Facing my 5 Greatest FEARS in 24 Hours

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I've enlisted the help of my husband Preston to help me conquer my greatest fears it's time to raise her up Preston has trapped me in this box until I reach 100,000 new subscribers I don't like it this is amazing I love technology please go to my Brianna YouTube channel cuz if I reach 100,000 new subscribers by the end of the day I can come down Bri I've given you a bucket list and you have to get five subscribers in the next 5 minutes or else MADD so I have a task recruit five new subscribers and if you don't I get raised 10 more feet hello are you subscribed to Brianna's YouTube channel we don't get five people to subscribe she goes higher please I'm dangling in the air we got one we got two we got a third one we got a third one three that's three hey I'm not sing to YouTube we did it Mar I feel like at this point you might be getting a little bit hungry why don't you order a pizza that pizza is never going to get up to her this is David with pizza how can I help you I was curious if I could order one large cheese pizza I'll give you my address right here it's just look for a large crane dangling from the air wait I'll see you soon it was really windy guys I was going swinging back and forth so I don't know if 100's going to happen this is Zane are you subscribed to Brie's YouTube channel Brianna on YouTube no would you like to be sure yay we got another one have you ever um delivered a pizza like this before no do you think I can catch it probably not you do have a bu you can lower I have a bucket yeah where we lower the bucket there we go this is really trippy oh oh Bri got it she got it is it good how good thought Bri you have to finish another item on your bucket list before the crane raises again okay you need to call another YouTuber and get them to put you on their Instagram story I'm going to start by calling zhc oh so zhc didn't answer maybe Michelle would why am I nervous that's weird I think it's just because of all the adrenaline from being up here me hi Michelle how are you I am literally hanging off of a crane in a small box 50 ft in the air right now oh my gosh okay okay if you would uh share an Instagram story okay yeah I can definitely do that for you what do you want me to say I'll I'll text it to you guys we did it three things off the bucket list the next thing on your bucket list is to make a basket easier said than done cuz Bri is not very hand eye coordinated I have only three tries to make a basket that was really really close I only need one more you st so remember guys if I fail a challenge I have to go up 10 more feet I just got the butterflies I was really used to the height this is getting a little too high so when I was pretty young I got to go on top of the Empire State Building I looked over and I got tingly that's the first time I knew like woo that's high up in the air with the bottom of the Box being see-through and me swaying in the air it definitely kind of brought that out a little bit all right this one this one's amazing you have to give somebody a high five unless somebody's willing to climb up to the box I have no idea how this is going to be possible so here's a problem my next bucket list item is that I get uh high five and uh that's up to you and if you don't get it correctly I am raised another 10 ft of course oh I got the supplies I'm only 5 ft so we need to make up like 30 ft does this actually count yes oh it is windy you guys we might lose this hand can you touch it give it a high five give it a high yay do you need a hand no but did you high five it I did did I razor up I had no choice but to get comfortable in the box cuz I was going up no matter what okay so I've been in here for I don't know how many hours okay and we're getting pretty close to our goal so I have one more challenge left which is to beat MADD and Mario Kart It's Time to whip Maddie into shap I've got this Maddy's a pleb I don't remember the controls okay she's on the ground so she definitely has um an advantage oh I'm getting close to Maddie oh no oh she hit a cow no no no no no no no no we're so close to the Finish Line no no oh o I got a boost I got a boost oh oh oh oh my go oh oh we were tied well at least you checked it off your bucket list even if I won and I'm better so the clock is 6:19 which means the Sun is going to be setting at any moment we did not unfortunately meet our goal I just have to say I am so proud of you for overcoming one of your biggest fears but a deal is a deal you didn't hit the goal so unfortunately boys leave her in the Box don't bring her down Preston must have heard that I wanted to come down because where he sent me to next was much much lower Preston has trapped me 500 ft underwat this place is so freaking cool I hello you were going to be locked inside of the submarine until you finish every single task on your list and every time you fail a task the submarine is actually going to go 100 ft deep oh my God and I think we just lost connection with Bri what's my first task Captain Roman here is going to have you drive the actual submarine oh there's a lot of buttons welcome to the go ahead than thank you you have to go a mile in 1 minute 1 2 3 go what the heck this goes forward she's asking what goes forward H Stephen I'm scared I think I'm more scared for my life than she is to drive it's like a compass I'm doing this well we're maying the fishies move look at him Bri you have 24 seconds re tilt in only 20 seconds stop it stop it literally 10 seconds until we might go down 100 ft you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine 5 4 3 2 1 did we do it yes we I don't know why the captain let me drive the submarine I mean he was honestly part of helping me conquer my fear I don't know Preston talk to him first but he was like a genuinely kind person I don't feel like I look like the face of a submarine Captain but maybe he saw something in me that I didn't congratulations on not crashing the submarine that seemed a little too easy so now you either have to kick a crew member out of the submarine or go 20 ft deeper into the ocean I could only think of one thing I did not want to go deeper into the ocean wait what are you doing you're that scared of going deeper that you'd rather kick off Vince he's fine I expected from press and not you you're fine it's an ongoing thing at this moment okay all right thanks Bri bye V thanks this is just something I wanted to do to help Bri face her fear we had three envelopes one says shallow one says medium and one says deep if she chooses this envelope we're going to go down to 100 ft literally right now choose an envelope I'm not going to tell you what it means just yet I'm a lefty so I'm going left money this is money where do you think I get money from Deep Captain take it to 100 ft what going downal maybe it's better if I sit on the floor fetal position all right obviously as a kid you have a ton of fears and the ocean is definitely still one of my fears here's a fun one I need you to get somebody to sub inside the sub we only have one option here Captain Roman yes I have a favor to ask do you mind subscribing to my channel it's going to be a pleasure it's going to be my honor thank you only if you teach me how to say subscribe in Spanish Su susri that's me yay next up you have to play Battleship but in real life there's the Sheep here's my battleship we're going to go 100 ft deeper cuz there's no way she's going to land a bean bag on this Battleship I am here to sink your ship okay good luck would you like to give me any hints no please uh no I want to go 100 ft deeper okay 3 2 1 ow I'm just going to Peg wait you're fine that's what I welcome to my world did I get it no you know what this means what we go 100 ft deeper up higher no deeper okay so every time the submarine was getting deeper at first I would get angry at Maddie but then I was realizing she was encouraging me the whole time she was like bri you can do this I'm going to show you almost done next up you have to make a Tik Tok in the submarine I feel like pranks are pretty big on Tik Tok so I have an idea so what I need to do is draw a unig grow on M she's going to love it I didn't want to Preston made me do this guy so I completed it I don't have to go down anymore 1 hour later that was such a good M we didn't have to go deeper though cuz I completed a bucket list item what did you do hold on I need to fix something just's a little lock sided I'm sorry I'm sorry what um what are you doing to my face I was fixing your eyebrows [Applause] free no that was not of the don't look at it look away that's it I've finished everything on the bucket list this whole time you've avoided going deeper in the ocean but now you have no choice for your last challenge you need to go as deep into the ocean as this submarine will let you no I am not pron Preston bla arsan I am not doing that Ramon almost oh my God no no no no okay oh she ran away there was a shipwreck right next to this thing which was not soothing I feel like my breaking point would have been going down to like the bottom but we did and I survived so it did help me a little bit I don't know if I would do it again today Preston has trapped me in my childhood fear this giant hourglass and to conquer this fear I have to complete a series of challenges starting with this dance to stop the sand go oh I'm cool hey hey I can't see okay this chick is not doing the moves that I'm supposed to be doing on screen this is not going well I'm going to try to cheat okay what it's snowing since I didn't pass the first challenge it is now already filled to my ankle so The Hourglass itself being a fear is strange it's because I it was an actual nightmare of mine after I saw Aladdin as a kid but the fear of claustrophobia I feel like is normal and that's brand to make it out of this nightmare you need to unlock five golden hourglasses but don't worry I've sent some extraordinary help that you're going to love oh yeah yeah oh no you have three minutes to smash through each brick while revealing codes to a combination lock inside The Hourglass Ready set go oh okay okay Chase you've got got yes all right the first code 0731 I'll get the next one31 Chase I got the red one oh no no no green 1021 1021 H I got it I came in like a wrecking Chase all right Bri the last code is blue 1228 1228 blue face I can't see you anymore Bri just use the force Brie did you get in I did all right let's figure out what's next oh je what's inside this box me re did you want another hourglass there's a key in there it's already so many beads everywhere that was a close call but these challenges are only going to get more difficult so can you rise to the occasion or will you slip up what does slip up mean this is a slippery staircase Chase must collect all the puzzle pieces one by one then he must arrange them so Brie can solve the puzzle you only have 5 minutes and the time starts now got this you can do it are you okay rough start just testing the old baby oil okay we got one get the puzzle oh no no no no already jeez okay slow the turtle wins against the hair ooh could have been bad careful no not again not again I know what's a problem my Crocs aren't in sport mode sport mode activated yes it's working it's working W yes okay I'm going to grab all the pieces right now SL slow slow okay that was close all right so now that I'm up here all I got to do is no no no oh wait it's the last piece let's go just grab the pieces grab the pieces Bri I'm coming it's a like button guys please hit that like button I'm being ured in here so we have two out of the five bad news is this is still feeling really high and I'm getting claustrophobic and it's really hot in here I'm panicking for the next challenge Bri you're going to have to lift up Chase using that giant scale also here's a shovel better get digging you have 5 minutes to lift me up by the end it's going to be up to here challenge starting in three 2 one we can do this couldn't I have gotten a bigger shovel just try yeah launch them launch them here's the Dance Dance Revolution do you still have that and slide it in brilliant work everything is fine Chase it's not working okay you have me like an inch off the ground that's good put your leg in there or like cut your arm off can I get off this thing now I think we failed I almost lost my limb Bri this next challenge presents a huge twist you're going have to be launching cupcakes at Chase but he has to catch them using only his face the challenge starts oh have you used a catapult before her in my life we're locked and loaded 3 2 1 did I get it 3 2 1 get it yeah but CH I got hungry all right let's get it I'm hit let's do it again wait hit it I think you got it why I don't know why he punched it hit me yes come on I'm ready we have to make these two or we lose two wait put both of them in I'll catch both of them okay this is serious wait what Oh I thought you chase was throwing I think he meant to do bad at every if he didn't mean to do bad at everything that's really embarrassing chase you got to do better this next challenge you get the work as a team do you really have the patience you both have 5 minutes to get each egg to the end of the Maze and if the egg drops you have to start all the way back from the beginning this e J's gross I always carry an egg with me Bri all right Bri second egg okay oh do the this for Chuckles this is Chuckles baby oh my that was bad timing here we go there we go I I'll help guide you I'll help guide you there we go there we go teamwork and patience a lot of patience wait this is the farthest I've gotten can you do this there we go I got it I got it okay woo okay man this is a lot easier than your situation yeah that part's kind of tall though I mean I'm in my own type of nightmare right now you're almost at the end two Chuckles and beond jeez it didn't break it didn't break it ew it's in here I'm so sorry we're doing all right we have collected more golden hourglasses but time is running out I will soon not be able to talk breathe say anything because the beads they weren't stopping I think I've lost my mind I think I have some of these in my brain I want to eat one no hey hey hey no no spit it out spit it out Bri ooh it pops oh my goodness wow that was a amazing you get it little maze pun but enough jokes because this next challenge could potentially lead to life or death Bri what am I doing with the scissors I don't know my parents said I I'm not trusted I don't trust you Bri in front of you are five different ropes each leading to a different item of yours your goal is to cut the one holding the gold alarm clock and you can cut as many ropes as you like go we don't want to cut the alarm clock okay okay these aren't going to cut it I brought my own of course you do string one two or three one he yes why is my phone there I'll choose it I'm not giving up okay fine okay yes nice your switch is safe are you sure you want me to cut one yeah okay all your work stuff is on this computer number one not number two got it no my dad got me that that's not you told me to cut it I need to stop the clock we don't want it to drop okay which one am I cutting one of the hands is on three I'm going to cut two and three just to be safe Bri okay yeah if this clock does not stop hey yay so guys look at this progress I am over halfway buried right now The Hourglass had locks on the inside of the build so for me to be able to get a key and unlock it it wasn't like Chase could do it from the outside I had to dive into all the beads and try to find the locks that was a design disaster press the next challenge quick Bri as you can tell The Hourglass is almost full but you still have some time so can you do the impossible the unthinkable finding a needle and a Hast stack Bri you have 60 seconds to find the bouncy ball how am I supposed to find that uh like you said corner to corner just rub your hand around wipe off wipe on you know the gist breathe and go submerge oh man she's gone she's gone check this corner no nothing you got this I feel like look at me anything no okay all right 15 seconds Bri 15 seconds Brie are you okay oh no wait she's okay she's okay did she get it free please get it free oh time was up you got it got no y didn't get it this is about to bury me um this is not for Content this is real I'm actually getting a little freaked out I'm like kind of claustrophobic and this is locked but I actually freaked out right now I was actually panicking cuz like I said there were locks on the inside of The Hourglass so I was getting clop phobic because nobody could help me so I was not okay it's really tall I'm on my tippy toes and there's only a tiny AR I actually need to get out of here I'm coming Bri oh no all right bri take the keys okay through your air hole all right you got him okay get out of here Bri it true story y'all behind the scenes I didn't actually un un lock all of the locks I lost a key I was panicking and a man named Tim at the studio he is so sweet and he went into Mega dad mode when I said I wasn't okay he ran and just like ripped the door I didn't even ask him to but he was just Dad mode and he saved me it's very kind I've never been so excited to get out of something in my entire life yes I overcame my fear let's go so I thought trying to conquer my actual childhood fear was going to be hard enough but guys it gets even harder from here this is one of her greatest fears growing up as an only child is spending time alone so much that she filled every single hour of the day with nothing but activity surrounded by other people and surprisingly she decided to take me up on the B why do I put myself in these situations I'm not going to lie to you I was kind of grumpy cuz I didn't want to do this I was really worried impresson encouraged me and so did Chase they were very kind cuz we were actually doing this but we did it each hour we have an item that we're going to be giving her to hopefully help her sanity stay intact if I I at any time use that axe to get my phone this video is over so I did talk to my dad my dad is a psychiatrist so he is literally a doctor who knows a lot about this there are a lot of potentially negative effects of of Social and physical isolation feelings of loneliness depression anxiety anger outb and in extreme cases hallucinations where people start hearing things and seeing things that aren't there I love you I'll see you in 50,000 hours Bri and I have a special delivery coming in it's going to be your only friend for the entire video so I hope you like him this supposed to be happening a I was going to say it's a Sharpie but it's more than a Sharpie this is my new friend don't worry Francine you're going to be with me forever so one thing I really appreciated is Preston kept giving me more and more challenges throughout this video so I was never bored I went kind of crazy and played with a puppet which was odd I made a pizza waffle that was delicious and then a strange robot dog was was entering the chat and this dog was odd you're going to see this dog didn't come with a note Preston is I guess he's proud of me he brought me a buddy it also came with a remote so w that was is doing inappropriate dancing feel like I hear weird things and it's not even this I hear somebody in here and then the dog is doing things that I'm not telling it to do what even is that hold [Music] on why is the dog responding I have an Axe and I'm not afraid to use it guys what do you do when you're home alone and something scary like that happens you probably call someone and I can't do that I was trying to tell you guys when all of that happened very creepily I'm literally sweating I had a possessed Furby when I was little it started talking to me in the middle of the night and then I took the batteries out of it and it still was talking to me that's what this reminds me of what was that it randomly does I hate you whoever you are this dog is this dog's bad stop it okay we're conquering fears today of being alone so I guess Preston also had to have me conquer being alone with scary objects ah Brian I see that you found the TV but unfortunately the next hour isn't up so we're going to play this here's a much better on you know what this is making me think about this axe seven I'm kind of excited this is an ice cream slime cake K oh that's fun I've done everything under the sun to entertain myself hour eight if only you guys were here like we could do this together that would be really cool hour nine I used to color with my mom all the time oh now I miss my mom wo dinner in the green bag it's time to put the steak in oh my gosh I don't think it fits guys look at this a really comfy looking pillow an air mattress which hopefully I can figure out how to assemble okay some books that could be fun our economy is troubled our future uncertain and the divorce rate has never been higher caught in a struggle between I know that is really depressing I made the halfway point and I kind of sat down and journaled for a bit so I didn't forget all the things that I had done already but I was afraid to sleep there I didn't like that we have a cotton candy machine you add your sugar into here and then fingers crossed we got this it turned out fine except for like the crunchy parts that I melted but I can't stop thinking that all of this would be a lot more fun to do with another person a I love Chuckles also a laptop only 20 minutes max I love playing The Sims so we're going to make a friend oh maybe I'll make him look like Preston that's what I'll do I think I think that's good it could be worse right let's see Preston cook uhoh he's definitely no no Preston's on fire you don't cook that often but I thought you're better than this the entire house is on fire I have 1 minute left bye Preston huh okay this does not make sense I don't feel like I'm supposed to have a phone it says watch me and it's a video of Preston I don't know if you know what time it is but this is typically when we go to bed together but unfortunately tonight I know you're in solitary confinement I just want to tell you I love you proud of you and good night you're the best why did that make make me sad that was supposed to make me happy I have both Chuckles and Franklin chilling here with me I tried sleeping as much as I could tossing and turning nonstop until good morning guys I slept awful as you probably saw I decided to drink 35 o of water before going to bed which was a horrible idea and then I learned that the temperature I normally sleep at is significantly colder when you're by yourself however I want to grab that phone out there so bad everything is gone only one more hour can you last in complete silence that is going to make me feel horrible I just woke up you know we still have this being completely isolated and now deprived of hearing W this feels weird I entered a state of isn't this called sensory deprivation so I'm like lonely which is on like mslo's per pyramid of like needs that you have to have I barely slept I have no caffeine to wake me up and I can't hear every second that went by it felt like an eternity I can't imagine doing this for longer and that axe looked better and better it makes it a lot harder but I had come so far and I spent well over 23 hours by myself this is literally only me not hearing and I feel like the floor is moving all right the 's almost up bring in B your coffee but we got a couple of friends it is so much harder to wait with this even though this last hurdle made me want to cry my eyes out I knew I could see this challenge through I don't really want you guys to hear me cry but I can take I can take these off and I'm very excited about that and I think that means that I'm that I'm through with the challenge I hope she can't hear us the door is open this is different than the other door knocks oh oh my gosh you scared [Applause] me how do you feel really confused cuz I've been without people and there's a lot of you guys I oh thank you you're welcome I thought spending 24 hours alone was hard well we're in for a bumpy ride cuz we're about to go into the one of the world's longest caves what does that mean well you're about to see to not only prove to Preston but to myself that I can overcome one of my deep as fears the team and I made the long journey to Nashville to arrive at one of the longest caves in the world we got to the cave entrance we're here you should be receiving another task now on your bucket list and your second task is to find a live animal all right y'all are locked in they are logged in yeah can't leave that's locked forever we have this wonderfully handsome man Jay who's going to help us Jay can you find an animal I might could M could Maddie doesn't count what there a bat bat is Tiny President we found a bat a fck one two th and it's Nam baton baton after you what do we do next you have a few things left on that list let's see if you can climb the biggest rock and crawl through the smallest hole there's no way she does both of those am I allowed to use Vin as my pack mule we could kick him out of the trip too like you often do yeah throw it on him it's better than kicking him off it's a lot of stuff I know can you ask the editors above what splunking means I pull up Google so if I get really out of breath we'll leave you okay great I've been doing a lot of adventurous things recently feel like Spider-Man so what I do is I just jump for it you're saying the word jump Jay I don't feel that confident you got it Bri I do not have upper body strength in this little rope like this big I was supposed to go up and I was like okay we're about to get to the activity I didn't realize the activity was climbing through the cave got it w thank you Jay I kind of blacked out okay ow your I have a heart hat for a reason ever since I was a little girl I was really like cautious you say you're cautious and then your reflexes were like Spider-Man right there it's not that hard this is like child birth I can move over see he got birth I'm offending every woman who's had a baby what I'm so sorry I'm so sorry Bri there's a cave cricket and he touched it and it moved and it's right there ew ew ew ew ew ew Sten that's the cricket that's what we're talking about you would just see a crooked Rock you'd have to like scoot on and then just dark I'm going to slide right off that ledge that's why I'm here oh there you go Sten that was the most uncontrolled slide hold on to this rope okay and you're going to dangle your feet over the edge and there's going to be a ledge and then you're just going to lower yourself onto that ledge you'll step down to another ledge and then you'll step down to the ground wasn't this uh your idea yeah it was put it against The Rock yep yep yep perfect perfect there you go just keep sliding down M ow there that's one ledge yeah just bring this foot down yeah you're y we're just making sure there's a path up here we'll be back later they left Bri okay Brianna you're going to need some rest because tomorrow is going to be even harder than today was now that it was way past midnight we decided to set up camp Kobe we're supposed to sleep at that you put it in the dirt it's I don't care this one oh my gosh the heck is is this we set up camp so I didn't realize it's freezing in caves so I accidentally didn't bring the right outfit and I was cold all night and I barely slept oh yall want to hear a ghost stor yes I can tell you ghost about a guy named Don ball he was uh repelling down his rope snapped and he fell all the way down to the bottom you actually get to see that or where it is I've actually seen Don ball so many people have said they've seen a dude standing at the light show so it just it's crazy [Music] you dropped something now that we're in day two things get way more dangerous please be careful seriously just be careful should we oh yeah we got to what is that I don't know it's an inside joke I asked the guides to lead them in circles let's see if they notice it I don't know where I'm going we'll figure it out how many people get lost in caves every year exactly 6.4 I would just like you to give this video a big thumbs up so we don't get lost and come that point 4 this far going to time Sim did we go in a now we're wrapping around we are not in the same place I promise you guys are gaslighting this is the same part we're not gaslighting you're just crazy no we straight up did this this was the part I couldn't do yeah I I recognize things that I can't freaking do why did you make us do that oh you guys said three times you thought we were dumb yeah you guys nailed it I've taken people through uh six times that's my record oh gosh I can't do this we have to repel sideways we have to pep talk right now this is at that point now where like the only way out is forward keep holding on to the Rope you got it what Preston this one has a 100ft drop to the bottom but like the guy said the only way out is to go over it was like a fight or flight situation but you can't stop you can't hesitate guys if you're nervous you got to keep going you're doing great hey you're in it now oh my God no I'm freak out I don't like it here can somebody go help her please it's okay it's okay pleas it's okay somebody's going somebody's going once you get right here is you're good woo bro I didn't really cry and I don't think I almost cried did I I don't remember guys I just feel like I'm not going to look the best I ever have in this video but be you be yourself it's fine okay so one of our professionals who's amazing he says he hates this part on my bucket list I'm trying to get to the smallest hole when I was having to crawl underneath a rock and I was literally really like I don't know how I fit in there I feel like a dog like wallering in the grass okay so literally I just crawled through here oh it's going up I thought it was going down what we're going up hit subscribe right here if you believe in Bri she's gone wear your helmets people I bonked my head a lot that was a journey I don't get anything for doing the bucket list I'm just here for moral support oh my God the water that's so I want to drink it I know I do it'll go right through you it's magnesium water oh no I see another rope so this is where I about lost my girlfriend at all of this floor is called flow St it is the slickest rock you'll ever step on okay and my girlfriend was walking across it and she did this number here just hold onto the Rope at all times don't ever let it go if you feel like you're slipping still hold on to it and then now grab the Rope Bo you're scaring me just holding on to it with one hand now just walk across walk straight line don't like put your foot in an angle or anything just walk straight line uhoh on it we finally made it out of the cave so are we good to go I confronted my fear you have made me such a proud husband Brianna you spent 2 days in a row in a cave now get the heck out of there all right so I've already overcome a couple of fears but I've got this I'm trying to become Fearless we can't stop now hello okay I just walked into the bunker and I've been handed a mysterious envelope I sent you 12 different envelopes and every single hour you have to open up one of these envelopes and do whatever it says no matter what show off the space this is the front door to where I'm going to be sleeping oh there's no Li in there no no no no no no no no now you have to you have to show this place off hello is anyone home no for real I'm freaked out right now your prayers won't help you here your prayers won't help you here our prayers always help us we have our Lord Jesus Christ with us at all moments and we are always safe my first thought in the bunker I won't lie I thought it was kind of fascinating but it was really creepy once it got to be nighttime cuz it was secluded in the middle of nowhere oh no throw a party with the stuff I HIIT at the bottom of the staircase it's go how you dropped a few things oh [Music] blogas this was a bringer only food [Music] bunker kind of sad okay let's see let's look at the drawers and see if there's actually any food here there wasn't earlier should I check again though I I feel like you should okay wait say something bad food is just a Stairway away love pea I'm excited for snacks really got them spaghetti with the beef sauce wait is that m is it it's a military ration Co it's a heater bag insert unopened meal pouch add water to the heating bag w Wait that's so cool it takes takes 12 minutes and it will totally heat up your food tear tear where um I don't know what to do it burn me ew like I'm not kidding something slimy ew ew I don't know spaget with beef sauce is it steamy no is it plastic steamy yes very much yes that's so cold I even afford if this isn't good I will cry pick the biggest room I think I have to go to The Silo that's definitely the biggest it's like 200 ft deep I home when I'm nervous did you hear that I heard that I literally heard a mouse I think I don't think that's a mouse well considering we're starting off with being terrified already this is going to be good what do you mean you're leaving I'm just going to be here in the dark in the scary spooky yeah I'm also taking this seriously yeah but I will leave you with that oh I hope it's good write a poem seriously how am I supposed to write a poem I don't even have anything in here that's convenient so guys this has kind of been a stressful day but now it's really sinking in when you're alone in a whole hundreds of feet underground by yourself in darkness this is one of the creepier experiences I've ever had let's get to writing a poem and see if I can distract myself my name is Bri and I am currently scared I am in a bunker like my husband dared the silence is scary the darkness is too but I am conquering a fear just for you I hope that is a good poem B before I forget no communication okay oh this is spooky one wrong move and we are literally hundreds of feet down I legit heard something over there and I'm not lying to you I legit heard something over there press the button look in your bag to find some fun I don't even have a bag wait light bulb sleeping back back that's what they're talking about [Music] okay these people are sneaky man I think it has something to do with the silo this actually looks like Preston's hair handwriting like I legit think he did this when the world ends there's no fun love PE dog we're going to think of something fun we can do I could play basketball with an imaginary hoop so good don't take it you have to find the scariest place in the entire bunker but you have to stay there overnight with no people and no phone can you push yourself to the limits [Applause] this is the scariest we are literally in the dark you can barely see in here and there's a spooky ghost man on the wall I'm feeling a little more gutsy guys because I've turned on a light and I can see more which also doesn't make me more confident cuz now I can see how large this room is look you know what I'm going to take a nap why am I sleeping with the lights on don't ask it's totally not because I'm scared right now this is a really really nice sleeping bag but sleeping on um metal with a lot of holes in it doesn't really do much for the for the back okay wish me a luck guys sweet dreams the silence is scary the darkness is to but I am conquering a fear just for [Music] you take in some fresh air I took in too much fresh air at one time I just realized we completed the challenge I get to go home I'm so proud of myself we did it challenge complete all right so I've already started to conquer some of my biggest fears but let me know what yours are so we can face them together oh
Channel: Brianna
Views: 2,872,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brianna, briannaplayz, brianna playz, briannaplays, briannagamez, briannagames, brianna gamez, briannashorts, brianna shorts, keeley, preston, prestonplayz, prestonreacts, tbnrfragz, funny, briannaplayz minecraft, brianna and preston, preston and brianna
Id: _TvS0Bd-kQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 57sec (2457 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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