300G/Hour Without Boosting TBC Mage Stratholme Solo Farm

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hello everyone welcome to mason's another english video so yesterday i saw some paladin i saw an awesome video about how a paladin can do stress on solo farm and make 300 gold per hour without even doing any boosting i say wait paladin is the aoe king now our majors can definitely also do that so today i spent 10 hours in stress home and figure out how to do this as a mate so first gears and thailand in this round i actually used my t2 set simply for all the resistance i can get from this rung so you the resistance are not very insane you see i got 61 shadow 47 eyes and the 37 arcane these are all the resistance you need for the stress home run and the other parts of my gear are simply quest green and blue gears from outland quests now please note you can definitely make this run with only like quest gear from outland or even eagle gear you bought from auction house a tbc eagle gear of course but if your resistance is very low i definitely recommend you to have a pvp trinket which will be very useful when you are thrown and your ice block and blink is in cd so it will be a kind of composition to your laking of resistance gear now for the talent i actually still use in my talents in slave pen boosting so you definitely do not need these three points of elemental precision here you can put it into your improved first boat so definitely you can make some custom customization about gears and the tiles here the only required tyrant is the water elemental and the ice shield other parts you can oh also the magic absorption other parts you can just improvise okay now let's come to the run itself now here in this rung i use an add-on called farm it will basically trick how many mobs you queue in each round how many items you lose and how much gold you lose the item value of the gold value of each item you loot mostly they only track the vendor price which is the price you sell to the vendor in the npc in game and for some really popular trading material it will catch the latest auction house price the minimum price so i would say it's pretty accurate and it will calculate a gold per hour based on the calculation and it will give the total gold you make in this run so we will be using this add-on to check how much gold we make in a round without boosting so for any of you actually one interested in any of my macon or add-ons you can send me a youtube message because i didn't have many subscribers i think i can manage to send you any add-on you are interested in or any macro you are interested in by personal message now here when you reach this function area you want to refresh your shield and cast your invisibility now the invisibility here is actually can make you able to see the eye of naxamus here the invisible iophenoximas can be see when you are invisible so simply cast a fire blast on these eye of knox armors this will pair pull the pack on the right and use your iceland to pull this pack i can't catch that yet then you face pull this pack and ice length pull the left back blink through this pack do anova here refresh two of your shields and cast a first one pull the pack as right here for your watch pad or your pet to stay do an awesome call of code and simply block here just close to this lantern now here i gonna show you two things one is if everything goes right like eighty percent of the time what you should do now many people uh have question like when they got when should they get out of the ice block the trick is here you can see you can hear all these noise when the mob actually making their making their swings so the key is to blink out between at the brick of each like mob swings you can hear the noise they make like oh and you blink out at the brick of this at the interval between these as noises can see i use pad nova here this is a trick i used in slave pen i find it is very useful also institute's home and here because all the mobs are wheel grouped you simply order your watch elemental watch elemental yeah to attack the patchwork so its health will be about the same when all the other mobs are about to so it's super easy if all the mobs are well grouped you just kite them uh around this house you can do each blink and the blizzard at the time uh the same to me or you can just um decide when to do the bleeder than the blade here we actually active the actuator and this mouse rung out don't worry don't need to panic no button and the two blink adds two blink and blizzard at each corner these corners will be perfect place to group all the marks and do damage to so you them see with all of the mobs got perfect play control you don't have to worry you guard through you simply just blink away and your novel give you plenty plenty time for your blink 2 cd so because in every video people are going to say why you don't have all the resistance why like the mobile acting different in my round so i actually gonna show you a clip with everything going wrong here you can see two casters didn't get into my block and got nowhere in time and we actually have three resistance in a row now if you only have like one mob released please notice you can use your watch elementor here like i demonstrate here to attract to make this mob attack your water elemental then you should be fine focusing on the big group but here we actually have three released so we have to improvise and use all these skills we have to uh kite them around you can see my kiting skills are not very good actually my conf code and my bling sometimes just do not land in so if i can make this pool with everything going wrong you definitely can also make it so it's like a never wipe uh stress home run so because uh all the mobs are in front and the back of the house so we won't circle around the horse this time we will walking through this corridor and walking to the function area uh use it as a backup kiting space for us now please be aware when you're in this corridor you want to adjust adjust your camera angle so your view won't get blocked by the ceiling and also please note when i nova a mob behind and uh and i working forward i always line up the outer ring of my blizzard with the mob so by doing this all the mobs behind the end of the mobs getting over will be back to a big group again now here actually you can see a rear votes here so we can't simply kite forward and finish them here we need to make a turn in this fountain area you can see a rear both spawn here so you can simply use your blizzard tighten them here you can see another unlucky point uh there is another rear both spawn here now very rarely it will spawn at this position but now just at the time we are about to do another nova expo so we have to uh we have to carry it together with all the packs all the other mobs but luckily the mob here do not have many health so after you kiting them around for this large distance most of these mobs uh like a large pack of these maps are already dead so our blizzard damage will be spiked up you can see in this rung i suggest you only dream blizzard do not do any flame cast you can definitely do flame flame strike if you are really good at aoe farm but my way is simply only doing blizzard it makes this run way much easier and because i still have my number and to use i actually can just novel them to ground and kite them to death but because this you can see these range attack mob do physical damage to you they are the boss that that's actually the rebels we pull so i want to circle around this house a bit so it won't attack keep attacking me with his range attacks if you are out of mana you can simply kite them at the maximum distance with a level one leader and waiting for a clear cast to pop now here we can see this boss actually only got like 3 000 4000 hp left so i pop all my cooldown and try to finish him the easiest way of kiting is always walking forward and duplicated and this blinky is somehow not very good but it should be already dead after i cast the last bleeder so for this clip it's actually very unlucky we got three resistance and we got two rear both uh spawn back left and right when we try to kite in the back backyard area but somehow we can still make this hole so if you are an enchanter like me uh it's definitely worth to kill all the bosses here because the large brilliant shot actually was a very decent amount of price of gold because the zg oil is currently still the best oil in the game and you need large brilliant shots to make vg oil and because not of many people are still doing level 60 dungeons so this logic relationship can sell for a decent price and they still really quick it's not like a good price item but you need like weeks to sell okay i will fast the video a little bit and there i also choose to kill the other balls if you are doing boosting or simply you wanna just quick runs you can skip all the looting and both both both killing because all your the people you boost boost gonna do all the routine and you don't need the root from the bone like i am so the bosses here are actually pretty low health because they are level like 58 marks okay let me pass the video a little bit now here you can blink through this area to skip the third balls but here i'm gonna keep it with this hat with this controller um these both both of i think all the bosses here can be nova all these three bosses here can be no word or thrown so they are pretty easy to kill faster video a little bit and here we start our second pull in the second pull you want to stick to the right side work all the way in sometimes you will activate this crater and some worms and the moss we and the right rats will went out no need to panic you can kill them together with your big blizzard at the last so here you want to refresh your shield put your ice armor on then pull this pack please notice all the packs i do damage here are the packs necessary for you to pull other packs will just automatically put by the uh the mobs you already anchored you can see my like kiting skills are definitely not perfect here i suggest highly suggest you to use this trick which is do one take off blizzard then walk away it looks kind of difficult but it's actually very easy to use with no legs in the unbleached now so after all the mobs are behind you with a straight line you can simply start the killing phase the second and the third pull are actually easier than the first pull because you don't need to use your ice block and the pattern over all you need to do is just tighten them with a straight straight line you can see i always use the outer ring of my blizzard to line up with the front mop so in that case it's very rare for a mob to run through the entire blizzard and basically you can switch back to your major armor and just to casually kite them okay i will also faster the video a little bit ready yet i can't do that so basically after you kite them to the house area they should already be that actually here you can see even when i loot something blue the this add-on only counts the vendor price unless this blue is like super popular for sale so i would say the count is very accurate and you can get a lot of blues in this uh in this scholarly run some of them are still good price today okay i will fast the loot process a little bit please note if you are boosting people you don't need to loot yourself it will definitely faster this run that span isn't ready yet for the third pool you want to reach this door here and make sure you got all your like gems and her mana ready here you want to active this chest now you can definitely skip these traps i train several times you can blink but this will actually make you still need to do a blink when you get out but it's better to save you blink when you're doing the when you try to angle all the mobs here so you can you can counter all these different scenarios so i will kill active this trap first now here i also cast uh invisibility try to see i got any luck with the eye of naxamus please note you it's not necessary to kill the eye of naxxomas like in this round i didn't find it just no luck you can queue it together with the rest of the mob you anger it's just super annoying sometimes you it like came out from invisible and these two bats it's summer that do not give any loot okay you pull these two back then you stick to the left you can jump through all these obstacles here and the pool try to pull like more packs here blink through and get ready to do an over here if you get through you can simply ice block or use your pvp trinkets and then now we are going to kill them actually so the third pole and the second pole are simply very easy you just catch them with a stretch line running back to the entrance overall i find this thumb is pretty easy and chill so like if you if you are doing this alone you don't need to wait for anyone and you can do in like small pools if you are beginners you can only pull like two or three packs and accuse them one by one the key of learning aoe farm is to start from small and gradually improved into doing big proofs so i highly suggest you only do like two or three pros when you just starting this this uh this rung and gradually improve yourself to do like more and more marks you can see i always use the outer ring of bleeder to line up with the mask even like one mob runs through the entire bleeder like this spectacular citizen you can nova him and to please that again okay i will fast the video a little bit you can see here i still have my con code snap and watch elementor i can simply just nowhere all of them to the ground and please add them together let's fast the video a bit okay you can see here in 70 minutes and 50 seconds we killed all the mobs available in the service store so uh the most mobs available in this store and i haven't do the last the rooting of the last pack so let's fasten the looting process yeah actually here you can see we killed 244 mobs and we lose in say 233 items the pure cash we loot is approximately i would say 17 gold and the items was gold the items we lose actually was 171 gold so the gold per hour currently is very good but you have to count the time you need to go to the vendors and sell all your items and i also have some boost because i am an enchanter i in disincent all the uh mate all the jobs from three bosses so if you are boosting people you wanna skip all the bosses and you let the people you boost do all the routine this one can definitely make into 13 minutes so um yeah that's basically that's basically all i need to cover i would just see it's definitely possible to make like 300 gold per hour simply by doing this wrong without boosting and if you are doing boosting this is currently i think the best uh best gold per hour boosting because people on my server they sell vg boost for like 70 gold for solo boosting and you don't get as much mob as you got here so uh and zg is a raid if you add extra players extra players in the team you got to reduce in total experience so you will charge less for each player but this is a dungeon you can safely boost four people with the same price so let's say if you boost four people each charge them only for 50 gold is 200 gold each run without counting all the other gold you get from roots and it's definitely you can definitely make more than one thousand gold in one hour so if you're doing boosting it's it's currently i think the best boosting you can do and it's very safe to do so if but if you are an iso socially isolated pathetic player like me you can just enjoy some quality time with all the mobs here and you can do it at even at the brick of your work like i said doing small packs separately doing the first second and the third pool and just enjoy some time and make some quality money here so here is another trick if your hearthstone is at cd and you want to teleport back to the light hoped chapter to sell all the items you can simply let someone invite you or use your out ought to invite you invite you and then you leave the party you can see here you will be automatically teleport back to the light hope chapel even with your hearthstone using cd you can see here yes we back to the lighthouse table and we can sell everything we got to the vendor and run back to stress home again so it's a fast way if your hearthstone is in city to still clear your back because your back is gonna make it creative for in utero okay that's all in today's video i hope you not sweat about my english and hopefully i will see you in a next video soon thank you
Channel: Masonx
Views: 13,058
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Id: 43TjmIevTbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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