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that's disgusting you also can be cutting meat while you are using a dirty rag to clean stuff up and not washing your hands it has a taste of soggy cereal that pink forgot normal Oh Jess I'm so hungry right now I'll see ya like the worst reviewed buffet today I want to eat out the best buffet hey I have an idea what why don't we get both let's do it let's do it I think I want McDonald's get out hey what are you doing in my car dude yeah man what is wrong with this guy just comes out of nowhere interrupts my intros but no we're not having McDonald's we're gonna eat at the worst reviewed restaurant I mean buffet and then the best reviewed buffet I'm scared I'm ready for the best now as for the worst like mm-hmm you have to swallow the food oh yeah wait until we read the reviews and then it's gonna change your decision it's gonna make it worse really yeah okay anyways guys thank you guys so much for coming back to my channel today we're gonna be going to the worst review Buffet vs. the best reviewed buffet and you guys love these food reviewed videos so I figured why not bring you guys this one and we are parked outside the worst reviewed buffet in my city and we're gonna read some reviews for you I screenshotted five out of the 150 bad reviews ahead really I had 150 bad reviews it was kind of scary oh I'm so concerned for my health my safety you know for real like that these videos could actually be dangerous cuz you're eating like bad food like you're eating food that could actually get you sick yeah but for the content what the heck it's worth it what the hey Rugrats what you make us do okay uh should I read the first one we'll take trains okay here we go no what come back come back yeah we're gonna McDonald's no we're gonna read reviews we're all gonna take three okay lol this place is so bad the food here is tasteless and the place is dirty I was about to go get a piece of ham and Tony was cutting it but then I saw him eat a small piece of ham that was on the cutting board that's disgusting you also can't be cutting meat while you are using a dirty rag to clean stuff up and not washing your hands sounds pretty sanitary in there come on just like in school totally a waste of money time and gas I should have went to jack-in-the-box or something but anyways up a face seems nice and exciting and all that but once you go inside it's not that nice it's disgusting there is literally nothing to eat all what they put in front of you is like small toppings the main food is so greasy tasteless it's like another taste okay it's like they just boil pasta and just throw it in there without even putting some flavor in it shoot dude what besides the food the plates are dirty no oh wait the plates are dirty and sticky Oh even worse also the cups make sure to check everything before eating that's if you want to come to this buffet the only thing that I liked was the ice cream oh yeah I'm down for some ice you know but in the buffets defense I feel like every buffet we go to we have to keep going through different plates because they have something on them you know something on them but but that shouldn't be a problem yeah no no I mean obviously should be sanitary at every restaurant you're eating up but I feel like I've had that problem before oh I get a good one okay there's a picture with this one too okay um you guys this place is dirty and stinks smells like the bathroom all around the place literally smells like restroom do they have to say it twice like make sure you got that it smelled like a rush okay fountain dispenser is Rusted and has mold all over it food is bad not a lot of selection and everything's overcooked I didn't even finish my first plate I almost threw up because of the bad smell and bad no two thumbs down okay we're not gonna say the name of this place at all we have to drive an hour to find one because they discontinued all the ones in our area from like how bad it was we drove an hour away for this I think we should just give them one more review and then just go go right in okay let's hear it okay okay so this review is kind of funny but not really unfortunately I've been here twice because my friends Nana really likes it she's been smoking for like seven decades and has no taste buds left oh my god that's so sad the food overall is mediocre and probably well worth the money but that's not my issue my first time I had to dig through the plates to find a clean one sticky greasy and or stuck on food it will so the sticky and greasy and dirty plates is for sure last time the floor was sticky as you entered the dirty plate station / rags and cleaner was gross food on the wall haven't cleaned the trash cans Buddha was and our dirty plate hung out with us long after the second plate was eaten it wasn't busy either to sum it up if you're legally blind and have no buds like Nana this is a winner if not run food on the wall again so is there a food fight okay based off of all these reviews um there's a high chance that we're gonna get sick and like just to sum it up I don't go to McDonald's I know McDonald's sounds pretty good but guys so I should I like button subscribe to the channel through new and let's get right into it okay we're about to walk in right now so we're gonna see if it smells like restroom / / - yes [Music] okay first impressions not too shabby if we're being honest not bad at all like it actually looks really good there's a lot of color going on like look at that it looks appealing to the eye it doesn't smell bad you know I don't smell bad things I smell mashed potaters and for me too now the most important part is like how the food tastes and to see if the plates are dirty if the cups are dirty so are you hungry so so me - let's go okay here we go first plate no oh yeah whoa oh I thought that was like stains how much for me to just look at the plate from here to do 20 bucks how about for a like oh okay oh wait why did I do that it could look clean but God knows it's probably not clean that's a like right there for sure that's so disgusting can I get sick from them yes yeah yeah 100% know what they do they probably just like prints off of the like pressure water thing dip it in something and I put it down let's see okay so there's a salad bar here that I'm going to be avoiding we are at my Mexican food and it actually looks really good it doesn't look dry does look steaming - [Music] dude everything looks fresh no no why a new era coming yeah wait wait uh Jessica they have pizza here hey honestly looks can be deceiving it looks like a DiGiorno you wanna know how you see that all looks like a struggle alright the cops oh there is some stuff in there can you see it on camera yeah hold on hold on was a dot right there and a dot right there that's on the inside too I'm not just thinking for this place but I always never trust buffet like silverware anywhere I have well I mean there's no choice so let's go okay here we are here are our plates Noah let's take yours in there you got a spaghetti taco yeah shout out icarly hey it looks pretty appetizing that's not like you chef it really doesn't look bad okay so I got a plane but it's fine it may be delicious don't say that you never know I got fried shrimp mac and cheese and typical spaghetti but I will say something about the spaghetti sauce it's literally water and then this looks like it dried up pretty fast I'm scared I got mac and cheese chicken which is that's what I'm scared about but it looks good mashed potatoes and french fries which look extremely soggy but no complaints Brian is taking one for the team I tried the chicken cuz that's like the real test to see how it is is that grilled chicken ID I have no idea we'll find out Noah again spaghetti taco shouts iCarly and some mac and cheese kind of basic packet okay ready three it's like regular mac and cheese a little bit cold but we just like waited a little bit to eat so it's not like cheesy it's not disgusting it really just tastes like regular back and cheese not bad not bad mashed potatoes mashed potato you want to try something it's not bad I'm gonna do the real test Oh shrimp if you good oh oh it tastes good but it's a very deep foodie like ocean II oh it tastes like the ocean like a little more than mud yeah a little too much but it's not it's not gross hey okay I'm gonna have to like call someone out on the reviews I don't think it's tasteless I think the food is like tasty all right guys I smell the spaghetti and it smells good complete honesty no it's not that it smelled good fun Brian I was super scared because sometimes meatballs have those like the chewy pieces on the inside can I try the chicken with it chicken meatball okay ready oh no way oh no the chickens not there okay look look this is what I was terrified of that pink forgot normal oh it's no good you found my review of let me fall I'm scared of this okay take one bite that's all you need hey kids ready there you go that looks pretty good Taco Tuesday guys Cheers how does it good talk Olli I just add a at the end of everything okay oh yeah so let's uh try spaghetti taco oh my god that's the manly bite it's good huh no that spaghetti looked really good dude I feel like this is a regular meal just like a few items off that's it it wasn't it's not bad it's like a ten out of ten for me whoa okay I would say mine is falling all like seven out of ten only because just a few items were off like the chicken and the fries father than that everything else was good yeah like the service is good like the design of the place is good it doesn't smell bad what are they give it an overall of an eight nothing was like so overly gross like the bees were saying it doesn't stink in here it's not dirty in here like some of the reviews were old so like they could have potentially like renovated but I was just going based off on what the review said shut up shut up shut up shut up Jessica shut up it's when Brian was talking we here it was no Jessica no don't do that no maybe it's just a lint maybe it's just okay Jessica you scared me oh my goodness it's still there nah I'm right there maybe it's just the lint okay it's just the wind it was over here right here you see it wait it is a long no but it really was a hair oh I just lost my appetite time for dessert okay okay carrot cake this was the greatest cake of all time growing up Oh YUM oh my god Wow just like I was ten years old I give it a ten I suppose we can't go wrong ever so thanks off we both got a cookie so so at the same time I think mine's chocolatey chocolate go mmm Wow but it's actually really good we all like the cookie I guess I can I could see where you coming from all of it okay some ice cream brain freeze oh my god that was good though it's not supposed to dance like dramatic Doug's gonna taste like oatmeal like with the boogers I'm not even gonna ashley desert cuz like it was good up until that case i'm just gonna have to go the tonight for the dessert okay I'm gonna go with this damn not to less than the regular meal I'm still hungry for like an adult let's go run it okay it is time for our final review from the food the desert a service the smell the environment everything I will go first I think I'm going to give it a six out of ten why you guys might be asking yourself this every food item wasn't the best there was like if he ones in there that already knocks off a couple points and on the dessert that cake that we had felt like we just put it through an easy-bake oven we're really felt like the Easy Bake Oven and let you put like chocolate it's like half uncooked service was good we couldn't get a drink three cups that we picked up we're just not good the silverware they didn't refill it so you know I'm just gonna go for a six so hopefully that makes I'm gonna give it a 5 and I think a 5 is pretty good for the worst review but I'd stall if I were to go in there and eat I can't get full off of the food that I would pick and choose also the bathrooms had no soap and no paper towels I don't know why yeah I would say a 5 I probably would not come here again yeah basically we wouldn't go out of our ways to come eat here again overall I mean I had a spaghetti taco it was pretty good the ice cream was very good too I just didn't like the environment I personally didn't like how it felt in there we felt kind of like down overall I'm gonna give it like a 7 out of 10 it was good I just didn't like where I was eating in the environment so and they didn't have smooth like half the time or Forks so yeah 7 unsaid so now that we ate at the worst reviewed buffet I think it's time for the best reviewed buffet Wow oh my god it's the best of you buffet right in front of us how did we do that okay guys so we are here at the best reviewed buffet in our city and there's no need to read reviews cuz they're all just super good and we're gonna just see what the buzz is all about let's go right in and yo plate check Oh water we're good I'm gonna go for some orange chicken I don't think I've ever had that little bit okay that looks pretty good what did you get small portions oh yeah definitely let's get a flashback from the last but Betty compared to this I'm grabbing a slash v right side right side rise hey chinese-american I'm all about it Oh sushi do you trust sushi from a buffet yeah you want one no what is that dude you've never heard of this belt rope Duncan no have you hey now go take one then let's go I'm telling you the last place had more of a variety like the spaghetti and like mashed potatoes oh these are all wrong oh well I'm gonna make what I'm gonna make one I'll so confuse those like do we have a three-letter team okay so here is our food from the best review of buffet this looks fire uh-huh this is my favorite one so far and I've even tried it we got pizza orange chicken sushi fried rice chow mein sushi beef and broccoli nonstick pot sticker Noah show them your plate ooh I got a bunch of seafood the thing Brian was talking about I have no idea what that is I try I try you know what I'm gonna start with the pizza cuz we're basic here we go Brian for my noodles to shame I know look at that okay ready very good at least at this pace we could get like drinks you know water fried rice literally tastes like crab it's good well the chicken with you [Music] really cool no this is actually really good already the experience here is better than the last one it's more live the food is better plates are clean so Brian was talking about this earlier I think you honestly just have to like send it you know what it is not at all guys if you know what that is Oh mmm no good no way what is it I don't know but it's good it's good we also have a mussel mayonnaise Muslim who came right off that's good dude am i a good camera man like look at this I'm doing all this stuff whoa it is really good now sushi right sushi time yes sir well up close them personal with my food happy in fire fire up close and personal some sushi [Laughter] it's me my videos just feel like real life cream from a cream puff you don't like it like lemon oh dude I hate it Oh lemon flavored stuff so does that mean the whole thing no I mean if you like lemon this is good but that's not good I'm sorry I'm so addicted to TIG talk right now okay little jiggle water okay ready 3 2 1 go oh my god really just some solid like regular food it has a taste of soggy cereal it sounds good but it's yeah honestly that that plan wasn't that good okay well it's time to try responding hey hey that's good the banana handle wrong with jello you can't you can't miss a jello okay Gary looks like a bra I think that's how it's been sitting there recommendation all right I don't know what they are but I'm gonna make Brian try one wait what is this it looks like popcorn yeah I have no idea ready three two one [Music] tastes good what is it I don't know but I don't know what that thing is but it didn't work out guys we're gonna get our final review in the car all right it is time for the review for the best reviewed buffet and surprisingly it wasn't what I thought it was gonna do yeah thank you I think I'm going to give it a seven out of ten Wow I just wasn't a fan of like the selection the only cool part about that place was how they got to cook your food like you put like the noodles chicken beef yeah and they cook it in front of you I think that was the best part for sure the food wasn't horrible it just wasn't what I expected for the best reviewed in our whole entire city yeah definitely that's why I'm giving it a seven but I'm gonna give it an 8 out of 10 I like the food a lot more than I like the first buffet the dessert selection was so sad I'm gonna give it an 8 out of 10 Fairplay yay Noah oh you're here whoa we both places were good you don't even know what's happening uh the first place we went to obviously we knew it was gonna be pretty bad but it wasn't as bad as I thought we are gonna end the video there I hope you all did enjoy you all loved when we review food so let's see how many likes we get on this video thank you to the special guest Jessica for being a part of this go show her some love on her Instagram and Noah thanks for helping us with the review we appreciate it [Laughter] it's been rug Jessica Noah and we're out walk around and go juice and OH [Music] we be on my shirt digging down me cuz I know
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 15,935,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, worst reviewed, best reviewed, worst reviewed vs best reviewed, worst vs best, buffet, worst buffet, worst reviewed buffet, best reviewed buffet, faze rug worst reviewed, faze rug worst vs best, faze rug vs, worst reviewed buffet vs best reviewed buffet
Id: 5TI8AtngepA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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