PvP Honor Ranking Deep Dive w/ Atacas | Classic WoW

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greetings everyone melter on here on a special type of video I don't really do PvP stuff but I'm totally intrigued by it especially with the PvP men and the way it's going now and frankerz I mean you guys are you guys are amazing the amount of time you put into this and my guest for this is Atticus who's been on the channel before did a warrior deep dive with us a leveling deep dive and it's currently ranked 12 I believe right an actus mm-hmm awesome dude well he introduced yourself to the audience yeah my name is Atticus real name is Zach played this game since I was about 14 years old didn't really get to rank whenever I was younger playing vanilla got to like 10 but it was kind of like a passive thing didn't really understand the ranking system so now that classic well is a thing again I'm using it as the opportunity to finish the unfinished business of my childhood I guess nice so I have to ask like how are you pulling how many hours a day you're doing this number one number two how many are you pulling this off okay so at least 20 hours a day during like TV meta yeah at least 20 sometimes 22 depends like during the AV meta it was a lot different because it was so much more accessible to everyone so I had to put in more hours but now with the Warsong Gulch minute it's a little bit different so there is a element of skill involved and there's no BOTS that can keep up so you get to sleep a little bit more okay that's interesting so the so the actual the shifts a change they made AV actually gave you more free time yeah just a little bit I mean actually kind of a lot it's just that there's still a lot of like little intricate things that apply like you have a you just that since there's such a skill gap you know you can get all of your honor knocked out early in the week if you've got a good team you know what you're doing but then like even if you were to continue like throughout later on in the week the queue times get longer and the amount of honor you can get becomes less accessible I check out I still see people trying like struggling like on day one I get like 160,000 on or something and then on day like for it's a struggle to get up to 120 wow it's just because keep times gotcha so the honor system is kind of it's kind of a phenomenon that a lot of people don't understand and and I think just people think it's a black box can you explain to us how the honor system actually works at the detailed level yeah so in the and you're on the entire server anyone who gets 15 honorable kills or more gets added into a pool the pool with people dictates how much how many different like how big the brackets are in that pool so each pool size has 14 different brackets bracket one is your highest one now if you're looking at it in the add-on honor spa that some people use they list for active 14 as the highest one but they just have it backwards so bracket 1 is your smallest pool size those people get the most amount of rank points every week your rank points are dictated by the amount of honor that you've grinded that week in comparison to everyone else on your server so if you like all right the caps on my server right now are 700,000 for bracket 1 so what we try to do is get everyone we get the right amount of people that are gonna be in bracket 1 based on how many people are in the pool and then we say okay those people you grind out $700,000 each because the closer they're stacked to each other the more rank points that they all get it's you know like that close like they're never gonna be perfect but ideally everybody would get like 13,000 rank points and bracket 1 and then we did the same thing for like bracket 2 we're like okay you guys get six hundred thousand this week and if everybody gets as close to six hundred thousand as possible everybody gets as close to 12 thousand rank points as possible and then bracket three that one's gonna be eleven thousand rank points same deal we stack those five hundred thousand this week so basically you're just trying to keep everything as tight and as close as you can but the problem there is that you know there's some people that just don't care and they're just gonna you know do whatever they want and not really pay attention so we've got a you know system of people that we go through and we try to talk to the people that we can see on hunter spa that are pushing X amount of Honor that may threaten the brackets or whatever and then we're just like hey man you know we're stacking brackets or trying to make it easier on everybody you interested in you know becoming a part of this working with everyone and usually we can get them on board but sometimes there's a little bit of toxicity we have to deal with and but yeah recently I was added to one of the admins of the discord that we used for all the bracket stacking because one of the guys that I was in communication with daily he finished he hit rank 14 this week so then he kind of like handed over his mantle to me in a sense Wow so I think yeah that yeah okay so looking at looking at this I think most people think that it's just a kill as many people as you possibly can kind of thing but it's there's way more thought involved into it because everything's weighted right by everyone else in a way and you're doing this on a warrior correct yes right so okay so so the strategy obviously has significantly shifted with the changes to a V but before them unless let's remember that aspect of your life what was the AV grind like it was horrible so why it's because they had instant cues they were able to queue into a V as soon as they click the button and then whenever a battleground would pop up it would say you have been chosen to join altar AK Valley 15 so they would have you know X amount of people in discord and they would all queue up at the same time because you couldn't join as a group they just now recently changed it to where you can queue as five people right so they had it was like okay we all joined battle individually and it says okay X amount of people got a alternate Valley 15 well let's see okay we don't have enough healers in that everybody cancel it let's Riku again okay X amount of people got into all track valley 25 and then okay that looks like we've got 37 out of 40 people the other three just go down into that other channel and queue with other people till you can get in and then they would just keep doing that and cycling through till they had you know most of the people covered in those 40 bands and then they didn't even care about actually pvping like you would you'd see them in this massive mob just running down the field and then you'd try to stop them maybe you'd get like a killer to but mostly they would either they would either it started off with them just like we we finally would like I guess kind of evolved as a pug to be like okay we're gonna kill some of them over here and we started to kill some of them on this side but then later on they started to be like okay no screw that and then they would just turn and they would all jump off their mounts and kill all the Horde because not all the Horde in our group would come and only be like 10 or 15 the rest of them would just go to objectives and they wouldn't listen to anything anyone's saying because hug nobody cares and then they evolved to just having some mages run out at us and just jump like have like three or four mages room running like a line against us and then just jump in and frost Nova us all down so then we couldn't get to him and then they would just sit there and polymorph people and they were all about like the mages were basically like sacrificial right just being people so that the big mass could get by so for the majority of it these Alliance didn't really PvP at all they just had tons of warriors that were fury SPECT and just ran right to the end killed Drake and then they started over he's like seven minute games they get like 3.5 K on ER instant queues and so because of that horde Q times were they started when it first came out it was like 3 min cubes because everyone was doing era was trying to get their rift once like the majority of people got their rep out of the way the Q times kept going up and up and up to the point where we were right before the Warsong Gulch meta we were at 45 minute Q times to get into all tracks always and and that's still better than world PvP at that point yeah yeah well the way that you had to supplement was you would queue up and then you would go do world PvP in the mean time so yeah like sometimes you could get a decent amount of Honor from world PvP other times you just got screwed over like you'd go out there and you try to fight people and you would either just die or you'd only get like a little bit of a hit on somebody so you'd only get like 20 on ER or you just wouldn't find anybody so it was um it was weird because it was a constant thing you were just constantly like I'm queued up now let me go out into the world I'm queued up now let me go out into the world and you never really got any down time until like way late at night when there was no one in the world and then you would get like you know 30 minutes off or whatever just to do whatever and you couldn't really sleep because you only had like 30 minutes but I was still I still do this sometimes is uh I'll just sit there and I'll put on alarm on my phone for 28 or 29 minutes and then I would just sleep for 28 to 29 minutes and wake up to make sure my character doesn't disconnected and then go back to sleep until the cue pops basically yeah so that was like for the first the metaphor most people was just to do like the a/v naps is what we call it and we would just go in there and cue up and do exactly what I said with the timer but now even with the war song meadow we I still do that on like early in the morning like after reset or something all like a bee nap for four hours and I just wake up just long enough to do the a bee and then I go back to sleep until the next one pops and then once I feel rested enough I get back in group of my more song group and do more song for another basically 24 hours and then I actually get real sleep but I only sleep for like four hours at that point anyway well and you know I know about you you're you're pretty big health guy you're in the lotta you know eating right and working out and stuff like that like what's how is this impacted oh it's terrible I there's no way like I I have enough trouble like eating whenever I haven't slept enough anyway so to try to eat like healthy food when I haven't slept enough and it's like this doesn't taste that great and it's not like that filling right it's impossible so I've just completely forgotten that I've gained a bunch of weight I hate it but once I'm done with his grind I'll fix it yeah and I know you will you're you're really good at that and you have a lot of good tips and advice when it comes to nutrition and health you know but how do you how do you balance things man like how do you I don't know like I I don't know your personal obviously we your work situation or how that works but how do you balance all this stuff so I've been planning for this ever since classic Wow God announced like I started saving up money God the job I have whenever I got it I told him I was like hey just say you know this is going on and when the game comes out I'm taking X amount of time off when the ranking system comes out I'm taking X amount of time off and my boss is really really really cool and he was like yeah it's fun you know just let me know when you're ready to come back or whatever so I've just taken time off work I've got money safe to open I'm just chilling but it's still like it's not fun like I'd rather be out of the house of doing something but it's just what it is what it is for now and this sounds like it's do a question but once you get to high warlord is is that so that's basically so you've attained that you've gotten the gear so you no one can ever say you weren't high warlord cause you've gotten that weapon right exactly so I guess that that's the goal right you get there and then that's it because you can't really maintain that right can you maintain you know okay okay right no I mean like you can but like there's no point - there's no as much as I'm grinding now I have to do that every single week to maintain it right and it's not worth I don't even think you can actually exceed the rank 14 in classic I know that like there was the rumor that you could get 15 back in old vanilla but I don't I didn't see any like anybody's like actual honor bar to see if there was actually any progression once they were ranked 14 but I know that all the honor bars I've seen this week that are ranked 14 there is no progression through it so it looks like it gets you right up to 14 and then it stops calculating but I did the like math to figure out if it was actually possible to get to rank 15 if it did exist and with the current way that like there's only 14 brackets in the bracket pool it would take you 70 weeks of being the top PvP or on your server to get to 15 but if Frank 15 were an actual thing then there would be 15 bracket slots in the pool so you would actually be able to get 14,000 rank points per week instead of 13,000 but yeah that's not thing so have you heard the rumor that someone actually passed away have you heard no I haven't heard that I heard on the grapevine I don't know if it's actually true but I was watching a video I think it was tipsters video he was talking about someone who actually died I don't know if it was because of ranking but just make sure you want you know make sure you get up out of your chair won't move around man get those blood flowing but that's incredible it I think this is the most badass I mean people will argue and say what doesn't require a lot of skill but we'll get into that in a second but I feel like this is the this is the extra line of like Warcraft this is it I mean like what I mean you could say okay rain isn't TBC but no I don't think that I think this is the most trihard thing there is in all four craft there's definitely more skill involved things that you can do down the road like Arena is by far the most skill involved thing in world of warcraft that will ever be there's no question about it if anybody argues that then they've never played you know arena at a high level great but um as far as like time investment goes this is the most that there will ever be like there's no other thing in this game that takes as much time as this and specifically in the manner that it is because we talked about this earlier but with your rank whenever you like every single week you lose 20% of your rank points and to put that in perspective each rank is comprised of a certain amount of rank points I think it starts at 3 where they start to become 5,000 each from that point out so it's like 3 it takes 5,000 rank points to get to 4 and then 5,000 it gets 5 and then all the way like that up to 14 but they add on top of each other so the actual rank numbers aren't exactly they're not exactly like what is dictated by you I look at it more it's like a bar of like just points and the top is 60,000 yeah and there's just ranks put on there to just break it up for you I see so whenever you're like adding on you're just adding rank points to that total meter the whole time you just can't see the total meter so every week you lose 20% of those total rank points so if you're at like you know 40,000 rank points then you lose 8,000 that week and then if you were bracket 1 you would gain 13,000 after that so you would gain 5,000 points that week instead of the actual 13,000 so that's why it starts to get so difficult when you're at rank 13 like I only have two ranks to go but after this week if I'm bracket one every single week then I'm on a six or five weeks away so okay it's like almost half the grind is spent at the end of it so you'd say you're approximately five weeks away at this point yeah okay if I if I'm bracket one every single day every single day I'm like or every single week from this point out I'm like six hunt ilex eed rank 14 by 600 rank points which is a good cushion to be on so how did these guys get it this week I'm a little confused at that it seems like it's almost near impossible how that and the people who got it this week have been bracket one every single week solo PvP released okay and that's the only possible way so they got a nice jump start basically yeah before battle grounds came out which is very hard to do and a lot of servers doesn't actually scare him my server oh yeah on Jurado it was miserable like you know servers were horde dominated hours we have more horde players but less active horde players like so we had more as a total but just nobody was pvp so it was very annoying like and they were just like scared they would just sit there and just be like oh no there's five Alliance outside of car gasps I can't move or like a road would pop up in car gap and only like three people touched him it's like wonder he you guys do it like just attack the person he will die a promise right but you know they were just scared to I don't I don't get it yeah for ranking itself I can understand it well pvp is just not the way to go I mean obviously with the server imbalance issues people can run away you know been a battleground you're set and you're in there there's nothing you can really do about it why do you think Blizz instituted the a/b changes was just because of the of the Alliance acute hues or was it there's more to it you think there was way more to it so see okay like I said Alliance had the instant queue thing and they had when you when you have the ability to make premades you now have the ability to control the brackets because when you're like on the alliance side it was like okay we're gonna have all of our highest ranking people in this 40-man right and now we have art and people under them in this 40-man and so on and so forth so if you went and like broke the bracket caps then the person who controls all of those pre mates is just like no you're not allowed to pre-made with us anymore have fun pugging you're never going to be able to get the amount of honor that it takes to cap so because you when you become like organized and set with these things you're able to push way more honor than someone who's trying to do it by themselves so that was one aspect that made it good for alliance but for ORD we didn't have premades we had to pretty much queue for all track valley 24/7 seven days a week when horn Alliance was capping their honor for three to five days a week they just spent like the first three to five days playing and they were done that they got you know two to three to four days off or whatever and we're sitting there playing 20 hours a day seven days a week unbelievable I was lucky to get my honor capped before Sunday and have a day off most of the time I got my honor capped you know eight eight or seven hours before reset and I had like an hour to go to the store to grab food to get ready for next week and then sleep for six hours before I played twenty out twenty four hours straight again this is wow this is amazing like it's literally amazing to me like I coming from no I did Navy till I got my lady life gave her and that was it right and then I was done but hearing this it's like it's just such a totally different world for me like I didn't even know that it was this hard people say it's hard right you don't really realize how hard it isn't so you're actually doing it and how much time is involved I was kind of the same boat because you know I didn't get to do it the hardcore way back in the day so whenever I started doing this you know my rank was going up pretty quick uh one of the world PvP first came out and we had the tauren tarren mill versus South Shore deal going on I stayed there for hours a day and I ended up getting like almost rank four in the first day which is almost as high as you can get I mean almost right for the first week which is almost as high as you can get in the first week so I was up there and I was like okay this doesn't seem too bad but then when the Terran Mills South Shore thing started to fall apart and Alliance started to take over on my server it became worse and worse and worse and I was just like I'm not gonna do this I'm just gonna wait till I'm gonna PvP a little bit but I'm gonna wait until Bee Gees come out to really go hard and then once Bee Gees came out I was like okay I'm still getting you know a decent amount of rank every week like this is not bad I'll just keep doing this and then it started you know you get higher and it starts to get less and less and less and then I'm starting to like actually cap my honor because I'm getting to the point where I can't just progress by just doing whatever I have to like you know actually cap and be stacked properly and then it just like once I got to that point you know it was uh that was when the real no life kicked in and I couldn't do anything to play the game 24/7 and it was me roll but yeah knowing I mean you're not done yet you have five weeks to go but knowing what you know now what you've experienced would you do it again no okay okay not at all the most that I'll do I've been talking about some other people about it serious that I might make an alliance character like I might make a paladin and rank him to ten maybe but because ten you can get kind of passively and especially if you're doing it like with the way the meta is now as long as you find a decent group then you'll be fine to rank in a couple days or whatever but um I don't know it's it's not gonna be something that I'll ever do again oh yeah if I ever play classic again after this I'm just gonna play a class that doesn't need to rank cuz like warriors by far the most important class for ranking the rank yeah rank ten in rank twelve pieces are literally best in slot up and through including necks for some of those pieces like that's a PvE I'm talking about now that that's that's incredible right and if you're able to get that even for tanking - yeah there's just great pieces so if you'll have that at least least you'll have that you can progress your PvP PvE with the content you'll have your weapon you'll have the high warlord weapon and so you'll bragging rights for the rest for eternity right pretty much and if we go into TBC and wrath it's gonna be even more impactful that you got that weapon so I mean it has across your mind ever to just say I'm done yeah yeah every day every day yeah every day I'm just sitting there like it's just really what I wanna do because like it's mostly when I first wake up and I'm just like so tired because I slept for four hours I'm just like I want to do this I don't want to do this and then after I get woken up you know all I'll start to feel like a little bit better like you know sometimes when we play against like bigger name people like north hey what's up dude yeah we smashed you the other day how was that but yeah that wasn't me up when we play against him and then I was like alright I'm good to go now but it just takes a minute to get like woken up and but then after we get what I get woken up like I'm I don't even care anymore like I'm just like no this is all that matters just keep going got you how did Warsong Gulch change things for you guys for you specifically so yeah that was like like I was talking about how you can kind of box people out if they don't want to conform to how brackets stacking and they don't want to cooperate or whatever I started up as soon as this thing started I was immediately like you know spamming like you know looking for more for worse on pre-made blah blah I got like a few people in my group and then more and more people were asking to join and I was like okay screw this I'm making a discord for it so I made the Warsong Gulch premade discord for my server and now I'm running that and it's got probably close to a thousand people in it I think well but um yeah so now that like that's something that's you know instated and among like the fact that the bracket discord is run by the biggest guilds on my server like storm and bipolar and stuff like that they we have like a lot of like strong-arm behind us and if anybody wants to you know like we've had people already being like hey yeah I'm going for bracket one this week just letting you know and then we're like um no you shouldn't do that you're only rank 11 there's people who need bracket one above you because they're gonna benefit way more and get out of the system open up slots for more people to go that high or whatever and then you know they're like oh yeah well you know what I wanted anyway so I'm gonna do that and then you know just takes a few minutes of putting the word out being like hey guys so this guy's acting like this what we do like oh he's actually pre mating with some people from storms so let me talk to them real quick and then those people turn around and they're like hey so if you don't stack properly you're not gonna be on this team anymore so how does that make you feel and then the then he turns around he's like oh okay I'll stack properly and that happens frequently like you there's only been one person that I even had to put on the blacklist and then once I put him on there and he started to see that it was like real and then I sat down and talked with him he changed his tune real quick and he was like okay no I'll cooperate and then yeah I mean that's that's essentially how it's changed for us is that now we have the ability to you know dictate our brackets a little bit lower like we were up around like 900 K honor for caps with a V and that was pointing 24/7 now that Warsong is the thing we've brought them down like 200k each cap basic or each bracket basically and we can play a lot less like I capped yesterday like midday and I've had you know all today all tomorrow and then half of yesterday to just relax and do nothing and that's been like unheard of for me this entire time right but even even though I've got all that time off I still want a cap earlier on in the week just because of how queue times go so I don't want to I still don't get to sleep much early on in the week but at least I'm finishing earlier that's good that's great sleep is important right I mean because I'm sure during those a/b times you were like seeing seeing things and hearing things right like you're not sleeping so bad yeah yeah dude cuz he like my entire body was hurting yeah I'm sure so can you explain the difference in strategy between Navy and war song so you talking about like just our strategy or like like battleground strategy as well yeah Ben we're gonna chose you hole yeah so in a V it's not okay before it's more peds right basically yeah yeah so there was two different ways that you would do it and one of them I was on one side there was people on a different side but like some people would go in and be like just get as many lieutenants and everything and bunkers as you can they're gonna win in six minutes we don't care it just gives much honor as you can that's it and I was on the other side of look guys if we all recall before they get in base and if we all have all of our majors just a Oh Ian them down and we focus on their tanks then we win because we wiped them and then we're set up again for next push we wiped them again that we're set up again for next push we've wiped them again now Alliance is mad because you've now interrupted their honour per hour because they can't break our turtle right on a turtle but it's really just playing Heaton's mm-hmm and then they just give up they just either stand there and wait for you to finish or they afk out and go take a break so that was what I wanted to do all the times was like yo just like stop them then we get the full battleground instead of waiting 40 minutes for another game exactly and sometimes that people would do that like there were times when only like a handful of us stopped them like there was one specific game I had where there I saw okay I just target drag and then I target his target which is whoever's tanking and then I went ahead and you know instead of just a charge stun which is much shorter than an intercept stun I would switch intercept stand out he's stunned for three seconds put a mortal strike on him has no avoidance is receiving half healing and then I would drop a sapper in the middle of their group and then now they're all like you know sixty seventy percent health their tank has got mortal strike on he's not avoiding anything he dies direct turns and starts one shotting all the fury warriors that are standing there now there's no tank and they just progressively just dip blow up and fall off and I'm like look if if I can do that like by myself and why can't forty people come in there and screw him over exactly yeah and that must have felt pretty good yeah but it was just it's hard to get that commute like to commute that communicate back to people they just don't want to believe it they're just like no that's risky it's dumb they think I'm stupid because they think I'm bullshitting or whatever and I was like it's okay cool we'll just go get as much little bonus on earth as we can it's it and queue for 40 more minutes so in worst song it requires at least in my opinion it requires a lot more skill right to win yes so do you find it refreshing to play actual PvP now yeah it's a it's a different level of stress but it's still like it's it's preferred I think so in more song you know the main thing is a lot of people want to just like worry about killing them as much as you can but that's not what the game is it's it's about objectives like there's been many games where we've won and they have three times the amount of kills that we do right but we've won and it's like okay yeah you probably got about the same amount of honors us or whatever but you know we still won the game and it is all about hph at this point it's not even about winning like there's if you if you're getting to a point like when they get the first cap and if they absolutely just crust you and you can't do anything to stop them then just don't Res and just wait for the game to end or just go fight them in mid until the game ends and just get as many honorable kills as you can understand but you know it's more about playing the objective for sure like instead of just like fighting in mid the whole time it's like okay they just picked up our flag we need to peel off we need to okay the enemy flag or anyway enemy flag carriers going ramp everybody head and there's so many little intricate you know like jumps and like map glitches I guess you want to call it that just dictate what makes like a good flag runner and Warsong Gulch there's just these tiny little things like okay I can jump on this little pixel and then that pixel and I can get over this part of our tunnel and then run into our base way faster than someone going up ramp and they're annoying but they're there okay like the only ones I disagree with are like on on the wide side of the field there's a fence that oh if you have like a female character the model can actually just walk through a lot of the parts of the fence and that like specifically I can night elf druid like female might help do it yeah is by far the best flag runner in the game because it's a little yep just because of that they can do all the things that a normal druid can do and make all the jumps that any other player can make but because their actual character model the female night off is so skinny they can walk through certain parts of the fence that like my big dumb or gasps can't fit through so that's interesting like it's very annoying to try to chase somebody through that for so long people didn't realize that there was any difference with sex right like there shouldn't be a difference with gender or sex when it comes to the character models but there are it is there you know it's crazy because there's different leeway leeway mechanics with torn females and males and now you're saying this like these little things that we no one ever knew right everyone thought I would just pick whatever gender you want or whatever doesn't matter you know exactly that's interesting it's super shapes I would have known I would be playing a female orc right now for that alone like just based on the simple fact that I would be able to fit through those stupid little holes in the fence well it I mean it is what it is now if they brought a character re customization in the game or whatever I would definitely pay and go female org like as soon as they brought it out hmm so we talked about skill and I think like does your pre-made obviously the pre rates smaller well there is no pre-made 4av pretty much but now you have those premature and now you're looking at this from a difference perspective now you want like people that know what they're doing right PvP wise is it more difficult and challenging to work with people pre-made versus just a V which is just a massive arrow yeah the only stress that I had an AV was can I stay awake long enough to do this right this dress I have in Warsong now is alright I know I'm gonna get my honour but I want to get it done quicker so I need better players and people who aren't like egotistical and people who aren't like you know who know what they're talking about as opposed to thinking what they know what they're talking about like that's a here's a huge skill gap there and it's nice to see now because there's definitely like a bigger pool to pull from and there's a lot more like experience that people have in general because of how long the game is existed but there's still a lot a lot a lot of like just little nuance things that you can tell like okay this person's only done battlegrounds even their pvp experience this person has done arena for their PvP experience like as soon as I get someone in my group and I hear them just constantly calling out like on what they're seeing and what they're damaging theirs and then I've got another person over here who won't even speak and I'm like okay clearly this person's done arena this person's just dabbled in a few battleground square and it doesn't even tell me when they have somebody on them and like yo tell me if you got a rogue on me I will intercept him and punch him in the face just readies tell me right right hmm do you find that you guys win most of these pre mates or do you find that the Alliance has better pre mates I'd say that we definitely have a win percentage that's higher like I think our win percentage is around like eighty five issue oh wow it's 90 percent but yeah I mean I've picked and pulled people out of my group I've hurt some feelings here and there because people just start performing but um I'd say that Alliance probably has roughly the same skill level there's definitely some people out there just blow us out of the water and that's just it is what it is you know we're not as good as them what are you gonna do about it yeah those are there's definitely like there's been teams that have been terrible but we just can't beat them because of two different things like one is they got their gear much faster and better because of the AV system like they got their gear we can tell they suck but they're getting carried by the X 1/k health that their team has and overall their team has a total of an extra 10k health that's a lot to beat through when you've got people who are you know they're still in their blue PPP gear and don't have you know as good weapons to use the or to hit through it but then you know you can tell like you can tell that's a thing whenever they're not using like any consumables and they're just running in and it's just like yeah I can't beat on a warrior that's got 6,000 health or whatever but um then you turn around you have people on our side who can beat that with less gear and it's like yeah you guys kind of made us into this by having these premades you kind of forced horde to become better as pvp years while you sat there and just peed your way to your gear okay so it's interesting to see that but um I hate seeing these people getting carried carried by their gear but it won't translate whenever you know a bunch of horde have their gear as well so yeah it works early on so do you think there's credence to the fact that skill side do you think that horde has an advantage in PvP shaman verse palette and racial versus racial oh that was I was actually getting right to say so Alliance has the I forgot I was wondering I was forgetting but Alliance has the advantage 10 out of 10 because of paladin Caledon is by far the most broken healer in classic like shaman okay great I've got win fury that's cool but wintery doesn't keep my healer alive for 12 seconds and be untouched for 12 seconds like there's so many exchanges that they win just because you can't touch their healer and you don't even want to go on paladin half the time because they just takes so little damage because they're so tanky and then they just bubble and they have three health bars on top of it right basically yeah yeah so yeah if you want to force the bubble as quick as you can so that you can go to the paladin but there's this like momentum exchange in you know you know and a scuffle and Warsong go so like right out the gate they have the ability to go straight in on us they can go to our backline and they can sit on our back line because as if we go to their backline then either the paladin bops the healer or bubbles himself and spam heals the priest you know so we can't do that like when we have just you know 2 or 3 healers on our back line whether it's two priests in a shaman or at ruied which I'll know why you do that but a druid a shaman a priest or just two priests is just if you're running to heels no matter what they can't just become immune to stuff for more than six seconds with a whip but on top of that you've got like if we go to their backline like I said paladin go bubble for 12 seconds you get on the priests you can bubble the priests for 10 seconds oh you got back on the paladin well he can limp for 6 seconds oh that's down he can lay on hands oh that's down he can hand a freedom and run away like there's all these things that they can do that our healers straight-up cannot do and it ultimately just means okay they're on our back line we just have to kill there the people on our back line or CC them but on top of that even if we try to CC them like you still have a paladin that can bubble and cleanse them and then spam heal them so the paladin just dictates a lot of the matches like any match that we've gone up against Alliance that doesn't have paladin they absolutely stood no chance and we smashed them and they're more men efficient on top of all of that - oh yeah they create a spell they get the man yeah yeah that's incredible so I think cuz I think a lot of people including myself think that you know PvP when it comes to maybe not one-on-one but when it comes to large-scale PvP everyone kind of thinks oh we have the best ratios we have shaman who are more offensive but in reality you're saying that in these large-scale skirmishes or battleground skirmishes the Alliance does have the upper hand and I wonder if more people knew that they would more people in role alliances as you know most players of classic wild horde like a mout tomorrow I'd go Alliance just to have a paladin healing like I would Lea all of my friends and my guild behind just to go have a paladin healer in people K because that's why I play the game for is PvP and if I can you know do that better than I'm gonna do that hmm that's interesting to hear because that yeah it's good to hear those kind of things because it's so far away from what our expectation those expectations are what they do and it's like this is a it's it's it's real deal man it's it's a life it's it's it's part of your life you know it's something you want to do and stuff like that so that that's incredible um so what do you think it's gonna be like ranking later on in the game it's gonna be harder easier it's getting easier and easier the only thing that's gonna pose a problem is down the road just as you know the guy Atlas priest he had to pass off the you know his role of the bracket stacking and whatnot to me that's the only thing that's gonna pose a problem is because you know I'm still kind of green to the whole you know bracket thing like I understand it I understand it way better than most people do but I don't understand it on the level that he did and on the level that some of the other people in there do but they're you know mentoring as we go and figuring it out but how much and how long is that going to translate like is that gonna continue like whenever I have to pass it off to somebody else am I going to be able to explain it to them as well as they've explained it to me is it going to continue to go that well but aside from that though like getting your honor and whatnot is gonna be way easier as long as you are a decent PB beer and have a group of decent PV peers um because instantly like after these rank 14s came out I hardly see any of those same people in the battle girls I'm seeing them once or twice like certain teams I'll see you because like that's why they play the games just to do worse on goals premades whether they're ranking or not the rank grind is more of just a means to an end to get to the point where they can do their Warsong Gulch cremates with their group but um yeah I mean aside from that like small group of people there's just more and more people that are just gonna disappear out of the out of Warsong Gulch and it's just gonna become you know you're going you're you've got your pre-made and you're going up against more and more hugs every time so it's just gonna get easier in that sense but yeah the bracket stacking is what's gonna make it difficult I've heard recently that I think we stay saves video that apparently someone got hit by a GM not not banned but warned by GM about jumps and Warsong Gulch have you heard about that yeah I saw something about it and there's certain jumps that I completely disagree with like I said like the small model one those are done I don't think they should be in the game just because I don't think that the sex you change okay yeah that's exactly but you know like I played halo 2 in major league gaming back in the day and I was a huge advocate saying that like yes these BX are like double shot quad shots all that that should be in the game because you can do it you just have to practice it whether it's a glitch or not you can do it but it's a little bit different with Wow because for one the model thing that's dumb you shouldn't be there because not everyone can do it but then you don't really have the opportunity to practice these jumps because there's no like open-world Warsong Gulch you can go in and practice all these jumps and you have to do it in a match that's you know high intensity or high strung or whatever the only real option that you have practicing these jumps is if you're stomping a premade or stomping a pug or whatever then you can go they're just not rezzing so you can just go practice the jumps while they're not wrestling or if you're getting stomped you can not rez and then run around in Ghost form and practice them but even then that's only a few minutes that you get to spend trying to jump onto this thing that's gonna take you hours to master so it's still not an ideal situation but I mean it's there it is what it is and that's just what's gonna separate people from like good players from bad players but the ones that the the GM said something about those ones were just like absurd and like outside of the map so I understand that one now it shouldn't be a thing obviously okay okay I think people got a little worried there about that that they won't be able to do jump stuff like that and I'm not sure how prevalent that is I guess everyone knows how to do it at the high levels I'm guessing a lot a lot a lot of people do we like my group a lot of us didn't know how to do them perfectly but we knew where they were and just from stomping pugs and other groups when they won't rest and practicing like that we've gotten a lot better at them as a whole hmm so like now even when I'm running the flag like I'll pick it up and just do the jump over the Horde tunnel and just jump inside and they'll all be like fighting inside a tunnel and they're all sitting there well he didn't go ramp he didn't go tunnel where is he and then I'm just like standing in the flag room and I'm like eh I'm here can you explain to us what the optimal Hort Warsong pre-made looks like as far as class composition so the one that I run it fluctuates because on our server and I think and I think on on all servers the class balance is a little it's awful it wouldn't be this way if all the Rock Valley wasn't the meta to begin with because anybody and everybody could rank during all thrive Valley so there's so many warriors I put up a sign up board in the Warsong Gulch pre-made thing just to show like just to see how many like people there were and there was like 70 warriors signed up and like five hunters it was just a massive different so there's just a huge huge imbalance in classes that are ranking but you know if we had the war song both free mates from before it would have only been the people who can push the honor who are a part of the you know the right composition but my composition for mine is we run two warriors one le Shan two disc priests a hunter and then what else we run I always forget and then two mages and then a druid a rogue yes and a rogue yeah so there's things you can like fluctuate with there but I think that that's one of the most balanced comps to have we have the two priests one of them's a tri spec so he has like blackout and mine Flay and silence and stuff like that so he still has the healing capability but he also has you know like a lot of tech and CC ability and then we have like a traditional healing priest I can't murder she's holier disc I think she's holy but um then we have you know to frost mages that's just immense amount of control they can potentially pick the flag and give it out of a flag room pass off to the druid if the jury can't get it for some reason and then the druid for a flag runner obviously two warriors for damage and a mess bought and then le shaman for just straight-up delete potential like it's ridiculous I'll just I'll be like oh there's a rogue on le alright switch to the rogue real quick and I'm like alright ms is up and then as soon as I say MS is up my boiler sitting here with a chain white and queued up and it's just it's so much fun man it's so great I'm telling my friend his arrest that shaman I'm like dude just just go le like please just go le and do some more song and he's like no cast and stupid and I'm like numb and trust me you'll love it you can't say currently but in the middle of the screen right now there's a elemental shaman pea P montage going on house we're talking about this yeah nice yeah but yeah so then we have the hunter for you know the traps like the traps are huge for whenever they're coming out of tunnel whenever they're coming down ramp just placing the slowing trap down I can trim its frost or freezing whichever one it is but the one that's the big AoE yeah um places that down and it's just incredibly difficult for them to get over and then on top of that like the main main reason the hunters are there is for viper sting viper sting is so i just overpowered like we get to the and that's one of the other strategies you use is you never gonna touch the healers you just let the hunter viper sting them you kill all the DPS and then you just leave the healers alive with no mana so now you never let them reset never let them get mana keep them in combat never let them drink and they're just running around they can't do anything they just sit there no mana full health they're useless so Wow that's what the hunters main job is is just a render the healers useless but then the rogue he just sits in the flag room and just does everything in the world like rocket helm like grenades you know SAP's blinds like everything that you could potentially have in a rogue's arsenal he's using that to stop their flag carrier from getting out and then Whittle them down to the point where when they do get out they don't have anything else to use other than maybe a fab but we just purge it and then the Germans screwed like he has nothing else at that point hmm but then you know sometimes we have like harder console have to go up against some pull the hunter back to Biondi with the rogue but aside from that yeah the that's uh everyone has their own little role but it's again it's it's war songs all about control it's not about damage like I was swords back when we started it using obsidian edged blade and then just like thinking about it like a realizing the potential of the unstoppable force and may spec like I can sit on a druid and just spam hamstring and no matter how fast he shifts forms I'll keep a hand laying on right and then I'm getting stun procs as well sometimes I stun him out of form and if I see that happen I'm immediately trying to throw as much damage on him as I can yeah so I just turned into like hamstring spam and MS bought on the flag carrier and it's very hard for them to get the only way they get away is if I get hard CC eat or if they get a fat off that doesn't get the spell I'm assuming you got a EB before battlegrounds came out right because the would help okay there's like how what time did you have to get the kid in to get MC here yeah it was it was rough because like I was in MC from literally week two and never even saw a weapon drop until about two weeks before battle grounds came out like I was literally world pvping using demon shear I was so mad yeah yeah we got a we have we had to be are eavesdrop actually man we're really excited about that we have a lot of Bowie views - yeah it's uh we had some luck but we've been running every we went clear every week you've in PvP right so that's a difference well yeah I've been we've cleared every week this is the first week that I haven't done a full clear so now no I'm thinking able your PP in the whole time sorry yeah I realized that ya know I was still taking the one nine a week to do more molten core up until this week so I'm you know I'm the good leader in my guild and I still like get brought in this week I didn't go the full run I just get brought in for rag in case bone river's edge drops because even if I get ranked fourteen weapons and whatnot if I do two-handed fury PvE the river's edge is still better than rank fourteen weapons guys don't need that for PvE DPS just like Oh for pde DPS guys sure sure yeah yeah and I mean I'll use it while I'm ranking to like BR he's just way but the Ares it slaps do - absolutely slaps then like Death Bringer the one-handed axe off of an exhale that one's better than rank 14 axes as well interesting it's really weird but that's just how the game is itemized for some reason huh so getting that weapon and you can't even use it in PvE when you get to rank 14 yeah some of them I mean it depends on what I'm doing like there's good weapons for fury tanking there's good you're mostly just gonna be PvP weapons but I mean there's still some that I'll use for PvE so I know you don't play Alliance but can you talk about the alignments with the Alliance pre-made composition would look like optimal yeah there's um should be eight warriors and two paladin's no I'm just kidding no they they run most of the time with one to two pallies and then one to two priests just depends I guess on what they can get and then it's aside from that it's about the same don't have you to warriors maybe to rogues like it's because they have the weird Flex spot where where we have our healers are definitely going to be priests they're healers can be like one paladin or something and then another priest or two priests it seems like they usually run 3 healers we always run 2 but we have much more deleting potential with an ally shaman so that may be why but they're comp is essentially the same except we swap they swap out the Elie shaman for another healer or if they're running 2 healers then they'll swap out the Elie Sean for maybe a hunter or maybe another rogue or maybe another mage something like that do you know I know you don't play shaman but do you know if your shaman runs nature swiftness elemental mastery as your last point I'm just wondering for my own person he runs elemental master ok ok so he's not he doesn't really so he doesn't really do emergency heal stuff he just blows straight up yeah yeah he mostly just blows things up but I mean that is another viable thing is to have them with nature swiftness so that they can do emergency healing but he hasn't really needed to most the times when I need heals from him is when we've like ended a fight and I'm I just need to be topped off and he has plenty of time to but yeah I mean there's not a lot of like emergency situations where he would actually make that big of an impact if I'm gonna die I'm pretty much gonna die like I'm just getting melted by something gotcha what advice would you give someone who is literally just starting out today and they want to start ranking ya don't that vet I suppose it could be yeah I mean if you're if you're a warrior this is what you you need to rank like that's pretty much it like it's only the classes who need to do it that's the only people I would recommend doing it but what if there's hell what if they're helping yeah they're helping on whatever class then whatever it is just rank casually to rank 10 that may take you a few months but you can do it while having your job and everything once you hit 10 that's when you need to like actually like take time off and whatnot you like with the Warsong mid and now though you could potentially have a job and be fine and have a normal life and everything but you're gonna have a lot of sleepless nights trying to hit your honor caps and it could get easier as it goes on so don't know if it could just be a lot easier in a couple months but um yeah I mean as of right now if you're gonna plan on it if you're gonna do it just plan on taking time off work once you hit ten so that you can really focus on it because you have to do a lot more grinding but up to ten it's not that bad that's why I'm saying I might do a pallet into ten or something just because it you can do it in a few months and it'd be casual and not have to like really really really really try do you think you're gonna like that role as a healer versus versus a warrior yeah I mean I've played I played Alliance in the past I played paladin's in the past like I if I ever play a healer the only healer I want to play as paladin because I'm not a great healer but you know I know my way around it I know you know to play LS and stuff like that and I know to sack when I'm about to get poly and stuff so like I know my way around it but it's it's a definitely like way different than warrior but in the same sense like I the only huge difference for me in gameplay is armor type like I don't like playing characters that aren't tanky and it's just not my style to like run away from people as much as it is to just let them beat on me gotcha what is the most so okay we know warriors kind of half drink closed itemization but what's the if you could pick any class or maybe not so two questions if you pick any class to rank what would it be and two what is the best class to rank you think so you have warrior definitely because of you know autumn ization and whatnot as far as like the best class to rank because of just the ability to like as far as okay so like if Warsong Gulch meta the best class to rank would probably be druid or hunter or a healer those are those seem to be in high demand like crazy if you can be a good druid like if you know the jumps if you have all your consumes if you know how to like actually like play druid and win to shift and win not the shift and stuff like that then that's probably you're gonna be sought after more than anything like people are just gonna be hitting you up 24/7 hey man need a free man hey man need a pre-made and then kind of the same deal with hunters a good hunter can make or break a team just because of their ability to stay alive and kite and keep by for staying up have that as their main priority and then healers just because you know not many people play healers so if you're a good healer you're always gonna be wounded on someone's pre-made and you'll find a core spot for sure so can you talk about what consumables you use regularly how important engineering is and how you're able to farm this stuff being in PvP so so much oof so that's the that's the thing I'm not able to farm them in I did that was the I prepared so hard for all of this but the one thing I did not prepare for was the consumables and especially with ap being the meta and us having no idea if they were gonna change it or not I did have a decent amount of stuff ready to do Warsong and whatnot but then when ad became the meta I blew it all and just didn't really worry about saving up gold or anything so then I was just Warsong came then I was like okay cool well here's all the savings I had to buy all these consumables let me jump on my other account and farm stuff while I'm in queue so I would get like seven minutes of wanting and but yeah so the most consumers use the most are free action potions for sure that's like they there's just so many applications like and I'm trying to stress to my healers to use free action potions over lips are limited invulnerability cushions to us don't know limited vulnerability potion makes you immune to all physical damage for six seconds and then a free action potion makes you immune to all slows and routes and stuns for 30 seconds and what I'm trying to express them is like look I get it you're not immune to all damage but with us slowing the person and you not being able to be slowed they can't get to you to do the damage to you right so you should use that because now you have 30 seconds of invulnerability in a sense as opposed to six but um I don't really use limited vulnerabilities that much I do use them but just not as much as I do like free action and then aside from that you know healing potions those are huge iron grenades because you use iron grenades over a thorium thorium is good too I'm gonna probably start trying to use thorium soon but a little sure I should have a drink yeah a little bit extra damage but the main thing you want for is the stun that they provide which is a three second stun I think thorium actually has a four second stun key but um yeah aside from that goblin sapper charges for those who don't know what that is Gallants a per charge is Ithorian so actually three I just looked at it but goblin sapper charges explodes when triggered dealing 450 to 700 fire damage to all enemies nearby and 375 to 625 damage to you it's a five minute cooldown so yeah you take some damage but you're doing massive AOE damage and if you have you know ten people using that say the average damage is 500 that's 5,000 damage holy student Lee to everyone around you so there's actually a video that wheat beer in the we face the same pre mate like three times in a row so we laid down as an arrow pointing at the flag in our flag room and then they all ran in and they like pop their cooldowns like run the flag real quick and get out and we're just all laying there and they stop and they look and I was like okay sapper and Stanford and wipe their entire team I'll see if I can find the link and give it to mill drone to put at the bottom of the video yeah I'll put in the description shirt for sure yeah great from that the a lot of little intricate stuff like with the engineering stuff my half my bag is engineering stuff I've got the parachute cloak goblin mortar a gnomish net ematic projector myth mechanical myths real dragon become too broke for the arcanite one a/c gnomish mind-control cap rocket helm cat's eye ultra all I've got four sets of goblin rocket boots in my bags Nomis rocket boots ornate mithril boots shadow reflector frost reflector Lincoln's boomerang there's everything imaginable because everything has its place and it's like that's like what come people haven't always said is that the classes in classic lacks so much that you have to like supplement with all these little intricate gadgets to make them more viable especially with a warrior but I mean like it's just crazy like I'm not even like really a good flag run in class but because I'm just tanky like we'll be sitting there and they'll be like hey ramp is clear they're all in tunnel don't come tunnel with the flag and I'm like hold on a second I got a fat I got goblin rocket boots I got a nifty stopwatch I got skull of impending doom I'm taking the down tunnel and then I just our own much and just pop Goblin rocket boots sprinting it like almost a hundred percent increased speed with a faff up and the zurka rage so I can't get fear literally the only thing they can do to me is Paulie me and they can't do that because my team stand right there just to spell me yeah and I just haul ass through their entire team unstoppable and just laugh at them while I'm running but but I mean that's just a thing that those gadgets allow me to do that my class would normally not be able to do that's incredible so what is your most I mean how many trinkets have you gone out and gotten would you say um would your trinket loadout look like you mentioned a few of them but yeah well I normally run with hand to justice and insignia of the Horde and then I swap them out depending like I have autocue setup so once my insignia goes down I think the next one I have in my queue I don't remember right now cuz I change it all the time but yeah the next one I have my queue just like the mechanical dragon link just because it has like an hour cooldown so it's not like it's always going to be there use burrow peasant collar that one's actually hilarious because oh yeah unlike yeah if you put it on a healer that doesn't have any pushback reduction then it makes it near impossible for them to cast a heal mm-hmm that's funny it's also just extra damage when you're like bursting someone down they hit for about 40 each hit and there's three of them so it's like half of an auto per swing basically Wow but um yeah there's a lot of little little ones like that so like Barack doesn't call her I think all the ones I named earlier except yeah that's about it so cool is there anything else do you think we kind of we maybe there's a tip of your tongue that we haven't covered yet because I feel like I'm not the best person to ask questions I'm not really an avid PvP er I think we've covered most of it I feel like I'm gonna think of something as soon as we end it of course that's always how it is yeah so engineering just a I guess just engineering is just is a must have I mean you have to have engineering pretty much to excel in PvP would you say and then at a competitive level and we have yeah for sure I mean if like there's just an on top of that like just knowing your classes role knowing when to pull in when the when to get in when we get out or whatever it's it's drastically different like people just don't like I'll watch warriors just run into the back line and just stay there and on like yo they all immediately started switching to you like why not just pull out cuz now you're gonna drag somebody back and you know they're gonna get on while you're getting healed and not getting focused anymore so a lot of it is just like understanding when to go in when to not and that it's not all about like meathead killing it's more about control and I guess that's like an element that you can't really like be told you have to learn you have to try it and see but it a lot of it come came from arena as well that's where my knowledge of it came from anyway um big thing for warriors though put a frickin weapon chain on or get the disarmed immune gloves I disarmed so many warriors in war song better rank like 13 and I'm like yeah you got your gear from killing Drake like you don't even realize that you need to be immune to disarm you just got taken out the fight for 10 seconds congratulations yes disarmed so powerful absolutely um so my last question is that when this is all said and done how many weeks is this going I've taken you um let's see I started mid December so whatever that is so about maybe we consumed with this mid December and then that was two weeks last month was like four so that's six we're like so eight plus about 13 13 so it's gonna be in somewhere in March so from December to March basically Wow Wow yeah I think I did it roughly like three weeks longer than the fastest no no no it's it's about five weeks longer than the fastest you could possibly do it yeah yeah yeah cuz we just got our first ranked 14th always know that's right no no I didn't know I didn't start mid December I started as soon as I guess you could say I started as soon as the world people will be pvp anyway which was thought I just didn't like really start pushing until mid-december so gotcha more like 17 weeks but actually 13 ish or whatever I see yeah because world PvP was like you said it's really hard to put yeah it was it was impossible like I wasn't part of the big guild so they didn't care about you know letting me come into their groups and do whatever with them they were just like I was just like yeah I want to do it and there's like hey leave me alone cool so before we end I just want to you know people watching on YouTube this is also gonna be uploaded to stitcher and stuff like that for podcasting but so people can see on the screen your YouTube and your twitch but can you just remind them and just plug anything any people guild anything you want to plug in it's been three months since I've spoken to anyone really uh for people who listening telling your lips tubes they can't see ya so the YouTube my YouTube is you know youtube.com slash D slash Atticus 2 which is twitch.tv slash Atticus anyone who does watch my stuff I am so terribly sorry that I've been gone for so long because I haven't put out a video or really streamed consistently at all since I started this but this is like the first time that I've had time to actually like sleep a full night and get a shower like since this whole thing started so once I'm done with this I'll be back to making content and streaming very regularly but uh yeah forgive me for being absent for so long no I mean I think it's understandable dude like come on that's that's you don't know how these people are streaming they're ranking like I guess most of it is the Alliance people who actually get to sleep normal hours but yeah not me would you ever consider streaming it like I guess you know it's it's there's so much more mental you have to look at your chat and all this crap so there's so much more mental stuff would you ever did you ever think about it while you're I'm like I was thinking about streaming this week to just show my war songs and whatnot but I mean another big thing is like I don't want people stream sniping I don't want here people here in our columns and whatnot yeah I know that happens like a lot and it's just not I don't know I don't want to deal with that but I might try it for a little bit and see what happens because again this coming week like it's probably gonna get easier a lot of the people who are you know pushing to the top are about to finish this week so it's just gonna continuously get easier and easier there's gonna be people moving up they get the gear and whatnot but the people moving up or not as good as the people that are already at the top sure sure but so who knows maybe I'll stream yeah well Atticus I want to thank you for being here dude and taking time out to do this is really important it's really nice that you did that I know you're really busy and you have usually have a lot in your plate but thanks for being here and get some sleep dude start having me I'm gonna go sleep right now actually alright man take it you too
Channel: Defcamp & Melderon TV
Views: 22,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of wacraft, wow classic, classic wow, warcraft classic, vanilla wow, wow, world of warcraft classic, pvp, honor, ranking, ranks, grand marshall, high warlord, rank 14, honor system, Alterac Valley, AV, WSG, Warsong Gulch, meta, Atacas, countdown to classic, Nostalrius, azeroth, asmongold, Battle for Azeroth, Tips Out, Kargoz, frostadamus, discussion, shadowlands, BFA
Id: O9F_GcvgEjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 24sec (3864 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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