WORST Reviewed Buffet vs BEST Reviewed Buffet!

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I am headed to what is apparently the worst rated Chinese buffet and all of DFW I kind of feel like I want to vomit so I currently have an octopus on my plate étoile yes they're gonna be ice cream I don't think so I'll just try the ice cream and leave so the first review says it is the worst restaurant I've ever eaten never come to this place it's disgusting well that's great next one says food is hard and looks questionable I will never come back it's nasty and super gross worst buffet I've ever gone to the food was all dry and cold the only things that were warm were way too salty or undercooked dirty environment and the silverware was dirty horrible horrible place to eat do not recommend there is ice cream even the ice cream is nasty and had frostbite I don't know how fraught i ice cream is frost but it was only looking forward to the ice cream guys okay right now turn your phone whichever direction it is I can't remember cuz my mind is going nuts and there's a cop next to me turn your phone some direction look under this video if that subscription button is still red make it great coz I need some emotional support from subscriptions cold food tough oily meats dirty bathroom rodent droppings on the floor really truly probably the worst buffet have ever been to their food is meant for pigs not humans so are you excited I'm so excited I'm going to cry yeah the tears are not because I'm nervous they're because I'm excited we've made it we're getting a lot of strange stares maybe it's because they have eaten the food and they're about to be ill I don't know but I'm very nervous there are people leaving and they look ok yeah it takes eight hours for digestion to hit so we needed to do an 8 hour should have taken Tom's before this experience probably just so you know I don't want to get kicked out of an establishment because we are ladies we are three goal citizens I don't know I was a debutante so we're going to take go frozen and act not suspicious to the best of our ability so I've tasted the water and it tastes strange I feel really uncomfortable I'm shaking go get food super suspicious no we're no we're not being suspicious at all no you don't think no chicken strips Maddy can you please tell me what this is I truly have no idea it's smell strange and there's a bone in it I kinda feel like I want to vomit still I currently have an octopus on my plate I'm just no I'm just looking around there's some sort of meat with a bone in it it can strip a girl it's a chicken is this chicken warm I think we should start with the orange chicken I have to eat it you have to eat it that's it's a taste test I think you should try that one chicken yeah so know what kind of meat this this is it not chicken what do you think about that Egg Roll but next yeah just show us a cross you know show us a cross-section pull it apart okay so it's it's mildly gray on the inside drive to eat it yes just a little nibble okay so better than the chicken slightly surprising yeah do the chicken strip it's not very Chinese buffet like but it's a more - svet no it's very cold okay what about the rice you have rice on your plate too so he's right he's Mexican I like it it's cold so our stable and a salt but no pepper but they may the soy sauce which is nice Nadia don't no I think you need to try this in the street me no just take a guess at what it is beef you think that is beef or duck oh it could be Doug I don't want to seem like a brat I'm really not trying to not everybody gets food so I'm thankful for the food it's just I would like a microwave you know I'm gonna go get dessert okay what's on your dessert plate we have some jello and I don't know what that is and some pizza so all I got in my dessert plate there was there was stuff on the plane dirty so jelly first just don't know what flavor that is it looks um probably orange but I mean it's not bad I have no idea what this is that's a confusing face turn it no what what is is it chocolate pudding chocolate something fun is it good sort of better than the chicken tender chicken tender and that's probably my favorite okay last but not least we have a very delectable pizza I mean we didn't bring the pizza connoisseur but and what is this hand motion that's very cold I have a weird spice nope okay are you ready can you do you have enough information to make your assessment okay you guys so I want to give a quick wrap-up of the one star Chinese buffet I don't want to roast them that's very mean okay but they were gross thankful for their food but uh upon walking into the establishment it was very stinky I got a plate initially with food crumbled on it I became nauseated by some aroma I don't know what that was there is also like a white container of juice on the floor did you see that I did not see that they had like just like machinery just sitting like by the waffle I think everyone that I saw in that restaurant looked a little disappointing how was the food I'm actually feeling a little ill so that's like three bucks i I'm not kidding because it's like lingering in my mouth did the reviews like stand true like it was all cold I would never go back and I mean the lady at the the little hostess and she was really cute the service was really nice yeah so I would give them like four stars out of five stars you would give for aroma zero food the chicken tender I think really made it what else can I read them on cleanliness zero there was something floating in your water how do you mess up water it's time for the five star okay you guys since we had that experience I'm very excited for the five star what are the reviews like great quality food and nice customer service okay owner was very personable very clean environment I want to meet the owner a great selection fresh and tasty anything and everything you could possibly want you have to meet the enthusiastic owner we'll try so I walked in the entrance was really nice everyone smiled at me that's all sushi and it seriously smells really good I need rice I think you need to try all of the other things I'll try the sushi no you can stay here no I need sushi it fell apart they have everything labeled groups not mystery that's really nice this stuff is definitely hot it's steaming we got a crab rangoon oh yeah literally everything looks so good okay what do you think you're gonna try first everything first piece of sushi down it's nice how do I pick up rice with chopsticks just like that it's so small Maddie you have no food on your plate that's because I was too busy looking at everything it's just so difficult oh it's fine I have before it and it cleans so how's it tasting is the rice good yeah you want some I'm good right I'll go back and get stuff I'm too busy eating some sushi I'm gonna char my head girl first I'm gonna pull it apart and snip it it's a lot better this smells like a normal better than the other one okay are you ready to try the Rangoon's my favorite thing cheers Cheers so far I'd just have cream cheese I mean that's fine I'll just create realized I'm on keto you have a lot of not keto things on there don't tell Preston daddy it's a crap in here I think it might be pureed in there I think it's just cheese it can't be called a crab rangoon without crap you know it's just going to you I like cream cheese though the last thing is your tire is definitely the Laurens tripping which ones that ones chicken I'm three pieces of chicken I think it's this one this one looks like the best one yeah it's big and juicy I might not let us say it has a but no that's gross no it's sweet I like that those fries I told you I'm great okay this one might just top taupe wait for later that's not how you do it I just needed to use my hand oh oh is it good yeah I like it nothing's floating in my water yeah let's do a water check will breathe ever be able to pick up this chicken this comment down below don't harass me I bet I could get it you want to take it sweet victory well what's it worth to all the effort that one's better I'm gonna take it back get took a bite out of it she keeps it all anyways there's like an explosion they have a hibachi grill that's really good place is so fancy so many people didn't okay I don't even know what that is a lot of people got it so I thought it must be good they have a vast majority of cookie it's look at this this one's cute something's in my eyeball that's good you always like things in your eye I'm getting ice cream there we go oh you're losing control so you like the ice I have no probs um I tried to get fancy I got nervous and got chocolate pudding but I got a fork instead of a speck what do you what do you want to savory hmm I'm not gonna say it you can comment down below what that looks like ah do not do do not comment down below I don't think well happily eat Martin we've given up giving up on the ice cream I love banana pudding is the wafer crispy no no okay so what is this banana concoction your face is confusing what is it it's a banana thing okay what does it taste like Rylan try it I'm nervous yeah I don't know what it is is it like a strawberry syrup and banana I'm no idea please coconut have a club looking successfully Sanga that's what's a good dessert and Maddy you still haven't finished your pudding I'm too busy trying to figure out what is on the banana well fine you finish your pudding and then I finish our review okay so we are finished at the five-star Chinese buffet and you know what I really liked it even though Chinese food is probably my least favorite type of food I could go back there it tasted really good I tried new dessert and you know I feel like I should bring press so how did it compare to the other one the service was awesome there was a lot more options there was like tons of option there's hibachi they were sushi they had a ton of desserts cleanse ilene cleanse the cleanse Li cleanliness I forgot how to English but cleanliness number five food was hot who had the week to blow on it yeah but he even had chopsticks that I am still learning how to use oh your water didn't have anything floating in it oh yeah the water didn't taste like mildew and there was nothing in it there was also a ton of people and this one like waiting to go in which is also a good sign maybe we should like do an ad for the nut for the first one so we can like drive some business or no I don't want people to get sick I feel bad they tried their best and that's okay you know what we need to do what to wrap this up I think we need to know what our fortunes are that's that's the real determination of a good Chinese restaurant isn't the fortune cookies what if my fortune isn't good I'm a little nervous now okay we have to figure this out and my fortune isn't as good as yours can we like split up oh no no no no I'm gonna win the lottery tonight that's what it's gonna be I got this so we just got home and brie tell people what you did I can't find the fortune cookies but I just found them I placed them okay just one whose fortune cookie for two seconds okay we are going to open the one-star fortune cookies and then the five-star fortune cookies aren't you gonna open one yeah okay is this the one star one that's one star you're gonna you're gonna have to open my cookies okay yeah brie hoping means thank you best friends I got you I got you oh it's crumbly we have to taste test yeah oh it's crunchy that's good good time yes some are good time okay what is your fortune say well Jim cookies always taste the same I'm just gonna say okay I like this a fond memory will soon lead to a renewed friendship oh that's cute look at Facebook today is that that's all you have your snippet way for me to film fill mine do you want me to help do you want me to hold it yeah mine says an interesting sports opportunity [Music] [Music] interesting sport would be free I have no idea I am the least sporty person for it would you play an interesting sport an interesting sports what would it be opportunity is in your near future you know I've been really interested and curling lately like yeah no no that's not it ok ok needless to say I think that that's like a 50% out of 100 percent when it comes to fortune cookies cuz mine mean no sense but I want you I want yours was definitely ok where's the five star oh it's this one mine yeah thank you I decided that one first these ones are a lot more brown yeah they're really crispy looking it crunch [Music] it doesn't sound as crunchy it tastes like a waffle cone is that a good Oh aim high in hope and work I don't think that really wings wait I want to know what mine says free breathe we help Bri out real good aiming high there you go mine says a diet a diet is a selection of food that makes someone rich what why didn't my fortunes just really really stink you know I feel like I just had a really rich experience no no I didn't I feel like I'm gonna throw up from this ticket a fond memory will soon lead to your renewed friendship and aim high and hope and work I'm gonna take these in them I told you yeah you um lucky numbers lucky numbers are I'm going to buy a scratch-off ticket and up remember if you get to my videos within the first 60 minutes of them being posted your comments will be featured down below
Channel: Brianna
Views: 7,745,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, challenge, family, brianna, preston, worst, best, buffet, try, worth, worth it, 1 star, 5 star
Id: mCUGLniJHbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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