WORST Reviewed Hotel vs BEST Reviewed Hotel! *disgusting*

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so today I am doing a one versus five star challenge and guys I would just like to say I don't care where I'm staying it could be a deal a forty dollar hotel five foot jillion dollar hotel I don't care as long as it clean that's really all I care about actually made out of angel meat oh my gosh free I'm about to walk into the one spot and see what it has to offer Maddie but we're on the third floor do you want to play putt-putt before we get there of course wait there's no putt-putt do we do we have to ask up for it where are they don't leave anywhere around here Maddie I'm really confused because there's a bicycle up there why is there a bike up there that's a really good bicyclist I'm going to the pool look it's right off the carpet at mommy that is so nice I'm actually really rates that one start there's stuff floating on the water all that is is my love Oh in that case I can stay you see that chip at the bottom of the pool yes you know why why I got so excited I already jumped in and jumped out dry it off wow your merch is waterproof Riley B merch is up for a good time what's the worst makin pretty the weight room is locked what there must be too many heavy lifters here I have to get swole what oh there's another door Oh boys how do you wanted to get to all right I'm not really feeling it anymore why I lost my energy actually pretty nice Matty boy why are you trying to go down there Maddie where are you going Maddie guys please comment down below why you would have staircase to then have nothing there's a door one like and I would but one like a hundred thousand likes essential open the door oh great this gym what about out here one out of ten I'm going upstairs to a seating area on the stairs but there's a hold on let me show you how am I supposed to get to the same area jump the fence why would you have a sitting area to put paint in front of it this is not how you get there guys subscribe to my channel to help me know how to get to the seating area I think it's time your other room we keep saying that but we keep getting distracted there's too many gyms literally guys 31:31 where is it it's not on the room list did he write it down the guy who chucked this in did look kind of suspicious I'm gonna walk in the circle it's fine bursar going up is that good thing yes I think we're about to find three are you ready to put the card in oh I was born ready what G are you going in first or am i well it's pretty big actually whoa maybe this is nice dark what nice honey where the lights in here oh it's just that one would you like to also describe what substances dripping down the emergency plan Oh somebody was just trying to describe how to correctly exit uh-huh is that I mean I'm glad they they drift that on there because I don't know if I would have known otherwise Maddie what I like when I can like knock on my neighbor's door that's a door that's my neighbor open open Cicilline is the closet why breaking my room my security deposit is going to be more expensive stay at this hotel so sorry Bri there we go now you know where we're gonna go the bathroom let's see what this bathroom has to hold three morning I go to the bathroom in an old coffee all they're still comfy in there yeah I love coffee should we try it oh my finger now that I've sampled their coffee I'll definitely have to try some in the morning yeah let's check the shower out it's really actually like super gross I don't know I get the heebie-jeebies I guess they could be jeebies what if there's a boogeyman in our shower based on the bug I think there might be all I got in the toilet okay hey things could be worse yeah let's see perfect height for me when I shower in there probably not why this shower is fine this list gets a passing score okay shower gets a pass okay shower get some 6 out of 10 mm-hmm-hmm now if I was to use the potty and then see a bug 0 out of 10 I think it's time to check out the bedroom but before we do know here the hairdryer is falling off the long okay based on what we have seen here today what would you give the bathroom point out of 10 we have to take a 6 hour into consideration though before that's worth ok so you see here we have technology from the 1980s sometimes it's confusing to have all the heebie jeebie confusion ish from you know the robotic age it's just off high medium low I want it on high I can't find the light so tricky I don't know if there's not a light in here look there's not any light on the ceiling oh so there's no light in here help Maddie this lamps broken it's fine though it could be odd to other ones yeah those I don't know if that one works but like what's wrong with the curtains there's holes yeah I try to open the curtains too there's holes in the curtain you know what they say about holy curtain they went to church on Sunday yeah their holy we have a great view of concrete of the parking lot outside it looks really great you know what it could be worse could be worse it could be worse it could be you know of like a truck yard or someone absolutely or like aliens or something you know so let's the the carpet you pretty interesting as well yeah you know take a gander it looks like from the 80s at least you have the capability to lounge in your room you have a lovely seat that's nice that is nice I don't know what occurred on the wall I hope somebody's okay it looks like somebody had an injury yeah that looks like either a paintball gun or what you never know why is the phone all cattywampus so why don't i favorite things about hotels at least in America or in Texas guys comment down below if they do this in other states other than Texas I'm pretty sure they do if they do it in other countries I love that in hotels they put Bibles in your nightstand got they did that here so they get a lot of points for this you find it secret treasure broke the dresser broke the dresser impolite you know I'm a tea let's go check out the lobby I think that would be more interesting yeah I think I've seen enough of the room so Maddie yes this has been awesome I think I'm gonna check out the five-star hotel see how it compares you know I'm so excited to see it yeah um but we have to see how this one fares overnight you know so I can't be in two places at once so I'm gonna give you this key yeah I'm meaning Preston at the other hotel so oh let me know so I mean I'm saying Oh five-star hotel time baby y'all know I don't do anything below a five-star you know what I went through in the one-star hotel I will say I'm excited to be going to the five-star yeah you put yourself in that boat Bri I never offered to go to the one star I just pitched the video idea to you and you know that's why Maddie can do it she's a she's a pleb okay you guys as we head to this 5-star Hotel comment down below where you think it is what city do you think I'm in I could be somewhere new I could be in Australia for all you know I could Bob Orton Zimbabwe I wish that'd be really cool I've never been there before okay so obviously I'm not induct Huawei then Huawei I slammed on the brakes look there's even like a tent thing you're embarrassing show them how fancy the bag is the carts came in esta looks like a jewelry bag it seemed it came in this I've never seen hotel card keys come and they even velvet back I'm going to keep this and put moon cheese in it moon cheese doesn't fit in this you know what fits in this do you worry I'm gonna put this in my back pocket wait where you show them show them my butt sounds like room service you go in it keyless I'm gonna give me a card ready for this [Music] okay you're doing a great job I'm trying to get a wave as somebody who did not go to the one-star hotel can you imagine why didn't want to go there Preston this why you judge me for not wanting to go into one stock because I mean I probably have better things to do like play video games or play video games we can't show them what's in there first I feel like oh yeah yeah would you go to the bathroom yeah well first of all in case you wanted to just stop off quickly and put your clothes it oh my god hold on you've got shoe bags Preston you could use this on a regular basis because you have pretty stinky shoes my shoes are actually fine you're being judgmental I have great shoes this is what going to a one-star hotel does do you know these one-star Julie nice this is for your shoes this is for your laundry stop and in case you have more laundry to become or yes wait what's even tell you how much it costs to clean so this is how much the dry-cleaning cost you can get your laundry you can choose how you want it done you can have it folded and boxed and I can get your overcoat raincoats overcoats bras pyjamas handkerchiefs people at 5-star hotels Club where are we not dressing nice enough to be here we're trying to say about Preston styles and really my mic probably sounds awful right now but I appreciate this plug you guys have to check out my new website I can't I'm actually kind of offended guys briefings fire moves and royal Abbey merch is the nice I just agree okay it is nice it's just it's not trousers in an overcoat that's the whole thing show off the shower I'm getting in that even open the shower okay you got to pull it wait how long should I turn it on real quick hey they have their own brand of shampoo but it's not you know like some brands it's just like you know the brand brand yeah what you trying to think all I care about is the fact that it's orange and this is my favorite color they're so cool look at this stop breeze the floor is what I'm in slippers okay Bri I'm gonna check out the rest of the hotel have a great time so I was gonna go to the other part of the hotel but I take your coat ma'am Preston you never asked me this at home may I take your go oh it looks like you have a very nice coat on man may I take that here I've got a perfect hanger for that here you go good feminist now were there any other choices than velvet hangers sir no no wait wait wait hold on hey also iron it I got you fam this hotel is so fancy they have a cover for their iron God but you have to turn it off first or it will fur no no you know it's it's great wait wait that's not on those rich great Bri I'm doing a great job look if you don't appreciate my iron or a coat service I don't have to do it all right I can oh I can fold up shop hey you know you could buy our luggage in the in the closet too Preston I can fold up shop press pressing there's there's a pin down in the bottom of an ironing board the pin and you have to push that down to then be able to release these down Preston often doesn't do the iron now if you don't mind I like some privacy he's gonna stay in there and I'm gonna go to the other part of the room it's beautiful yo Bruce and um excuse me you're gonna want to check this out so when I was in the closet I found a door that led to this side which leads you to the bed side of the hotel room breehn happening we got snacks wait where's the door you were talking about look at this okay what is I've never heard of a hunch oh I'm gonna take some of them we got Bri we've got deep river snaps so we've got like so we've got jalapeno chips we've got salt and black pepper chips and if you got nacho chips then it looks like you've got trail mix a lot of trail mix chocolate cashew crunch Texas praline pecans also comment down below how do you say I don't know how you're gonna write this in a comment but I say pecan and I think I'm correct it's not a pecan or pecans can pecking pecking pot it's for sure because Thanksgiving is upon us and I say pick and buy although what is your favorite type of pie back in pie Oh guys this is one of my favorite candy bars it's a Toblerone it's a toddler run you dinkle with a tone of Llorona where do you see tone blur blur it so blur ha Barone hold on let me ask Siri pressed in this hotel gives you free water bottles wait is there actually water in there yeah look at the weird places for water bottles no no that was forgotten but also look at this I see oh that is actually so sick I know right I got a shot I gotta I'm gonna show you no I'm showing you no I want to show you something what do you what are you doing over there bravery Christians we don't practice sorcery I'm telling you this is so sick okay so this is how you change the temperature of your room right no no no no no okay you're being laying on look you can literally so I'm not gonna so that says you guys could see it says service so you can call somebody up to your room by pressing this button and then also you can turn the privacy on or off your room by the flick of a bundle no just makes it private I don't know is it on or off we hold on here here flick it on and I'm gonna go outside it makes the doorbell read that's sick so they know not to go in oh my gosh free it makes it okay it makes the doorbell read outside see then you can turn it off so that if you don't want to have to do it ah ha ha see I told you was a cool thermostat it's really smart because one time I was in the hotel watching anime and it was really embarrassing and the maid watch walked in and I was in my pajamas and then I was trying to decide where to go next oh wait a minute okay are you literally not gonna show you either of those amazing a cookie as long as you say this is a walnut not like a wall to wall naw I long used a walnut you're embarrassing to me some pun Han does it smell good if you karate chop it let me karate chop it I'm gonna karate chop don't don't actually do it see angry Bri on camera do we guys by the way look at what Bri made me buy this I just dropped my laptop this is a backlight yes maybe bring some you know how weird the valet and the front desk look at me when they see this poking halfway out of my backpack it was halfway out of my backpack and it's a black light they're like what do we look like we got termites no you're just you know filming Fremont in November we must inspect the bathroom with the power black light let's go see don't have anything on me I mean mine am i infected your teeth are glowing so bright right now why are they glowing I'm looking into the life I feel like it's not good for you to look at it alight oh is that the sugar cookie what is this on my neck I'm gonna use the glowing dragon really freaked out oh my gosh we did up before we came here so is it is it gone um it's gone okay good that was really disturbing oh yo Bri look a whole lot on oh my gosh Bri you look like a I don't want to say what you look you look horrifying Bri look at what I'm looking at you look so scared okay your logo looks really fresh thank you under the blacklight but I don't know if it's me your hair is good this is freaking me up okay so if there's any like stuff on the ground it'll glow real bright oh there's something oh what's that what is that is that here that thing that's blowing right there what is that that's not pee is it yeah it's the chemical that makes it glow is there anything else this is pretty clean for a toilet though yeah I think that's what that P was that you breathe okay so we found some pee guys what else and there anything else yeah I don't think this is not only it's very dirty yeah you know what I think it's pretty clean walk with you white on your nose yeah you know why I mean I might let out some gas we are going to order some room service and then we are going to judge the room service once it is delivered I just want to show off like also how fancy this is I can call my valet to my car the housekeeping wake-up call front desk concierge room service and finally the restaurant all from the phone why is there no option to call your wife on there cuz the phone's not married oh my goodness check it out guys look at this hot dog that's it that's what a 20 if you've never seen a $22 looking hot dog that's the smells like let me I would like to point a few things out our hot dog came out of a heater underneath a Rolly thing that then turned into a table look at this this is how we got flowers he brought us weird powers it's 10:00 p.m. and we have to French press coffee machines but they're decaf and then our ice cream it didn't just come as ice cream there's ice yeah look at how much this is ice by the way do you really need yes I did Breanna and I are basically are splitting the hotdogs in the french fries but I ordered why did he give you all the food like this is what I ordered and you ordered this and he's literally giving everything to you and oh look at this the world's tiniest hot sauce look at his own line put your finger up there for sighs they're so small oh and then just in case you thought it wasn't fancy enough individualized mayonnaise mustard and ketchup bottles you only put mustard on hot dogs why would you put anything else on a hot dog they put a little bit of ketchup or mayonnaise on there oh let me see how the coffee is hold on I only have mustard that's pretty good good a Bregg Uhler yellow mustard just eat the mother I elected seriously Kate please try it by the solid ivory and only I can wait fill me the first thing I noticed listen to this brioche a it's like a crunchy garlicky brioche a bun with a Wagyu ha oh my gosh I think that's actually made out of angel meat it oh I think an angel died with this hotdog oh that doughnut is delicious I read that hotdog of Gehenna 10 Wow hotdog was so good I'm impressed it was built the hotdog we're next so Brees got the mustard dog side and what's the verdict well she goes in for a second bite she's a monster what are your thoughts Breanna what is racing through your mind currently is it a good dog or a bad dog I'm going around the other side so she can't block us off is it a good dog or is it a bad dog what is wrong is it good or is it bad can you stop laughing it's so important math for Brianna hopefully our kids don't get this from you I'm gonna eat the rest of this hotdog if you don't element you think about it right now yeah well you rated though a 5 out of 10 pounds in 7 except it it's on for the desert Preston we have to try out the bed we have to rate it okay what do you rate the bed breathe what is the bed routine I'm already falling asleep into ten that was really fast okay I have to get up or I gonna fall asleep that's the ten that's a ten lay lay in this bed hold on I'm gonna hold the camera ah now tell me Preston that that's not the most comfortable bed you have ever laid it I wouldn't say it's the most comfortable bed I've ever laid in but I'd give it an eight I give an 8 out of 10 use me it's an 8 out of 10 what bad have you ever laid in that's more comfortable look Bree I'm not here to dispute okay a long time ago I had a rocket race I had a racecar bed when I was younger yeah my racecar bed when I was younger was fire this is pretty good down this is nice any of you we are going to get some sleep and we will let you guys know how we feel in the moment I'm going I'm going to bed no no I'm not we're gonna let you know how the beds are in the morning I hope it's David
Channel: Brianna
Views: 12,333,781
Rating: 4.9206743 out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, challenge, family, brianna, preston
Id: saLH6f4jU1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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