Worst Rated Hotel - Circus Circus Hotel, Las Vegas

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so behind me is the Circus Circus Hotel here in Las Vegas it was built back in the 60s some say it's not a very nice hotel anymore it's still very popular with families the dealings that went on here with the mob inspired the movie Casino it still has one of the biggest big tops in the world it has an indoor fun fair and it's also supposed to be haunted it's got some very interesting reviews on chip advisor terrible air freshener everywhere to cover up the stale smell everything feels dirty even in my room like the whole hotel is covered in a layer of Filth more like a motel rather than a hotel on the Strip dead bed bugs in the room were the least of our problems the tub would not drain so we had to shower in ankle high water the wood rot was so bad in the bathroom that there was a 3-in hole in the wall the room was not worth $200 a night just don't pay the extra money and stay elsewhere so some interesting reviews it is still an amazing classic Vegas hotel I'm going to stay here for the night I'm going to check out the pool the circus the fairground and hopefully no bed bugs come [Music] on there's bits of Glass on the floor but that wall is just filthy something splattered there state of the walls that don't look safe does it what is [Music] that [Music] I don't think this carpet has been ever cleaned you walk around the pool it is really filthy first thing you notice about the Circus Circus hotel is the entrance right all the big casinos on the Strip have an amazing entrance Circus Circus though just kind of feels like well it's a car park I do love the frontage though yes it does look old but it's still one of the old retro casinos on the Strip I'll show you what this looks like later cuz it looks brilliant at night so there's a big problem at the moment with checkin there is long delays I think it's around about an hour so I'm going to walk around the hotel first before I check out my room first thing you notice though is the smell when you come in there's like a a stale dirty carpet kind of smell the the carpet looks like it hasn't been changed in a while now although there's lots of new machines in here there's some good old classic ones like little $1 slots or one nickel slots as they call them you can still play with coins look at this right let's go up here because is this is where the circus happens and they do daily shows and they perform just up there please welcome Las Vegas's own o Martinez and it's great to see that Circus Circus still continues the theme of the circus act they do a few shows a day I was lucky enough to see one and the seats actually are very similar to to what you would get in primary school and this area just is extremely dirty and this is unique in Vegas it's a carousel that has got slot machines in it and I think you can see it is moving just very slowly up here is a place where all the kids would love to spend hours on end spending your money still has that circus vibe to it though first any balloon to win got an arcade in here as well that's an Arabian darul just like being back in England still love the theming though of all the circus stuff and all the carnival rides All Around The Edge it's weird you don't feel like you're in Las Vegas air ball knock a ball off to win loads of easy ways to win prizes though it's not supposed to be difficult star darts oh you got to hit oh you got to get darkart right in the middle of the star I've been into Circus Circus once and um I just went through the casino I never did come up here it's pretty amazing so the carousel's double decked and this is the sweet shot up here you got to just get in while it's going is moving but just very slowly love all the horses around the side makes you feel a little bit dizzy because it's moving just very very slowly it's confusing me because the outside is moving but the bar is not moving at all because it looks like it's the bar that's moving and I'm staying still but then when you look again you know that you're moving in the bus got to get off this before I have to wait till it goes all the way around again okay let's head through towards the fun fair and you can see the botom part of the carousel as you walk onto it that must make you feel well dizzy playing the slots while they go around like that W I think the cage is still the original from the' 60s look at it amazing yeah the carpet up here is Pretty Dirty the signs are looking very old and grubby but you know what it's like I love these old hotels there's a certain charm about them isn't there one thing about Vegas casinos is the music is so loud and it makes it really difficult when I'm trying to do a video apparently this steakhous is supposed to be pretty good those lifts do look really old though don't they there's loads of these little shops dotted around the casino but bearing in mind the prices in there are ridiculous almost like airport prices I decided to buy this drink $6 if you got kids and they want to drink there's a 7-Eleven around the corner and it will be like 150% cheaper there's a wedding chapel up here going check it out see if it's open there you go weddings s days a week 10 till 6 don't know why but this is really spooky up here I've just found the executive elevator where does this go I wonder I don't want to know one of the popular things about Circus Circus is this baffet and at meal times it gets ridiculously busy so it's kind of odd to see it so quiet right now this actually looks reasonably new and pretty good so the food court up here it's like a shopping center where you can get there's a Burger King up here Popeyes and not much else really right going to head into the theme park see all this is is uh a bit more updated it's this way so this is the Adventure Dome down right now okay so if you want to come on here it's going to be $60 when I was last year actually you could pay per [Applause] ride so just up there is their roller coaster and that is really good I'm going to try and go on it I'll see if I can film on it though don't want to go on that now bearing in mind this is the weekends now I don't think I've ever seen it this quiet in here the good thing about it it's all air conditioned and you can come in here rain shine or obviously when it's too hot outside you can come in here and cool off look at that they've got dods so what to see hardly anyone around no idea what this is so where I'm going weird it's like a little Underground cave weird little seating areas to have a rest a pass thanks there was so much hype about this place when it first opened you know a theme park under a dome in Vegas air conditioned but I don't know walking around here now it just feels not as great as it once did and it shows the casino is very busy full of of people being here there's not many people coming in here well there's still long delays at check in don't know if I'm going to be uh oh my god oh it's Mexican Independence Day that's the reason why I might leave it till a lot later to check in well thankfully the que's gone down now an hour later I'm all checked in I'm on the 20 29th floor got to go to the West Tower wow the carpet looks filthy doesn't it state of the walls it's gross honestly that carpet is so filthy that don't look safe does it something's been splattered up there so there's no floor 23 I don't get it it makes sense now it's this one set Pooky o select your flop good luck thank you even splatters on the roof 29 8 1 19 it's the monotone color that gets me don't know whether the camera shows that up but that wall is just filthy might be have something to do with the air conditioning that's pumping out that is ridiculously loud don't know the carpets are Grim not only are they dirty they have not been hoovered it's very unwelcoming here is my room I'm not going to lie lie these corridors freak me out really awful atmosphere there's any more lights okay lights on first thing I noticed when I walked into the room is the smell it's the same smell that's downstairs in the casino I don't know whether it's um it's like dirty carpet kind of smell well on the face of it it it doesn't look too bad don't like that dark corner though carpet looks um dirty to say the least and there were a lot of stains on this carpet it's probably what the smell is all about but actually I kind of do like the curtains they are they look pretty new actually even though there's some stain there curtains do look new but there are a lot of stains on them how old these windows are though is that supposed to be a vent or or something is that the carpet oh it's just something that goes around the side sticking out it sounds funny but it kind of gives me um horror movie Vibes I don't know why maybe it's just a very dull awful color of that bed love the big lights though by the side of the bed and they've got USB charging bedside drawers did the cleaner miss that that's a bit gross in fact this just it's just feels so dirty look at that alarm clock how old is that look how old that is right so adjusting it you just move this up and down no digital controls here what is that look at that it's what that's something splattered there and that does look like b o didn't it you can tell the furniture is pretty old the marble look I mean these drawers are pretty battered but you know their drawers to put your clothes in whilst you're here for a night does it really matter there is a new TV I was half expecting to see one of the old TVs let me know in the comments what that is something to do with the TV I don't know let's just double check it works never had that in a hotel before the actual list of TV channels 100 channels to choose from nice little workstation here retro chair that's actually quite big and quite nice although yeah it is dirty though this chair looks like it's uh it's been here for a while I don't know if I want to sit on that blim me the stains on the carpet I don't want to walk around here without any shoes on to be honest have they hoovered there somebody's tag have they hoovered this floor cuz I'm sure they have well they got a rubbish Hoover you see all the furniture is really old I'm not going to lie I am extremely nervous about this bed because I have seen a lots of the reviews talk about bed bugs so I will be checking and double checking and if I see anything that even resembles one I ain't staying here it looks like some of the room has been modernized and then some of the furniture is still quite old obviously these hotels get thousands of visitors millions of visitors a year so it's going to be hard to keep up with with the cleanliness of the hotel but then saying that I've stayed in other Las Vegas hotels and they're pristine so I guess there's no excuse oh it gets worse so you pull this awful cover back and then you met with this lovely brown one nice no stains on the pillows which is good well I guess that's good they've got like a a mattress encasement on here which uh which does show that they are helping that problem there's still Lo of little black bits on it I will have to just do a little bit more further investigation but I will not be keeping that on the bed it's just weird there there needs more light here there's there's like this I know there's a bathroom light but there's no other light just here there's a safe no F's wardrobe a and a lonely little iron right there in the corner check out the bathroom is this an accessible room bathroom actually is all right it's pretty good I say it's really good look at that that is gross but to be fair these have been polished they're not bad look at that that is what you call a really really old and pretty dirty shower head feel dirty touching that more interesting marks on the shower panel over here we've got the sink complimentary Circus Circus lotion shampoo and soap that's pretty good power actually so it's a Friday night and to be fair what I paid wasn't overly that expensive for Vegas but at the same time I don't like this room I don't know why and on camera it might look okay but when you're seeing it with the eyes there's a lot of stains on the carpet how dirty that uh window looks and how the wallpaper is peeling away and the carpet's fraying at the side and I do not like that bathroom at all it's like a scene from a horror movie about to happen I'm going to try and settle down and of course we've got to check out the pool in the morning and uh we might get some breakfast here we'll see how it goes I'll see you in the morning morning from Circus Circus that's Circus Circus Manor that place is huge I I I don't know what they are I think they are suits where you can stay in them for a lot longer period you might be able to see the pool down there we'll go and check that out there are some water slides in the pool obviously being a a family resort looking down on the Venture Dome it's absolutely huge isn't it I will walk over there a little bit later on and I just thought i' mention that if you can see this there's bits of Glass on the floor and in the middle of the night when I went to the toilet I wondered why I felt like something had bit me realized there was glass on the floor so yeah they did not do a very good job of cleaning this room so for breakfast I thought I would try the buffet not quite sure what this is going to be like cuz I've never done a breakfast buffet in Vegas before let's go check it out it is so quiet this morning I am up early once again 800 a.m. I thought actually it would be a bit busier than this I mean just look how quiet it is in here considering how busy the hotel is obviously a lot of people not up yet they had must have been a late night so everything is self-service you can have as much as you like it cost me $35 and actually in all the hotels that I've stayed in in Vegas it's probably one of the cheapest buffet wise I'm not sure okay let's see what we got scrambled eggs are they grits I think sausage and bacon that bacon does not look that crispy unfortunately um is that chicken I think there biscuits or in the UK we call them scones but they are slightly different here obviously Mexican day yesterday there's tacos here shredded pork jalapenos potato and Chino tortilla chips so got fried tacos French toast over here and we got some waffles toasted Bagels this is obviously not breakfast items but we've got meatballs we've got chicken clams and muscles got veg veggie Chow peach cobbler peach cobbler pork bun are in here it's a pork bun wa look at them and country gravy ice cream machines pastries Donuts the fresh fruit section yogurt wow mozzarella is that mozzarella yeah I think it is the drinks I want uh and coffee as well actually GED that there's no fried eggs pretty simple breakfast I've got a biscuit I've got a bit of bacon sausage some grits uh scrambled egg and some toast I could do like a Bill Murray out of Grandpa's day and just fill this table with food but then that's just wasting food so I'm not going to do that no hash browns or anything I've just noticed I've never tried grits before so let's uh let's try it grits we go potato and and meat kind of creamy it's kind of it's okay well I can't say I actually enjoy that breakfast at all in fact it's been the worst breakfast that I've had since I've been in Las Vegas it's probably better for lunch and probably better for dinner rather than breakfast so I'd give it a Miss let's go and check out the Mana which is just down here the pool is just be on that wall it's not a very high wall anyone could just jump over there right and get in it you know Vegas they don't like history they're not overly bothered about it they'll tear something down even though it's been here for a long time and replace it with something new so you never know how long Circus Circus is going to be here for so you should definitely go and check it out while it's here this is the motel section of the hotel section of circus circus this is Circus Circus Manor thought we just have a walk around and have a look and it looks like it would have been a big entrance Once Upon a Time there's lights all at the top but now there's like no no door at all well there is so I guess that was a previous reception but you can't get in there this all looks pretty run down and tired can't believe people are still staying in these suits someone has smashed a window up there what's going on how long has that been like that see for all the glitz and glamour of Vegas you don't expect to see a hotel like this here just on the Strip obviously we can't go in cuz you're going to need a room card and there's one 2 3 4 there's five blocks of these suits I actually didn't even know this was part of the hotel I mean I've seen Circus Circus many times but I didn't know there were all of these here there's not many people staying in this block at all I can see one lonely little car I can see where they're staying as well it's the only room with they with a lamp on it's weird walking around the hotel and casino parts of it feel like it's shutting down like you can tell there used to be things here there's all plug sockets on the wall and what looks like a a shop boarded up yeah very spooky the roof in here is awful I know it's that fir protected stuff but the the color of it is brown it's just it's just not a nice color someone's kicked in the wall there or Saloon I love old Vegas hotels it's a shame that there isn't really many more that you can you know walk around and explore that's why you should definitely come to Circus Circus while it's still here cuz you never know one day it won't be so these are the banquet rooms down here huge space each Casino has them actually looks half decent down here it's one thing you're surprised not to see is uh too many clowns in the hotel it's a long walk to the pool and it's even longer because these escalators are not working so I'm in the pool you need one of these wristbands which you get at check-in if you lose these they will charge you $20 to get in the pool the pool is dead it's just over there it has just opened but it is very quiet in the hotel at the minute even though it was ridiculously busy last night and check in so it's got a little bit of a water park and a pool it's quite small for the size of the hotel let's go and check it out so it's got one two three slides to enjoy they got a little splash park for the children over there and they do have Cabanas these Cabanas aren't anything special to be honest they're just gazebos with a couple of uh couple of seats on it that's about it so this pool seems to be shut don't know why it's quite a small pool there's a hot tub over here though this is a random little hot tub just here it's not H is it not hot random little hot tub yeah not hot yet it's not hot and then the main pool is just here there's a bar but this is it all right so it's not the biggest pool complex in the world but it's all right even the sun beds are filthy as you walk around the pool it is really filthy now as you know I love checking out old hotels so I really enjoyed looking around here it really did feel like old Vegas having said that though it was was pretty dirty in fact really grubby in places first of all let's start with the casino uh the casino had an odd odor to it they yes they've got some fragrance in the air but it doesn't really mask the smell of the dirty carpet and what other smells are in there the theme park in there is pretty great if you've got children and you want to bring them to Vegas and you want to gamble and also bring your kids so they can have a good time the circus area and all the carnival games upstairs I think is actually really good and it's a really great little atmosphere up there the pool was great a little mini water par but it wasn't overly a thrilling pool neither was it actually that big for the size of the hotel let's talk about the room in the hallways though these are really bad and the lifts in there look like they're going to break any minute they feel dirty the room I stayed in felt really dirty I don't know if the clean had been in there at all because there was broken glass in the carpet and that was not done by me um the bed was not overly that comfortable the room smelt I didn't overly like the bathroom and the atmosphere in there I don't know walking around those hallways in um the West Tower definitely was very spooky whether they're going to upgrade that I don't know I know the casino Tower is slightly better so how much was my stay at Circus Circus I paid $22 that did include tax as well what did you think if you stayed here tell me in the comments if you want to see more Las Vegas hotels click here or here give the video a thumbs up make sure you hit that subscribe button I'll see you next time
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 1,902,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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