I'm the president and co-founder of African ancestry calm now Gina has come back for the sole purpose to reveal our all of our African ancestry which ours took so long just to get our mind took so long because we had to get my cousin who's 60 who's my grandmother's sister's daughter so that we could find out the maternal side of my dad's side because of obviously my mom's white but if you find out the paternal side the odds are that you will have more European blood if you're african-american because of how much white men were having sex with black women yes so we we find European ancestry 35 percent of the time for black men on the paternal that's how much sex but it's also social too because we'll turn aside because your cuz if you trace the paternal side all the DNA will go back through the father raises you get that from your dad it raises the the odds that you have European because white men was having sex with a lot of black women but then while I would be the paternal I'm not smart enough I don't understand can you help them understand I can so he broke out half of his or you you got half of your DNA from your father and part of that DNA is the Y chromosome the Y chromosome is inherited by the son from the father so you have the same Y chromosome as your father and his father and his father and someone okay that makes sense yes okay so when we want to trace the ancestry of that line African ancestry of that line we have to look at the Y chromosome when we look at the Y chromosome of like men it tends 35 percent of the time it goes back to Europe because of the behavior of slaveholders slave traders and other white men they were having children with enslaved black women got it so you're so it's your male lineage that ends up being European exactly so I needed to find them but because my mom's already white we know that for me to trace my black side I had to find a woman to raise the odds to really find out okay I get it make sense so we somehow she said it more eloquently than you it was weird we said we sent him the paternal test so he did the paternal test but then I said let's do another one just to be sure cuz I didn't want to come back in case it did say Mines gonna come back then I'm like Scottish I was encouraged I'm just fronting like I'm a black dude yo but the internet the internet would die yo you bros whitening ebro's white known white man he bros do is they you know what they start bringing up all the old footage of me they were first my no we want to say mindful ass since i'm the one that's the most mix i can go first okay yes I think about Laura when I met you yes you told me that your ancestry is Guatemalan yes yes and that are both your parents on both sides yeah on your mom's side well my mom my mom is from Guatemala in my family so I'm quite him out my dad's family my mother is from Guatemala my grandma was from Guatemala but his father is from beliefs okay so we traced your mother's mother's mother's mother's line and when you said it was grot Guatemala I thought oh it's probably not gonna come back African and in fact what we found was indigenous yes answer yeah so that's consistent with what you know yes from your family history and from what you got from either DNA yeah yeah yeah I kind of when I saw the percentages I'm like colonized and colonizer like I'm like 30% Spaniard if I found that Korean Spanish yes and then I found the rest was native indigenous to what Amala exactly so that's okay now indigenous American yes from South America see what it looks like I was like 47% so it made sense oh you got like a certificate but you know since you are since you took our test you're still African that's what she's saying and they give you a certificate of answers part of the family so welcome to the ah well thank you and then what's in this envelope that's different that's the rest of her visa oh there's the rest of it there's more huh there's a lot of information that Native American nations belonging to the haplogroup so I brought you this gift I brought you a little Africa pendant thank you ancestry with the pendants in by the way I thought I was like 1% Senegalese because that's what thank you very much you're welcome let's do one Cabral Dominican let's do a sudo so this way this right here for all the Dominicans out there they think you're not black so it's just maternal or paternal so this is all the women yes either their mother to mother and mother going all the way back so just a grandmother that was 155 just keep going we don't know so we found your ancestry in Africa yes in the most populous country in Africa which one do that and so the beauty of an African ancestry test is we don't just tell you that you're West African or that you're from Nigeria but we found your actual people the tribe that you share ancestry we're in this tribe it's interesting that your people you know our asylum yeah throughout the Caribbean because this this group of people has a spiritual system that has expanded throughout the world and it's still practice heavily in Brazil you share maternal genetic ancestry with the Yerba Wow [Music] congratulations you have anybody questions you got a certificate certificate well good and the next time you're aligned in African they tell you in the wrong line you're in the wrong on yeah when he was in Kenya yeah the Kenyan official at the airport came up to him and yelled at him and told me he was in the wrong line because it was like the UM the tourist line and it was the Kenyan line he tells me you're on the wrong line a very very forcefully no sir you're in the wrong line you need to be over here and I'm like no your Kenyan your this is your life like well my passport American is a oh I'm sorry sir I'm just so jealous of you because I've been dreaming of a certificate that I was black my whole life all right let's see maybe this is the moment think so unfortunately Oh what do you know about your mother's mother's mother's people um my mother's mother mother not a lot um Poland like just Europe Jewish Europe that's all I passed my grandmother I don't know much about my grandma's mom to be honest not very much okay so we didn't find your ancestry to be European what yo I need to know what is its Middle Eastern Eastern now because the the testing that we do know your Arabic your like Arabic Jew let her finish please the best that we can say is Middle Eastern but we know from what's called a haplogroup the sort of scientific grouping that your specific lineage belongs to it's called in one and the people in in one are the first to migrate out of East Africa about fifty to sixty thousand years ago so what you're saying is correct me if I don't eat the opium I'm black is what you mean I'm like the new Rachel Dolezal whatever I'm saying so um so my mom's side at some point mom's mom's mom came from Africa nut came from Middle East and they came original America exactly prior to that do I get a certificate you do really excited to see this congratulations Peter you are finally black Cher's maternal genetic ancestry with middle eastern populations belonging to the haplogroup and one be very cool thank you so much and it's on by scientific director Rick Kittles in case you're wondering yeah his whole career has been dedicated to African and african-american lineage research but I would say for our company definitely the 16 years and then about ten years additionally compiling the database so 26 years amazing yo man you Middle Eastern man I'm I said this is my mom right now she's gonna be high yo some his birthday is on the same day as Haile Selassie I East Africa you know so I'm saying no it doesn't appear Ethiopia Saba Judah Julie it does kind of roaring lion tribe of juda Jews Juna where would King David have actually been right there Annette Nora Nile Valley whose work it's worked with my story that I've been run away they were story still go boom Chaka boom straight to Jamaica I hope we find out Johnny's Jamaican that's what Middle Eastern is pretty tight yeah so shiny your people are Jamaican no he's never even heard of it to Nevada's names so what do you know do you know about anything beyond I know that my mother's father's family is from Grenada he came from Grenada to Trinidad sir because China dye had oil and all that stuff I know that my mother's grandfather was an African and he married a woman who was half white half black so her father was a slave owner yeah in Tupac was his brother so you know that you're that woman was had a white father and mother's grandmother was half white right so we looked at her mother's line that that grant your mother's grandmother's mother's line and we went back again and her ancestry is found in the country that's in West kind of Central West Africa it's known as Africa in miniature because everything that you find across the continent you also find in this country the people that you share ancestry with are in two different groups one group is found in other countries across across the continent the house of people you all have heard of the houses usually in and the other group is the t'car they both live in the country of Cameroon [Music] what's cameroon Casas and what's the other one teaching cars only what that means I'm happy as dou DJ John okay so tell me what do you know about your mother's people uh they're a stag and that's about it what my mom told me and so what we found is consistent with that we found that your mother's mother's mother's people are indigenous American to the North American region whereas your Laura's indigenous American was more sand turns out yeah I'm not great you can just figure out how to actually say Mexico he normally says Mexican they just have a thing with my lips test to find out that he's important to know why you want to take a test in the first place so had I known that he was Mexican I would have said oh you might not want to do this cuz we're only gonna tell you what you already know right or with Laura now I would have done the same thing with you and been surprised so it's worth it to do yeah a Middle Eastern kid that's crazy I look at you totally different really totally different thank you totally different yes let's start with your paternal what do I know that we did your father's father's father's line the Darden mail line okay and what do you know about them um my dad Oklahoma born in Muskogee Oklahoma his my great-grandfather was a sharecropper I think from South Carolina or Mississippi the dardan name though I know goes back to South Carolina plantation I knew that so there's a good chance that people on that that owned that plantation were from Portugal okay because that's where we found your paternal Portuguese so that means that Portuguese know Brazil was good exactly you were you descend from men that have Portuguese ancestry okay hmm when your father's father's mine but then so welcome to the fam okay oh really that's fathers father's like that was that that means Portuguese slaveholders no likely most likely yeah right yeah cuz your dad was black black my dad's dark dark yeah for sure and that's the beauty of genetics it doesn't really matter how you look doesn't always define what's your deep ancestral right right right we're going back let's meet here I'm on my way Lisbon our portugal is beautiful I heard lisboa his bar that's how you say it in Portuguese Portuguese come on this boy why see so you had no clue that you're done might have Portuguese Allah never heard of this before ever Wow baba share it with everybody all right now it's your mom okay mom so your father's mother your grandmother yes and we got your eyes my cousin Velma - Velma Velma North Richmond what's going on she took the test so that we create your father's mother's mother's mother's line like we did for everyone else which should be Native American also why do you say that cuz that's the story that's what they say well yeah take a look with warning how do they say so it should be because that's what they said yeah but that's the only information we have is based on what they said they the family well they were wrong the people that you share ancestry with our African okay they come they are skilled in music a man child see he said dance they're known for having superior bronze and metalworking skills ebro's very good with metal can't you see my trip my trip is crazy they had writing and printing before the arrival of Europeans you share ancestry with people like Anthony Anderson I know you travel with Condoleezza Rice I mean I'm cinemas Quincy Jones okay Flying Lotus I love fly low there you go the actor Lamar rocker ok shout to Lamar the actress Sara Lee Ralph I like Sheryl Lee Ralph - and Shani you share maternal genetic ancestry with the t'car people oh there we are what's happening oh it's so crazy so your dad's Portuguese or your mom's African wow they didn't do my mom mom ok ok cuz it my mom I mean what we could I mean it could have come back like model the shape we've way whiter than me so I don't even know what well they say their best Arabian which when you look at it it's like moldovia wherever that is yeah I think that's like Romania almost or something like that and we are test can't get that specific when it's not African right so we wouldn't be doing another test for your outside if you would Alex I trust her yeah because they haven't sold their DNA to the pharmaceutical companies yet we're not gonna write we don't have any plans today to South DNA of our customers no and the information that you get from the people who participate you told me that like all the swabs and all that or destroy you guys just keep the paperwork in the document and then this helps build out a larger database well we're we are not come piling a database of our customers got it so this is just specific to the individual that needs it exactly it's just there to help them and have and so the other ancestry tests it's interesting because your information gets adjusted as they compiled more right so as they add data to their to their reference database hmm your results may change but they're looking at you as an entire genetic being right we're only looking at why African ancestry specifically now we look at maternal lines specific or paternal lines specifically but we don't know if there's gonna be African or a Native American or indigent or Middle Eastern we don't know what it's good that was fun man misciagna related yeah that's Rosenberg's not white middle eastern yeah that's crazy whiney those Mexican I'm who knew crazy I am what I am Laurie is what she is what about graph you just ignore it oh sorry sorry I forgot I got excited you told me to give them their did you guys look already what do you guys got okay Jason Griffin there you go I think yours is actually the most interesting grey is white we knew it what do you know about your maternal line so this isn't interesting to you because we found India and that's what this shows you share maternal genetic ancestry we got Asian populations that we were able to isolate to India belonging to a haplogroup m3 SAR you Hindi Muslim honestly have no idea come on man you gotta do some research on your people y'all Sam from camera me I know what's going on t-carr oh that's that's awesome I was like oh he's gonna look at me crazy because it says India no project I was in school than my mom Louise go Louie King Louie so what do you know about your I really don't know much that's not much at Porto Rican New Jersey yeah indigenous to New Jersey Puerto Rico Yankees fan could come up in there so what we found for yours is actually you're the European ancestry in the group your mother's mother's mother's line goes back to Europe and the people that you share ancestry with are about 45,000 years old yeah hold out here my G it's similar in in ancestry to Rosenberg so you're white because I mean I'm Middle Eastern sorry your mother like me before so you're in haplogroup J he was in haplogroup in you're in haplogroup J but before haplogroup J there was haplogroup M and then before haplogroup M you were in Africa so you still have African ancestry if you go way way way way way back but this is actually not surprising because we find that many populations that are in South America Central America even in Mexico are combinations of Europeans Tainos or indigenous peoples and Africans so your family is very likely a mixture of some of those but in terms of your mother's mother's mother's line that woman was European you waited and Rosenberg you know all jokes aside we um represent like New York City I'm saying we're a very diverse group of hip-hop fans who all just you know love doing we doing but we jokes obviously on some serious like we take pride in the fact that we are the most diverse ethnically probably show you will see in media period one of the things that I wanted to mention and remind you and shiny and all the black all the African yeah he's gone castes a cash I'm T car he's your but you know I'm saying it's different nobody else in here well with the exception of Lewis Lewis get out your white we're not talking about had a good idea of your mother's mother's mother's people right you all didn't have as much of an idea and what I want you to leave with with this information is that there was a t car woman who had children who made it across the ocean during the transatlantic slave trade and you're here because of that you're the descendants of people who made it and now you can explore teak our culture how's the culture to understand where that woman came from and that should give you a real sense of pride and empowerment it's crazy that's pretty cool can I get an Africa medallion or not you have to get the fifty thousand on it oh wait no but it is I wouldn't know that was I was just breaking a moment with a stupid joke but that was super interesting well when I went to Ghana was similar right when we're standing in the slave castles and they remind you that as much emotion and how disconnected you are from your heritage is a part of the anger and emotional I guess instability of your existence in the Americas and but the fact that you were able to make the trip back is the victory right the fact that we're sitting here having this conversation is the win we're you know the the individuals that you know used your ancestors took your ancestors abused them enslave them they had no care for what their lineage would be what their story would be it didn't matter at all and the fact that there still is a story and there's you know we're here to share it on the internet no you know what I mean like that really cool that is that's the wind you know and we could go deeper into that's also a part of why people are super frustrated right now is because you have other people who were socially programmed to believe that the demise of black and brown people was inevitable and that they were conquering someone and getting rid of a group of people yeah making them not matter and the fact that we still matter and have a voice is a part of the frustration because they were raised to believe that that wouldn't be a day well and also I think I wonder if it factors and also that like you know whiteness was a created concept that people that didn't exist pre America it was people were Irish they were of different countries and then here white people just became white and I wonder how much hatred and bitterness there is from racists that they really don't feel any connection to a sort of culture you know I mean all you sort of have is this famous history of being a colour in America there there's no you know I'm saying being Africa is being of a certain tribe in a certain culture there are a lot of white people who are simply they go back and don't really know what there is except white and so I think that sometimes the result you get is pride in that whiteness and that's frigging dangerous and scary because it's a concept it's concert it's not a real thing being white isn't a real thing yeah you're a from a place being White's nothing Gina page is her name African it's been a it's been great thank you some name to find your route of course exciting of course I had I had dodged it for you know a long time just cuz I didn't trust you know so don't let me down I didn't trust 23andme I didn't really trust that the I'm swabbing my mouth who am i sending it to like who are these people I think I was made comfortable by the fact that I met you and you know got to know you and and you know and I trust you so you trusted her to swab your mouth then actually happened like that they set a pact got it right because she I didn't know if you see what just happened you see what just happened I want to dig more into my Native American ancestry now guys we all found out say Juanito is Mexican yeah yo give it up you
Channel: HOT 97
Views: 808,944
Rating: 4.790925 out of 5
Keywords: hot97, hip hop, New York, NY, US, United States,, #hot97, EITM, Dr. Gina Paige, African Ancestry, DNA, DNA Results, united states, interview, new york, r&b, music, us, ny, rap, video, hot97app,, hip-hop
Id: JW7hV_s2lZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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