Slave Pens Mage AoE, 98 Mobs with a level 66?! In-depth Guide

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hello this is going to be a quick guide on how to do the 98 one pull enslave pens now what's really cool about this one pull is it's really really good for leveling yourself as well as boosting other players the minimum level that you're going to want to be if you want to do this one pull is level 66 it's going to be a little difficult just because you don't resist as many spells and it can be quite dangerous but as long as you get the the rhythm and just like knowing when to catch your spells it shouldn't be too much of a problem that said let's go really quick over gear requirements uh because if you can do it at such a low level you shouldn't expect to need a very good gear so what i did with this character um was i boosted it at 58 and then i used my main mage to boost it up to about 63 and it's just been doing slave pens ever since currently they're all level 63 and like 58 auction house greens of like sorcerer eagle owl i have absolutely no blues or epics equipped outside of the blade of eternal darkness which we'll cover later um honestly i would probably shoot for around 300 mana if you're going for this uh in just in case you don't want to like spam mana pots or mana gems on cooldown just to get to the kill ledge about 300 is a nice sweet spot where you just maintain your mana without issue so i would probably swap out a few more of my swords for pieces but luckily my other character's a paladin so it lets me cheat and get a little more mp5 uh so i don't have to do that i would highly recommend getting an int and spirit stick of the owl um just any green that's really really good uh just increases your mp5 so much and it lets you just get through the instance and then once you get to the kill phase you can go ahead and equip blade of eternal darkness and an offhand in spirit maybe even spell power would be really really good because this item is incredibly broken so if you're not aware this is an item off princess in the uh the classic dungeon mardon and it was buffed in phase six of classic and it's still buffed now to have a two percent drop rate so it's not too difficult to farm but it can be a little annoying uh the reason why it's so good is that you are going to be casting flame strike on 98 mobs and every single hit of that flame track has a chance to give you 100 mana back so on average you're getting probably about 700 to 1300 mana back per flame strike cast and then we're gonna double dip that with the new talent build that we've been running the master of elements so with 98 mobs um and even with our very low crit chance of six percent and you know you can talent for extra flame strike crit chance so it's pretty much we're at 100 chance to crit at least one mob there is a chance it doesn't but every flame strike will create at least one mob and all flame strike needs is the crit one mob and you get 30 percent of the base mana cost back and the base mana cost of rex rank is about 11 40. so you get about 300 350 mana back every time you cast flame strike just off master of elements and then you get about 700 1300 back of blade of bird of darkness and so you are net mana gain for most of the times you have to do cast one rank one blizzard just to bounce the mobs properly but you're basically not losing mana and sometimes you're gaining mana just pumping damage into the mobs um so i've left the fire tree open just for a little bit just the caveats here just because i'm level 66 i've put two points in motion shields and i'm starting to get playing with fire just so i hit uh clear a little bit faster if you are lower level do not get these points yet only get uh 18 points in for massive elements and then go into your frost tree and make sure that you max out arctic winds an arctic winds is not really there for the damage it's for the survivability the extra 5 chance to not get hit when you're running through mobs is ridiculously huge it saves you mana it saves you a chance to be dazed it's just a really really really good talent so i would make sure that you get your 36 points in defrost before you start trying to get playing with fire so this is the top half of the frosh tree because i've really briefly went over it um it's very standard these two points in frostbolt can be put wherever you want do not get frostbite and do not get impact it separates your mobs and it makes your kill a lot harder to do but you know the standard stuff hit permafrost improved blizzard mana range cold snap and icy veins are great reduce damage on fire because a lot of stuff can't emulate reduce cooldown on your barrier barrier and arctic winds so that covers basically the talents and the gear setup that you really need to do now if you are boosting other players this is where they stand afk at the beginning this is a really really really good boost so if you're level 70 and you're boosting like two characters that are level 60 through 63 they'll get about 80k experience per run it's ridiculously crazy if you're solo boosting like between level 60 and 65 they get like 90k experience per run it's also completely ridiculous and so before we start the pull excuse me we'll just go over quickly over the consumed list you do need swiftness potions uh it's kind of a requirement for unlocking the experience um wrong pipe sorry of the mobs in the second half and in case you're not aware blizzard did a hotfix fairly late in the beta that made it so any mobs after the first boss menu the betrayer do not give you any experience there's a way to work around that basically you drop combat and before they return to their original spots you re-aggro them with proxy aggro and then after that point their experience is unlocked for the rest of that pull so you do need swiftness potions uh bandages are highly recommended just because you'll be taking a lot of hits straight randomly and then you have plenty of time to manage in certain spots health and mana potions really really good just to make sure you get through the pool once you get to the kill ledge you really don't need a mana pots unless you want to try to make the kill faster and then frozen runes if you are struggling can be a big help because sometimes things don't go quite as like quite perfectly while you're kiting and it can really help you um not lose your berry and stuff when uh emulates it has it on you i'm just gonna go ahead and buff myself within i'm not gonna buff myself with dampen just yet just because of how long it takes for uh the pool to happen and since i have a paladin in the group i'll make sure i get buffed with wisdom it's really good if you are boosting people just to ask for some spot puffs you have a priest like ask for spirit ask for fort paladin's wisdom is really good kings is also really good if you have multiple paladins that you're boosting gift of the wild is fantastic um and we're just going to skip these first six box strucks which is probably the first thing you're like wow why are we skipping those so we're pulling um all the mobs on the second half the instance and then we're bringing them back to the first half of the instance the kill uh just because there's no way to bring the mobs from the first half to the second half reliably uh due to menu being in the way and everything going across as a reset spot but if you bring from the second half of the instance to the first everything follows you if you jump into the water so that's why we're doing it this way unfortunately there's no way to come back and reliably grab these mob because you'll have a train of about 50 mobs uh probably about 60 mobs once you get into this tunnel um chasing you through the tunnel you can aggro them and grab the mobs no problem but there's like 20 casters in that giant group and you can't reliably turn them without dying even with a swift disposition they just too many like rk missiles emulates lightning bolts get casted at once and you basically die so we're just going to go ahead and run through here not really worrying about grouping anything up we're just running to the ledge right here in order to cross over to the other side if you're lower level don't worry you can make this no problem just keep barrier and mana shield up and frost nova defenders and we'll go ahead and jump here and cross and this is a reset spot so if anything ever goes bad and you need to panic and maybe reset and you don't want to die and do that terrible terrible run back jump onto this ledge everything will be great also there's a biceps on the other side so there's plenty of reset spots and slave pens so what i like to do here in order to set up the slow flow jump is i'm half on half off make sure i'm lined up evenly and then i will jump and then immediately tap s and this puts me enough distance away to not get clipped by this crazy invisible wall that blizzard put around this pillar i angle myself kind of facing that box shock over there in the distance but slightly to the left pop slow fall i'll tap s a little bit back because i was kind of off and i'll jump forward turn and then blink and that was a little late on my blink but you have such a long period of time to clip onto the ledge that should be no problem at all you probably might fall a few times but it's it's a really easy jump if you use slow fall it is technically possible without slow fall but i do not recommend it at all so now we're just going to wait for the boss to go back into his room before proceeding and just as a caveat if you are lower level at 61 you can skip these box trucks with no issues just make sure you're fully on the right hand side here and if you are low level just make sure this box truck's facing to the left because if you blink he's going to see you and then you blink past him he did turn there on higher left level not to go past there if you do pull the box rocks don't panic just run over here and jump up there it's a reset spot just like how you used to cross and then just remember when you are doing this abuse line of sight so you can sneak past mobs and not pull them because their aggro range for the rays especially are quite high so just go ahead and walk like this walk over now just a quick explanation while these defenders are padding away because i don't want them to be in a weird spot when i do the pull is if you are level 61 and you want to do a one pull you can pull 80 mobs with no problem you'll get to this spot that i am now you'll frost uh you'll rank one blizzard there rank one blizzard there and then walk along lost and not pull this pack right around here you'll pop up rank one blizzard and then blink across and then continue on with the pull as normal so just remember to start you blizzard blizzard and then the rest of the pole is exactly the same as i'm going to be doing but since i'm higher level i can pull 18 more mobs and 18 more mobs is more experience for myself and more experience for my boosties and if you're level 70 just infinitely more experienced for your boosties now there is a pat in this tunnel that you have to really be worried about and if you are high enough level to be doing this part you can stand here and the pats will walk by here if you are standing here and the paths are like over here and you've skipped them by going up on this ledge here so you can really skip them by like following along these cracks um if you're standing here and they're going towards the left the way that they run into each other on this corner it will it can pull so i would only go to this spot specifically when they're when they're finally at the end and starting to go right and then just make sure i don't run myself into these box rocks and we will proceed on so over here um just make sure i think you're high enough level but this defender kind of pats around make sure the defenders turn to the right before you try crossing there um sometimes he can't aggro and we're gonna talk to the the npc naturalist bite and what this does it spawns three more bobs for us um we sacrifice his life for more experience it kind of sucks for him but it's his fault for getting caught i guess so the box trucks are kind of in a good spot so i'm just going to pull these box rocks i'm going to pull these box stocks and i'm just going to wait long enough to the mob's reset after coming bite kind of spell and then go on with my pull so depending on when you enter the room and how long you waited for pats and stuff um these pads can be coming back up at this point of time since they're at this position i would go on the left here and then you can walk along this ledge and you are not an aggro wrench uh or you are if that happens just blink don't panic don't panic you have enough distance go to this spot here go ahead and get yourself a nice frost nova walk down here pop up get a blizzard i'm going to counterspell that i accidentally pulled that with my body because that wasn't an os it's fine you're going to blink and then you can go ahead and pull i don't have enough time to pull those that's unfortunate uh me walking in the line of sight there was quite bad honestly to say but it's okay we're just gonna move on with the pull we can uh either grab them later or just forget about them it's no big deal i promise you a 98 pull in so far where i only had a 94 oops i'll grab them again it's a big deal so here we're just grouping them up um and then going into this room this room is rather dangerous uh it's probably the most dangerous room i usually link past these because i'm high enough level if not if they're like right here i like to do a kona cold on them so they're slowed and then blink past them and we're going to go up run through these guys give them a nice little frost nova that's why we get arctic winds those misses are great and we're not trying to really group them up we don't want to stand here very long we just want everything to basically get on the ramp and we're immediately just going to jump block we're immune all the way down and then immediately once we hit the ground we're going to blink now you might be thinking oh my goodness why are you wasting your ice block um there's a lot of casters as i've explained previously and while you're jumping down even if you blink immediately you can be lightly bolted arcane missiled and die so now you go ahead and jump over to this ledge spot here it's very hard when you're not in gnome other races have explained it to me that they can do it uh while i'm explaining let me go ahead and just pull these because i'm gonna be here for a bit just to explain i'm gonna cheat um i'm just gonna jump up here and just let these things go uh so this and i'm just gonna bounce the mobs just so i have enough time because i have those little box trucks behind me that are kind of scary so give me one second here and we're just gonna blizzard here and you probably just it's going to be awkward because i pull these block trucks so late but we'll just bounce them oop i watched too close so just while i'm here before i explain the jump um be very careful when you are doing these blizzards here that um that all the mobs are being hit by the blizzard so when you jump on this ledge uh your position doesn't really update so like if you go up to here you might still be on the bottom the mobs might still think you're on the bottom see if they're not coming oh they are coming um so a lot of times when you like go on to an exploity ledge your position is still where it once was so just make sure that you like wiggle on top and you run all the way down and the reason why i run all the way down and make sure i hug this wall is that i want to be able to make sure that blizzard can hit the mobs sometimes if you don't do that and you're walking willy-nilly all along this ledge the mobs can't be hit by your blizzard even though you blizzard like normal and they can run through and murder you so just be careful on that so speaking of the sledge now that i have enough time without the mobs behind me if you're gnome all you need to do is jump towards the right of it wedge yourself and then just literally mash forward and space and then you'll pop up uh it's a really really easy jump if you're a gnome if you are not a gnome you have to do the hard version of the jump where you angle yourself to the left like this and you have to just wedge yourself perfectly in this little whole corner here it's incredibly difficult um other people have been complaining a lot as other races it is doable believe me uh it's just so much harder uh i can't even get it uh let me pop back up before i get murdered by mobs look how easy it is as a gnome it's ridiculously easy as a gnome um yeah that that's kind of the angle you have to go for i wish i could have done it for you guys uh but it's really rough so we'll just continue on the pull so we'll just do one last blizzard grouping here just to make sure the mobs are all close up and ready for the next section and the reason why we group up and do this on the ledge is none of these mobs like i said previously give experience we're gonna jump over here to this ledge and not mess the jump please cool and we're gonna prime ourselves uh to run so this is a reset spot they're gonna all drop combat we're gonna pop a swiftness potion and proxy anger them with uh by just running next to them it kind of looks scary but it's really not if you just follow the the correct uh route so one second here as soon as all the mobs turn combat drops pop a swiftness and run and we quickly turn the turn corner just run straight and you're just gonna quickly run around this um this little flag there run through the mobs blink and then just get through this left-hand side i cut a little too early there but as long as you go on the left-hand side of the tunnel uh the mobs will go all the way around so now i'm just going to frost over the box trucks um in the middle and then it's going to social the rest of the box shocks because the box trucks and the nagas don't social each other so that was not the cleanest way to get through it but that just shows you how how much leeway you do have and since i didn't get a really good um grouping of them i'm just going to do a few rank one blizzards just to get some distance make sure they all leave the tunnel and once they're all the tunnel i'm just going to jump across and blink and basically blink on cooldown um and again the box rocks don't social aggro with the nagas so you really only need to run next to like the first three nagas that leave the uh the rock from the uh ledge spot and then you can go ahead and just make your quick little turn blink back into the tunnel and make sure you blink onto the left side of the tunnel that way the mobs go take a longer route to get to you which is really nice and then box shocks will be running quicker than the nagas just because they are still evaded out you'll the first two bogs or whatever you're going to just kite them to the middle of the room and do a frost nova and the reason why you do the frost nova is um there are two different packs of box shocks that you pull and when you do pull them um ones will go to the left hand side of the the tunnel the others will go to the right hand side of the tunnel um and so just putting them inside the middle of the tunnel will allow you to let them get social and you can continue on without the risk of dying so i didn't i kind of glazed over it i did a rank one blizzard once i crossed the water on the lake and the reason for that was just timing that lets me know when i need to start running before the mob train gets to me uh i kind of glanced over that but it's just the timing thing that i do uh i would highly recommend using that i think i did a bandage actually not even a rank one blizzard but basically you can do a rank one blizzard there or a bandage there and as soon as it hits the h on channeling that's when you know you need to go um and then what i like to do is i like to fire blast the ray frost over that pack blink past it and then just take a nice long turn to um make sure my blink hold down comes back up once i'm crossing those box rocks later i actually got frostbolted there and i don't have these skate parties on like bars but we're fine we're fine make sure exceed bartus is on your bars if you're gnome but you basically get them grouped up once they're too close you pop on this ledge blink and block and they all run past you um i kind of glanced over a lot of the things that happened there because it just happened in quick succession so i'll try to recap that as best as i can so when you get to the bridge after crossing the water you bandage yourself you do rank one blizzard you get to the this h on channeling or the c if you're feeling risky and then you just go ahead and start running i fire blast rank one the ray frosted over the entire pack of five blink past it and then do a nice long turn around and uh just to buy some time for my blink hold down to come back up when i'm crossing the box rocks now you might have a pat there i was lucky this run but you might have a pack of uh a pad of three of nagas and in order to get past those what you would do is you would pop cold snap and then you would frost over them and then just go on with your life because you frosted with the the pack next to the water so in a in a more reliable world you'll see that pat more often than not you'll blink past that pack that you frost over you'll take you'll still do the long run around your cold snap you'll frost another the nagas and then you'll blink past the box shocks as normal and then do the rest of the pole as pretty much as normal as the other three pull method you pull the box rocks while going past it you frosted the defender and then you just group them in the tunnel so what i'm actually gonna do here is i'm gonna pull the boss um just to show you what you do because sometimes even though you can have literally all the mobs run through him and you want aggro sometimes he does aggro i have no idea why so i'm just gonna go ahead and pull the boss and then you can see what you're supposed to do when the boss is pulled the boss is pulled panic don't panic so the boss is pulled just chill on the ledge he's gonna follow along with the mobs and we're just gonna go along with the pole as for normal so it kind of does suck if you pull the boss um i really don't recommend you ever intentionally pull the boss like i just did but if it does happen don't panic uh it's really not hard to manipulate him to do the pull finally it just it just weighs about five minutes so you're just gonna wait for all the mobs to get on the second half jump off the ledge blink over to the left we're gonna run all the way over here get ourselves a nice rank one blizzard just to go ahead and pull that run back i'm gonna re-bear here because i don't know when i barriered you're gonna rank one frost uh rank one blizzard the firepack counter spell it once you're far enough distance away sometimes they soul-search sometimes they don't so i always manually pull with frost uh with counter spoil now rank one blades of that pack and then blink into the tunnel and then just very slowly and very carefully just do a few rank one blizzard kites just so you don't get overwhelmed and make your way over to the ledge jump if you're another race uh good luck because that's a lot of mobs and if you miss that jump it's kind of scary my apologies there so now that we've got all the mobs pulled into the pool uh we're gonna go ahead and um manipulate me my voice manipulate the boss so that he is the last person on the train and in order to do that we're going to go ahead and jump off here re-barrier and we're going to go ahead and blizzard this corner and just wait so what this is going to do is it's going to make all the mobs slowed and when the mobs are slow you can't sell the boss and so the boss will then be closest to you and then it will start casting hopefully nope it didn't that's fine i should mark him and keep him targeted so he usually what he does is he casts lightning bolt as you're jumping on this ledge and that lets the mobs get some distance so now he's in a very awkward spot he's towards the middle of the pack so what i'm actually gonna do here is i'm gonna do a different blizzard just because that blizzard was um didn't really give me enough time so we're just gonna go ahead and jump over here and now i'm gonna blizzard like this where i'm in line of sight but i can still hit the train that's coming towards me i probably should not have used my blink but that's okay and then now everything that's in the back is slowed and that lets me run away and now you see menu is the farthest my back i'm just going to go ahead and toss a few slows because he's not running that quick unfortunately he lightning bolted very late and just make sure that you update there i'm just going to try to manipulate him no this is awkward this is not going nearly as well just be as it should but we're going to keep it up you know not all polls unfortunately are the same not everything can go as excuse me as planned and that's just just think flexible and like there's so many places that you can wait on this pole that you can just stay safe and um do your best and just avoid dying is like the biggest thing about this bull is just make sure you don't die so i'm just going to go ahead and just slow everything that's crossing stay a little ahead so the boss and i'm going to try to blink here and then force him to walk as close as possible and then i'll pop up and hopefully he lightning bolts me lightning bolt me lightning bolt me i'm in line of sight brother no there he goes so now we finally got the lightning bolt and he's separated from the mobs we finally did it it took like three tries but you know unfortunately if the boss is pulled you have to take the time so finally we pulled all the mobs we've manipulated the boss we can proceed um into gathering the mobs and once we gather the mobs we have to manipulate the boss away from the mobs and then we can go for a kill so it's a little convoluted if the boss has ever pulled i recommend never just praying to never pull the boss i stress this do not pull the boss if you can um i should probably put on mage armor that would help yeah make sure you put on main river so we'll go over here uh i have a little visual cue here with based on this dot and uh this little slanted ledge and i'll just pop down until they go back and forth so now they're back and forth and i can just tap w and tap s and we'll do a blizzard just to put the uh the mobs down and just like that other ledge i go all the way to the left and all the way to the right just because sometimes your pathing doesn't update properly and what that allows you to do is i was kind of scary make sure that your blizzard will always hit them so since half the mobs did not follow the pack correctly i'm actually going to adjust my angle slightly to the right that way i don't have to worry about double tapping s and falling off the ledge and then in the gathering phase just hit rank one blizzard on like the front half of the mobs and once like all of them have been blizzarded let them stop your blizzard because they'll still be slowed for about four seconds and just let these non-slowed mobs catch up it's kind of the same way manipulated the boss and that lets you um really gather them quite quickly so you don't have to waste time and then this should be the last gather phase that we need to really do depending on if this enchanter's cast or not it's casting so we're probably gonna have to do one more i'm just gonna tank the boss here just one hit for the boss and uh he actually ran away too quick but that's fine that's perfect so now everything is blizzarded slowed um so now the boss is now um further ahead than all the mobs and since he can't be slowed we can blizzard these mobs here just get a few ticks of blizzard and then once everything's slowed pop down and then do um a full channel blizzard and he's just gonna constantly get farther and farther and farther away from the mobs and that is a definitely a good thing and we basically want his little marker to go as far away as possible to where it's basically disappearing from you that's the range that we do so it's cumbersome it wastes time you have to really bounce and really like manipulate him in order uh to finish the pull if you do pull him but don't panic if you do all it does is waste time and you can just um you know chill drink some water honestly you can probably watch some videos at the same time and just like browse the internet because it's really doing nothing once you're on this ledge manipulating the boss just relax put your feet up but you see the mark is getting further and further and further away also just be careful um that's awkward that's fine so i'm just gonna get them slowed counterspell it and then re-slow them once mobs start hitting this pillar you should probably cancel your blizzard just so you don't spread the mobs too badly that was a mistake i literally just did um because these blizzard these pillars are los so while they're going through it your blizzards can actually miss the tick so you don't want to um keep the back half of your mob slowed and then the front half is not slowed and then you basically create a split so now you see how the mark is so far away and it should disappear right there perfect so the mark disappeared we're gonna go ahead and put on our blade of eternal darkness and just begin the kill phase so we're just gonna do a quick little blizzard um grouping the ray i'm glad i dodged that ray really wanted to hurt me it's fine don't panic and then just re re-blizzard grouping and now once everything's grouped we're gonna pop down and then cast our flame strike and then i like to do a rank one blizzard right behind it for one tick pop back up and then do four ticks of rank one blizzard and then you pop down flame strike rinse repeat so you do one tick of blizzard there just so that they're slowed and they stay in your flame strike dot you do four ticks of blizzard pop down and just rinse repeat and so this is the rotation that you do and as you can see i've been casting max rank flame strike this entire time and my mana has not gone down at all you saw that like the purple 11 right there that's 100 mana back oops i wasn't properly paying attention to the bounce so even though your angle might be right and your position might be right there's variance with how much you tap ass or how much you tap w unless you have like a macro or something um but there's variance so sometimes the mobs won't behave sometimes you might have to tap s twice sometimes you might have to tap w twice in order to mitigate them don't panic just visually um verify like which way they're going and then cash your spells if it takes just slightly longer but you stay safe that's the name of the game it's all about consistency with big pulls like this [Music] so that's saying being said if you do fall off the ledge i want to show you what you can do whoa i had to do three s's there you see that's crazy so if you do fall off the ledge so say you're a little eager on your s s-tap right if you ever fall off the ledge oh no i fell off immediately blinked to the right uh because as you can see there i'm getting pelted by mobs um if you re like that's great you're as soon as you follow your line of sight so you can block actually or immediately being to write i like to say block in case things are like really dicey and then once you go back up you just wait for your blink cooldown you blink over you get your angle back you find your visual cue you get your position back and i don't actually try to find the bounce spot immediately uh once i'm around a little low on it i just make sure to re-tag all the mobs because there's a like 30 to 40 second window where if you don't damage mobs you get experience based off their new current health so i like to re-tag them all then find the bounce spot if you fall again it doesn't matter you've already re-tagged them you don't have to panic and then now you can go ahead and proceed to regroup them and then blow them up so the boss actually got quite close to me because i fell off the ledge so you might have to do a little manipulation on the mobs um so actually i'll do a different rotation just so the boss would stop coming towards me so i'm gonna flame strike i'm gonna blizzard for like two ticks pop forward blizzard for like two ticks and then pop down so it's a little less damage efficient this way um because the the mobs don't get the the nice slow and that time i actually um didn't do it right and it's they're really close to the pillar so i'm just gonna let them go here just so i can get them a little more in between the pillar because i'm missing my blazer ticks so we'll go ahead and regroup them perfect get our flame strike and then we'll just go for like two three ticks pop up go for like two three ticks and then pop down so that's not sustainable because like as you just saw with the pillar and like the way it's moving but that lets the boss gain some distance so you can adjust and that way you can still do a bit of damage while he's um being manipulated so i'll do two ticks there i'll pop back up i'll probably do just one tick to tick there and then pop back down and then i'll let it go because i missed my flame shot cast time yeah you see i only got seven hits of that flame strike even though they're all grouped up but i think he's further uh back now so i can go ahead and proceed with the way that you're supposed to do it so you flame strike one ticket blizzard pop up three takes a blizzard or four ticks depending on how the mop pack looks and then pop back down and uh at this point it's just rinse repeat like they have a lot of hp aoe cap hurts your blizzard damage if you really wanted to pump you can pop icy veins and like mana dump with max rank wizards on top of your flame strikes so i'll go ahead and do that now so what you would do is you would still batch your rank one blizzard and then once they're in your flame strike pop up icy veins and then max ring blizzard and it does add a little bit more dps and then you pop down get your flame strike probably since you have icy beans up you do two ticks and then max ring blizzard because the haze uh affects your blizzard tick rate and now they're getting a little too close for me so i'm just going to waste the rest of my icy veins and then just go back to the normal um kill method and just want to keep them in my flame strike as much as possible so even with dumping with max ranked blizzards i'm still like 40 mana i haven't evocated i haven't used the mana gem i haven't used mana pots and that's just the strength of massive elements in blade of eternal darkness like once you get onto the ledge and start blasting on the mobs you don't have to worry about mana at all um if you ever did need to evocate um it's just pretty simple you don't have to fall off the ledge or anything what i like to do is i like to manipulate them into the the flame strike get like two sticks of blizzard and then back up back up oh they're still coming okay and then i'll i'll go ahead and evocate while they're running away and then once my it gets done you know you just pop back up and then continue on with the kill as normal and i'm actually going to adjust my angle to the right again because that was scary and then it just rinse repeat like you can make this faster with unused trinkets you can make this faster by like always casting max rank blizzards and chugging pots and mana gems um but pots are kind of expensive even though you're making you can make a lot of gold boosting here um oh i fell off the ledge link to the right that's awkward oh yeah if you're off the ledge don't panic link to the right wait on your blink cooldown and then just make sure to re-tag them up so you don't lose experience it's no big deal like so many things can go wrong but you're pretty much always safe um once you get to certain spots so don't don't ever panic then we'll just go back here and then i'm not going to go off the ledge yet i'm just going to go ahead and retag the mobs yep perfect and now they all give experience again or you update them so that you don't lose experience i should say and then at lower hps um since the mobs live slower you can change the way that you're blizzarding just to keep them in the flame strike range you can like do two three ticks going forward three ticks back basically just find the rhythm that works for the way that you blizzard uh just to make sure that they stay in your flame strike um for max damage and that's like the best way to do this and then just um if you have like a scrolling combat text or a hit tracker of how many mobs that you're hitting uh just make sure to look at how many mobs that your flame strike is starting to hit because once you start hitting maybe like 30 to 35 mobs alive is when you should probably start just doing max ranked blizzards for damage efficiency per mana because once the mobs start dying your belly return to darkness is giving you less mana back um so you're actually no longer like net sustained on your mana if you don't have a hit tracker add-on you can just look at the damage of your rank one blizzard right like you you're going to notice that your rank 1 blizzard is going to start doing more and more damage and then once it hits to like that 15 per tick 16 per tick depending on your spell damage then you can start just blasting with um uh max rank wizards and you'll you'll see that uh aoe cap is not hurting you nearly as bad so now we're in that 12 territory 1314 territory i'll probably go for the 17 territory in order to know i'm not going to look at my my hit tracker there so we're at 1516 15 territory i think one more flame strike here perfect and now i'm going to go ahead and put on my spirit stack icy veins and then max ring blizzard and you can see that my blizzard is ticking for way more than flame strike is i think flame strike ticks for like 110 to 120 depending on your spell power so once you're once the mobs are basically whittled down then you can just go back to blizzarding and then aoe cap is not a problem perfect [Music] almost done and we're done so because we pulled the boss i like to do log out resets because i don't because we didn't kill everything on that side of the instance so running through them can be a pain and kind of dangerous so if you do pull the boss and you want to um reset combat you can go over here just get here but don't jump all the way up once you're at this spot you're gonna do a jump tap w and immediately block like that and the reason why you do that is um whenever you hit an evade spot with uh the boss pulled it will teleport you on top of him so what you can do is you can block that makes you immune to the teleport and once he tries to teleport you once he won't do it again until you fall off and then re-jump to an evade spot so now now combat dropped so if i hit log out and then check here we did 98 mobs it took 37 minutes but you know i was explaining stuff inside the instance we pulled the boss intentionally um if you're doing this consistently you're probably looking about 19 20 minutes per run uh if you don't pull a boss if you pull a boss if you're really good at manipulating him at about five to six minutes per run if you're not good at manipulating him it's your first time probably at 10 minutes period run but yeah that's how you do a 98 pull and slave pens as early as level 66 gear requirement very non-existent just make sure you get blade of eternal darkness and just to like hammer home how crazy blade of eternal darkness and um uh massive elements is i'm gonna go to mana restored blade of eternal darkness gave me back 29.4k mana and master of elements gave me back 12.4k mana and then you can just compare like what my evocate gave me compared to them right like those talents just allow you to pump damage into the mobs without worry of mana so have fun like it's a really fun pull i hope you guys learned something with this guide it's a little more in depth in the last guide i kind of rambled and i kind of tried to explain things as i went rather than recording and then talking over so hopefully you appreciate hopefully this works for you guys um and i'll probably have more content out soon thank you
Channel: TaiwaneseNinja
Views: 60,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slave Pens, World of Warcraft, Mage, AoE, One Pull
Id: DZewIE2B0dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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