WoW Classic - Paladin SOLO Mara 300+ 1 Pull in 13 MINUTES!

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what is up everybody it is zak here back with another video and in today's video i'm going to show you how to do the paladin mara 300 pool in 13 minutes huge shout out to ted jay who did this back in classic and had his jump back and forth strategy but now that we're in tbc it's actually going to be a little bit easier and a little bit more mainstream i think and so i want to show you guys exactly how i do it i also want to show you guys that this flame strike a lot of my damage 24 of it actually is coming from skull flame shield i'm going to show you healing in just a second but you're going to see a ton of the healing is coming from skull flame shield and so one of the things i would highly recommend having before you go do this farm you don't need it but it will definitely help is skull flame shield because it's going to help you survive much much easier and pump out a ton more damage maybe if you don't have the exact amount of spell power that i have so let's talk about the requirements a little bit and the recommendations that i have for consumables obviously guys this is a mage pool typically but now paladins are really able to do it pretty comfortably and that's what i'm going to show you here but you will need a few things so zanza pots so those are the zandalarian hero you know tokens that you turn in and you get the zanza speed pods 20 speed now you can be a pursuit of justice spec it will be a little bit more difficult to aggro up the mobs but you could be a pursuit of justice spec however that 15 to 20 is actually a huge difference because it looks like mobs honestly run at about 15 and so if they're right on your tail you're not going to get away from them whereas with the zanza you're able to get away from them greater arcane elixirs this is going to increase your spell power by 35. blessed wizard oil that's definitely not what it's called i'll have a link up on screen but it increases your spell power by i believe 42 and then you have the food the basilisk food which increases your spell power by 23. the combination of these three consumables is going to increase your spell power by 100 you need to have a blend of defense and spell power and as you can see from my gear right now i have a good amount of defense and i'm also focusing a lot on spell power and especially my cape which is just pure holy damage you want to be able to kill the mobs quick enough while at the same time not taking too much damage when you don't have your bubble because there will be a period you don't have your bubble so how i recommend starting as you run over and you run past princess you jump off you pop bubbles you don't take any fall damage and then we're going to aggro these mobs up with either melee judgment or with holy shock and so you will have to be the holy shock build for this and i'll have the talents after this holy shock is going to be really useful just to aggro now there are a few points we get after holy shock to increase our damage a little bit and so that's how we could reach that like 600 spell power that i have but the holy shock is going to be really important to aggro up the mobs you can be a pursuit adjust this defense spec and we were able to pull it off but it was much sloppier the kill phase was faster but it was much sloppier because we ran into the issues of you know not really being able to anger the mobs without meleeing them and then you're just running and zigzagging a little bit more and the mobs are catching up to you while also running through and aggroing up the mobs it's important to note that the large rock elementals and the cavern chambers which we'll find a little bit later stun and so there's a chance that any time that they're in melee range they can stun you so my recommendation to aggro the large rock elementals as you can see one behind us right there or the shamblers is a stun a max rank holy or max range holy shock or going with like a consecrate or something like that and so i will use consecrate to pull a little bit but here you can see i have stun up so i'm going to stun the large guardian so he can't stun me the little shardlings aren't going to do anything they're just going to hit you a little bit and so you can aggro them but we're running up the way from the princess side here we have all our all of our consumables on we have blessing of wisdom on we're gonna drop down a consecrate right here i actually miss this group and so the kill count on this specific kill is lower but you can see from the one before as we started the video it was at 330 so you can get 330 each time that's pretty much what i'm averaging but with this individual pool i did miss that pack and then i was a little bit too far ahead of the boars in a little bit which we'll talk about which caused me to have about 311 mobs but still really good mob count we're gonna come around the side here and then if you started the run immediately once you entered in the instance after a reset the guardian should be right there and so you should be able to aggro both of those groups with one consecrate now it's important that you reset the instance right before you go into the mar receptor portal that is going to allow you to get those mobs and oftentimes allowed to get those mobs as well but we're going to aggro these last groups and then we're actually going to pop bubble here we're going to stack up the mobs in the corner and then we're going to fall down so we've now aggregated the first part pop bubble jump down now we're going to pop divine favor and heal ourselves up to fool with holy light so now we have full mana pretty much full health we re reapply you know blessing wisdom if we had used pop instead if you used divine shield when you jumped off in the first place and we're now ready so the hard thing with a paladin mages can blink to help stack up the mops paladins need to keep the mobs close enough to them but not having a blink still be able to keep them far enough away we're not going to take damage and so the stacking process is going to be really important and so that's why we wait for the mobs to come all the way around the side here we have another guardian so we're going to stun him right there we're going to come around the side right here with the dimetrons we're going to pull them with the max ring holding shock the dimetrons also silence you so you don't want to get silenced too much it's not a big deal on the palate and you bubble you're able to get away from it but it is something you just don't want to deal with we're going to aggro this hydra you actually don't want to aggro too many hydras so if you want to you could go run around and aggro up a bunch of hydros and things like that but hydras have a punt mechanic which will come into play in the actual kill phase and so we don't want to get punted too much and they also build up thrash which can get annoying so i don't recommend pulling too many hydras they also run faster than the rest of the mobs so they're kind of just a pain to deal with so pull some that are right in your pathway don't go out of your way to pull extra hydras at the end of the day you know a 330 versus a 334 kill count is not going to make a drastic difference we're now going to come to the top here and here's where we're going to use our first instance of swiftness potion so you will need two potions in addition to the consumables and that is swiftness potion and free action potion so we're gonna go that last group over in the corner with holy shock and then we're gonna sprint up the sideway with a swiftness potion making sure that we can get away from the mouse without taking too much damage it's okay if you take a good amount of damage you'll be able to heal yourself up soon aggro this mob with either a judgment or a consecrate save your holy shot because we're going to need a holy shock here we're going to judgment the guy on the left we're going to holy shock the guy on the far left and we're going to use our first grenade now i use iron grenades because i am an engineer you do not need to be an engineer for this you can also use easy throw dynamite and so if you want to use easy throw dynamite that's non non-engineer you want to get a little bit closer but you can use that there you will have bop you can bop there if you need to just to be able to get away from the mobs perfectly okay you'll have bop up and plenty of time when you actually need it for the next part then we're going to run around the corner so now we've aggroed you know the hydros we've grown the the rock elementals and everyone for the bottom side and then we're going to go up to the top and the purple side and aggro up the purple side mobs now the purple side mobs are about to run through a bunch of shamblers so it's important to try to aggro them for max distance so you run you know the lowest chance of getting stunned if you get stunned it's not the you know end of the world you can bop out of it if you need to but you can probably just tank the damage you know we're pretty tanky at this point especially if you're running a decent defense build you should be perfectly fine but here what i want to do is i want to heal myself the full now my full health full mana make sure i'm blessing wisdom and i'm actually going to run around the right side of the tree here's where i should have waited a little bit longer some of the mobs were pretty far back so wait for the mobs to get pretty close there before you run around the side of the tree that way the mops can kind of stack up a little bit more and so they don't run the risk of being too far away where they reset come around the side we're going to run into this green slime pack and we're going to consecrate right in the middle the slimes are actually two separate packs so it's a pack of two and a pack of three you want to make sure that you aggro all them with the consecrate we're then going to run past the shambler and then judgment him while we're past him you can see there now he's not in range to get this done we're going to stun this one as we run by and then we're going to run over to the slime pack and so we have this camber this cavern liquor right here he's actually going to aggro himself so we don't need to worry about him we're gonna judgment this shambler right here holy shock this back one and then sprint up the side so you can see we got hit by the shambler maybe you know a couple times i'm gonna aggro these far groups with iron grenades if you can't get them with an eye grenade you can use easy throw dynamite as we said before but we were able to stay away from the cavern chambers and not take too much damage again here this is a group of two and three so we want to pop consecrate right there and then run up the sideways now this is probably the most important part about the instance you're going to have a lot of resets if you do not do this these small creeping sludges move very slowly however they also take all the mobs with them if they reset if they aggroed on to you so the key here is that you need to aggro them they cannot aggro you so the way we're going to do that is we're going to immediately holy shock at max rank to try to grab that guy immediately if he aggroed on to us again when he resets he'll reset some of the mobs with him we're then going to run through this cavern lurker on the right we're going to exorcism in the far group and then we're going to pop a swiftness potion again we need to get a little bit of distance from these mobs so they're going to be too close to us in the next section this is going to help us get ahead so we can get all the mobs that we need to judgment that left one again from a distance and then we're actually going to drop a consecrate along the wall that's going to aggro those sludges before they aggro so the second group of cleaving subjects on the left we judgment as we you know run by them and then the last group we consecrate on the side wall to aggro them but they're going to run up to the top here holy shock one of the mobs in that group and then jump down here you can heal up if you need to we don't need to heal up right there so we're instead just going to drop a consecrate aggro this tangler on the inside we will skip the tangler on the far outside there but the other stomper will be automatically accurate you can angle these guys with a consecrate as you run by them and then we're gonna go into the side room make sure you're dispelling yourself when you have dots up just to take as little damage as possible we're gonna go in the side room here and we're gonna aggro these groups of three you know groups of seders and so we're gonna run through we're going to exercise in the far one holy shock and then we're going to consecrate the back one and then you can pop figure into the colossus right here and so figuring a colossus as we're going to go going to go over the gear in a bit is going to be a piece of gear that you will need and so we can pop it here and you're seeing that it is healing us up a decent bit it's not a ton because we're not blocking a ton right here if we had holy shield we'd be able to heal be healed up pretty much to fools from the figurine right there but we do heal up a decent bit with the figurine of colossus and then we're able to run through the area having a decent amount of health holy shock the bottom mob this is all rank one by the way and then we run around the side here now i don't have a way to pull those two triangles but we're gonna skip those two trans but we're gonna focus on aggroing up all these mobs as quickly as possible and avoiding damage holy shock right here on the bottom to aggro this stomper right there he'll run through and potentially aggro one of them and then we judgment the group over on the left then we use our easy throw dynamite or our iron grenade on the far group over here to aggro this last pack of mobs as we run through if you can't get those because the mobs are too close or they're hitting you don't even worry about it it's just a pack perfectly fine to skip them so now we're into the kill phase room we need to aggro up all the mobs though we need to get the mobs before we can actually go into the kill phase what we're going to do here is we're going to angle those mobs hug the outside here so you don't get hit by the mobs below too much make sure you have the mobs facing your front that way you're blocking their damage so you're being able to use your avoidance that you have being a higher level come around the side we're going to run up onto the ramp with the mobs and then we're going to jump down and our goal here is actually to get the mobs stacked so what we're actually going to do is we're actually going to pop bop run into the mobs to try to stack them up but don't face yourself off the corner yet because you can get punted back right there and so you can see the hydras can punt us so at three seconds we want to make sure we start moving towards this post and jump down onto this post this is a you know pathing spot where the mobs go around if you're familiar with the mage bolts you're probably 100 familiar with this post but we're able to get healed up here and now we need to wait for forbearance so because we had to use bop there forbearance is now up but once we get into the kill phase we're going to want to make sure that we have bubbles so i'm going to try to stack up the mobs even more so i'm going to run up to the top section again we're going to wait for the mobs to run up the ramp here and then we're going to jump back down again stacking up the mobs as much as possible jump back onto this you know totem pole and then they run back one more time at this point we have 18 seconds left of forbearance so we know that we can go into the kill phase and so in the kill phase what we want to do is we want to make sure that we get set up for the kill phase before we actually start it now what i mean by this is that so far in the instance we've been running through just trying to maintain our maximum mana we've been trying to you know take a little bit of damage not too much once we get to the kill phase we're going to be you know face tanking 300 plus mobs and so we want to make sure that we can survive the ways we're going to survive is blessing of sanctuary that's going to decrease the raw damage that we take from abilities and we're also going to put on our skull flame shield skull flame shield has a three percent chance to heal you and steal life from the enemy and it also has a one percent chance to proc a hundred damage on all mobs because there's 300 mobs hitting us every two seconds we're on average going to get about 1.5 procs of the skull flame shield dealing damage to the mobs and since it does 100 damage to 300 mobs it does quite a bit of damage immediately pumping out the damage so what we're going to do here is we're going to reapply you know busting a sanctuary so we can be a little bit more tanky we're going to put on our skull flame shield and then we're going to jump up into this corner now we want to have our back into a corner so that if we get punted by the hydras we're not getting punted away from the mobs into an awkward position we're going to put on blessing and wisdom to be able to kind of survive a little bit easier and then i'm going to start spamming i'm going to drop consecrate before the mobs get to us and then i'm going to start spamming my auto attack macro now you want to drop consecrate before the mobs get to you because the mobs can silence and so the first consecrate that we have we're just trying to do as much damage as we can before we pop bubble and so you want to watch your health keep up the consecrate you will get silenced if you need to bubble bubble otherwise just wait till concentrate's almost done and then bubble so that we can immediately drop a consecrate in bubble now my auto attack macro basically what this does is it clears your current target finds the nearest target and starts auto attacking it with blessing of wisdom that means we're going to be able to keep up our mana a little bit easier and we're going to be able to get back mana we don't have reckoning so we're not going to be able to get the double attacks which would be awesome to keep up our mana but we're still able to keep up a good amount of mana while doing the damage so we're going to pop consecrate right here we're going to wait you can see i get silenced right there for five seconds we can punt it up but because our back is up against the wall we're good to go we're going to pop the bubble right here because we could see consecrates ending and there's no way we could get out of consecrate otherwise we're gonna pop our zandalarian hero charm which we have to basically pump out as much damage as possible and now we're taking for 180 a tick for each consecrate on these mobs drop down another consecrate and now our bubble is rolled off so at this point we're gonna start taking damage again right and so what we need to do is we need to make it so that one we can't get stunned and two we can continue to heal so before bubble you're gonna consecrate you're gonna wait until you need to bubble or the end of the consecrate then you're gonna bubble then you're going to consecrate pop all your damage cooldowns zandalarian hero charm hopefully you have the wrath of cenarius proc we'll run through the gear in a little bit and then at the end of the consecrate if we don't pop what's called a free action potion we will get stunned and if he gets done locked you're dead instantly because you can't you know avoid the damage you can't block and things like that and so you need to pop a free action potion and then figuring of the colossus figuring at the colossus basically heal us 120 every single time that we block because we have a decent block chance it's not too high right now it's about 14 we're not incredibly geared yet or anything like that but we are able to heal all the way up and we're also still getting skull flame procs now so pop those two things free action potion in that you can see that we're still silenced but we still have the consecrate going from before we can see occasional spikes of damage which was the skull flame shield procking and then we just you know pop off consecrate as soon as we can again just to try to get down these last mobs you have a decent chance to resist the silence but at the end of the day before the mobs are actually dead you're going to be getting hit by some of the silences but now you can see most of the moms are dead so we just finish off the last mobs i'm still you know hitting my auto attack macro with my blessing of wisdom up to try to get or seal wisdom sorry to try to get as much mana back as possible and then it's just these last hydras to finish them off it was only 311 mobs this time other times though typically it's about 330. i just had to wait a little bit longer for the boars and not miss that one shambler or what the one rock pack make sure to drop your consecrates in a good place you don't miss those packs but in 13 minutes and 21 seconds we get down 311 mobs and get about 75 of a level for an all here you can see the damage though look at that consecration was 65 which is fantastic but flame strike from skull flame shield actually 253 000 damage and then from healing skull flame itself was actually 43 and figuring the colossus was only 33 so for everybody who's saying that skull flame is going to be gone and skull flame isn't great it is fantastic obvious question is going to be should i use you know the poison dot from sporgar from petrified licking guard the answer is no the sporguar shield takes a really long time to ramp up its damage and so by the time you actually you know finish your kill phase basically you will have done hardly any damage whereas skull flame shield procs better when there's more mobs and so since we have 300 mobs hitting us at once skull flame shield is 100 the way to go and is going to pump out by far the most damage way over petrified looking guard let's jump into the gear in the towns all right so let's run through the gear a little bit now the gear is not going to be you need this specific kind of i items and you need all this gear you really don't anymore on tvc because a lot of the gear is itemized to have both defense and also have offense in the form of spell power on the gear already which is really nice and that's one thing that makes prop pally farming much easier in tbc but there are specific pieces that are really going to help you so the first is going to be figuring out the colossus every single time you proc this it makes it so that each successful block you have will heal you for 120. you're going to be blocking a ton between redoubt and then just having the implicit block chance that you already have so you're going to be able to heal a bunch from vigilance of the cl of the colossus even more though as we saw that we were able to heal from skull flame shield and so if you have these two items you're just going to be healing for a ton during the kill phase and going to be able to live you will have to repair this shield though just as a heads up probably every you know four maybe five runs if you're lucky so i would recommend potentially even having two if you have the extra gold to do it zandalari and hero charm is a really good trick to have just because of the massive raw spell damage increase and that goes alongside with any other kind of spell damage increase but the nice thing about zandalar and hero charm is that you can drop consecrate and then pop it and it will give all those consecrate ticks from that previous consecrate the added damage bonus and so this is something that is huge because you're able to pump out 204 different additional spell power then when i use consecrate again it's down 187 so zandalarian hero charm has a higher spell power at the start and then it decreases but because we're able to apply it after the consecrate and still get the benefit we're able to kind of maximize out the benefit of this trinket and then lastly is the wrath of cenarius ring and so the wrath of cenarius ring is going to give you a huge huge spell power upgrade because we're hitting 300 mobs at once the chance that we have the 132 extra damage is almost guaranteed and so wrath of scenarios is going to be amazing and it's actually pre or it's actually best for tbc aoe farming for paladins and into watt okay as well so i highly recommend picking up the wrath of cenarius i have a full guide for how to get it i'll link it up above you guys could check it out it should only take about five to six hours now that we're in tbc it's tbc so it's not too bad of a grind anymore to pick this up the actual gear itself you want a blend of defense and you want a blend of spell power now you want enough spell power to kill the mobs before you run out of free action potion and figuring of the colossus and your bubble so bubble is going to last 10 seconds figuring the colossus is going to last 20 seconds which means that we want to kill them within a 30 second window you also want to have enough defense so that you're avoiding enough damage and now defense kind of changes now that we're level 70 killing a 40 5-ish average level and we can look at things a little bit differently so let me get a little bit technical here real quick so the way that defense actually works when you have a mob much lower than you is that each point of additional defense skill as point zero four percent of the player's chance to be missed to dodge and parry before diminishing your turns and adds point zero four percent chance the block with no diminishing returns and so there is diminishing returns if you want to factor that in but the idea here is that if a mob is much lower level than you you're going to have a higher chance to avoid them because their implicit attack level compared to your defense level will be lower and so i made this spreadsheet basically to help you guys out with that and kind of show you guys how that works so for example we have these three different gear sets we have a defense farm overall we have spell power mara build and we have a defense mar build right now i'm the spell power amara build so if you want to copy exactly what i have copy this good to go but basically if we take the our defense level and we take the average mob level which in this case is 45 that gives us an extra avoidance of about 40.48 or here 36.64 the way that we're doing that is we're taking d2 so defense minus the mob level times five so their implicit defense level times point zero four times the four different stat weightings and that gives us an extra avoidance of thirty six point six four percent there's a weak core in the game that i have which shows the implicit avoidance and i'll have that link down below as it's a link to the weak core that you can get it shows us our implicit avoidance of thirty four point four seven percent so we combine those two avoidances together plus the raw mob missed chance of five percent we get a total avoidance of 76.04 in theory it would be possible to get a high enough you know defense level not factoring in any kind of diminishing returns an avoidance level from your gear to get over 100 and to never get hit warriors can 100 do this i believe that paladins can but we're probably going to need to have a bit more gear before we can get there and so because of that we're still going to need to kill the mobs in a relatively quick fashion and so then i also have this spell power and then damage multiplier kind of section of this excel so this excel is going to be available for you in a google doc down in the description down below fill out the orange sections the white with orange text sections will automatically be calculated based on the other sections so here we take our spell power from you know just our tool tip pre any kind of consumables are on uses so this is daniel r and hero charm plus arathis cenarius plus the extra spell power from consumables there we have our food our you know elixir and our weapon oil and that gives us 947 spell power when everything is going you know live we don't have any damage multipliers because of our build for this farm so there's nothing here to increase our damage but then we can see that if we take our consecrated damage each consecrate is actually doing 1459. and so compared to the higher defense build where we're you know 13 more avoidance we have about 400 additional damage per consecrate this allows our consecrates to take for about 182 which as you saw before was sticking for about 181 when everything was going on and then we have additional damage which i just threw in an estimate of skull flame shield at about 500 damage with a mob health of 4 500 that means that we should kill each mob in about 22 seconds so i'm gonna give you guys this excel you can basically plug in your gear and so you can use the weak aura and you can use just your defense level with that gear and the avoidance to figure out this out and then spell power but your goal is to basically get the kill time sub 25 seconds 30 seconds is gonna be a little bit too long it's going to cut it a little bit too close i would recommend having a little bit faster than that but if you also wanted to go this defense build and just be a little bit more tanky to make sure you're going to live you'll probably be fine with this as well but the goal is to aim for about a 25 second kill time so that by the time figuring the costus is done and divine shield is done there's not many mobs left for you to kill so last let's talk about the talents themselves these talents are going to basically be focused on aggroing up the mobs as we talked about during the run and then being as tanky as possible so we definitely want to have blessing of sanctuary if you don't have busting a sanctuary for whatever reason you want to have divine illumination instead you can but it's basically one of the other we have 41 points in holy or 21 points in protection but we first run down the protection tree we get read out to basically increase our chance that we can block so we get more procs to the figurine of colossus we increase our defense skill by 20 which is really nice to try to have as much avoidance as possible right just fury decrease the amount of damage we take by six percent and then work our way down to busting a sanctuary we also pick up guardian's favor which reduces our cooldown on bop which is going to be really nice during the run itself and if you need to freedom for whatever reason we then go into the holy tree and we work down the holy tree filling out anything that's going to heal us easier and give us back mana but then basically we're working our way down to holy guidance and so holy guidance increases our spell damage and in healing by 35 of our total intellect so we get additional benefit of having our intellect which is gonna be nice especially when we get better gear and then we get the holy shock right before that now you can mess around with these talents as much as you want to be honest the talents that i would highly recommend having are divine favor holy shock and holy guidance if you have those you should be perfectly fine doing the run and aggroing up all the mobs and then protection make sure that you get the blessing and sanctuary in my opinion just because decreasing that damage you're gonna take during the actual kill phase by up to 80 which it has diminished in return so it's not 80 but then also blocking back 46 holy damage it's gonna be really nice in the kill phase just to try to burn down the mobs a little bit quicker
Channel: Arlaeus
Views: 73,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, wow classic, world of warcraft, wow, gold farm, aoe farm, powerlevel, level fast, mage, mage aoe, gold guide, how to farm gold, how to level fast, mage aoe farm, mage gold farm, blizzard, arlaeus, mara 1 pull, ZF gy, ZF 42, insane xp, pc gaming, how to mage, how to aoe farm, sm 1 pull, sm cath 1 pull, wow tbc, paladin boosting, paladin mara pull, paladin gold making, wow classic gold farm, pally mara pull, pally mara boost, paladin farming, paladin tbc
Id: 9a7vdhg40rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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