WoW Classic - Strat Paladin Solo Farm with LOW GEAR!

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what is up everybody it is zak here back with another video in today's video we're gonna be going through the strat one pool with as little gear as possible i'm actually going to break down the math beyond how we can figure out how much gear we need give you guys a google doc that you guys can go ahead and plug in your gear and actually give you an example gear set of easy to get gear that you can get before you even hit level 70 or very shortly after hitting level 70 that you can actually do strat with and then i'm gonna go into strat and actually show you guys how to do the pool with gear that is equivalent to the gear that i'm gonna show you guys how to get before we get started though huge shout out to ted jay who made a phenomenal strat video breaking down the pools where mob spawn and things like that highly recommend checking out that video by ted j i'll have it linked down in the description down below i'm gonna also go into the pools and go through the important things that i think that you guys will need to be able to pull it off so it's a comprehensive guide so you don't need to bounce around to a bunch of different videos but his video is phenomenal and breaks down everything really really well i wanted to make this video though because i get a ton of questions on my stream at slash elaise about the minimum gear requirements what i need to pull off the strat farm and so i wanted to make this video breaking down the exact year that i would recommend so you guys can go in and you guys can fly through this strat farm yourself when we're thinking about the strat farm or any farm really we have three components we want to think about we want to think about the stats that we have for the overall mitigation the overall avoidance we want to think about the damage that we're going to take per second and the healing that we're going to be able to do per second to kind of see if we're going to be able to live comfortably and then we want to think about the kill time and how long is it going to take and any additional cooldowns that we can pop so basically guys what i've done is i've built you out a gear set and i'm going to show you guys that gear set in a second of easy to obtain items these are going to be items from quests or you know maybe you have to run a couple dungeons for some and there's one item that is a little bit annoying to get but it is 100 worth it because it's best for aoe farming all the way through tbc and into waddle k from that set we were able to get these stats that we have right here and so basically guys what i've been telling people in my stream is that if you have 480 defense and if you have 350 spell power you should be fine those guidelines were based upon these kind of calculations but i want to break down those calculations for you and then give you this excel so that you guys can go ahead and kind of manipulate it to your own stats with your own gear if you already have some gear or show you guys exactly what i would recommend getting to do the farm i'm actually going to use a gear set that has less stats than this while doing the farm to show you guys that it is 100 possible with these stats pretty safely as you'll see so the first thing guys is just the stats themselves so we just plug in our block dodge perry miss i'm going to try to be as quick as possible with all this our defense mob level and because the mob level is a bit lower they have a lower inherent hit which means that because our defense is high we get additional miss from them and then on top of that because we're level 70 and they're 58 we have an inherent additional 9.6 avoidance you guys can check out all these formulas i believe they're right if they're not i apologize fix them on your guys side and they should be good but they should be right that gives us our overall actual block dodge parry miss now i broke this out in the individual stats because when we get to damage and healing when we're thinking about what damage we're actually blocking versus completely mitigating it's important to have these kind of stats broken out but overall we can see here that we have a 73.12 avoidance so in theory we'll be hit 27 of the time now we can go over to damage and healing so the melee mob count is going to be about 35 caster mob count about 32. these are you know rough estimates of the kill phases each kill phase is going to be a little bit different but we just want to think holistically here the melee swing timer and because we're also doing healing by the way this is going to kind of scale so if we take a little bit more damage we're also going to get a little bit more healing for the 20 seconds so we have figurine popped so it's gonna scale pretty well melee swing timer of two seconds for each mob the amount of blocked damage now this is actually really important your player of block value is actually important here because if you have too low of a block value you won't mitigate the entire attack from the mob now this is actually a good thing if you want to wear skull flame shield so if you get your block value lower and then you wear skull flame shield which will also bring down your block value because it's not tanking shield and tbc you'll probably get hit but when you block be able to block the majority of the hip which means that skull flame shield be procking more healing you more and then also doing damage so this actually is a big kind of pro to skull flame shield if you want to run lower block value but once we do all that we can figure out the actual damage that we take per mob damage per second from the mob and get the overall damage per second that we're taking from the mobs that we have then we can go to the casters caster's rough estimate basically because you're level 70 they have about a one percent hit chance which i got from a bunch of research on different sites on how to calculate the spell hit caster cast time cast rates per second rough damage for the actual damage that will do about 150 so caster damage per second is about 24. it's pretty minimal then from there we can go under healing with figurine so figurine has 120 every single time that it ticks that it'll heal you for holy shield charges we have six with our talents if you want to run different talents you could have eight so then we can calculate the holy shield chance basically guys what i'm doing here is that when we proc it we have an additional 30 chance to get the proc and then those procs last the mob's hits or divided by the mob's hits times 10 so basically 160. same kind of thing with redoubt here we get a readout chance for basically just trying to get the entire time that redoubt would be up and so between holy shield and redoubt we can get an additional block chance of about 28 or total blockchains about 28 so we get an additional you know block chance of roughly about four to five percent so that means we're going to get about 4.9 procs per second from our figurine which will heal us for 597.46 per second now what i'm actually finding in practice is it's a bit more than this but this is just a rough estimate again guys so then we can get to our actual kill time so the mobs have about 8 000 health this is taken from one mob it will scale differently and the berserker is going to have 16 000 but we'll be focusing him so he'll be able to take him out along the way consecrate his base damage of 512 and then we can look at all of our buffs now our spell power unbuffed with this set is about 330. we have librium and then we have consumables so these consumables are going to be food blessed wizard oil great arcane elixir so the combination of those three is going to get us up to a hundred additional spell power we then have rather scenario spell power which is i highly highly recommend just because it's 132 because of the amount of obstacle we're hitting it's almost 100 of time and then we have our trinket spell power now i'm going to show you guys a low level trinket you guys can get much better trinkets than this for the proc if you have zhc or if you can get the badges trinket's gonna be much better but then we can get our trinket proc time now unfortunately i can't get this to be exactly correct because i have to base this off of the total time alive otherwise we'll have circular references for the kill time but basically what i did here was for the trinket i did 120 times 15 divided by the total time alive so you're only getting about 40 additional spell power from it unfortunately we can't base it off that 41 damage unless we hard code that which you can do so then we have our consecrate base damage from here we could take any kind of multiplicative effect that we have from our damage so we have vengeance for example i estimated it at about 10 because it's not going to be up 100 of the fight once you get to three stacks it'll be at three stacks for the rest of the time but it will take a little bit to get to three stacks so i just estimated it at ten percent giving us a total increase of about thirty percent then you can consecrate full damage consecrate damage per tick blessing of sanctuary damage get your total damage per second and then the kill time based on the mob's health then you can basically calculate how long you can live for so figurine time 20 seconds divine shield 10 seconds health 9847. now this gives you additional survivability of about 14.4 seconds because it will take them about 14 seconds to take you from full to dead with this health so the total time alive will give us about 44.43 and as long as this total time alive is better than this kill time we are good to go and we should be able to do the kill so this is how we can calculate how to actually you know figure out if we're able to do the farm you guys can plug in your own stats if the formulas if you think that something needs to be changed feel free to change it but this should give you an idea of what you need to be able to pull off this farm so real quickly let's run through the gear itself so most of this gear i'm not going to run through all the pieces are going to be from quest a lot of this gear like spiritual scotlands karen vars etcetera cloak of the valley defender kylian spalders those are from netherstorm southeast quests also fidel's bracers i believe are from another storm a couple drop or a couple or drops from london so you got breastplate of the righteous you have myrmidons which is quest item from a dungeon you have figurine of the colossus flush beast is a quest platinum is a drop but they're easy drops to get right we're not talking heroic dungeons we're not talking uh any crazy difficult dungeons or anything like that most of this gear you can actually get while you level up the one piece that will take a little bit longer probably is going to be wrath of cenarius i do have a full comprehensive guide on how to get it in about six to seven hours it's going to depend on your server and how much availability for items that you'll need for the actual farm are there but check out that guide wrath of scenarios is 100 worth it because it increases your spell damage by 132 for 10 seconds it has a 5 chance to proc and so if you're hitting a lot of mobs with consecrate there's a very good chance you're going to have wrath of cenarius up and that 132 spell power is basically like a permanent on-use trinket so i highly recommend trying to get wrath of cenarius so what i did guys just to show you exactly how we could do this farm with that gear is i went into strat and i downgraded my gear a little bit to have about the same stats so i actually have one percent less avoidance here than the than the build that i have on the 70 upgrades site but you can see my defense is at 475. if i go over to spell power i'm at 431. now if you remember from the xl that's 330 as the baseball power plus 100 for consumables so technically i have one more spell power than you will have from consumables sorry about it um but i just basically put on blessed wizard oil on top of what gear i had unfortunately i've gotten rid of a lot of the green so i wouldn't be able to do the exact same gear i will have a little bit more armor than you guys will have but it shouldn't be much of a difference against these mops at all as you'll see during the actual kills so now that we have that gear we can run through the actual farm itself again huge shout out to ted j for his video he goes very well into depth about all the different things that you can use and all the different and how to do the actual pools and so definitely check out his video if you want i'm going to be going through them pretty quickly pointing out the important things to know along the way just so it is a comprehensive guide i do also have consecrate taking or costing 15 less mana but you should never have mana issues if you keep up seal of wisdom which we'll talk about in just a second so i reset my farm log so we can keep track of the gold as well and i reset my timer go ahead and open up this gate now what you want to be using guys to aggro is rank one seal of righteousness with the judgment and then rank one exorcism so here i'm gonna target this mob i'm gonna rank one judgment him as i run around the house we're gonna run around the back side of the house we're gonna probably get hit by a couple casts as we go around but it should be fine and then we're gonna cut across we're gonna target the far right group and hit them with a rank one exorcism to pull them it doesn't matter which mob you pull just pull one of the mobs in the right group this will automatically aggro this group and then i recommend just spamming d-spell on yourself whenever there's a frostbolt about to be cast so my d spell is on scroll so i basically just scroll my mouse over and over now hearthglen whatever his name is could be right here or he could be in a different spot so if he's right there make sure you run up to him and hit him with a judgment to pull him otherwise pull that back group and then cut across the second spot he could be is right here he's not there this time as well which means he has to be in the third spot which we'll see in the third pool but now we're able to get in the actual kill phase we're going to put seal of wisdom and then judgment the patchwork before we actually start the kill phase then we're going to reseal the wisdom now this is important so we can keep up our mana at all times so you can see we're about 56 health 56 health had we gotten slowed by hamstring during the run put freedom on yourself and then rebuff blessing a sanctuary when we got to the kill phase we don't need to buff blessing a sanctuary though because we are already in the kill phase and we're fine here i would recommend dropping consecrate before you swap over to sanctity aura because sanctity aura will prospectively apply the damage increase to consecrate however i always swap over to sanctuary just because it's habit so a swap part was sanctity aura and now we drop down to consecrate now you're going to notice something i automatically have wrath of scenarios procs but i'm actually not going to proc my on use yet i actually waited until i had two stacks of vengeance or my figurine was about 10 seconds left so figuring the colossus is going to give us 20 seconds of healing keeping us up at full if we have enough block chance which the build has block chance so make sure you have around 20 block chance whatever kind of build you have after that we have bop or divine shield which in this case on the first ball we're going to want to use bop and so we're going to bop ourselves and that means that we have 20 seconds of invulnerability basically we're going to keep ourselves up to full with our figurine or bop and so i don't actually want to pop my on use until vengeance has stacked up to about two stacks so that we can get the maximum damage possible from vengeance from there guys it's really just mailing the patchwork keeping up your seal of wisdom and then just popping consecrate if you get punted out of your position just back pedal back into the corner make sure you're in the corner though guys because if the mobs do hit you from behind they could you know completely avoid your mitigation which can cause some issues especially when you actually are aggroing up the mobs make sure you're always having them hitting you from the front so we got down about 40 percent the mobs are getting down pretty low i went ahead and pop bop making sure that i'm keeping consecrate on cooldown consecrates number one priority and then i just heal myself up for the little bit of health that i need step away slowly as the mobs start to die so that's something that a lot of people don't do as the mobs start to die i'll just go back just a second here you're going to see that i just kind of move out of the group reason being if the mobs don't die before they explode you're probably going to take a ton of damage and die but their explode radius is not huge so as long as we step back a little bit they'll die before consecrate or they'll die from consecrate before they even explode if they did explode we wouldn't be close enough to actually take the damage that's the first pool though guys we'll have farm log running let's skip ahead to the second pool once you get full mana we're going to go over to the left side here go through the gate and go to the other side there's also a chest back there sometimes just go ahead and loot the chest and we're gonna get started with the second pull make sure you reapply a blessing and sanctuary if you did use bop on the first pull if you don't if you have really good gear you probably don't even need to use it but if you did use it make sure you reapply blessing a sanctuary this is gonna be the most dangerous pool of all of them because it's gonna have the most mobs and you're gonna be cutting across the middle a lot so make sure to always have the mobs hitting you from the front run forward to the very end exorcism this last mob now these mobs will auto-aggregate these guys so don't get close enough to anger them and then these guys are actually going to pull with a rank one consecrate as you run by so try to max range pull these guys for the consecrate you can see they pull the berserker there and then hug the outside so we don't face tank those mobs as well this keeps the mobs far away from us we're gonna run over to the right group pop judgment on him and then we're gonna cut to the outside do a little jump 180 turn right there and then we're kiting right here so we do get slowed so we dispel ourselves there's also a really good chance you're gonna get hamstring right here so if you get hamstrung make sure you pop freedom on yourself now over in the corner we're gonna exorcism the backpack there can be a courier that comes with the backpack that courier can stun you so in the kill phase if you see that you're stunned and you're taking a ton of damage that is probably why that's why i like to save divine shield because there's a very good chance we're gonna be taking a good amount of damage here we're then going to judgment the patch of work of horde just like again and then get into the corner now here guys it's very important to get into the corner fast because the guy can punch you and if he punts you up onto the top then you have to jump down from the top very quickly so it's important to get into a good position when you get into your position you're actually going to spawn these rats as well so you're going to be able to heal yourself very very easily with figurine as soon as you pop it so here we get them all there we get to about 50 hell so i pop figurine you can wait until you get to about 30 health do not kind of tempt figurine though if figurine is or if your health is getting low just pop figurine don't try to wait till last second because you could just not get a block and then die so make sure you pop figurine early again here guys we waited until three sacks of vengeance then we popped our on use trinket to pump down the damage patchwork horror we are exercising on cooldown as well since we have free gcds another thing to keep in mind guys is that when we have figuring in the colossus if we pop holy shield we have a higher chance to proc our blocks which means use holy shield to your advantage when your health is going down pop holy shield with figurine on and you will very quickly get back up like 30 of your health so use holy shield to your advantage here we can tell they're about half or they're actually closer to dead we just ran out of our figurine though we're down about 30 percent so i pop my bubble here heal myself up with keeping consecrate same exact idea as the last kill phase guys exorcism on cooldown keep up your seal of wisdom and keep the judgment up on the main berserker you're gonna be perfectly fine on mana and you're gonna be able to burn down these mobs once you get down past you know around 30 health that's when we pop the figurine at the colossus pop our holy shield quickly heal back up to full and then we sit there for about 20 seconds just pumping out as much damage as possible our goal is to get our vengeance stacks to three stacks as pos as fast as possible and then go ahead and pop our unused trinket so that we can burn down these mobs quickly we're now ready for the third pool i'm going to set the agement quality to epic so that it doesn't you know show the auction house kind of value of farm log so we're going to go through here and we're going to cut over to the right we're trying to go over and spawn the unforgiven now there's mobs past the unforgiven and so you want to make sure you run past the unforgiven and aggro those mobs especially keeping an eye out for the berserker the berserker pat's right through here so if he's at the far point and he's right in here make sure you go aggro the berserker just like we do here otherwise aggro these couple of ghouls so here we're going to add the berserker which automatically aggros that other goal and then we aggro these two cool ghouls on the side run through here consecrate these ghouls as we run by and then cut to the outside hopefully not just aggroing those guys for running into them but there we do now heart singer was not up in the previous two locations where he could be so we know that he will 100 be here so pull him as we go through he does have a range attack which isn't too bad to deal with but just you know know that he does have a range attack you can also get a curse during this pool which reduces the healing that you do by 75 so that's kind of annoying as well that's one benefit of having to find shield for this pool but i just pop wings personally typically or if you want to be very safe which i try to be here we pop bop again and you should be perfectly fine but we agree up all those mobs we cut back across go into the opposite corner this time inside that room with the rats and again same thing as normal we get down to 30 health i pop figure into the colossus i do get punted up in the air there guys so i did get stuck up on the top so some of the mobs evaded which means that they're going to have more health again so i'm going to back pedal back into the corner and then continue with my normal kill rotation so now we're on the opposite corner so now i only have four seconds left of holy shield or sorry of figuring in the colossus and so i'm going to go ahead and pop my on use and i know that i'm probably not going to be able to get all these mobs down before i would personally die so i'm going to need to make sure that i'm ready to use bop i'm going to get punted up into the air again jump down immediately so that they do not just start healing themselves myself but i do have this curse which reduces the healing effects by 75 so i still do heal myself because i have nothing better to do basically while sitting in bot but it doesn't heal for a ton doesn't matter though because we're able to burn down these mobs because we have enough spell power to take them out and then we are good to go and that is all of the mobs so you can see here at the end that we're able to kill 344 mobs we did start with 75 though so it's about 270 mobs per run we did it all in seven minutes and 47 seconds and our overall gold per hour is about 260 gold per hour now that is again in seven minutes and 55 seconds and we will loot here i spun our repair about just so i can actually vendor to show you guys how much gold we're gonna get but we're probably gonna be more so looking at about 225 gold just from loot if you're an enchanter you can also disenchant the blues and depending on the price of large brilliant shards on your server you can probably make a good amount of extra gold just from those blues alone and so ted jake quoted in his his video i agree with what he was quoting 300 gold per hour if you have enchanting 225 gold per hour if you do not have enchanting and you're just going based off of loot if you're boosting tunes what i found is about 20 gold per run per spot it's kind of hard to fill the groups but if you're able to fill the groups that means you can also get an additional 80 gold per run you will get less raw gold because obviously you're not looting all the gold yourself and so you will get less raw gold but plus the additional 80 gold per run for 320 gold per hour it will 100 be worth it if you can get the boost if you feel really bold you can try to double up the last pool or pull these next months i'm about to show you as a fourth pool as well but basically the pools inside of this room right here are a little bit more difficult to handle they heal themselves they slow you with a better chance to hit you from what i'm seeing and then they also basically fly you across the map so they're kind of a pain to deal with there's a lot of range mobs so they're going to do a lot of damage but here on my stream i was running through and i was trying to pull them with all the other mobs you could see that we're getting punted across but basically you aggro the mobs right in front of the door and then you can go ahead and kind of run out of there and they will punch you if you do pull these mobs you have to try to get to this location as quickly as possible with our normal co-location right within the rats or if you're trying to do it all in one pool we're actually going to try to go all the way back to our first kill location to try to deal with them however what you're going to see is that even with this pool i'm going to have to use lay on hands because they actually pump out so much damage that i would not be able to survive from the mobs you can also see that just from the pool itself i'm already down to 43 health which means i have to pop figurine pretty much immediately and then these mobs actually start to run away because they're humanoids when they get low scattering the mobs all over the place so i can't even kill them with consecrate so i don't recommend doing this pool until you have really good gear this is with my good gear on so i'm actually able to kill them but i also have a ridiculous amount of spell power some like 890 when everything is procked but you can see i go into the corner i'm gonna go ahead and try to burn down the mobs pop figurine when i'm almost dead because i know that i need as much time as possible it starts getting real laggy on the stream which is actually pretty wild go ahead and get everything rolling i do have bubbles so i'm gonna make sure that i save bubble to use it at the last second possible i didn't get a ton of heals because since there's a lot more casters with this group from the inside i actually am not getting healed as much so i go ahead and bubble at as low of health as possible and start healing myself up to fool with holy light that is going to cause me to run out of mana drop down into the consecrate heal myself up with the last tick but now you can see these mobs running away so my plan here is basically to swap over to the other side if i swap over to the other side then i'm hoping that these mobs are going to try to run up to catch up to me and so i get into the corner on this side however still run into issues where the mobs can just sit out there in the open and still cast on me so all the mobs are not going to stack up and the healers are actually going to continue to heal so now i can start getting down most of the mobs i have just the unforgiven and then some mobs left after that but the problem is that i'm pretty much um because i had to bubble and heal myself fully so like i said guys i wouldn't recommend trying to do this pool there's healers there's casters there's melee that have holy strikes so they hit you through all your mitigation just because holy damage goes straight through all the mitigation and i basically needed to use everything possible in order to try to even get them down and ultimately i think with like two mobs down on or two mobs left on this pool since i didn't have lay on hands i think i actually did go ahead and die so don't recommend this pool if you guys do want to try to include it if you have for some really good gear that is how you could do that bigger pool with the third pack the big benefit of doing that pool is to try to get righteous orbs righteous orbs on my server though only go for four gold on another person's server though they do go for about 30 gold so it's very server dependent now when it's time to reset the instance this is the most effective way that i've found possible basically what you do is that you have your boost ease going to the live side of the dungeon and so that's over on the western side and then you go into the dead side to start the dungeon just like you normally would they don't go over to the dead side though because when you go ahead and log out swap over your alt reset and then log back in what happens is that those boosties get put right back into the live side and you get put right back into the dead side and so it automatically puts everyone right where they need to be so toss lead to an alt reset with your alt log back in you are on the correct side as you can see up on the top right there on the correct side and now you're ready to go with another run without the boosties having to move at all and all those kill locations will get them the full experience hopefully that video helps you guys once you have some gear your kill phases can look a little bit more like this but with bare minimum gear you should be able to pull off that farm exactly as i showed you if you guys have any questions though or if you enjoyed the video definitely come check us out live on slash our layus hit that like button below and subscribe one final thing guys is you do have the hearthseeker you do have unforgiven every single pool you can also get a third spawn which is called skull and he basically is the one casting frostbolts behind me over here if you get him it would probably be more worth it to pop divine shield in the first kill phase just so that you bring him into the group so he's not casting frostbolt on you while you bop because it'll be a little bit more difficult for you to heal he doesn't spawn a lot of time probably about 20 of the time but he can be either here or he could be in the second pool as well so here's school you can burn them down but you can see there guys once you have some spell power i run about 870 when everything is popped you can really burn down the mobs really quickly and get you know concentrate up to about 318 damage a tick
Channel: Arlaeus
Views: 128,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, wow classic, world of warcraft, wow, gold farm, aoe farm, powerlevel, level fast, mage, mage aoe, gold guide, how to farm gold, how to level fast, mage aoe farm, mage gold farm, blizzard, speed clear, arlaeus, ZF gy, insane xp, pc gaming, sm 1 pull, world of warcraft classic, tbc classic, paladin aoe farm, wow tbc, paladin gold farm, the burning crusade, tbc aoe farm, power level, tbc gold farm, gold per hour, speed leveling, paladin tbc, stratholme gold
Id: fp9nHKks6P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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