WoW Classic - Paladin SOLO 1 Pull - 500g/hr! Black Morass AOE Farm!

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what is up everybody it is zak here back with another video in today's video i'm gonna be showing you guys how to do the black moross one pool not two not three one pull on a paladin even as low as level 66 you can also net up to 600 gold with the strategy which 300 of that comes without skinning and so you can make a ton of gold per hour doing this farm you also get access to the higher level loot tables epic screens blues i have personally got an epic out of here so i can confirm that they can drop epics off these mobs so you can make a ton of gold from this farm guys and this is going to be the best paladin solo farm in tbc currently at level 66 you can also be looking at getting about 280 to 300 000 experience per hour and so this is going to be an amazing farm to do as you level up you don't need any gear for it i'm going to show you guys exactly how we can do this so to start off you want to aggro up all the mobs in the instance if you guys aren't familiar with the instance basically there's about 125 mobs that are just out open in the instance in order to actually start the instance you go to the middle and you activate the portals from medivh but because we are not going to be worrying about the actual mobs from the portals we don't even we don't want to go near medivh and we just want to run around the instance i grew up all of these mobs you can argue up 125. now if you have 465 defense that's the key number guys you cannot be dismounted and so you can see that i'm running through here i won't get dismounted by these mobs i can just run through not need to worry about anything if you have a less than 465 defense you want to make sure that the mobs hit you from the front i'm going to put an image up on the screen for kind of like an efficient way to run through this instance it will show two different colors just basically to help you guys figure out you know which arrows correspond to which part but you guys can see the probably most efficient way to run through the dungeon that being said i don't follow the most efficient way because we are getting well under the lockout per hour times and so i don't need to worry about trying to be as efficiently as efficient with my running as possible but if you are level 66 or a lower level or something like that i recommend following this strategy because you're able to run through the instance and aggregate as many mobs as you can as quickly as possible you may only get about 110 mobs instead of 125 but the extra 15 mobs won't be worth the extra two minutes that you'll spend running through the instance but if you do not have 465 defense make sure the mobs are hitting you from the front so you do not get dismounted if you get dismounted i recommend having swiftness potions and just trying to make it straight to the kill phase with however many mobs you have because you probably are gonna have a bad time if you try to just slowly run over to the kill face once you have all the mobs grouped up though we can go into the kill phase and i'll be going through that in just a little bit about how we can kill them using both strategies before we get there though there are two key items that i would highly recommend having if you want to do the burst strategy for this so you can do this at level 66 it will take you slightly longer in the kill phase but if you want to go through the kill phase in as little as about four minutes you're going to want to have dabbery's enigma and figuring of the colossus if you have enough gear where you do not need you know the extra block chance from dabberies if you have let's say probably about 25 block chance just normally then you won't need diabetes enigma you can swap that out for like a xander and hero charm you know scarab or something like that but i would recommend probably having those two items why figuring out the colossus is a trinket that you get off the last boss's shattered halls that every single time you block you get 120 healing towards yourself dabbery's enigma increases your block chance by about 16 so if you take your base block chance of around you know for me 16 plus that 16 you get 32 percent chance to block so those two combine and synergize very well to make it very likely that you're gonna be blocking and getting back health but once we run through the entire instance we can go ahead and we can get to the kill phase and we go stand up at the portal okay so now that we're at the kill phase you guys can see that i'm standing at the portal huge shout out to albus for this strategy he was springing on discord and showed me this pathing strategy and it is phenomenal and allows us to do this even level 66 so i'll show the 66 strat in a bit but this first strategy is going to be if you have gear right this is going to be if you're level 70 you have a good amount of defense you have dabberies you have figuring of the colossus those four things combined should make this strategy very easy for you guys now i'm not the right spec now i'm not the best spec but i will put up the right spec at the end of the video and so you're going to be using sancti dior if you don't have sanctity or though if you're just you know raid spec or something like that just put up devotion or retribution or either one works it's not going to make a huge difference either way but the important thing is that when you start the kill phase you want to activate avenging wrath and figure into the colossus and then dabberies right when the mobs start hitting you now the reason why you want to activate dabbery's at the last minute is because dabbery's only last 15 seconds whereas figuring into the colossus lasts for two minutes once we have all those pop though we basically become invincible to melee mobs and so since we have the our back facing towards the ground here and we're in the corner so that mo no mobs can hit us from behind all mobs are going to hit us from in front we're going to have a ton of avoidance we're going to have a really good chance to block and so we're going to be keeping ourselves up to full so here you can see i popped those things i do not popping bending your wrath but you should and then i start getting this dot on me this dot is pretty lethal so i recommend trying to de-spell that every single gcd you have when consecrate isn't down but consecrate takes priority make sure you drop consecrate the gcd that it's down once dabberies is about to fall off which is the shield buff that we'll see again in just a little bit you then want to jump down below so dabberies as soon as that falls off you're going to take a lot of damage just because your block is going to diminish pretty quickly i go down to 16 block personally if you have really good gear and you still have tons of block and you can probably stand up there until the end of figurine i then run around the portal here go back right up back to where i was pop bop and then drop another max ring consecrate just to pump them for a little bit more damage and then fall back again before bop runs off and then this is the strategy guys at this point i put on blessing of wisdom and then you drop a consecrate on the right side rank one consecrate kite them around the outside then we're gonna drop a consecrate on the bottom left area here and so by dropping a consecrate right here what's going to happen is the mobs are going to go up to try to hit us and then come back down so they're going to get hit multiple times from this consecrate so that's the best place to put a consecrate jump down hug the right always hug the right here and then run back if you don't hug the right there's a possibility that some mobs are going to find the faster route to go around the left side and so you could have some mobs you know in front of you make sure they hit you from from in front so they don't do too much damage to you and then you're perfectly fine but this is a strategy guys if you're level 66 this is what you'll be doing the whole time you'll run you know more mp5 more spell power and you'll just probably do max rank blizzard or max ring consecrate or rank 3 consecrate as you run around there doing as much damage as possible and just kite them around the entire time for geared people though you basically work around your bops and you work around your finger into the colossus you wait until figuring the colossus is up dabberish has a one and a half minute cooldown figurine has a two minute cooldown and then once it's back up then we can go through another burst phase the burst phase is where we're going to pump out the majority of the damage you do eventually you know get the mobs too low though where they start to run slower and so one thing you do want to be cognizant of is you don't want to get the mobs down to 25 percent before you're ready to have them at 25 so keep the mobs above 25 percent for the bulk of them that way they don't run fast or slow once we get you know figuring back up we're going to go back into another burst phase same kind of strategy as before i don't pop avenging wrath again because i want to save avenging wrath for the next burst phase you can see this mob gets down low and this mobs down low because those are my seal of wisdom targets but outside of that the rest of the mobs are still running fast what you will see though is that those two mobs that are running slower coming around the left side so basically guys once mobs hit 25 they're gonna run slower which means that they're going to start messing up the pathing some mobs are going to run slower than the others they're going to start to separate and then you could run into a situation where you start to take some damage in the back side of the portal in order to avoid that you want to keep their health above 30 and be very tactical with how you're killing them so everyone's going to have different spell power there's going to be no perfect kind of math to do this and do that but basically just try to keep them above 25 or 30 if you want to play it safe before you go for the last burn kill phase here you can see that we do have a couple slow moving mobs and so we just take our time and just kite just with that one mob if there's a bunch of mobs though you will have to kite out a little bit and then hopefully if a lot of mobs are running slow you'll be able to run faster than them in general and so you'll just be able to kite them around in a circle and just avoid them but if you keep them at a good health pool outside of that you should just be able to tank you know the six or seven that cause you issues here but now we're just waiting for figurine to come back up if you want to you could try to pop bubble up here on the top or bop and then just try to get the mobs down low enough where they're running really really slow and then just consecrate to kill them but i choose to do this strategy and just keep on kiting them around again hug the rights that the mobs come around to the right and don't go around to the left heal yourself and need to behind there and then we're just waiting for this figurine to be up for the last little bit if you are level 66 your entire run is gonna be predicated on just doing this strategy over and over and just bursting them down with bubble outside of that you're going to take too much damage and so you just want to basically save everything for that now i know that figurine's going to be up in five seconds we can see a lot of them are starting to run slower so i know that they're low enough where i can burst them here's why i saved avenging wrath and didn't use it on the last one i'm gonna pop avenging wrath right here put back on busting a sanctuary i'm gonna pop my consecrate pop figurine dabberies everything like that and we're gonna burn down the mobs and get them through the kill phase and then we're good to go this is 125 mobs now you'll see that i do have a mage at the start of the instance unfortunately though i find out that you don't actually get experience from the front of the instance and in order to get experience from the mobs you killed the end the mage actually needs to be basically at the portal i've tried to get him pretty close to the portal it hasn't worked so you pretty much have to be at the portal so if you want to get experience for a booster for an alt or something like that once you are up all the mobs we'll run them to the portal if there are any mobs that he has aggro just use your consecrate and just run it through the consecrate to pull it off of the boostie we now see that we can loot you can see farm log is this add-on up in the top right that's keeping track of the gold per hour so farm log will show you how much gold we're basically making from this run just from raw vendorables and then from the silk as well and then you know you can get an idea of how much we can make per hour without skinning i don't know if skinning on my paladin yet you need 335 skinning for the lower level mods 340 for the max level mob so if you have gloves with skinning enchant on them you'll need 335 skinning to be able to skin all the mobs if you do that though you can get an extra about depending on your server 200 to 300 additional gold per hour but you can see here that we're coming through at about 380 gold per hour just from that first run from the loot itself now as far as gear goes i have good gear guys i've been working on my pallet on a lot but you do not need this good of gear to do it as you can see there we basically didn't take any damage we had plenty of mana and we were perfectly fine in the kill face i have 489 defense if you guys want to copy me exactly get about 480 defense but you can do this with 465 and you won't get dismounted that is the critical level that you want if you want to use that strategy i do have dabbery's enigma though and figuring into colossus which are those two important trinkets when we pop those both the same time we get our block chance up to 32 and then we have you know a really really high amount of healing that's going to come through for us and heal us up you can use if you want to do skull flame shield flame shield does a decent bit of damage and does do some additional healing for you i personally just use crest of the strata just to block as much damage as possible from there i have you know spell power and defense gear and so i have continuum blade righteous gear stuff like that this obviously is going to be gear that you're going to probably get at level 70 but if you guys are curious about an easy to get gear set you guys can check out my recent video on how to gear your paladin before 70 and from that gear set alone you'll have 480 defense and about 350 spell power i do use a few consumables to increase my spell power which you guys can use as well which is the greater arcane elixir elixir of major fortitude and then i also put on the superior wizard oil on my weapon don't have to use those if you don't want to obviously you could just kite around kill phase will just take a little bit longer i just burn through the kill phase a little bit faster and so i'm able to get about 11 to 12 minute runs as efficiently as possible one important item to know is the wrath of cenarius wrath of cenarius is the priebus sorry it is the abyss ring all the way through tbc and into waddle k for paladin aoe farming if you guys don't have this i highly highly recommend having this i will have a link down below in the description so you guys can figure out where you can go and get this ring as far as talents are concerned this guys is also called the talented add-on if you guys want this really helpful these are the talents i use so obviously i'm pretty tanky i got ardent defender combat expertise etc but i'm missing a lot of increased damage and so these are not actually the talents that i would recommend the talents i would actually recommend using are the aoe farm talents if you just want to aoe farm this now i didn't want to respect between raiding and everything like that because i was doing heroic simultaneously and so i wanted to you know keep my defense back but if you just want to aoe farm this is the spec that i will recommend i'll have this link down below this is a you know huge damage spec you have vengeance which gives you an additional 15 damage you have sanctity or an improved sanctity or which gives you an additional 12 combined then you have crusade which gives you another three percent so you'll actually be doing 30 percent more damage with this build than i would be doing with the farm that i just did so you guys can melt through the mobs very very quickly keep in mind that the mobs will run slower at the end so don't burn them down too fast and make sure you're keeping an eye on their health but this is the build that i would recommend the important things though to have guys are pursuit of justice this is going to make it so you run 15 faster so you can stay ahead of the mobs at all times and then also just having blessing a sanctuary so you take a little bit less damage i would highly recommend having those two things outside of that if you guys want to play around with the spec a little bit though feel free this is gonna be the spec that i recommend though to pump out as much damage as possible and if you have full spell power build you can burn through these mobs very quickly
Channel: Arlaeus
Views: 252,695
Rating: 4.7601023 out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, wow classic, world of warcraft, wow, gold farm, aoe farm, powerlevel, level fast, mage, mage aoe, gold guide, how to farm gold, how to level fast, mage aoe farm, mage gold farm, blizzard, speed clear, arlaeus, mara 1 pull, ZF 42, insane xp, pc gaming, how to aoe farm, wow tbc, paladin gold farm, tbc classic, speed leveling, tbc gold farm, wow gold, wow gold guide, classic wow gold, paladin aoe farm, gold per hour, power level, world of warcraft classic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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