WoW Classic Profession Picking Guide Part 1

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[Music] hey guys what's up mad season here back with another video for you the winner of this month's poll is the profession picking guide for classic World War Craft so we're sort of continuing my beginner guide series here I started with races and then ended classes so today professions following the scheme with my other videos I'll try to cater more to the beginners into the classic scene so just going over the basics here about what each profession is and maybe some highlights in popular items of each one they're gold making potential and also strengths for both PvE and PvP and I'll also throw in my personal picks for each class at the end the first thing I'll say is that professions as a whole are much more substantial in classic compared to current there's the best way that I can put it I guess it is a bit counterintuitive more and more recipes have been added over time so how is it more substantial and classic well we'll get to that for each profession but in general point one is that this was still before the age of hyper balance where everything must be 100% even with each other there are items then only certain professions could use and they'd give you a monstrous edge in both PvE and PvP and point two is with gold being so hard to come by in general in the modern game you kind of get gold passively and just by playing the game through world quests or table missions generous vendor prices and so on but back then it's a struggle so these professions are going to be vital and point three is that some of them are quite grindy and difficulty level which is just exacerbated by point two so knowing what you want and what each one gives will save you a lot of time and money down the road so you're not constantly switching around we have 12 in total and that's nine primary and three secondary let's start with the primary professions first specifically gathering and work our way up from there first up we have the skinning profession as you'd guess you skin your slain enemies and harvest their precious it's commonly paired with the leatherworking profession where you can craft various leather and male armor pieces more on that later but overall it's not too different from the current game I guess that may be a unique quirk is that they're pretty vital for raid progression actually you need to skin the Broodmother of the Black Dragonflight Onyxia to harvester scales and those are used by leather workers to make a special cloak that allows players to survive the nefarious fight and the black wing layer to Skinner you need to have a skill of 315 so with the cap being 300 you have to get special items and a chance to get you there so there's more to it than just right-clicking enemies you're gonna want at least one master Skinner along with your raids because there are so many skinnable enemies that would otherwise simply waste away so overall a very important profession to have next up though we have mining which is commonly paired with blacksmithing and engineering same sort of deal here it's not hugely different from the current game you go around and harvest various mining veins spread throughout the world a minor difference being that each vein has multiple hits so there have been more time consuming to harvest and combine that with the fact that back then you could actually fail at gathering and the increased gathering time in general could mean that you'd be clicking on the damn thing for like a minute there special resource is dark iron which can be found in the molten core raid although it's not exclusive to the zone but you make bars from this and blacksmiths need those to make some fire resistor which is crucial for raid progression smelting them requires a bit of work though as you have to complete a quest to learn the recipe and you can only smelt them at the Black Forge which is located deeper inside the Black Rock deaths dungeon there's also the Elementium ore which you don't mind but rather he lured off the technicians in the Blackwing Lair raid but to smelt them you have to be a miner you learned the recipe from the elemental shaper click 6 who's a hostile NPC founded in the same raid but if you have a priest he can mind-control them and converse with them and he'll teach you the recipe Elementium is most notably used for the creation of the under fury legendary which is the best tanking weapon in the game for classic so again another crucial profession to have your guild and as for herbalism for those who feel more at home frolicking through a field of flowers this is the profession for youl this is typically paired with the alchemy profession and this is largely unchanged from the current game in terms of functionality you go around picking flowers that's pretty much it a frustrating thing is that just like mining you can actually fail at picking them up don't even ask me how that works maybe you're a bit too manly like me as so you have to focus your thoughts on more feminine things to properly pick them up but your big endgame material will be the Black Lotus which is used for high-end flasks and an item called the Gurubashi mojo madness which you need for an optional boss in the Zilker upgrade I guess one thing to say is that back then you could only track one resource at a time under mini-map either herbs or mining nodes it's not both so for those who want double gathering professions you may be better off just grabbing a skinning as a second unless you feel like constantly switching in between herbs and veins next for the crafting professions let's just go alphabetically here starting with alchemy with this he of course make a variety of consumables to a junior adventures and you have three types that's potions elixirs and flasks potions are a bit overpowered in classic because you can use multiple ones in battle actually in the current game you'll notice after using a potion the cooldown only starts ticking after you've exited combat it swipe repotting before pole is so important but in classic the cooldown starts regardless if you're in combat or not and you have the stuff that you'd expect health potions mana potions rage potions for your warriors out there and potions to absorb certain elements fire nature and frost are going to be the biggest ones for PvE you also have free action potions which are abbreviated to FAP which breaks and provides immunity to stunts and snares extremely crucial for PvP you have potions to remove curses diseases poisons potions to increase armor and it goes on and on as for the elixirs these are more long-term effects this was also before Blizzard and distinguished between battle and Guardian elixirs so you could stack multiple offensive and defensive buffs typically if they didn't provide the same statin crease for example you can stack in elixir of the Mongoose with the winter fall fire water but you can't stack a greater agility with the lesser agility 'since through the same stat and you also have flasks which you can only have one active at a time just like Curran we have increased resistances mana immunity but Rudin and pacification spell damage and health these take quite a large amount of materials to make and they're only craftable at special alchemy labs in vanilla only found in the skull immense dungeon and the Blackwing Lair raid yeah no one thought it prudent to you know build a lab that isn't surrounded by monsters so some may find that annoying I personally think it's kind of mean and it adds a bit of flair to the profession it makes you think twice before blindly popping flasks and it gives them more value on the auction house since you have to go so out of your way you also of course have the power of transmutation so you can play God if you want to you can transmute essences air to fire fighter to earth earth to water and so on mithril bars to true silver iron to gold thorium bars to arcanite bars arcanite bars of course being crucial in the creation of the legendaries sulfurous the hand of Ragnaros and thunder fury as well as other powerful items the catch is then these transmutations have a two-day cooldown and they'll share with each other a good site though is that it creates a market for just your cooldown I come and practice back then was for someone to supply the alchemist with materials for a transmute and some gold to essentially buy their cooldown so it's essentially a lazy man's way of getting gold all it takes is a click of a button and a bit of social interaction which I know is scary but if that fails you can always just buy materials off the auction house and sell whatever you transmute for a profit overall it's a pretty powerful profession for Raiders you can just buy all of the stuff on the auction house they're not sold out of course so if you're looking to min/max it's not 100% essential to have alchemy it'll just save you a ton of gold in the long run and you'll even make quite a bit at the same time like I said it's definitely the lazy man's way of making gold I myself am planning on getting in on a plethora of characters in keeping stocked up on materials so every two days I just cycle through them all and click a button to collect some gold good profession next we have blacksmithing this is your weapon and mail and plate armor profession and it's a pretty common choice for the heavily armored paladins and warriors in vanilla has a blacksmith you have the option and specializing in certain areas you can either be an armor Smith or a weapon Smith and if your weapon Smith you can specialize further into either maces swords or axes and for all of this you have special exclusive recipes here are some examples of some weapons you can make as a weapon Smith more useful for that early end game of course feel free to pause if needed here and here's some exes you can make as an axe myth the Erica Knight Reaper is one of the best if not the best or only two handers in the game and you'll see a lot of axe myths running around just for that and it'll definitely be a hot seller in the auction house quite expensive to make though requiring 20 of those are connect buyers that Alchemist make they can also make the nightfall axe which is highly sought after for its debuff typically used by off tanks I believe to maximize the raid damage as for hammer Smith's they don't have anything too crazy really and that's because the specializations for maces or stuns back then people wanted axes or swords mainly because those gave increased crit and extra swings for ropes and warriors whereas the mace tons or really only handy for PvP and here you have your swords I think the most popular one here is a sage blade but this won't be available until phase five since they originally released quite late in Vanilla's lifespan armorsmith has a little more viability pest that early endgame gearing as they have some pretty powerful recipes the Lionheart helmet and the Titanic leggings are two of the more popular ones as they're incredibly good for DPS played however just like the sage blade keep in mind that not everything is going to be in at lunch they specifically mentioned the Titanic leggings in fact and you also have all of your darker and plane back then he needed fire resistance for the Regnerus fight in the molten core or if there is a three-minute mage and PvP or something and through some quests and rep grinding you can get plans for the dark iron gear which has a ton of fire resistance it's going to be crucial afore that early rating is so you'll be a valuable gilt member if you get all the plans other key items will be your sulfur on hammer which you need for the hand of Ragnaros you can also make sharpening stones and wait stones which are buffs to your weapons this is more handy for Alliance players because the Horde want that wind fury wind fury of course and being a buff that only shamans have it puts a buff on your main hand so you don't want any stones blocking that and keys are also gonna be your best friend sometimes you'll find yourself without a rope in the group or maybe you have one and you just haven't leveled or lock-picking and in certain dungeons you'll have these locks doors blocking your path or lock chests taunting you these keys can be a lifesaver and make our group members quite happy all-in-all blacksmith has some pretty good potential for gold making but it requires a lot of time farming the materials and luck at getting all of the good patterns for the high end stuff you really have to put some effort in but if you do it and the earlier that you do it the more you'll make and they have some options for some steady goal to remember those sharpening stones and wait stones that I mentioned earlier again though that's going to be more favorable to the Alliance and you can also make enchanting rods which enchanters need so those will always be a good earner as well but next we have the engineer those who like messing around with silly gadgets and explosives will find themselves quite at home with this profession and many would agree that it's quote the best one for men Mac sirs we'll get into that in a bit the field repair bot is present and classic and it's just as useful as ever even more so in fact since there aren't any repair mounts these are pretty much a requirement for any rating killed back then they can also make a selection of guns and ammo making it an appealing choice for hunters this gun was dubbed the Super Soaker and my guild for obvious reasons and here you have your hunter ammo you'll be needing plenty of this as you burn through it faster than you think keep in mind that even if you don't use guns there exist NPC's in your main city that trade bullets for arrows making this an appealing choice for even bull wielders out there they can also make a helmet for underwater breathing which is more useful than classic and due to the shorter breath timer in general and you also have a selection of trinkets which is notable since good trinkets are much harder to come by in classic my favorites were the elemental ones where you could reflect spells I always kept a nice reflector in hand for those pesky mages and the fire one is especially useful if there's a 3-minute mage giving you you also have the goblin jumper cables which can sometimes bring it player back from death being a rogue who is quick with the vanish when things went awry this saved quite a few corpse runs for my party I tell you hun it's also great for a hunter who fainted death and we also have the stun bombs as an engineer you have access to a variety of grenades that deal some AoE damage and also incapacitate your enemies there are a bunch of different ones but as I remember most people stuck with the iron grenades since they were the most cost-efficient there are higher level ones that do more damage but the constant arm and a leg to make so it really depends on how much you're willing to invest there so these are absolutely crucial for PvP but they're still pretty good for PvE as well and you also have the Sephora in charges which are equivalent to the blacksmith keys just a little more brute force similar to blacksmith you have different expertise is to choose from just to this time and it's gnomish or goblin gnomes focus more on gadgets such as the mind-control cap this can sometimes mind-control a humanoid target including players and other times it'll do nothing or you'll be mind-control to them the battle chicken is quite nice as it occasionally provides an attack speed buff to your group 5% for four minutes making it another appealing choice for endgame raiding this is going to be a must for min max errs and I and Raiden gilts and you also have the rocket boots which are a classic these of course give you a really good speed boost lasting for 20 seconds the death-rate trinket is another popular choice requiring a decent cast time but delivering some big burst damage to your target even capable of critic it's more used for PvP yeah since it's all about that burst the only downside being that it does drain some of your life most of these gadgets do have their downsides because they can fail in spectacular ways the boots can give you a fear effect the mind-control cap can reverse like I mentioned the belt can banish you for 20 seconds and so on another downside is that a lot of this stuff is equipped meaning that you have to forego your normal equipment and lose some vital stats but you can also make a teleporter to gadgets and as an Amish engineer with traveling being so time-consuming in classic stuff like this is going to be all the more valuable so this is gonna be a must if you decide to go gnome a benefit of this is that it's pretty close to syllabus so it's a big time saver when the gates of Ahn'Qiraj open up and as for goblin engineering as I said these guys specialize in bombs they also get some rocket boots which are arguably worse than the gnomish ones because if they fail they break and you have to craft new ones all over again there was a bug that you could use to bypass this but since they said official classic I won't be emulating a lot of these exploits I wouldn't count on this making it to the game their helmet is the rocket helmet which is basically a charge and a 30 second disorient and a little stunt to yourself you saw this all the time and the old PvP videos and it's gonna be a lot of people's main reason for going goblin goblin engineers get the everlook teleporter which brings you all the way to winter spring not as useful in my opinion than the gadget Sam one since there aren't any raids nearby really it is kind of close to a char though which holds Azure ghosts and with winter spring being a higher level zone than tanaris it's also a better spot for high-level herbs and mining nodes and whatnot so maybe a bit faster for farming but another popular item of theirs is the Goblin sapper charge which steals some damage to yourself but also to everything around you 450 to 750 in fact which is quite a lot and with a 5 minute cooldown you may be hollering that this is imbalanced and then engineers have an obvious edge here but again it's just part of the game before everything had to be 100% balanced with each other those of you who've been paying close attention may have noticed them while these recipes require certain specializations to learn most stone require them to use you can switch specializations in classic either by relearning it entirely or by using a special book that was introduced in patch 1.10 so some people if they choose can make these gnome or goblin only trinkets or items and then switch to the opposite specialization this is kind of getting out of the scope of the video though like I said I just wanted to cover the basics and if I keep going I'll keep you here for like three hours so let's move on all of this is to say though engineering has just amazing potential in classic due to the unregulated nature of the game back then it's going to be quite a popular choice for both PvE and PvP and the only downside really is your gold making potential it isn't hopeless but you can do a lot better with other professions I feel engineering when I played it back then was always just a gold rather than an earner because you constantly have to make these bombs as you use them up and a lot of the items that you make require engineering to use which hurts the demand there's not much point in buying engineer stuff if you can just make it yourself for the most part anyways there are some exceptions I think that a majority of people will go gnome in which case the separate charge will be a good earner since it can't make it themselves remember you can switch from gnome to goblin after you make your gadgets and get the best of both worlds but not everyone is going to know about that and engineers can also make the best fishing lure in the game which you need for high level fishing and they can also make the saltshaker which is required for leather workers to make one of their crafting materials so again another great profession and I have a lot more to say but I spend way too much time on this one already there are plenty more handy gadgets that I haven't mentioned but I'll just have a link to them in the description so you can go through that yourself this is about the halfway point so we'll probably call it a video right here I still haven't chanting leatherworking tailoring and all of the secondary professions to cover along with my personal picks for each class but we'll continue that in part two which I'll have linked in the description whenever it's finished sorry to cut you off but I kind of need a break here this is quite the lengthy subject and I still want to be fairly thorough so I'd prefer to have it in two parts regardless though I hope you find the video helpful so far like it if you liked it and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] farewell for now mortals we hope you enjoyed today's video see you again soon you
Channel: MadSeasonShow
Views: 811,338
Rating: 4.9206295 out of 5
Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, madseasonshow, World of Warcraft, guide, tutorial, how-to, walkthrough, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), world of warcraft: classic, wow classic profession guide, wow classic best professions, wow classic gold guide, wow classic gold making, wow 1.12, 1.13, best professions vanilla, wow vanilla, wow vanilla professions, profession leveling, engineering, wow engineering guide, classic wow rogue professions, hunter, mage, warlock, warrior, druid, shaman, paladin, priest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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