The Natural Selection of Altruism

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Cool youtube channel, now this is why I love reddit!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cezariusus 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

I've been fascinated lately by WD Hamilton's work on altruism. Hamilton proposed that altruism arises when it provides a survival benefit to close kin. What's weird is that human beings show altruistic behavior when it's not close kin (think of fire fighters, police, soldiers), and I'm wondering how this happens, and what would make this stop happening. What about the Free Rider Problem?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MGTOWtoday 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Altruism is a product of natural selection. These are not opposites, and anyone trained in biology knows that altruism is just an extension of selfishness. Nevertheless, nice video.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SirPolymorph 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Altruism is sexy

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
- [Justin] Survival of the Fittest. For many people, this phrase is synonymous with evolution. But we see in nature that sometimes creatures can act altruistically. Meaningfully hurting their own survival and reproduction chances to help others. In this video, we're gonna built some simulations to get a better understanding of which kinds of altruistic strategies work and which don't. (soft music) Alright, let's jump right in with the simulation. We'll start with the world from the video on simulating natural selection. In this world, blob creatures start each day at the edge of the world. In the morning, the food appears and the blobs go out to eat. The amount of food the blob finds before running out of energy and returning home determines whether it dies, survives till the next day, or reproduces, passing its genes on to another creature, except that the genes might mutate. Now, let's get the creatures the ability to be altruistic. Here's how it'll work. If a blob creature finds two pieces of food and still has energy left, it can take one of two routes. It can look out for itself and its descendants by deciding to go home early and reproduce, or it can be altruistic. Risking its guaranteed offspring to go and give a piece of food to another creature who hasn't eaten yet. And yeah, they regurgitated. Nature's gross. At the beginning of our simulation, half of the creatures will have a copy of an altruistic gene causing them to be altruistic every time they get the chance and the other half of creatures will have copies of a competing non-altruistic gene. When we let this simulation run, what do you think will happen? Would the selfish creatures take over or will the altruists triumph through teamwork? Or maybe they'll stay mostly balanced. Pause here and make a prediction. Prediction made? All right. (soft music) Okay, well that was kind of sad. It turns out that unconditionally sacrificing your offspring isn't a great long term strategy. So, how can we give the gene for altruism a better shot? Well, what if we make acts of kindness a bit less punishing to the altruistic creatures. Say, by letting the creatures keep some reproduction chance when they give their food away. 50% instead of the previous 0%. So the cost of giving food away is half of an offspring on average. Maybe the food was already partially digested. Again, nature's gross but ickiness aside, this makes the interaction net positive instead of just net neutral which is actually pretty common in the real world. Okay, so let's restart our simulation with this lower cost altruism in place. Now what would you predict? Hmm. (light music) All right, it still doesn't work it seems. Remember that for a gene to be successful in the long term, it needs it's copies to keep replicating. The problem with the gene for purely unconditional altruism is that it helps copies of competing genes as much as it helps copies of itself and it's competitors don't return the favor. So a successful gene for altruistic behavior would need to find some way of getting more help to itself than to it's competitors. Even if we're making nice creatures, the gene itself still needs to be selfish. How could a gene for altruism find a way to let it's copies coordinate with each other. One way is to combine two different traits into the altruism gene. First, some kind of unique outwardly detectable trait that can let the gene be recognized and second, the trait to be altruistic toward creatures who have that detectable trait. So let's do that. Let's add an outwardly detectable trait to our altruistic creatures. The classic version of this is green beard and that's a fun thing to put on the blob, so let's stick with that. So the next simulation we'll try, we'll start out with half creatures that have the green beard gene who'll be altruistic toward other creatures with green beards, and half creatures without green beards that will neither help nor get help. Again, pause to make a prediction. Are you convinced that the green beards should do well or might there be another problem? Let's see. (light music) Cool. I was honestly a little bit worried before running these simulations that it still wouldn't work, but it does. Maybe you're not that surprised and that's fine but even if you're not, this is still a pretty cool moment. We found at least one kind of gene that can crack natural selection by causing creatures to put others before themselves, even if it's only sometimes. This is called inclusive fitness. The fitness includes all the copies of the gene, not just the ones inside a particular creature. Don't celebrate too much though because there's still a problem. Traits like green beard altruism aren't actually very common in nature. There are a few known cases, for example red fire ant colonies can have more than one competing queen. And apparently, the workers can tell which queen shares her and sets of genes with them, and then they kill the queens that don't match and help the queens that do match. That's cool and everything but there just aren't very many examples like this. It turns out to be pretty rare for one gene to code for two different traits that happen to work together so nicely. And even if that does happen, eventually, mutations could produce multiple genes that each code for only one of the traits. So let's set up a simulation to see how it looks when the traits are on separate genes. With the traits on separate genes, they're independent leading to four possible combinations. The creature can have both, neither, just green beard or just altruism towards green beards. Time to make another prediction. (light music) Okay, so as I kind of hinted that before that simulation, the coordination between copies of the altruism gene is broken and then the non-altruistic creatures dominate. But hey, green beards are still cool. So, we've only gotten one kind of altruism to work so far and it's a kind that depends on a rare coincidence and doesn't appear much in nature. There's got to be something better, right? Well, in fact there is. It's known as kin altruism or often kin selection. Instead of targeting some outwardly detectable genetically determined trait, this kind of altruism targets family members, whatever the traits may be. So, let's simulate one final version of the altruism gene that causes creatures to be altruistic toward their direct parents and direct children. Now the whole point of this kind of altruism is that we can't see which creatures have which genes. So this time, let's hide the graph and try to predict the results together while the simulation runs. The key concern with kin selection is that even close family members aren't guaranteed to carry the same gene. So the altruism gene has to do some gambling. For any kind of gambling strategy to work while in the long run, the cost of playing needs to be lower than the payoff for a win times the chance that you actually win. Right? The average payoff needs to be higher than the cost. In the context of kin selection, you'll hear this called "Hamilton's Rule." Looking at this simulation and thinking of the altruism gene as the gambler, the 5% mutation chance means that there's a 95% chance that parents and children share the same version of the altruism gene. So that's our chance of winning. The cost of being altruistic as we decided before is half of an offspring on average and the benefit to a creature who receives food is one since that food is converted directly into offspring. These numbers aren't exact since both creatures involved do have other chances to get food but this should get us pretty close. And comparing, the expected payout is almost twice the cost, so even with the inexact cost in payoff numbers, it seems pretty clear that the altruism gene is gonna do well here. And this is where I realized that altruism is an illusion and my heart descended into darkness only for a little bit though. Once I dug in, collected some data on what was happening and found more precise numbers for the cost and benefit, I figured out what was wrong. It's that Hamilton's Rule is a lie! Which I'm sorry to say is gonna require it's own video. But for now, suffice it to say that by lowering the cost of the altruistic act, and cranking up the likelihood of winning by lowering the mutation chance, we can find a set-up where a gene for kin selection tends to flourish. This is the kind of altruism we see all over the place in nature from parents caring for their young to sterile worker bees helping the queen, conclusive fitness can be naturally selected. All right we spent a lot of time in the weeds in this video, so before we go, let's not remind ourselves of the difference between a creature and it's genes. The genes involved in altruism are still selfish. The only ones that survive are the ones that are able to coordinate their own copies. But this does not mean the creatures themselves are selfish. They genuinely care about and make sacrifices for each other, whether it's because they're family or because they just can't resist the look of a green beard. See you next time. Hey, thanks for watching. If you enjoy this video and wanna support more of them, you can help by subscribing, sharing with someone else who you think might also like video, or if you're so inclined by supporting directly on Patreon. In any case, thanks again. (light music)
Channel: Primer
Views: 2,811,161
Rating: 4.9639153 out of 5
Keywords: evolution, biology, altruism, natural selection, simulation, survival of the fittest, inclusive fitness, hamilton's rule, green beard, science, math, dna, gene, selfish gene
Id: lFEgohhfxOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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