Did Ancestry.com DNA Just Find My Dad?

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alright family here's the deal I've got another update video for you now this is kind of half update half later on update I wasn't able to fit all this stuff from when it happened otherwise the vlog would be way too big but I do want to get the information out to you so I'm gonna show my first reaction and then I'm gonna give you a roundup of everything that happened over the last like month concerning all this anyway I hope you enjoy alright guys well it's time for a bit of cool news that's not a new segment just it's kind of cool I recently received my DNA test results back from ancestry.com found out what I am so I'm gonna go ahead and start off with the largest percentage of what my DNA popped off ass coming in at 46% Europe West Belgium France Germany Netherlands Switzerland lust Luxembourg and Liechtenstein not exactly sure what most of this means but it says got a lot of that blood in me coming up number two this will probably not surprise many of you given my freckles and reddish beard which when I was born I had blond hair just like jayven they've got darker with age hisses as well but Ireland Scotland and Wales may sense coming in at 19 percent I have Great Britain the home of aluminium and Top Gear which probably explains my love for Top Gear maybe three percent Scandinavian Sweden Norway Denmark moving on to my low confidence regions I have to the Iberian Peninsula basically is Spain and Portugal my least low confidence region with less than 1% and this is weird but it's in my DNA apparently it says Asia East Philippines and Guam now I love the Philippines I grew up in the Philippines I have Filipino family by marriage but apparently this means that I have a very tiny percent chance of actually having Pinoys in me and I'm okay with that that was the most surprising out of all my results other than that you look at it and easily you're like yeah he is the whitest bread person I know so no surprises there but that is what I am like that I am what I am whatever now I know my ancestry links and life goes on well you think that would be it you would think hey he knows what he is but there's more this story now I was expecting to take this test with just you know finding out what I'm made of where my ancestors came from but I did find out a few interesting things I don't know who my father is I never met him he was never in the picture he after I was born nothing I don't even know if he knows I was born to be honest with you no clue I have no idea who he is I was able to figure out some of his background because one of my sisters actually took the DNA test as well when comparing hers in mine I could see that we both had a high percentage in the Ireland Scotland Wales portion so I'm assuming that's my Cornette side of my family the cornets came from that area we have a very high concentration both of us in that that area she had a lot less Europe West which I had a lot more so deducting from that then we say alright well my dad gave me the more German Liechtenstein area kind of stuff so that's pretty cool but wait there's more someone else popped up in close family and it was not someone that I knew like at all but there was something familiar about their name that they had as their username in particular the last name that they put and it happened to be the same last name that I was told my biological father has from my biological mother that was surprising I wasn't expecting that I mean I didn't take this test look for my dad or anything else but when that when that popped up is another close family member with this last name I'm like I just found my biological tense family and it was a lady so it wasn't she wasn't my mom obviously I know my mom is I'm like are you kidding me this is crazy I text my biological mother and I'm like hey just check who did you say my dad was what was his name blah blah blah she gave me that in phone I'm like oh my goodness this is it this is actually it I guess I might have found my dad well we'll see but I found a way to possibly find my dad which is quite surprising and unexpected but this did cause a little bit of trepidation yeah I guess I want to find out if it's gonna be that easy for sure but then you have the thought about it it's like huh do I want to stir up the pot for somebody else just because I want to find out who my dad is and what I be by that is what if he doesn't even know that I was born what if his family doesn't even know about this other kid that he has or hadn't a long long time ago it's never been talked about or maybe it was covered up or whatever else is it gonna cause some strife in on their side of the family like who is this who's this man who says he's your son what's going on dad what's going on you know husband or whatever else so like say anything or not but I decided to go ahead send a message to her and see if she responds and I just said you know I don't know who exactly you are it shows were close family I don't know my dad is we've never been able to make contact with him I'm just trying to get some more information so is there's somebody on your side of the family with this name that's all I ask hey I said hey I'm just trying to connect the dots if you could help me out in any ways please send me a message thank you I just sent the message so we will see we'll see but that's that's kind of interesting I think it's kind of interesting they find out if he gave me a mess so I've never really had that much interest I'm not interested in doing like a whole dude you know slo-mo running towards each other in a field and playing catch after 39 years you know or anything like that it's that's not me would I want to contact him say hey what's up yeah probably just you know say hi I'm your son I'm gonna try as quickly as I can to get through all the stuff that went on over those couple of weeks the lady that I message to ancestry.com never got back to me on ancestry.com I was able to find some other people on her family tree that had commented on it that were also a part of the family got a little info from them but nothing that was super helpful what I did was I found on the family tree I found the obituary of my actual grandfather on her side at least I thought it was my grandfather he had the same exact name but he was a senior instead of a junior but looking at the ages I thought I don't think this guy is my father most likely my grandfather I'm looking for the junior version on his obituary people had signed on line on the Tennessean that they were you know sad that he was gone and that kind of thing but they kept mentioning that he was a big part of their church at Old Hickory Church of God in Nashville and I'm like hey wait if everybody at this church knew him maybe the pastor knew him now he died back in 2013 I believe but his wife which would be my step grandmother actually died about a month ago and I thought well maybe if I can get ahold the pastor then he would know them then he might be able to put me in touch with family try calling the pastor for a full week but he'd never get a hold of him there's no answering machine at their church and no one was answering throughout the week so I'm guessing you know a small church and nobody's there so what I did was I found the next closest Church of God and I called them and said hey do you know the pastor of that one he's like oh yeah I know I'll get ahold of him I'll go track him down I'll make sure he gets your number and he'll get back in touch with you and I'm like a great appreciate I thought you know what Sunday rolled around I'm gonna call right now because I think they probably are just now getting out of church and sure enough I called and he answered and it was a pastor and he did remember them he said yeah I knew him well they both passed on now and I'm like yeah I know but do you know any of their family and he said well he always had a sad spot in his heart about his family cuz he was divorced he said he didn't keep in touch with any of them or anything like that I know but he said I think they live in the Michigan area like Grand Rapids and I'm like oh that might be useful so I got off the phone with him I thanked him very much I called the other pastor let him know that I got ahold that pastor everything's copasetic cool but now I'm armed with not only a name but a possible location so I searched it on the interwebs and wouldn't you know I found juniors home phone number email address and physical address through the power of Google so what I do I called the number and no one answered so I left a message and then I also sent an email no one answered back the next day and I'm like oh maybe this isn't right but and I didn't know for sure and I just said hey you know my name is Josh Boggs I'm looking for so-and-so trying to get some information on my family blah blah blah I was adopted all that kind of stuff then I thought maybe he can drill down in Facebook people by where they're at and sure enough you can so I put in the Grand Rapids I put in his name and something started popping up but I'm like I don't know if these are the one so but what I did try was the lady that I matched with the DNA match his close family on ancestry.com I did her name and I got a whole bunch and I started messaging all of them all of them on Facebook then I got so many back that's as re not her hoped funder you're looking for blah blah blah blah blah however then I found one that I was pretty sure was him on Facebook and I messaged him but no answer and I'm like what in the world nobody or Sunday SS straight comm nobody's answering email nobody's answering the telephone nobody's answering on Facebook at least not the right people and I thought well maybe I already found him but I scared him off already you know and I started going through the friends lists that were set to public and I found one that had her name and his name so I'm like this is it this has got to be it it's her name and his name in this friends relationship this is 100% it Facebook to message him no response look through his friends list some more and found a cousin my cousin which is his nephew who's a Church of God pastor in Wyoming Michigan the city Wyoming and I'm like are you kidding me this is weird so I called him up and I'm like hey my name is Josh Boggs I'm the youth pastor young adult pastor at King Christian Center Assemblies of God in Washington State in the Seattle area and here's the story just be honest with you my mother said that she was with a guy named and he's my biological father and that's who I'm trying to look for and my cousin was like my uncle yet I'm pretty sure that's right I said hey is your grandmother's name this as your grandfather's name this is do you have an aunt who is this named yeah but uncle this name everything matched up I'm like I found him I found my cousin and so he said he was going to go ahead and message my uncle my dad and hopefully get in touch with me that way it didn't happen he messaged him and tried to get a hold of him but apparently my biological father is really hard to get ahold of anyway fast forward a couple more days every day I just called the phone number at different times to see if I might be able to get ahold of him on his landline and finally somebody picked up and it was a very elderly woman who was very sweet and very kind and spent three minutes looking for a pen that she could not find to write down my number so that he could call me back in that conversation I said hey are you so and so and she said yes and I didn't tell her at that moment that hey you're my biological grandmother I did talk to her it sounded like a sweet lady so she said just call back and you know like in a 6 o'clock or something and so I did I called back and he answered and I said is this jr. and he said yeah says this your dad yeah this your mom yeah did you ever live in Tennessee nope never lived in Tennessee okay well my dad lived in Tennessee but I didn't live in Tennessee okay did you ever like go down to Tennessee well sometimes he said did you ever know somebody named Linda Cornett my mom I didn't say my mom but just asked if he knew Linda Cornett and he's like nope never heard of her sorry I'm like so in 1978 where you and Tennessee and did you know and Linda Cornett no I didn't sorry I can't help you out am I kidding you've got to be kidding me I don't know else to say to the guy you know so I'm like okay well thank you so I text my mom my biological mother and I said hey how did you know him and she said well we worked at this place called Nashville wire and we made like the greats and everything that go inside the ovens and the refrigerators and stuff and I'm like oh okay and she's like he he was there visiting his dad his blah blah blah all this other stuff I'm like okay okay okay I called back instantly I called him back she's Facebook message me and I say hey did you ever work at a place called Nashville wire he said well I don't know if it's called Nashville wire but we used to I used to work at a place one summer where we may like the wires that go inside the ovens and the refrigerators I'm like okay here we go I said was there a girl yeah there was a girl was her name Linda I think her name was Linda he said but it was weird there's we got in this car accident and I went back to here again but I never saw her anymore she was gone and that was it and so at the same exact time that he's telling me this stuff my biological mother is texting me she's like yeah it was really weird it was car accident and I got spooked and I ran away and I never saw him again I've never even told him that I was pregnant I didn't even know I was pregnant at that time bla bla bla bla bla there was a trailer fire and I'm like there's a trailer fire and a car accident what's going on but it was confirmed he said so you're telling me I have a 39 year old son yep so we just started going through you know what's your life like what was it like how did you grow up what have you been doing with your life he's a trucker for 30 years and bla bla bla bla bla just about that time I started getting facebook messages from a lot of aunts and uncles I did not know I had all of his brothers and sisters were very excited to get to talk to me and asked me questions and such and anyway I got off the phone with him and that's been in it my aunt's and my uncles I've talked to all I think almost all of them have called me and we talked for a very long time seemed very cool nice people they want to get to know me a little bit better I'm I'm okay with that however that was like two to three weeks ago now and I have not called my biological father back I've talked to my aunts of my uncle's more and they continue to Facebook message me and send me pictures and such but you might be a little spooked to not really know how to deal with any of this he never had any other kids that he knows of obviously we have to say that he knows no other family or anything in all those years so no surprise siblings for me yet but I think he's still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he does have a 39 year old son out here in Seattle and he's got two grandkids as well anyway I don't know where it's gonna lead I don't expect to go out and go visit them and play catch I'm not looking for that not looking to rekindle something that was never there I'm not looking to have some deep meaningful relationship with him either I just be able to know who he is is good enough for me and it's been pretty cool though and I would like to talk to him more in the future but we'll see might be an opportunity maybe even this summer that I might be able to stop by Michigan that's a possibility for another day though anyway I tried to get through that story as quick as I possibly could it is kind of long there's a lot the one in it and there's a lot I actually skipped over just it it take a very long time to explain it all but I wanted to get you guys caught up to date that yes I have found my biological father and no I have not met him yet so I can still use my favorite joke have you met my dad no me neither anyway I want to say thank you guys so much for watching liking subscribing sharing commenting all those wonderful things to make you a little more wonderful yourself and we will see you tomorrow love God love people [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: pjoshyb & familee
Views: 309,636
Rating: 4.9212036 out of 5
Keywords: homeschool, homeschool mom, homeschooler, homeschool family, ministry, assemblies of god, youth pastor, life in ministry, life, daily vlog, boggs vlog, christian family, foster, foster care, foster family, seattle, pacific northwest, church life, pjoshyb, shocking dna results, dna surprise, ancestry dna, ancestry.com, pinoy, i am pinoy, long lost dad, surprise son, it's a boy, best christian vlog, best family vlog, best new vloggers, best cinematic vlog
Id: t7VvnFplCQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2018
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