Arcane Mage Healer Guide for Raiding - Season of Discovery

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yo what's up YouTube Welcome Back uh today I'm going to pleasure you with another guide and this is going to be a quick one because the next phase of Saw is going to come out with a whole bunch of new runes that'll probably change things in a major way so this video will be somewhat outdated fairly quickly but this guide will hopefully get you on the right track so that you have a good foundation to work off of for when things get even harder down the line and surprisingly things are very hard already Mage is a very complex healer which is something that I wasn't expecting but uh that's how it ended up being and honestly I'm not complaining I do like a good challenge now keep in mind that the purpose of this card is to teach you how to maximize your healing because that is what matters for progression obviously in bf's current state you can just Spam damage all day long because the boss is D in 2 milliseconds but that is not what this guide is a boot so let's get started shall we the first thing you need to know about any healer and sod is that your Mana bar matters and when Mana matters the gameplay becomes all about using your best spells as much as possible and your worst spells as little as possible and that is why priests do the Penance and Par amending thing Druids do the wild growth and healing touch thing pal do the flash of light thing and Shaman do the who the cares nobody plays Shaman thing so as a mage what are your best spells well if you take a gander at these lists here you'll notice that these three spells are at the top of both lists which means that those are the spells that you want to be using as much as possible and in the case of living flame it's a 60-second cool down your main focus with this spell is to maximize the effective healing that it does and by effective healing I mean healing that is not overhealing these other three spells you don't really want to use them that much unless you have a ton amount of the burn through which you certainly will if you have evocation off cool down and I'm hoping that blizzard reduces the cool down of evoc a to 3 minutes so that you can actually use it on every attempt of a boss because during progression you're going to have evocation up for one pull of a boss and then you won't have it up for the next pool that is literally but since the vacation has unfortunately an 8 minute cool down you might not have it up when you really need it so we do need to know how that affects our gameplay well when you want to cons serve Mana all you have to do is use these three spells as much as possible and just don't use these spells unless you have to when you do have Evo available you can spend your Mana much more aggressively which means you can use all of your spells except Arcane explosion because that shit's trash don't worry too much about clear casting procs either they don't really matter just don't use Clear casting procs on Arcane explosion okay or I'll literally call the cops on you so now you know what spells to use but how do you maximize their healing well for Mass regeneration it's as simple as using a it whenever two or more people in a group take damage Arcane blast is a little bit harder to maximize you basically want to try and use it every 6 seconds I have a weak or here that lights up when there's 2.5 seconds left on the debuff so that I know when to start casting arcanic blast again that week c will be in the description below now there's two things that will prevent you from using Arcane blast every 6 seconds the first is a mass regeneration opportunity Mass regen takes priority over arcane blast unless you're trying to conserve Mana because Arcane blast is higher healing per Mana the other thing that takes priority over Arcane blast is applying beacons to the raid so for example if I'm on the turtle boss and I'm preemptively applying beacons to the entire raid to try and get a fat living flame I'm not just going to stop what I'm doing to cast an Arcane blast and speaking of living flame that is how you're supposed to use it you're supposed to apply at least five beacons to the raid preemptively then press living Flame and then after that you Beacon the rest of the raid and then start spamming Arcane blast let me show you what that looks like in action so here we go we're getting about ready to pull the boss I pre- Beacon the tank for the pull getting the range of the boss cast an Arcane blast just you know cuz why not and then I start pre beaconing the entire raid I do it a little bit early but it's fine I should have used living Flame right now cuz that's five beacons right there but I get a little greedy and use living flame now instead which is a little bit too late people almost die cuz I delayed for too long but anyways I got all my beacons out and I start spamming Arcane blast so we got living flame and Arcane blast spam healing everyone in the raid so I'm doing fat HPS right now I forgot to refresh beacon on the tank which was uh unfortunate but I do it now so I put beacon on three people here and then you don't have to do the full channel of regeneration you just need to get the beacon on them and then you just start spamming Arcane blast the Arcane blast is going to heal them regardless so that's why you you don't have to do the full Channel but uh yeah that's pretty much all you have to do it's a little bit hard hard to execute because you can get over by like a million different things but that's how you do the turtle boss so there's a lot of debate online about master regy genen versus living flame which one you should use on which boss so I'll clear that up right now for you living flame works best on bosses that have a large amount of predictable and unavoidable damage essentially only the turtle boss in this raid tier because living flame requires a large amount of setup to maximize the healing portion of it and it also dumps your entire manab bar since you have to single Target regen the whole rate and in order to invest that much of your time and resources in Del living flame you need to know know with absolute certainty that the raid is going to get up and you only know for certain that the raid is going to get up on the turtle boss for every other boss Mass regen is better especially on the merlock boss and remember what I said at the beginning of this video this guide is to show you how to play during progress not how to play When the bosses are heavily on Farm like they are now so about the murlock one very important thing to know about this boss is that your Arcane black last healing is unaffected by the intermission phase so even though your Arcane blast are hitting the boss for two your healing Remains the Same other than that just make sure that you have evocation up for the boss and always try to be casting either Mass regen or Arcane blast during the intermissions let's take a look all right here we go here we go start off with an Arcane blast get that Arcane blast going that's a mass regen opportunity if I've ever seen one oh yeah baby decurse that Arcane blast again do it good boy good boy I pre Beacon the range there just as the safety precaution as you can see it worked out garus taking damage there the priest is taking damage so that worked out pretty well now I got a fat Mass regen coming up with four Stacks because I just spammed arcade blast like crazy there here I go just Spam an Arcane blast and mass regen just kind of spam them as much as possible more Arcane blasts getting fat value here this is a really good phase for me that's a mass regen oh yeah looking good looking good I use evocation because the boss Bud's going to the next intermission and we just go back to spamming Mass regen and Arcane blast here we go the priest is dead cuz he's an autistic loser the warrior looks like he's going to be dead yeah he's dead too there a bunch of Spurs in my guild I don't know they're all like anyways you know just doing this thing getting kind of by RNG in this this phase but we're doing okay now it's just Arcane blast spam until the end of the fight pretty much except I have to decurse this de curse decurse yeah and the boss is dead pretty easy you know just a lot of mass region the Arcane blast not too bad now for totem boy all you really have to do is make sure that you're looking at your dbm timers the instant the boss is activated you're going to see a wind Fury totem countdown and then immediately after the wind Fury totem is placed you'll see a lightning totem Countdown the lightning totem is the one that you want to pre- Beacon The Raid for so the instant you see the lightning totem timer you're going to cast Mass regen on one of the groups and then when it comes off of cool down you master regen the other group and start casting Arcane blast that way you'll have beacon on the whole raid for when the lightning to is placed and you can unleash a ton of healing right off the rip all right let's take a look at this boss got a clear casting right off the rip that's kind of hot and I just throw an Arcane blast don't know why I threw out two Arcane blasts that was kind of a waste I guess it doesn't matter cuz I'm at 100% Mana as I'm just kind of like trying to conserve man a little bit just cast an Arcane blast every six seconds throw a few want ticks cuz I'm a role player nothing too crazy more Arcane blast I think I up the timing of that one but it doesn't matter get sniped by circle of healing cuz I hate this game or Arcane blasts trying to get any Arcane blast off it's really hard when everything dies in 2 milliseconds and here comes the boss so you see the wind Fury time timer there and then there's a lightning Shield timer so I pre- Beacon one of the groups and then wait for it to come off cool down prebe in the second group start casting Arcane blast and I get a big Arcane blast on the whole raid as they take damage here I get two Arcane blasts nice and fat Arcane blast that's exactly how you want to do it then I just do a little bit of tank healing here you know nothing too crazy get sniped by Ciro of healing again I want to kill myself and here we go I'm pre- beaconing for the next lightning Shield there's the lightning Shield timer right there there we go pre- Beacon the other group and the boss dies before casting lightning Shield because this game is trash anyways for cus you're going to want to make sure you have evocation up so that you can use single Target regen as much as possible to deal with the Mind blast damage uh the game plan here is to spend as much Mana as possible in Phase One evocate your Mana back to full before phase two starts and then dump your Mana bar again if you don't have evocation up then just don't use single Target regen unless you have to let your co- healer heal any of that damage that you would usually use single Target regen on all right here we go look at my Mage he's so tall and black it's insane okay I start machine gunning out the Arcane blast trying to O myself as fast as possible get a nice Mass regen opportunity there cuz one of the DPS decides to take damage SP out some more Arcane blast trying to get a nice evocation off before phase two that's why I'm spending my Mana so fast here we go getting a big fat master regen there as well just spaming my good spells remember spam the good spells don't use the bad ones unless you have to although I'm trying to spend Mana really fast so I can use my bad spells which I do right here here see I use two single Target regions there cuz why not I'm going to use evocation anyways right now here we go evate my Mana back to full phase two start spam more Arcane blast getting a lot of Arcane blast attacks get a nice fat pre Mass regen there love that more Arcane blast the rog's getting his little we love that and uh the boss is dead already that was a close one isn't this raid fun such a great raid for the last boss you probably won't have vacation up so you'll have to play more conservatively the most conservative single Target rotations are Arcane blast in the wanding Arcane blast time two into wanding or Arcane blast time two into regeneration speaking of wanding let me talk about that a little bit wanding is extremely overrated you don't want to think about wanding as free healing because what it actually is is free overhealing remember that you're going to be using Arcane blast every 6 seconds and when the tank damage is high you're going to be using Arcane blast a hell of a lot more than that which means you won't have time to want the only situation where you'll have time to WAND is when there's hardly any damage going out and if there's hardly any damage going out out while you're still going to be using Arcane blast every 6 seconds which means all the wanding does is cause your next Arcane blast to overheal that's it so from a healing perspective it's a waste of time but anyways let's get into those boss all right starting the boss at 84 Mana that's a good start get a fat Arcane blast though I'm opting for the two Arcane blast into single Target regeneration tank healing strategy it's pretty efficient this time I opted for the three Arcane blast Arcane missile strategy for Big Dam although I probably shouldn't have because I need to play more conservative with my Mana since I don't have evocation off cool down and the boss is only at 60% so I should have chilled out there and just done the two Arcane blast into single Target regen instead but it is what it is anyways the Tank's taking big damage there whenever the tank is taking damage you have to be casting something okay so make sure you're casting either Arcane blast or regen or something just don't don't be casting nothing and I timed that Arcane blast wrong so I got two stacks I hate myself I Ed that one correct though yep okay the other gu is getting there so I single Target regen him get a nice Mass regen off opportunity here that gets sniped by zgo feeling God damn it but at least I get Arcane blast off these are some good Arcane blasts these are good okay stop casting no no no okay yeah stop casting Arcane blast okay you're at 10% man now stop it stop it me just stop just stop okay this Arcane blast is fine tankies his last stand at full health what a Chad and yeah fight's about over single Target regen for no reason and yeah probably could have play that a little bit more conservative but that's generally what it's supposed to look like although I'm kind of losing my mind watching this because the bosses die so fast so it's like H God whatever just move on you know what I mean just kill me any whoers that's about it oh by the way if you want a really Nifty add-on download stat weights classic it shows you the hbm and HPS of every spell when you hover over it it's actually it's such a great add-on honestly it's very sexually stimulating I highly recommend it and that's the end of my guide thank you all for watching I really appreciate it have yourselves a good day now get the out of here
Channel: Macdaddyswag
Views: 14,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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