Erykah Badu Discovers Her African Ancestry

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They should get The Roots on this show

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Naggins 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2015 🗫︎ replies
peace and love my name is Erykah Badu also known as about doula oblongata also known as cerebellum my mother Maria Mexico Annie the alchemist she ill fat-bellied Bella analog girl in the digital world okay player and you're watching okay today I am using this very clean q-tip with no one else's DNA to swap my chalk to find out where my roots are I've often thought about and wondered where my family's from I've had several readings from shamans and different priests in Africa and different places my mother is fourth generation Dallas I'm fifth-generation Dallas Texas my grandmother and her sisters brothers also grew up there her mother and her mother was from Oklahoma have Native American you we have a surprise yet for you today you're going to be it's going to be amazing you're going to be so surprised to see what was discovered about you the biomedical area which is also the grassland here after maroon it's a vast land the lineage of your mother came from that period I found out that I am from wonderful tribe in Africa I'm a lake a people living in Cameroon which means the grassy the grass field people one of the remarkable thing about our culture a child is a child to all mothers back home and if you ever happen to run into any mother back home that mom is going to treat you the same way like she would treat pound biological sister daughter they have one motif and that is that it takes a village to raise a child that's just African tradition african-american period that's just some of the things that we practiced in our native land we brought with us and they just passed down from generation to generation welcome thank you they're very happy love this crowd here where's your name Simon Simon the Jinxy but you see that sounds Russian but there and also I learned that my tribes people have a problem with being women everybody be quiet one minute the colony are this the British were very ugly material good at time timekeeping I walk with them during the colonial days the British where I'm from the English skin part of Cameroon 8 o clock was 8 o clock 5 minutes late you're in trouble what about Grassi few people the glossary about time yes no I said that too our time say it's a blockage see people come at 19 this is wonderful this is help from Africa telling y'all to leave me the hell alone about time the managers their time is for white people I've said it in several interviews thank you I see you when I see I started working on my new album and I knew I was going to record it in Africa and I remembered around the same time that I was getting my results back too so it all kind of work together now definitely I have to go to Cameroon on some good dramas all along the way the ancestors led me to set up all these things so that it would work out because I think that there's a an important thing the traditional dance of the jewsí performance is not really about styling technique at all there's of Africa is about the feeling and evoking the energies and spirits of the ancestors that love and protect us and want to see us do well we got meat on it and was a become burger now Laurent Gbagbo will devour and the ah boo boo boo boo boo my baby before me on me ever yeah Australia yeah pretty much he callin good and thank him for bringing us all here this evening and he said that we all have one culture and that God should continue to bless us and you should take everybody back home safely he's just to summarize it being able to sing aloud exactly where I walked where my ancestors walked what we smelled and what we heard or what attracts us the colors and the fabrics these are the things that I vibrate toward naturally you know the frequencies of these things and there's one call I do on stage Lulu Lulu this happens to be also the call of the tribe as well so some things are just in us I have to realize I do so much alone in my career like the Grammys I'm getting ready a song I'm getting ready but this is like something that compasses my whole family like everyone on my mom's side so I'm gonna go back home with this newest to them and it's just gonna be me that's different like my path is now different I never really was so concerned about where I was from you know physically it really didn't register something I needed to do because I'm satisfied with in annoying just annoying and I'm a part of the all everything you know everything is matter everything I didn't understand why that really quite mattered until that went to the home say people where I come from just another piece to help me better America in America recent light my name is Erykah Badu aka meatball Maliki aka cerebellum a king analog girl in the digital world okay player and you're watching okay
Channel: Okayplayer
Views: 733,740
Rating: 4.9211822 out of 5
Keywords: INDMUSIC, R&b, Soul, INDmusic, Cameroon (Country), Okayplayer, Okayafrica, Texas, Bamileke People (Ethnicity), African Ancestry, Erykah Badu (Musical Artist)
Id: YXtUomMjscw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Tue May 20 2014
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