The Easiest Way to Solo Heroic Slave Pen! Get your Quagmirran's Eye Today

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hello everyone maison x here today we finally come to herotic dungeons now our first stop is hero slaying fan which is supposed to be the easiest dungeon for our majors to solo the easiest hero chicken dungeon for our majors to solo and this dungeon also drops this very good shrinkage called the quagmire quagmire quagmire cargaming's eye which is very good for every caster dps now here after we enter the dungeon you're gonna avoid this two pack of lobsters and stick to the right side i believe many of you when you are already able to get into herotic so extra reputation are not something you will be worried so we will skip as many mob as possible in this rom you know about these two purchase and if nova released you can always patent over or code snap mode and here at this stage you want to cast an invisibility which makes you about the time reach this area you getting to invisible then you can be working in this lonely world and get out just about in this area call your water elemental order your water elemental to attack this mob here now you wait a little bit do not get into aggravated wrench the egg range of this mob and until this mob is like uh close enough to for your pet to nova him you pet nova him you can see although this mob is immune to a patch but somehow this damage this this skew generates just enough anger for this mob to uh ignore you and run to a patch for this we can safely run past these two defenders in regular mode we still remember we can lower them we can polymorph them but in heroic mode these two defenders they pretty much immune to anything except blizzard blizzard is throw okay so when you're passing this uh two mobs this is actually quite important so i spent more time to explain you wanted to stay away from the second defender as far as possible you can see here i'm actually pretty close but i still make able to go past him so by doing this patch pull trick i can go by pass these two defenders every time okay now you cast a letter blizzard to slow these two mob cast a counter spell select these two and please note here we run to the right side of this ledge point so um in regular sleep pain run i sometimes jump here and ice block but in herotic you can't get hit by any of this mob so you want to run to this right side as fast as possible you can see they didn't even hit us and just to go back to their regular route and ready to be farmed now here we want to wait a little bit for this uh for this man for this both to go upstairs then we can pull this pack this is just back to the thing our majors should be very familiar with yes the slave pen solo farm the easiest way of slave pen solo farm and basically in this part what you do is exactly the same when you are leveling your mage in slave pen we jumping on and off we land our blizzard at this area at this ledge and we jump again when the both is downstairs so for this part i will fast the video a little bit [Applause] yeah basically you just keep them well grouped and wait for the both in a right place then you can just ring your max max rank blizzard and finish them now please note in periodic mode mobs do have a little more health but it should be fine if you bring some mana potion and always remember to use your managing okay i will faster the video a little bit okay after we cue these mobs now it's time to begin with the both now i want you to think in periodic mode we basically are weak than enables in every way right but in order to beat a powerful boss like this we do need to use something which is at our advantage instead of the legion jump a large jump because this both can also heal himself he do better damage he have much more health and the mana are actually not much mana than us so this is the break point this both we actually beat these balls in one field which is our mana regeneration rate you can see our mana regenerates like at a certain point when we are not casting but these both mana almost never regenerate so to do to cue these balls my way is to simply cast two of your shields and try to make these both land as many as the lighting ball on you on your two two shields so by in this way let's see it's both closing to us we try to angle him make him angry and yes electricals you can see one lighting ball takes away this both about six percent of his mana and his mana is almost like never regenerate so i will call like this stage of fight phase one of solo invisibles so in phase one we basically do not need to do any damage to the both you can do a letter like level one frostbolt for fun but we actually don't need to do any damage all we need to do is to trigger both do lighting bolts on you you can see with two shoulder on we're barely taking any real damage from the lighting ball so we can wait and do our health job there like in a big potion then we jump up and do a bandage but we do need to wait until our ice barrier to cool down so we can take the both another lighting ball this is for safety issue measure but but if you do can get enough natural resistance gear i think it's ok for you to take as many lighting ball as this both as possible so we can fast to dry this box and now the easiest way and the more kind of like dumb way is simply use your mana shield and your ice barrier to counter this both lighting ball it takes me about seven minutes to totally dry this both mana and i think it's still acceptable for like to solo and heroic level dungeon both okay let's fasten the video a little bit let me to jump okay 70 okay you can see when the bose mana is lower for him to do one lighting boat you wanna just wait here until this post do a very big circle he will use his last mana to summon his healing totem and you wanna keep him like far away from his healing totem now we can see actually he summoned his last healing totem here and then it's time for us to start the cube phase the phase two of this both solo fight basically in phase two we have a lot of good opportunities to do damage let me speed up a little bit you can just follow exactly what i do and this both won't like one shoot one shot qu takes about two or three um melee attack so i would say it's kind of okay if you sometimes fail this jump like a one or two seconds later and always call your pet here you can see in in this fight i put my pet here he can do like perfect 4 time damage now basically you are playing a new mini game called jumping on and off try to do as many damage as possible so in phase two actually your damage efficiency is quite okay okay i will fasten the video a little bit if you like gear is poor you don't have enough mana you can simply wait for your evocation or just waiting for the cooldown of your managing management actually make one management you can use three times so this is actually a good way to generate mana and always be careful about the nova toten this token if this token explodes too close to you it can simply one-shot you okay our faster video a little bit okay one percent please notice when this both health is very low it's low enough he will work very slowly and make you have enough time to kill him so we can see the from dbm here we kill the first boss of herotic slave pen in 16 minutes and 27 seconds it's a definitely not very fast but i think it's still acceptable because it is inherited you can see we looted our batch of justice right now you want to come to the second floor and drink drink rebar up and here please notice if these two petrol packs are on the left you're gonna run counter clockwise you're gonna run to the right and throw them at left if this purchase pack is at right you do the exactly opposite thing you throw them at right and the wrong to the left so it's like you don't have to wait for this petrol at like the right side or anything you just uh improvise now here uh normally you will match a pack like here but this time these two packs are very close but we can still pull these two and make this circle we wait him here a little and try to kite them a bit but this guy actually resists my blizzard so we can't call him we blink through these two we still successfully pulled all packs on this like secondary floor bridge and we are ready to kill them and yeah we didn't get even one hit or maybe we get some heat and lose our shield okay so basically this part is exactly like what we did in the first pool we simply just cut them around a bit here so again i will fast the video a little bit so please note when you are dealing these mobs who can ring who can use a ring of fire on you in herotic this firing takes a lot of damage so my way is i always run in this kind of line and use like the max range of my blizzard to uh to land on them so by doing this i almost never get hit by the ring of fire and i can safely just do damage and kite them all to death okay these parts are very similar to what we did in soloing the normal slave pen when we are trying to level ourselves so if you do have a question about this you can check my other video on how to do the easiest way to do slave pen solo farm in kerotic the mob just have a little more health other things are exactly the same if you gear is bad it simply will add your time to kill these mobs because you may not have enough money but all other parts are exactly the same so don't need to actually worry like you don't have enough care if you care is bad you simply have to wait for your mana to regenerate a bit by jumping on and off at the larger point okay i will fasten the video a little bit after you queue these packs and loot them all you go to you come here you to the second floor you refill yourself to to a better to a better situation okay now here we jump down to this bridge and we pick a right side please note this side do not have any like slope into the water either side we're gonna jump off and here you will uh here is a different store this is not like the door we came in uh the door we came in have two defenders here which we already cued and this here you can see they they have these lateral weapons these are two champions uh they are weaker version of defender and they can be numbered polymorph throat so basically you just polymorph one and q another ah they are actually very easy to kill because they take all the control damage why you kill my patch why okay i'm gonna revenge my patch so basically you can actually just to use your frost boat to kite them because first of all they will take the fourth row of your frost boat and they are pretty easy to queue so i will faster the video a little bit you kill one the other one wake up and you kill another one then you avenged your water elemental okay now this is like the uh the first part of slave pancreatic farm please do note i see in other videos like some majors can able to make this jump here and they can like make the both q faster and quicker but i somehow couldn't figure out this jump so um i don't know maybe it's the only gnu thing new thing maybe like undead i cannot do this jump so uh i decided to do the old school way right okay uh after you kill this pack you can see we use any visibility come here you need to watch out for these defenders they can see you as invisible and every time i reach here this pack is about in this place and you cast a blizzard to pull them now you want to stick to the left side as close as possible just grab your face on the wall because you don't want to put this pack by yourself and there is actually a box here maybe have some good things remember always to come back and open and yeah the idea is to let the pack we just pulled pull this pack and never pull this pack yourself okay you stick to the left getting into the water like swimming yeah you can see swimming towards this slope and basically the pack we just pulled will pull the packs necessary to pull on its way and if everything goes right here you can you can throw them a bit or you cannot throw them it's actually doesn't matter very much you get into the water here and swimming to another slope and you can see all these packs will take another route to run to you so we can go back to the place we are very familiar with and the kite and kill them this is just like when i try to do something new i always try try to find a way to use my old experience this works both in real life or in play games you should always use your old experience to as an advantage for you to begin a new adventure so this is why i highly suggest to you to use this method use the ledger jump we use when we are leveling our image in slave pen to solo herotic slave pen because it's simply easier and you are familiar with uh like this situation like and you are familiar with how to deal with different scenarios if anything goes wrong yeah this is basically an a good strategy to use and here you want to go to the right side here because uh it will be easier and here we're gonna cast a block because we don't want this range attack mob keep attacking us okay okay the wait for the ladies a bit okay i will still fast the video a little bit and you can see actually in this area is also a good place to land blizzard on now please note their lighting ball actually hurts you like for 3000 damage so if you um if you like health is low i actually have five thousand and nine hundred health uh please try to avoid as many lighting ball balls as possible so basically what you do is you come to this area and you always use the outer ring of your bleeder to do damage and when you see this lady is try to discharge electricity to you you move a little to the left so you can see we interrupt his lighting ball and uh yeah sometimes you failed but if you are not like if you are careful enough you basically can interrupt every lighting ball just you have to have the determination to interrupt your bleeder and always use the altering of your blizzard to do damage you should be fine from all these clusters you can see here i also got a letter greedy but uh it's still okay the lighting ball actually created and did a lot of damage to us but uh in this round you can always jump here to some bandage and very soon you will be back to for health okay this is basically uh the same part but you need to be extra careful about the distance control uh if you are careful enough you can actually avoid every lighting body cast you just see these particle effects when they are casting lighting ball you move you do not be greedy and try to finish your bleeder and you can always put your shoulder on so uh it will make sure like the lighting ball won't kill you so you can use your shoulder to maybe take one lighting ball and do damage then just run back and these casters these naga ladies they actually do not have much health you can see they already have health so the queue still won't take you too much time so i will faster the video a little bit [Applause] yeah and basically it's just the same as what we did in normal sleeve pen okay then we go back after we kill them we go back to the second floor here we're gonna pick this side pick the side without a slope cast through four jump down and cast an invisibility in middle of the air then we can just run to where quagmire is these two defenders which you can see invisible actually got chain pulled by the naga pack we put so it's actually easier for us to kill them and always there's like a very high possibility it will got a box here and always remember to open it i actually got a gem here so it's pretty nice okay let's fast the video a little bit when we in this area there are two packs of lobsters these are many mobs so they are very easy to kite basically we can just finish them here no need to running back running all the way back but if you want you definitely can do cue them at the ledger point but uh if you try they're actually very easy to kite so i will decide just to finish them here so after we kill them we can just we can start to quagmire right now and these slaves here like uh if you put them you don't need to worry because they are not casters they are just slaves only to melee attack yeah so it's perfectly just to kill them together with all the lobsters you know one thing i don't understand is like these slaves they got hit by their slave master like hundreds of times each day but they never fight back but when we do a lot of damage to them we do one tick of little to them they immediately decided to fight back us that's something i cannot understand okay so uh all these map mobs are many mobs and they didn't run very fast so it's simply just like you are kiting about 10 warriors it's super easy for majors and i think everyone can easily do this okay i will also fasten the video a little bit and the there is plenty space left here for you to kite them around so no need to worry okay after we finish them here is the final price of this fight quagmire right who drops the quagmire's eye and the final boss have better loot now here you want to call your water elemental to attack him this was actually i died many times try to figure out his various change mechanism which will you will see later or actually in this room i i didn't triggered his mechanism because i kind of figured out how this mechanism works now for this both he will teleport to you in front of him in two conditions when two conditions are satisfied the first is you are not in the vision you are not in the eye of this both which means these votes can barely see you the second condition is this both cannot find a path to you which will be created you can see here when we in the air when we jump into something so when you want to jump into this lake this water please always actually please don't jump into the water you walk into this water instead so this actually minimizes your timing in the air which these boats do not have a path to find you so always walk into the water like i did here and always have your blink ready just in case the balls actually teleport you when you are in the air by doing this i can i can pull this both every time successfully please do note if you ever get teleported don't panic yes don't panic is the first rule of major solo in dungeons and aoe kiting you can just blink away because this both won't like immediately hit you after teleport you he will like be stupid for like one one or one point five seconds which give you enough time to blink out re-jump into the water and the more safe way is wait a little bit more until the boat is closed like pretty close to you but not enough to hit you then you get into the water this will also not trigger the teleport mechanism so choose what you really like and as long as these two conditions are not satisfied which the first is both have don't have you in sight the second is you in middle of the air or you in some place this post cannot reach okay this both will not teleport you okay then basically this both will run this long route to us and we can watch your head man he seems fine and we can kill him at the place which we are very familiar with okay i will fast the video a little bit actually i hear i waited the post for a little bit because i don't know if i like run too far these both will get out of like anger and reset now here you may want to like in the first round here in the first round i want to jump on here right just like what we did to other mobs and i think they both will run to this regular route just like every other mob did so i jump here and lend a precious lesson you can see here even when we are at this point we ice block these both are still attacking us and i think he was walking by but he just you know he have long arms because he's so big so we left a skeleton here precious lesson then after this i decided to kite him a little bit use this like second floor uh bridges so we can actually make a turn here and make the both follow us down from the first from the second floor back to the first floor so where we can do the jump again and also here you want to run past this point as fast as possible this is another lesson i learned from both this both because in my last run i i tell myself like there's no way this guy can hit me from beneath and then he teaches me this lesson by another repair bill he can definitely hit you from beneath so go past that area as fast as possible possible and basically you just lose this post to kite him for another round okay he's running the same way so we take another way you are both you choose your way i go another way this uh this kind of both kiting actually remind me like 10 years ago my first character was a tauren hunter nowadays you can never see a torrent hunter right and when i first tried to kite this big alley giants in winter spring i remember i was so nervous as a little boy and like my sweater in my hand and i got nervous when each time i look at this my tables feels like just the same like monster is chasing me instead of chasing my character so by doing this actually remind me this like old times i'm not that nervous uh in this age now but i still feel thrilled and exciting when i can fight i can challenge this mighty creature here as as as a single man as a solo character right now here you want to hide at the right side of this ledge and you should always do this because this both sometimes he even if you stay here he can still run directly to you and attack you okay now everything is set what we do is just think it as another mini game where we jumping on and off try to avoid his acid spray and try to do damage as many as possible and you can always like follow where i summon my water elemental it's tested and this will maximize your use of water elemental because this thing can sometimes just like one shot to your water elemental you can see when he do this acid spray if you blink away fast enough you won't get even heated and you can always do damage after like he's still in that pose and you can still do you can after you blink away you can run back and do damage to him okay and always this like this single acid arrow is something you can not avoid so always use your ice barrier or sometimes maybe your mana shield to absorb its damage okay we can we already killed like eight percent of her his health so now i'm gonna fast the video a little bit because it's definitely gonna be a long fight uh if uh if you have some warlock or hunter friends you can definitely call them and bring them to this area so you can finish this post uh like way faster than you doing this as a mage alone okay i will faster the video a little [Applause] bit and the the killing process is long but it's actually also pretty fun you just start playing this like both fighting game you try to avoid his skills you try to do as many damage as possible and yeah it's quite quite fun okay [Applause] i think it takes me about like 26 minutes from the time we pull this both until the time we end this pose okay now finally this bigger guy is done i actually get some quite good roots from this one please note if you do have the quagmiran's eye i think you can sell it like for maybe 800 gold or 1000 gold like every cluster dps on our server wants this trinket and sometimes when you do a hero ticker round because it's only once a day it just didn't drop or you didn't win the loot so i think the market is due there people want to buy this and the prime letter is also another 100 you will get this will give you like uh for our server people uh who cut who like crafter things for others the their prime letter was about 200 gold and also as a disenchanter i got i always got two void crystal from this post also you can got like large brilliant you can go to the shot for uh as this enchanter also in each round i can loot about 20 raw gold and also some like this uh this reputation thing item which drops on herotic version i don't remember the exact name also you get some gems which also worth a decent amount of money so i would say like in each round you can still get approximately like uh 500 gold awards item and if everything goes right one round should take you about 1 hour and 20 minutes so this is a wrong in the future i definitely will do once a day if i have time and i think it's also much fun and challenging to do it as an achievement for our mage so like five at all we followed some one heroic dungeon right and also if you are wonder about my gear and thailand please check the description below i actually provided a link with my items and gears yeah so this is basically all for today's video i wish you all have a great day thank you
Channel: Masonx
Views: 131,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t0xv3etRdm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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