I Stay In A 5-Star Luxury Resort In Las Vegas - Wynn Las Vegas

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it's considered to be one of the best five-star luxury hotels on the Strip join me tonight as I stay at the wi Las Vegas check out the amazing rooms the pool and the casino and so much [Music] more so the Tower Suites where I'm staying tonight has its own entrance and uh checking which I've already done but I just wanted to show you how I walked in here because you've got Villas either side I don't fully understand what Villas are I think they're different to what we think in England but all these quick up there's loads of them just swimming around right let's go to my room so this is the reception just for the Tower Suites where I've already checked in it's quite nice although I didn't get offered with any complimentary Jin it's also a little bar and restaurant there so for extra security you've got to scan your key thank you sir thank you old school elevators look that actually those little dials move as they go up cuz this is such a tall building as well you can feel the air pressure these lifts go very fast but you can see that it's going up now look o feel the breeze so I'm on floor 22 bearing in mind there's 59 floors nice little lamps some music in here is that marble on the floor I'm in room number 222 interesting artwork on the wall it doesn't really follow with the rest of the hotel does it I think I'm right at the end and yeah right at the end you seen the size of these doors [Music] ridiculous all on Wow the lights have come on and the window blinds have opened how many times I say wow in this video but as I walk in I've got one two three I think there's about five different rooms to explore in this very sweet just for me so I've got my first room which is a toilet pretty simple but nice there's even some towels up there the lamps the theme with the lamps continue in this hotel now this is another wet bar and look at this stuff but be in mind if you pick this up you have no longer than 30 seconds to put it back or you will be charged I am way too scared to touch this we've got some Fiji Water at the back some cookies I mean you just better off going down to the 7-Eleven very nice glasses this must yeah must be the mini barges down here and this is censored I'd like to I don't want to know how much it is actually I won't be going in there can you imagine if you had some uh some other people in the room that for a joke when you weren't looking just pick this up or you had kids in the room as well ah nightmare I've got a sink ice bucket what's in these oh just under the sink stuff another fridge all right so it's a fridge to put my own stuff if I want and coming into the living room this is very swish very nice somewhere for me to sit complimentary water thank you very much I'll take air freshener nice I'll take that home and put that in the L little phone over here a little notepad I've also got my own Amazon Echo do you know the thing is when you go to these really lovely expensive hotels you want to get your money's worth but you just think to yourself I'm never going to use all these items in here like uh this is uh an iPad which I can use and it's got a little welcome note personally to me which is quite nice in room dining there's an alarm the weather forecast all right there you go I can change all the channels last mention the view I mean this is insane if you didn't know um the wi has a golf course out the back yes it's not a Strip view but to be honest I don't care because it is an amazing view with the mountains in the distance and down there to the pool which we'll check out in the morning and the new Las Vegas sphere look at that I've got the perfect view for it so tonight when it gets dark that's going to look amazing huge centerpiece never had that before look it's a mirror at the bottom and this is all for the uh the TV very nice nice comfy couch this coffee table is amazing because it's leather some interesting Stones a random box and a book all about butterflies where have you been all my life so I can open the shears or the drapes that's the curtains and the I guess what we would call a net curtain but if I want I can turn everything off all at once by hitting all off the lights go down low the curtains close Okay changed my mind all back on right let's go and check out the bedroom which is through here need to turn the light on again all on please going open the drapes as well look at that a four poster bed nice little leather ottoman huge TV the heck is that I was going to say it's not Stone hanging on the wall nice little shage Lune but the bed of course is impressive I booked this room because not only the bed but just wait until you see the bathroom I mean it is totally insane I don't know why but I love this carpet really nice size of these drawers yikes soft cloes yes another phone in here huge lamp interesting photo and I also noticed on top of the bed you've got all this uh all this material a couple of reading lights this is all leather but the bed signature win on it taking my shoes off to do the bed test oh that's nice if you've been watching the channel you know I have a big phobia of bed bugs because I've had a few issues with them in the past and one thing I'm going to say is every time you come into a new hotel room is you check the mattress first of all put your luggage somewhere high up and always check the mattress now normally I get freaked out about checking the mattress but as I pulled this back bearing in mind this is a very comfy bed this mattress has got so many folds in it and underneath and it's got box springs there is no way I'm going to be able to check all of that it could take me hours by the bedside I've got another iPad that I can use I've got a new message another reading light above the bed I can control it using that so yeah the bedroom absolutely gorgeous with that huge TV but it's what lies behind these doors I love how they've left them like that rather than just shut them they've kind of left them open just so almost like like you like you shouldn't be looking in come in wow I mean where do I begin where do I begin okay well first of all the bath which is um uh an Aqua Jet bath with bubbles very nice next to it of course is the shower oh five star hotel that door is ridiculously tight so someone can have a shower and they can look at the other person in the bath shampoo conditioner body wash and also a scrub very nice that's very disappointing look at the size of the shower head but I'm sure that hang on let's have a look oh that's all right would have expected something a little bit bigger but I guess you don't need it by the way if you're asking you could probably get about four people in there two sinks no no one sink was there a sink here oh for makeup maybe I don't know is there some is there supposed to be something there there's USB charging in the bathroom oh I like the way that goes in like that if your vein like me then you can spend a lot of time looking at yourself in there oh more goodies what have we got polish a shaver something buff shower cap hairspray random oo mouth wash shaving cream body lotion toothbrush Necessities I mean honestly I won't be able to take all this stuff back with me can't take liquids can I oh actually I can cuz I could put them in the hold is that a clock yeah that is a clock flannels the sink nicely polished nothing on this shelf but the trusty haird dryer is just there there's also and I feel really bad cuz I'm walking with my shoes on I should take them off really on these bath mats that look very nice and uh comfy for when I get out of the shower later so there's another sink over here H I've got more stuff the same that was over there towels there is a toilet here funky little lamp are they silk I thought they were silk then very nice robes what's that NightLight on and off lights NightLight quite sure what that does I've noticed there's another door I guess this is the closet nice clean mirror walk-in wardrobe Gabby would love this oh Posh hangers the soft ones these always remind me of like someone's left them behind if they're getting married we've got an iron here I think there more blankets oh we got slippers I nearly missed them something to put my luggage on a heavy duty I can't put much in there is this oh so this is for um for your jewelry I guess cuz it's not very big is it going to say a comple my laptop in there we got another safe in here then is that the only safe I also missed when I walked in this little centerpiece where in the middle of the night if it's dark you're probably going to walk into that a shell but look at all the marble as you may or may not know I've stayed in the Bal Arab in Dubai and that is really nice this is just as good and half the price I will tell you the price at the end this also does include Resort fees well what do you think of the room there is only one problem I had and that was I had to wait about half an hour to get my luggage up to the room even even though I said I'll just go and get it and they were like no no no we'll go and get it half an hour later to wait for my luggage in the room and also um I was hoping to check in quite early and they said they would text me when check-in was open they didn't I waited until about you know 5:00 and said is the room ready and they said oh yeah and I was like oh thanks for sending that text five star service now the hotel is huge it got so much in here there got shows he got a swimming pool it's got restaurants it's got the casino and also what's crazy about this hotel is the shopping come and have a look before we head into the shopping center part of the hotel I love this waterfall and on a hot day it's really nice and cool to stand here but there's there's one there look and there's another one there in the shadow of the actual Hotel looks amazing wow look at the ceiling it looks absolutely amazing the lamp shades feature a lot in this hotel and what's crazy is that all these shops are really high-end wonder if it's like Dubai where they will ask you for your bank details one thing that blows my mind about Vegas hotels is the carpet they carpet everywhere and the casino and the bedrooms and you think to yourself wow and the carpet's I mean you think about the footfall that comes through here and they're in really good condition these are real curtains but way they're not just cheap thin ones these are heavyduty thick ones but just look how massive they are this is just for the shopping center crazy is that Silk up there that's amazing seriously if you're spending this amount of money on a room how on Earth can you afford to go in there one of the big centerpieces of the hotel is all the flowers I will show you from the other entrance in a little bit but this uh little mini Carousel is actually made out of all all real flowers I mean this is all real flowers it's hard to believe just look there are roses in there the horses that's just crazy do they spray something on them to keep them fresh or do they have to keep replacing them or what let's just walk through these uh trees lots of people have their photos taken here this is beautiful look at this an inside forest with hanging flowers amazing I love how the the bars are all hidden in luxury and get this ready for this these are curved escalators I know right curved escalators very chic this bar however the prices for drinks in here are crazy there's a funky show apparently that happens out here I'll try and check this out later but you have to wait to be seated by a Hostess that will come and check you in to come and sit out here nice place to get a cocktail there's not many places in Vegas where you can sit out inside in a gorgeous restaurant look at that let's have a look at the cocktail menu what the price is here so we've got whiskey about $16 to $25 we've got other drinks they sell absin in here yikes these are like umbrellas aren't they they're like moving up and down still can't get over these escalators though sounds stupid but I didn't even know that they did escalators that go round like this feels so weird even the casino area looks really nice and that's actually Quite a feat to say in Vegas the casino areas look normally Gorge and colorful and big and and loud but the casino here looks really nice I'll show you that in a moment just double checking yeah these are all real flowers what's weird is they are all real flowers but do you know the thing that's missing is that you can't I can't seem to smell them it's a bit weird one thing about the casino is that it has a lot of lamp shades if you wanted to know how I got my room reasonably priced here is because it's not currently the weekend so the rates are cheaper when you pay during the week rather than the weekend like it's Thursday at the moment so I've got my room about 10% cheaper than or 20% cheaper than I would do at the weekend see in the UK you're not allowed to film in casinos over here in Vegas they don't overly mind well I haven't been told to stop yet but I'm not focusing in on any games or any roulette tables although I've just walked past security and the lamp shades you know they're all like really good quality little tassels hanging down so there's more shops down there so if bakarat is your game you can go and play in some of these little side rooms and uh they've also got a high limit room which I'm going to check out for the sake of the video in here is the high limit room which means you spend a lot more to play the machines but the the jackpots are a lot bigger what's that a million 127,000 yeah it's a shame because you're seeing less and less of these machines now and more of the big bright and colorful ones but some of these cost to play $5,000 for one Spin and what can you win I mean you're taking a bet but if you at least do a couple of bets on this you might be lucky and you could win so the max you can win is 2.5 million well there's ,000 of spin here jackpot is a million crazy no it's not it's 2.5 million by the way if you're wondering why my voice is a little bit strange I've had to put a little bit of an effect on it because they have so much music playing in this hotel no expense has been spared you know nothing is cheap and plastic here at the wind more designer shops down here that is like a really small shop than Cs and when you're walking around the hotel you can get lost but then you can find these little areas where you didn't even know they existed like I didn't even know this was here where you can go for uh some dinner and entertainment and drinks there's even a wedding chapel just up here and I I think I can see a bride I'm going to not go too close cuz I'm going to don't want to interrupt their wedding but they have a wedding chapel inside of the wi as well so this is the wedding chapel Gabby if you're watching this maybe we could come and renew our vows here very Vegas esque isn't it wow that is what you call a corridor yikes so this is where the ballroom is but the attention to detail I mean this is like real marble they are real oh they're not even stuck down blimy Vegas does not do things small I don't know if the camera does this justice but this place is huge huge can barely see right to the end all these are the uh the ballrooms so they use these for conventions I wonder if any of them are open my God it just keeps going I've never seen it like I've never seen a hotel this big it's crazy I mean there are even bigger hotels in Vegas to be fair I bet we won't be able to get in any of these rooms oh just as I was what was that oh my God now this isn't probably for weddings but can you imagine getting married in here you'd have to have quite a few people to fill this up hi there's nobody in here I want to get on you I want to get on I want to you I just want to be good morning well a great night's sleep in that bed and I decided to wake up and have a bath why not you in this pancy hotel why not treat myself to a bubble bath the thing is is that what I didn't realize is that if you fill the bath up too much and then you put the bubbles on it kind of goes all over the floor they should have a line on the bath where they say don't fill up higher than this because otherwise when you put the bubbles on the water's going to go everywhere I can't get used to how heavy these doors are so heavy and chunky let's go and get some breakfast there are of course loads of options and places to go for breakfast but there's a a little restaurant just outside of um this elevator so I thought I would um go to it and check it out by the way when you go in these lifts as they go down they go down so fast you can hear the wind rushing and your ears are popping they get out so fast people really laded woo so this is the place I said I should go for breakfast hi yeah can I get table for one please what they do here as well is offer complimentary coffee so you don't have to pay for this so you can come down from about 6:00 in the morning and get your coffee might as well get it for free so breakfast I actually asked to come and sit in this room cuz it's so much nicer right by the pool you get the morning sunshine coming in I think I might go for pancakes this morning 20 $4 but I've been told that they do do a healthy option as well they do these like amazing like bowls of oats and fruit and yogurt and all that kind of stuff the breakfast never comes with coffee so at least I'm saving myself some coin sha can't sit outside surprised they're not offering that this morning this is what you call lot of pancakes with a side of streaky bacon side of cream and of course whipped butter I don't know if I'm going to be able to eat all three of those if you've never had pancakes with bacon you're missing out the whole sweet and savory thing it's really good pancakes are very salty I didn't really look at the menu properly they taste kind of not like I thought they would do I don't think I like them I think they were lemon pancakes but I've never had pancakes so salty in my life well the hotel's big and the pool is even bigger I mean it's not just one pool there's many pools you can get lost in here there's Cabanas it's crazy it's going to have a look around I'll just show you one of these Cabanas I mean they're like little hotel rooms in themselves not quite sure how much they cost but they all come with a a TV a big TV I think can come with a fridge stocked facial Mist as well nice little sofa in there yeah very nice why would you come to the pool but need a TV really almost like little food stores cool is that obviously the hotel size there's got to be a lot of sunbeds still in the same Hotel ROM oh look nice big bar so this pool is um a bit more of a party pool almost like a uh a day Club but not quite they got these big sun lounges they've even got the lounges in the pool and the chairs look at that you can even gamble outside in the old days they used to have some of these in the actual pool how cool is that though so if you feel the edge to gamble whilst you're at the pool you can what's nice is you get complimentary water you don't have to pay for that when you're at the pool these sunbeds are very comfy I can't lay here like this with my t-shirt on for most longer sweating by the way you're probably thinking for Vegas this is a very quiet pool and I've come down especially early when it's just open at 9:00 a.m. it is a Friday this will probably get well this will get very busy later but uh for the sake of filming I thought it'd be better to come down when it's quiet but actually it's a really lovely time to come to the pool it's not too hot not too crowded and you can have the whole thing to yourself pretty much so the wind Las Vegas how much did it cost me I've got my bill here so the room cost me $935 uh followed by the room tax which was $125 followed by The Resort fee charge which was $45 and then a resort fee tax for $6 there were some other incidentals on there I never really understand these bills so the total came to Β£ 1,111 would I stay at the win again definitely i b myself into a suite this time I don't think I'll always be able to afford that but if you ever do come and stay at the win if you go and stay at the ENC cour instead all of those rooms apparently are sweet or that's what I've heard do let me know in the comments now as casinos go in Vegas they're all themed very differently some are themed better than others but that one is actually really nice it's really luxury I love the lamps let's let's talk about the room looking out last night over the Las Vegas sphere was something else those visuals on that are absolutely amazing I don't know if you've ever seen the one with the pumpkin looks crazy the room was just so big bathroom was totally amazing the bed was amazing you know the whole resort was amazing it's just very expensive it is said to be one of the most luxurious hotels on the strip and I actually have to agree if you want to see more Las Vegas videos do click the videos here or here give the video a thumbs up make sure you hit that subscribe button and and I'll see you next time
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 796,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7dOXclx80uw
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Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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