WoW Classic - Black Morass TBC 1 Pull! Mage AOE Farm! ~600 gold/hour!

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what is up everybody it is och here back with another video in today's video we are in black moross doing a one pool that is right you heard it first here mages and tbc can still do one pulse let's go so black moross is an instance over in the caverns of time in order to access this dungeon you have to escape from dern hold first get that quest finish that then you can access the black moross instance so there is a little bit of a gate to get in there it takes about 30 minutes to 45 minutes just to run the dungeon do that dungeon then you can get in here why is this dungeon so good there's a ton of non-elite mobs all throughout the instance before you actually start the meat of the instance the meat of the instance is actually spawning a bunch of portals kind of like the violet hold if you guys are familiar with that and spawning a bunch of portals and then taking out the mobs from those portals and eventually killing the big boss in front of the dark portal we don't need to worry about any of that though we're worried about the mobs that are around the instance and so last night on my stream i did escape from durham hold and i was like you know what i want to try black moross and see if there's nayway farm potential because i knew there was going to be a bunch of mobs i knew paladins had some kind of farming potential here as well which paladins will certainly have a good farming potential here and so i brought over my mage and just started thinking let's see how many mobs we could pull so i pulled as many mobs as possible i did not have my blade of eternal darkness but we were able to kill 86 mobs on the first run which immediately got me thinking about the amount of gold that we can make and potentially even experience you can make so before we jump into all those numbers let's talk about the requirements i recommend having blade of eternal darkness it's going to make it immensely easier to do the kill phase you don't technically need it as i said before i use mana pots and things like that to basically have enough mana to take them out slowly i still leverage flame strike with palm flame strike and just try to use clear casting for max ring splitters however it's going to take a little bit longer to do the kill phase if you don't have blade of eternal darkness so i recommend getting blade of eternal darkness it's a two percent drop rate off of princess highly recommend that you also want to have skinning you don't need skinning but your skinning is going to double the amount of gold you're going to make from this instance you want 335 skinning with gloves with a fiber or plus 5 skinning enchant on them so 335 skinning plus five enchant if you do that guys you can be looking at making approximately 200 gold per run you could do a run in about 15 to 20 minutes depending on how quick you get with the kill face that means you could be looking at an easy 500 to 600 gold per hour with this form best part of all that is leather cells quick the knot high leather is going to sell really quick the other good drops you're getting is you're getting the nether web spider silk from the tarantulas those are the spiders you can't skin the spiders but you do get the silk i'm getting on average 10 per run which those 10 is about another 100 gold roughly depending on your server maybe more maybe less and then you also have raw vendorables so just from the venerables themselves because they're beasts they're dropping pretty valuable vendorables those vendors are about 25 gold per run including the greens you can just vendor or if you want to auction house the greens you can make even more than that so you can be looking at about 200 gold per run if you don't have leather or skinning then you're probably going to be looking at about you know 75 to 100 gold per run on average so you can make a lot of gold from this farm in addition to that you can actually start doing this i would recommend a little 66 i don't recommend any earlier than that because you're probably gonna be getting a lot of resist however you can get about 600 experience per mob and so we're killing 100 mobs on average per run there's more than that in the instance but i'm just accounting for some night sabers that you're gonna miss just because they're gonna be in stealth or maybe you're gonna miss a crock or or a spider or something here and there and so i'm gonna average about 100 mobs per run that means you're going to get about 60 to 70 000 experience per run while leveling up so if we take that times four we're looking at 240 to 280 000 experience per hour which is on par with sleep heads while you make about 500 to 600 gold per hour as well so this is gonna potentially be a very good farm now as you can see here we are just running around the entire instance trying to aggro up all the mops as possible it's gonna take some experimentation to get used to it i found that a lot of nightsabers are tucked in the corners and so watch out for the corners because they will be stealth if you get hit by from behind you do have a chance to be knocked off your mountain dazed and that could potentially cause some issues if that happens i recommend a spamming rank one blizzard and just trying to take out the mobs immediately wherever you are don't try to kite them too far you could run into some issues but basically we run through the entire instance aggroing up the mobs you want to kind of make figure eight style moves you don't just want to go like straight across straight down straight across kind of idea because you want the stack of mobs behind you to not be stacked up if they're not stacked up that means that they grab more mobs automatically and you don't have to go and grab them yourselves if they're just in one straight line they're not going to run through as many mobs and so you kind of want it to be a messy pool you don't want to get knocked off your mouth but you want it to be a messy in the sense that you want the mobs running all over the place to try to aggro up as many amounts as possible once you get to the kill phase you can stack up all these mobs without any problem at all so you see here that i'm basically running through the entire dungeon there's a ton of mobs in the four corners and so make sure you always go to the four corners and then we're going to go to what i refer to as home base basically we want to look for a location where it's flat ground so we're not going to be worried about you know line of sight issues or we're not going to be worried about you know if we need to go for a nova some line of sight issues with the nova or hill issues with novas that could cause us to run into more issues than we could anticipate and so we want to look for a kind of leveled out ground we also want to look for a big area so that we can maintain our blizzards for a long time the kill strategy is going to be predicated upon flame strike and blizzard and we're trying to pump out damage with flame strike because it's 100 mobs our blizzard's not doing too much damage if you get a clear cast definitely still use blizzard because you can pump out of these a bit of damage but if you don't have clear cast you don't want to be using max rank blizzard also you're going to go um pretty quickly i also recommend if you are an engineer picking up dense dynamite with blade of eternal darkness that is going to also give you mana back just make sure when you throw the dense dynamite and actually have the throwing animation you are facing towards the mobs if you aren't facing towards the mobs whenever you do a spell that could proc blade of eternal darkness it will not proc blade of eternal darkness so every single time we go for a flame strike every single time we go for a grenade we need to be facing towards the mobs so we can get as much mana back as possible so now it looks like we've run through the whole instance we've aggroed up all the mobs and so now i'm going to go over to the kill phase watch out here for stealth mobs behind you so i recommend turning and facing the mobs while you're kind of just waiting for them to stack up because there could be a nightsaber that's you know stray and still and stealth running at you and he could knock you off your mouth so face the mobs turn around so we turn around here we're just waiting for the mobs to come towards us we're gonna pick up this last croc and then we're gonna go around in circles now what we try to do here is we try to do kind of like a stutter step so we're going to run a bit stop run a bit stop run a bit stop and what's happening with that is that the mobs are recalculating our position and they're basically forcing themselves to compact on each other as much as possible so there we stop run a little bit then we're gonna keep on running here and we're just gonna keep on stopping you can see that the mobs are stacking up pretty tightly now one big thing is that before we were able to just jump off our mount nova don't do that you're gonna run into some issues if you try to do that some mobs are just going to go all over the place so what we actually have to do is we have to open up with a blizzard rank one blizzard to get the mobs to be relatively stacked and then we can start going into the kill phase the biggest thing here is just keep the mobs controlled at all times because if they start getting out of control it's not going to be a good time so here i open up the rank one blizzard and just trying to keep them slow and i'm gonna drop a flame strike on them and then drop an immediate rank one blizzard whenever we drop the rank one blizzard we want to blink to a location that is perpendicular to where the mobs are now obviously that wasn't perfectly perpendicular but the idea there guys is that if we blink to a location that's perpendicular the mobs will then have to run back through the flame strike so we want to maximize the amount of time that they're actually in flame strike taking damage so here i'm going to step away i get a clear cast and so whenever i get a clear cast i'm going to use max rank blizzard so i'm going to step away a little bit max rank blizzard i would have gone for a flame strike there if i did not get that blizzard but obviously if you have the clear cast you got to use it and so we use it on the max strength blizzard now we're going to pop icy veins and then flame strike make sure we face towards the mob rank one blizzard and then again blink perpendicularly now you can see that they're running back through the flame strike a little bit so we're getting some extra ticks slow them again slow them again and then we're gonna go for another flame strike you wanna make you wanna make sure that you're leveraging your icy veins to pump out as much damage as possible if you have the zg set and you can you know have shorter cast on flame strikes that's fantastic if you have the invoker set since we can get the invoker set now that's also fantastic because then you can get out faster flame strikes but since i don't have those i just have five piece t2 i'm just trying to use icy veins to pump out the flame strikes as much as i can once you have that invoker set though and especially if you have the zg set as well you're going to be able to pump out flame strikes so quickly that it's basically like you have icy veins permanently and you'll be able to take out these moms pretty pretty darn quickly actually you can see that we're only nine minutes in and so the bulk of the of the pool is actually just the skill face but this is the idea in the kill phase that you're supposed to just basically kite them around i go in for some novus here just so i can go for some extra flame strikes this is risky i would say but you can do it if you want just i recommend blinking away and blizzarding if any of them resist though obviously we have to go right back into blizzard you don't have to do that strategy it is going to be a little bit riskier to do obviously you can run into situations like this where they separate if this happens though you just want to keep on using rank 1 blizzard for one tick just to stack up the mobs blink away and then rank one blizzard you always want to blink perpendicularly because that just causes the mobs to stack not only does it cause them to run through flame strikes more if you have the mobs and flame strikes but you're just causing the mobs to stack and you want to run into circles that they stack with each other here they split into two separate packs this is getting kind of scuffed right here so i'm going to slow down as many miles as possible blink perpendicularly over to the side and then the mobs kind of re-stack on each other and i'm able to get the back of the group palm flame strike just to pump out some damage and then blizzard right on top of that just to slow them here i have one straggling tarantula in the front and so what i want to do here actually is i just want to nova this guy and then step forward and then just let the rest of the mobs catch up and so if you just have one mob in the front it's not like 10 mobs where potentially they're going to resist your blizzard and whatnot just nova that front mob and then blizzard on top of that front mob to slow it down repeat this over and over i recommend using the c-spot the location of the safe spot guys or not safe spot but like the home base basically to think of is right to the left of medivh i'm pretty sure this is medivh right there casting the summon so it's this location right here it's a wide kind of land mass where it's pretty flat you can also use flame strike kona cold so that's actually what i've been doing a lot of the times too to speed up the runs just be careful when you have this many mobs there's a really good chance you're going to get some resists in the essence of time i'm going to go ahead and speed up the rest of the run just so you guys can see it it's basically the same thing over and over trying to get these mobs as stacked as possible and take them out it does get a little sloppy here and there and so you guys can see how to recover from those but it isn't too bad with a little bit of practice maybe you just start off with a little bit less mobs just get practice with killing them and then make the pools a little bit larger you can also break this up into multiple different pools as i said before you know i've been flame strike shattering combo doing the mobs instead and the best way that i've found to do that is actually to do it in two pools rather than three now the benefit of this is that you have a little bit more time to loot for skinning you should be able to skin all them as you'll see as you'll see in this video but it does give you a little bit extra time if you need it to basically skin as many mobs as you can and loot all the mobs in time and it also and then allows you to break it up into two separate pools so that you can do a little bit more damage to the mobs with the aoe cap and you aren't worried about trying to kill all the mobs at once that being said doing it as a one pull is pretty darn fun so the reason why we do this guys is that at the end of the kill once they're all dead we are able to loot them and then we're able to skin them we're able to get a ton of leather now leather is being farmed immensely right now because people are leveling up and so it's actually pretty cheap on the auction house personally i expect that to actually go up over time as people stop leveling up their tunes and they focus on running dungeons and gearing etc and so i wouldn't be surprised to see leather go up in price but right now it's about one goal to pop and so you can see here we're getting a good amount of leather and we're also getting a lot of nether web spider silk my recommendation for how to do this looting is to not go through and loot all the mobs but rather loot and skin them in patches if you go through and you loot all the mobs the mobs are going to despawn faster where if you do it in little patches like we are right now you're going to be able to leave the loot on the mob which is going to make it so that they don't despawn as fast while you do one section and then move over to the next section and you should be able to get through all of the mobs you can see the loot coming across we're getting ton of these fangs and things that we can sell just as you know vendorables and then we're also getting a ton of knothide leather and a ton of soap i actually didn't get any greens this run which is really weird typically i get anywhere between two and four per run so typically you're gonna have some greens on top of that and then you also can get lock boxes and all the standard drops as well but overall guys i'm looking at this as you know potential 500 600 gold per hour farm right now we're gonna see what the prices how they move in the future definitely recommend having skinning though to try to make as much gold as possible with this run but it can also be used as a good way to level up so as far as talents and gear are concerned guys here are my talents that i'm using basically the idea here is to try to maximum mana regen also a presence of mind for the palm flame strikes while also keeping up all of your blizzard so we want to go into a bunch of blizzard talents to try to make sure that we're controlling the mobs as much as we possibly can and pumping out a good amount of damage as well when we get those clear castings i'll have this stack the spec link down below in the comments sorry in the description so you guys can check it out there if you guys would like as far as the gear i would recommend you know t2 if you have t2 it's going to be really beneficial just to try to keep the mob stacked outside of that you can have the encantor set and you can have the illusionist set from zg those would be fantastic but you don't need any of that gear the gear that i would recommend 100 having is the blade of eternal darkness it's going to make it so you can do the kill phase without worrying about running out of mana otherwise you're probably gonna need a lot of mana pots mana rubies amanda gems et cetera with the blade of eternal darkness you see 100 can do this in greens though the t2 is just going to help you guys kind of keep them stacked but you could just definitely keep them stacked without it because you the mobs won't be resisting you much and so you'll be able to keep them stacked with batching
Channel: Arlaeus
Views: 77,575
Rating: 4.7967668 out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, wow classic, world of warcraft, wow, gold farm, aoe farm, powerlevel, level fast, mage, mage aoe, gold guide, how to farm gold, how to level fast, mage aoe farm, mage gold farm, blizzard, speed clear, arlaeus, mara 1 pull, ZF gy, insane xp, pc gaming, how to mage, how to aoe farm, sm 1 pull, sm cath 1 pull, power level, gold per hour, wow classic tbc, wow tbc, burning crusade classic, world of warcraft classic, tbc mage gold farm, mage tbc, tbc gold farm
Id: fw_JbjLbB-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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