WoW Classic Rank 14 PvP Honor System Guide

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[Music] [Music] hey guys what's up mad season here back with another video for you so the honor system arriving in classic World of Warcraft I figured it would be pretty timely to make a video covering it for you I'll explain how it works at a basic level how to rank up what rewards he can get and the plus signs and downsides and all sorts of stuff to hopefully give you a short but thorough look and how the system works as a whole so before all of this the only reward for killing enemy players is to ruin their day while you giggle maniacally to yourself the game was re-released this way intentionally because that's how it was back in the day it wasn't until penché 1.4 in April of 2005 which was six months after launch and we got the PvP system and all of its glory essentially from killing enemy players that aren't grey or completing certain PvP objectives such as capturing a flag in the worst Sun Gulch for instance your earned order called honor points the amount you earned compared to everyone else will give you a weekly standing and based off of this you're given a certain amount of ranking points or RP as people call them these are what you ultimately need to rank up in the ring 14 PP system as displayed here your ink will decay by 20% each week so it's a constant grind taking most players at least three months of hardcore play it's not an entirely straightforward thing kills a war jewel with a different amount of contribution points depending on the rink if the player killed there's an element of decay Ettore if you kill the same person over and over you get less and less honor this is just done to destroyed corpse camping but in a nutshell kill read get ranked and get gear is a basic gist of it we could get into all of the equations behind all of this stuff but it's a bit out of scope for what I want this video to be I'll have a link in the description if you really want the details I meant even if you don't know exactly how the system works something you've probably heard by now it's very grindy probably the most grande thing to ever be released in the game and it's 15 year history in fact there are 14 rings total you start at 0 and you go up and players can typically get around to ring 10 ish with fairly reasonable play maybe a few hours a day of PvP however anything passed then starts to become an extremely exclusive as your requirements to rank up become more and more demanding only a certain amount of people will rank up each week and the competition at this point it's fierce the system bottlenecks and only a select few hardcore will be able to progress and from this point forward it takes months of non-stop play to reach the ultimate goal which is of course rank 14 like we're talking 18-hour days of straight PvP minimum many will attempt it and those who choose to leave the house or bathe will fail but a dedicated few will be able to push through and be able to say that I reached rank 14 in the recreation of a 15 year old video game so people can awkwardly stare at them but order the rewards for all of this you may be asking well lots of gear basically pretty good gear as a matter of fact for PvP at least the PvP in the game as you may have noticed is rather bursty so stamina reign supreme and armor that you get from PvP is typically loaded within the vendors for the Alliance are located right here in the old town in Stormwind and the ones for the Horde are located right here in Orgrimmar note that some of these NPCs are behind mysterious portals that require rank 6 to enter we'll cover those later so here's every single rink listed out as you can see let's go over each reward for each tier one by one to give you an idea of how high that you may want to go at Rank 1 which is private for the Alliance and scout for horde you're able to pick up your basic Tabard to represent your faction with pride note that this is essentially the title system in classic whatever your ink you have will up here next to your name or show up on enemy players kill field when they slay you and at rank 2 which is corporal for the Alliance and gun for Horn you get your PvP trinkets these breaks various crowd control effects in classic and something that a lot of people forget is that they're different depending on what class you are for example the Warriors get to break stun root and slowing effects where's the Rogues only breaks charm fear and polymorph here's a handy chart of every single class's trinket for your convenience a drink 3 which is Sergeant for both factions be able to buy a rare cloak at multiple levels by the way so even if you're lower level there is a reason to do a bit of PvP on your way up and in addition to this you get a nice 10% discount on all goods and repairs from any vendor of your faction a common strategy for many people is to stay at ring 3 or higher and just for this discount which is easily doable even if you PvP very casually by the way at rank 4 which is Master Sergeant for the Alliance and senior sergeant for the Horde you can pick up a blue necklace and a ring 5 which is sergeant major and first sergeant you get your blue bracers again just like the cloak you can get these at various level ranges rank 6 which is Knight and stone guard is where things start picking up in terms of rewards again at this point we're still in a casual range in terms of time investment most people will be able to reach this without going too far out of their way but at this drink you also get access to those special rooms that I mentioned earlier called the officers barracks in here you get access to a bunch more vendors and it's just a cool little Clubhouse to hang around really you can buy the second iteration of your faction tavern and also some cheap healing and mana potions to keep in your back pocket and drink seven which is late lieutenant and blood Guard you can finally start working on your armor set every single class gets a special armor set with unique set bonuses looks-wise any armor type will be the same for example the rogue set looks like the Druids the warrior looks like the paladin and so on the cross factions they still look different though there's six pieces total the boots the gloves chest legs helm and shoulders and at rank seven you're in the honour of purchasing the boots and gloves the gloves for each class will have some sort of special perk as you can see the Warriors have very used to cast a hamstring rink 8 which is night captain and Legionnaire you can purchase the chest and legs and drink 9 is a bit of a break it's like champion for the Alliance and Centurion for horde and you can buy battle standard which increases the health of nearby party members and at 10 which is Lieutenant Commander for the Alliance and champion for the Horde you can finally finish the blue set with the helmet and shoulders this is where I stopped in my original run 15 years ago I drink 11 which is commander and Lieutenant General you can purchase an epic and unique black version of each races mom and another unique thing with this drink is that you gain the ability to talk in the world defense channel to rally the troops and coordinate PvP battles the homestretch here has really told 2:14 though it's at this point is where the grinder really becomes a grind and it's where the men are seperated from the boys or the men with no lives and it don't say that to be derogatory in any way you really do have to know life in here to keep ranking it's just a fact the whole system is designed for you to compete against other players so naturally on every server the time invested is going to scale with how much time other people are investing which is typically 18 plus hours a day as you're inked up in game you actually lose rank in real life with your relationships with your friends physical fitness and the ability to talk to girls bust out the Hot Pockets because things are about to get sweaty for 12 we have marshal in general and this is where you can start working on the upgrade an epic version of your PvP set starting with the gloves legs and boots and a 13 which is Field Marshal and warlord you finish after said with a helmet shoulders in chest and lastly atop the corpses of a hundred thousand enemies in thousands and thousands of Dorito bags and hot pockets is ranked 14 Grand Marshal for the Alliance and high warlord for the Horde I would say that your girlfriend would leave you at this point but come on this is world of warcraft let's not kid ourselves here at this rank you're able to buy epic quality weapons of course insanely powerful more so early on before the higher end rates are released all in all from 1 to 14 you're looking at months of grinding getting more and more demanding from rank 12 and onwards eventually commanding 18 plus hour gameplay sessions every single day rank decay as I said as a thing again whether you're ranked or not is dependent on how many contribution points you earned versus other people on your server you'll lose progress if you don't PvP enough or if your earned what is known as a dishonorable kill and the town hubs throughout the game there are lower level quest givers and vendors and whatnot and some of these NPCs will have their name plates in gray and are labeled as civilians and will grant you a dishonorable kill when slain which will have an immediate negative impact on your ranking no need to wait one week to see the result it happens right on the spot and do note that if you're in a group with someone who kills a civilian you still get credit for that dishonorable kill even if you didn't attack so due to this many players who are ranking will afford any questing hubs like the plague and keep their world PvP activities - safe zones such as the Blackrock Mountain or dire mall for instance where there's no civilians at all and that's pretty much during 14 PvP system in a nutshell at the very basic level at least again if you want details with the breakpoints and equations and whatnot check out the link in the description and it'll explain it better than I could overall it's an insane the grandi system so just know what you're getting into some people love it some people hate it I personally don't care for it and this is someone who loves just about everything to do with classic as you guys know I think it rewards time investment more so than it does skill which hey that's perfect for me but it's just against what PvP should be for me in fact once battle grounds come out and people get their pre mates ready you'll notice something called the queue dodging which was rampant back in the day basically you join a battleground and you happened to get in against another pre-made but they only have one person except the kill this person is known as the Scout and if they see that it's a pug they'll tell their team to join up and if it's a premade they'll tell their team to riku and the Scout will just sit out for a bit this is done because once you leave a battleground you get the deserter debuff so if you use a scout method only one person needs to sit on and they just cycle who gets to be the scout as for why this happens it's all on a per hour typically the honor grants were either Warsong Gulch or a wrath you Basin you couldn't group qo4 I'll trick belly and even if you could that had problems with honor decay and killing the same players like I said with no timer and the Warsong Gulch back then and a be having a 2,000 grace first camp doing pre-made versus pre-made it could end up super long battles and relatively little honor for both sides to do to that decay so because of this it's much more preferable to just queue up against a pug to stop them out real quick to maintain a high honor per hour and this rank more efficiently back in my day I didn't have a choice because my faction happened to outnumbered the Horde like two to one and this was before crossroad battlegrounds so our cues were hours long they forgot a cute pup we had to take in and oftentimes would see that Scout queue up and then leave and then usually the battleground would just end because the game couldn't fill up with enough players in time there's nothing more frustrating than waiting for a match like three hours and then watching that timer roll down because another pre-made I didn't want to fight you it was a mess but you couldn't really blame them because that's how the system was designed it wasn't designed to reward a competitive pre-made versus pre-made match it was designed to reward stomping pugs over and over again and adventure it's going to be the same with the re-release even with crushed Rome battlegrounds plus in general it makes you compete against your own faction more than the enemy you don't care about what the enemy faction is doing you just want your allies to play less which is just a fundamentally flawed system to begin with and it's not even getting into the account sharing aspect which was also rampant back then with classic PvP it's painfully obvious when someone is account sharing everyone has their own kind of strategy and style of playing and out of nowhere you just see them play completely differently from one day to the other it'll certainly be a problem in the re-release something that Blizzard will have to keep an eye on but how do you detect people in the same household people will cheat you can be sure about that so it's just another one of the many issues of the system I think but hey I'm not calling for a change or anything it's just the way it was and therefore that's how it should be recreated I just want to make 100% sure that you guys know how everything really works and some of the snakes that you will run into if you decide to do the grind as for the fastest way to farm honor at the release of this video we only have world PvP and under that you get from enemies is split depending on your group size solo you can get over a hundred and in a 40-man raid group typically it's in the single digits it depends on a lot of factors including faction balance on your server are groups of 5 to 10 seem to be the most efficient and honor farming right now it's not split too much and you don't easily get overwhelmed keep in mind that the honor that pops up in the tooltip doesn't take into account the decay for killing the same player a lot of people right now are corpse camping or getting caught up in these giants herbs with the same people fighting over and over again not realizing that they're getting zero honor you need an add-on to track what you're actually getting which at the time this video was made and unworking once exists but as for when battlegrounds are at least like I said the worst Sun Gulch and wrathy basin are gonna be your go to if your team is good and your stomping a pug these are the quickest battlegrounds and they're fresh players for each round to feed into that meat grinder typically most people stuck with the worst Sun Gulch because it's capable of being winnable the fastest and you also get items called marks of Honor three for winning and one for losing and you can turn these in for bonus honor as well as reputation for the respective faction so battlegrounds in general are gonna be your go to 4-under farming world PvP around questing hubs should generally be avoided due to dishonorable kills be wary because if people know that your ranking and are competing against you they can and will try to sabotage you it was all too common back then for people to send a non-drinking guilty to join you in world PvP and if you're dumb enough to invite them they'd intentionally kill a civilian to dissuade you from continuing the grind you can maybe squeeze in some world PvP in the Blackrock Mountain between queues but it really depends on your queue times so use your own judgement there you may also choose to implement the queue dodging strategy that I mentioned earlier it is lame but hey if you're granting honor it's the fastest way to rank it's not against tos as far as I know so don't hate the player hate the game and of course consumers are going to be game changers remember this is classic it's a time before everything was hyper balanced you can go into these battlegrounds with flasks of titans engineer sapper charges vApps healing potions mongoose elixirs weapon stones they obviously make a huge difference and the fact of the matter is most successful teams will be the ones willing to invest the gold into consumables I want to end this video on a couple of fun facts though for no real reason other than I thought they're interesting number one is did you know at first he had to keep all of these rings to continue to use the items like the rank 14 weapons he had to keep ring 14 if you D ranked they would automatically unequip luckily they showed a bit of mercy with that though and they changed it pretty quickly before the introduction of the honor system Blizzard had a special combat or the person with the most kills before the system's release would be rewarded now with this ultra rare item called the contest winter standard it's insanely rare to see one in the wild these days but they're out there also there's a plan for a reg 15 called City protector that was scrapped before release I talked about this before so I won't go super detailed but essentially you're able to receive a special title depending on your race and you'd also be able to teleport to your races capital city but it's about all I have to say I hope you have a good understanding of the Ring 14 system now it rewards the time commitment and the good sides and the downsides and more importantly I hope that you find the video interesting or entertaining like it if you liked it and I'll see you in the next one peace farewell for now mortals we hope you enjoyed today's video see you again soon you
Channel: MadSeasonShow
Views: 454,127
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Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, madseasonshow, World of Warcraft, guide, tutorial, how-to, walkthrough, World Of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth (Video Game), World Of Warcraft (Video Game), wow classic, wow vanilla, 1.13, 1.12, wow rank 14 pvp system, wow classic rank 14, honor farming, wow classic honor farming, wow honor guide, wow classic pvp guide, wow fastest honor farming, grand marshal, high warlord, wow classic pvp, wow classic rank 14 honor farm guide, wow rank 14 guide
Id: Y7NtkdhJfBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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