Arabs get a DNA test

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say Allah rah welcome back spoon up today we're gonna take a deeper look into history race ethnicities nationalisms do these things actually matter always human beings exclusively from one place or are we a hybrid of different things I passed five my Arab friends from five different countries to take a DNA test we've got maybe four Morocco we've got lemis from Egypt we've got made from Syria say from Yemen and Mohammed from that up and they're gonna be taking the DNA test to buy that where they're actually from my name is Hamza and this is Kuna Yala AJ so I'm here today to take the DNA test and find out I guess why originated from what we did checking out where I'm from actually not just Egypt curious why are you cuz especially where I'm from in the South in Yemen obviously those evolved mix of like East Africans trade I feel good I feel I really want to know where I'm from I've got my speculations I'm really excited actually I think I'm gonna get some very surprising results so work my parents are from Egypt originally both my parents are from Iraq my parents are from Yemen both of them are from the city of Aden which is the capital of the south both are from Syria my mom is from Latakia and my dad's from Hama both my parents I'm rockin both of them from Kosovo Veda all the time they tend to tell me I even look Moroccan stay away or they send me all over the world I get everything but Eman apart from that once or twice nobody ever says on the Egyptian I'll get anything other than egyptian algerian syrian-lebanese navigate egyptian spain italy Trinidad America South American everything a bunch of before countries but most people actually do recognize that I'm somewhere from the Middle East I wouldn't be surprised if there were other African countries because I have heard the rumors people my father used to tell me all those I've had a great granddad from gone also so it's gonna be interesting I'll probably be like 50% Iranian a little bit of Iraqi and there may be some Turkish and Russian as well I have no idea geographically it's close to the other countries so I think they'll probably be some influences from there hello European I'm gonna get so much Turkish or something I just want like Southeast Asian something like that you know Latino spicy I think I'm gonna be predominantly native and I'm gonna have maybe a small mix of Asian and East Africa I think I'm gonna have some Jewish in me but honestly [Music] oh cool I'll make you something else all right so that what I do with this switch fingers so you'll see two cheek swabs so one is for your left cheek the other sphere I think in my cheeks this is my fight cheese crisps [Music] [Music] okay we've done it any last comment before now I'm excited right yeah that's all done got my saliva in the test tube I think it tastes like what six weeks for it to happen until then ciao there's the vandervon grenades see you in six weeks six weeks okay we're back here again and today we're gonna be finding out my DNA results I am super super excited it would be waiting for six weeks for them to find out yeah you know that is crazy see I was a little bit right you know by this is crazy man this is crazy I'm a citizen of all of the world it's going to take a deeper deeper dive but you know when you me up with a girl now you can be like listen I'm from this country too you know I'm saying I got some taxing me got some Scottish in me oh man this is crazy to think about like my ancestors been they've been all over the place everywhere so after breakfast when these guys tried to kick me I'm gonna be like I listen I've got three points 67 in my blood you know I don't know how did we get tired and like I understand like you know in the Middle East like you've got like Turkey I guess I can also see like Kazakhstan India's a little bit further out but like I mean you've got Egypt and Saudi Arabia like I can see how like my ancestors might have like traveled from one area to the other areas like I'll help you go from all the way being over there to all the way go into island 70% of it I expected we've got the usual suspects in there turkey rock you aren't that bit I definitely expect well I expected most of it but there are definitely some surprising bits of India and Nepal that that was definitely interesting Central Asia like Kazakhstan didn't expect to see any of the any of those countries pop up so what really intrigues me is to understand like what point in the generation we made that transition from let's say being Turkish to being Iraqi because if you ask me you know I would classify myself as 100% Iraqi as far as I know parents are 100% hierarchy at home we celebrate Iraqi culture and very much feel Iraqi then you know of course the results show that you know we you know we come from many different parts of the world when did we go from being Indian to being Turkish to being from Kazakhstan to now actually being Iraqi I think that's a very interesting concept to think about we're back here to find out my ethnicity see if I'm actually purely Moroccan which I doubt but yeah I'm gonna be chilled whoo so it says that I'm 90.5% African North Africa in West Africa European Sierra Leonean which is 3.6 percent which is my data another southern Europe Iberian that's what you know that's crazy I'm Spanish I'm food so in cut now no ill I'm gonna hit the end of this row [Laughter] with Spanish lessons tomorrow Spanish Portuguese and the only way insha'Allah I'm shocked no compete whoa I am majority Moroccan like I said but tell you the Sierra Leone upon Iberian partner completely contradict I'm saying I'm not Moroccan everything Jana say to everyone right guys so we're back after six weeks have this divide me around the results are in it's time to check out our DNA results I'm excited and I'm nervous I'm more anxious like there are Oh what if I'm just not fun we're out for I've been from like this whole time like this all the way is just a mass surprised well sure brother all right let's do it dad no the yemenite jewish hey this is mad sick Ethiopian Jewish no fabric room [Music] Nigeria China say o Allah Poland Ukraine room where did that come from the balls got 58 like 55 60 percent of me is African Ashkenazi Jew Chinese and Vietnamese brought us back from Middle Eastern and East African yeah I didn't expect to get North North African and West African and European European broke I said madness hi guys I'm loose as you know by half of 16 to see what the hell where the hell I'm from improve my moan wrong that we're not 100% Egyptian excited I'm so excited though it's like rubbish I wouldn't like a nice mix like I wanna I want to see I want to see you at all parts of the Middle East in 29.1% North African I knew I'd get this Marazzi Jewish Iranian / Iraqi oh nice or South America off in there I know everything else and take that hola Oh someone said that to me today the Maasai tribe West Africa in Nigerian 1% man I do everybody happy about that three point seven seventy Italian you know that sass I knew it was from somewhere else other than Arabs that's wild see you know who you think you are I mean yes and no I wasn't expecting the Jewish spot I wasn't expecting the 1% Nigerian I wasn't expecting my 3.7% Italian I was expecting something I hope it's a Latino full of them I thought we'd have like more girly up in there cuz you know how we got like Genghis Khan and that they might blow me okay so it's been six weeks we're back again I'm excited I just want to didn't have a look I can't work here let's go [Music] [Music] oh my gosh okay so I am 53.7% West Asian 19.7% North African a 13.6% Middle Eastern 13% Europe Greek and South Italian and I'm 2.8 Jewish oh my god I guess this is me I know fine you know look in this world there's no no one's from anywhere we're from everywhere no borders I say no borders I'm not surprised but kind of I'm not surprised at where I'm from but I'm Spyder surprised that the percentage is but overall yeah I thought there's gonna be like a random country but not this is me I'm all alike with the least and it's a very North Africa and Mediterranean all of that it's just interesting when you think about it that how you know you can't really feel so attached to one place of the world because truly you know you're from many many different places of the world right like you know I actually according to this at least have some Irish in me so it's like you know you can have some like let's say someone who's Irish knees racist but he might not know that actually his some of his very own roots come from you know those countries that you know he's showing racism towards that just goes to show rolling no one is exclusively or purely anything yeah I mean like we all come from somewhere with all hybrids of different things different cultures civilizations and all grow on each other and evolve and is each day long chains of just well we're all mixed in with each other like we could well be relatives without even knowing it like there's no need for people to be walking around thinking they're superior or inferior or nicer once there was a knight GM that's the madness er sick this like nationalism or you know like everyone yeah we feel really proud of like their particular country and in the biggest scope of things this kind of goes to show that like you're not from one place no one is like we're we're so diverse there's such a mix of people like you know like it's never gonna be one place over another so it just it just kind of just reiterates to you that you should never like feel like you're superior to someone just because of where you're from like okay Rock anyway just be Gucci I think we all belong everywhere it's just about humanity and it's got nothing to do with where you're from as you can clearly see that everybody can be from anyway you can have any type of blood in you so whether you're a good human being or not so yeah no to racism yes the love and peace let me see very big thank you to Hamza for organizing this and getting all of our DNA tests ready and sending it off and dealing with everything you're an amazing person we appreciate it much love hope you'll subscribe like this video comment if you like it share it around show it all the love and see you later [Music]
Channel: Kulana Arab
Views: 198,082
Rating: 4.7893562 out of 5
Keywords: DNA test, Arabs DNA, Arab DNA, Latinos DNA, Latina DNA, Pero like, Pero like DNA, IRAQ, Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Morocco, Ashkenazi, Myheritage, Omaya Zein, Saudi girl, Adam saleh, Safa kay DNA, 23andme, Dina Tokio, Amena DNA, Harrisj, Bahador Alast, Masaman, Arab culture, Arab Heritage, Arab history, Arab geography, Tunisia, Algeria, North africa, American DNA, Holisticmaya, Itsmesaudigirl, Itsmesaudigirl DNA, IISuperwomanII, slimofication, Karim jovian, sidemen, Sidemen dna, KSI, KSI DNA
Id: WcqBfQ9ya-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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