$13.99 Las Vegas Buffet! Trying the Big Flavors of Vegas' Lowest Priced Buffet with@dannythemedic

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[Music] he [Music] good day everyone this is Tim and I hope you're doing well and it is scorching hot at 122° in Vegas and I'm actually quite a ways far from the Vegas STP in fact I think we're near the Red Rock area and uh the reason I'm here is I'm pretty excited because uh I made some good friends on the trip good new friends Danny the medic and Steve really great folks here and uh we had a fantastic dinner at the pallet tea Lounge where we had Vegas's best beef chow fun and just watching for the car there and uh Steve and uh Danny was nice enough to invite us or invite me and us along to a fantastic buffet and this is not a fancy fancy Vegas strip Buffet but this is a locals Buffet Great Value and it is here at the crazy Oriental buffet or the Crazy Buffet really great Asian food and really inexpensive Asian food Great Value especially when it's coming from Danny the medic uh it is $33.99 for lunch and that's cheaper way cheaper than Panda Express or uh McDonald's so uh I think uh again just comforting good Asian food nothing fancy but uh very good value and I can't wait to see what A1 13.99 Buffet has to offer I hope you're hungry uh come on we're just coming up let's go in and have a Great Buffet let's go oh nice and cool in here and look at this this is crazy busy and I guess that is why they call it the Crazy Buffet hi Vicki hi everything this looks great eat so much food9 13.99 this is an incredible deal uh I'm meeting my friends Danny and Steve here do you mind if I just uh look around and see if they're here all right thank you so much so I can't believe it $33.99 Danny certainly has all the good deals and I think I see them there oh hey Steve hey Danny how are you hey good to see you oh Steve great choice great choice you want to sit on this side oh well I think so cuz uh I'm getting a little wide well thank you so much order you buy oh it's A35 more but I'm sure you can afford it thank you so much much Danny oh all right cheers what are you drinking Che tap water tap water and Diet Coke Diet Pepsi uh I just said diet I don't know what they call diet cola oh this is very nice and again this is a Monday and uh this place is packed crazy it's crazy it's crazy hence the name yeah 13.99 incredible yeah I'm going to tell them I'm 10 years old it's cheaper how much is that I think it's $10.99 $10.99 so uh I hope you guys haven't been waiting long um shall we go for the buffet all right all right so uh it is busy here and I see down there uh is a Sushi Station where Chef is working hard and this is nice Rose and rows of stations here and Steve is already hard at work oh beautiful Seafood Steve yes a looking good and uh eat your veggies eat your veggies excellent so let's get started all right and I think we'll start at the very end where they have a solid station and I'm already liking this solid station because uh it starts off with seafood a little bit of the cold shrimp with a bit of dressing all right and I still can't get over $ 13.99 o and I think maybe a lemon for the diet coke that Dany has provided imitation crab some octopus some kimchi and cucumber and greens and I think that is more of a Steve thing but let's see what else they have okay so on the other side beautiful hot food and lots of seafood so I think we're going to come back for that but since we have the cold shrimp let's go for the fried so next to the salmon is the uh fried butterfly shrimp right here and another one and that's pretty cool they are delicately fried and oh Danny looking good chicken all right and I can see all the Saucy goodness with the rice and the wonderful dishes with all that luscious sauce Danny is a Danny is hard at work and uh oh look at this it wouldn't be an Asian buffet without the pizza or the crab rangon let's give that a try right next to the shrimp and this is a nice station here so on this side again the fried bananas I don't know why the crab rangon that we've seen so definitely have to go for some pot stickers uh wonderful crusty bottom a beautifully pan fried and a little bit of sauce here let me give you a hand here wow that's a smarter idea looking good looking good so really great folks here and uh Hey Charles really kind of you to help out with a pizza look at this what are you having lot of seafood here oh my goodness oh and the pot stickers look really good yeah my step brother recommended this quite he said he lives in Henderson he says it's the best and 13.99 incredible such a deal it is and uh looking at the pizza I think I got to go for a slice let's go for one here how many do you want so this is a pepperoni veggie chinese pizza right over here all right some spring rolls and some soup and they're just running out of the hot and sour soup so we'll definitely come back with that and I think maybe a visit to the Sushi Station and this is pretty cool while we are getting the food here we are watching Chef part at work making new Rolls there so let's see they look really good oh look at this not only do they have the California rolls but further down I think this is a Philadelphia roll with the cream cheese and salmon number one and maybe we'll stack them up all right some salmon some crab I think that is uh some imitation crab with the sauce on top okay and then the spicy tuna over here and another one oh thank you Chef so really cool to see everything being replenished and I think I'm going to finish this off with the deep fried Sushi let's give this a try and I think that will do it for round one so beginning with round one uh and uh I'm a little bit behind and uh one thing is when you're filming it's always uh it always takes a little longer because I remember when we were eating the beef chow fun Danny was filming and uh we all finished ours while Danny was still filming but uh but as you can see lots of food from Danny and Steve oh Steve you're done round one yeah now you're working now you're busy how is the food very good the stream is really good and the chicken wing is excellent so good to know for round two so uh and Danny is uh but looking good lots of food so I better catch up and you might notice something new on the table from the original plate to the hot and sour soup because they just filled it up can't wait to give it a try uh Little Egg and I think I got a little bit of crispy bits here throw those in give that a [Music] try oh that is hot in a spicy and very good way and a little bit of Tang a little bit of sourness opens the appetite very nice and really impressive for a buffet or just in uh in general and the only thing that goes better with a hot and sour soup is a spring roll because we can take this and dip oh these spring rolls Danny you got to try the spring rolls is it twisty it's crispy and it's a way for Danny to eat his veggies in a good way vegetables in there get and even and even with the vegetables it is delicious because they are cooked tender very flavorful uh some cabbage and uh lots of flavor and a very crisp cating that we will dip very nice look like a chicken octopus that's nuts all right so while Dany is having his chicken octopus can't even speak so while Dany is having his chicken octopus I think we will go towards a seafood realm in the form of spicy tuna sushi very nice tuna fresh and sweet and look at this not too much rice perfect and before it gets too cold I got to try the pizza oh let's give this a try while it is still warm it's a pizza looks very good as Steve said lots of stuff on it a little bit bre on the undercarriage but it is a Chinese buffet pizza so uh take it for what it's worth not bad and if you're in the pinch for a pizza that will do and there wouldn't be a Chinese buffet without the pot sticker this has redeemed itself from the pizza a nice thin wrapper lots of filling with pork and cabbage so I better hurry up and finish this round because Danny and Steve are off to round two and I need to catch [Music] up very good is399 I know [Music] good oh that was a lot of food for round one and uh Danny and Steve are hard at work working on two massive plates of shrimp and as Steve said you know $13 13.99 how's the shrimp perfect 9.5 9.5 and you're right $ 13.99 this is$ 13.99 already at least so for round two I think I can skip the shrimp but round one was absolutely delicious that hot and sour soup wonderful and to make it even better a little bit of shrimp to make it a seafood hot and sour soup and to add a little bit more crunch the crab rangon so with that I think uh we will go for round two we'll skip the shrimp but we'll get the chicken as Steve suggested and Danny oh chicken wings and Danny what would you suggest before I suggest here's a word from today's sponsor oh dear lord okay so anyhow let's go for round two so I had to get out of there if you saw Danny's other video about the best beef chow fun in uh in Vegas uh that sponsor was uh a little bit provocative so let's grab a plate all right and this is a massive paet oh hey L working really hard what do you have there everybody hungry oh look at this these are not chicken wings oh these are bananas ban all right thank you all right really hardworking folks here and even though it's bananas uh really appreciate Loo's efforts and uh let's go for some comforting uh Foods here with this station here of Rice and Noodles and Saucy goodness with the seafood lo you never stop it's so busy in here enjoy your play oh thank you so much l so really kind folks here let's start off with a base of noodles because it's all about the base very nice oh my goodness and before we can speak loo has another plate here oh go ahead I'll switch with you okay so everything is very fresh because uh it's stocked up really really well so that is now the mound of rice noodles and this is now the mound of beef and broccoli a little bit here uh with some beef some mushrooms and this is spicy chicken let's give that a try little bit of green a little bit of red almost like Christmas in Vegas right here some green beans okay and a seafood medley and as good as the shrimp and the imitation crab is I'm actually here for the sauce all on top of the rice noodles moving on a little bit of Sea bath we'll give that a try all right so let's go on to the other side and uh this is a massive Buffet third I still can't get over the price $13.99 and I think we will try the Saucy eggplant oh and the plate is getting full so that is all i'll take for that dish but moving on to the next we have some mongolie pork and Steve was saying that the grilled chicken is very nice and it does look tender and just on top of the noodles uh and an O to Panda Express the orange chicken and I'm going to skip that because I'm going to get a little bit of fried rice as the base on which the orange chicken shall go upon two prepositions in the wrong place so oh let's see what else they have Danny this this is round three oh more shrim oh and lo is hard at work as well oh thank you lo oh look at that that is such a beautiful pattern Danny how can they stay in business for $ 13.99 with all the shrimp and the muscles okay maybe just one one shrimp I'll steal from yours okay yeah all so I'll skip the shrimp and I'll try a little bit of the baked salmon and there really isn't any room so I think this will be all oh but I think we can top it off with some meatballs and that coconut chicken looks really good as well but definitely not enough room I Haven and this is a massive round two all right so it's really nice to uh get back and also really nice to eat with Steve and Danny because Danny and Steve are Buffet pros and Steve you were waiting uh at the uh kitchen when they brought out the fish yeah came out nice and fresh really good oh and here comes Danny oh big Tru soup o so this is a full table and you might notice something more because this is the original plate and I had to get a second plate because Steve was saying that the chicken wings are very good and so is the chicken and that was a meatball that I had to relocate because the first plate was getting so full but I think we need to try the baked muscle okay and this came out fresh I think we'll just have to use our hands very nice and fresh and again it's kind of like Steve and Danny's Pro tip is waiting for the kitchen to uh bring out the food oh so I think I got a try that wonderful shrimp but more importantly the base on which the uh shrimpy sauce resides oh so I know the noodles and the shrimp sauce are not the high expensive items but they are just so good you got to mix it up with the comforting items and the premium items very nice and since Steve is here I think we're going to eat our veggies which is being covered up by that beef and broccoli let's give that a try this is very good because this round the veggies are cooked properly cuz Steve mentioned it was a little bit Raw on his on his round but this is cooked perfectly and the broccoli has soaked up all the sauce and as good as a broccoli is let's try the beef bit of beef bit of noodles all together no very nice let's try the meatball Steve you were saying that the chicken skewer or the chicken meatballs are very good not that one chicken skew oh this one yes and you know it looks a bit dry no but it's good inside all right let's give it a [Music] try it is charred on the outside so it does look dry but on the inside it's actually pretty suculent not bad thank you Steve you're welcome so a lot to finish up here and a lot of carb Saucy goodness and uh Danny did you try the fish oh no I haven't Steve oh Steve you tried the fish how was that really good really good all right and before I let you go I got to try the fish steam sea bass nice and tender so I'll finish this off and I'll take the bath for hopefully round three or maybe dessert and maybe another Diet Coke the round two was a lot of food and uh Steve was right those chicken chicken skewers were really good and the chicken wings were absolutely fantastic but even those chicken or the meat the meatballs were fantastic as well as was the eggplant and the many other items so I think um Danny and Steve have gone off to the buffet and I think I'll join them come on let's go oh my goodness Danny round three four me yeah I have no clue oh and I will pass that on to you oh thank you all right terrific all right so uh again massive round two and I think I am done with all the hot food here oh very healthy Steve yes and I will join Steve let's grab a plate so I think I'm just going to go for a little bit of dessert so this is the dessert station and in the Chinese station they always have some sugary fried donuts on the hot food section but I think they're feeling a little hard so I'm going to give that a miss and let's check out the other station a much more healthy station with some uh honeydew orange cantaloupe ooh this is looking really nice and I don't mean the bananas I mean the Mandarin oranges and what might go good with the Mandarin oranges is a little bit of mango jelly look at that wobble maybe two and moving on we got a little bit of Peach and I think that is rice pudding and I think the ice cream machine we will come back for that and let's go back to the desert station here ooh a wonderful chocolate layer cake give it a wiggle uh perfectly Square some coconut cookie cheese I think this is a strawberry mousse oh and look at this a rly poly cake and an apple strudle some almond cookies and the crisp for that wonderful hot and sour soup but I think I'm going to use a bowl instead of the plate where we will put a roly poly cake here with a crunchy apple shud because we're going to visit the ice cream machine come on it's right over here so we've got some vanilla and some chocolate but I think we'll go for a Twist okay there we go oops and that will do it for the dessert round okay so the meal is nearing to an end because we are going to the sweets and Steve very healthy and what is not so healthy is whatever Danny is uh about to get and I think he's still bruising the buffet and what is also not healthy is the ice cream with the Apple strudle let's give that a try oh much better that little trick with the tongue on the roof of your mouth didn't work this time but let's be uh a little bit risky and try it again with the ice cream and this one is with the rly pulley cake just a small amount much better this time so this is the Crazy Buffet and crazy good food crazy good value and uh crazy good company and here is Danny back again that's ice cream so thank you so much for joining and before I let you go I'd love to hear uh Danny and Steve's opinion uh I guess Steve out of 10 what would you think what would you I think it's uh 8.5 I really love the salt and pepper shrimp but they could to add more flavor to it TI under done a little bit but salt and pepper chicken wings really really enjoy the chicken wings as well and Danny so two ways to think about this if you consider the pricing and if you do not consider the pricing so not thinking about the price it's all right 7.5 7.6 you know for the food quality and choices and everything like that but you factor in the low low price 8.8 absolutely agree so no uh price is absolutely incredible 13.99 this is cheaper than McDonald's uh McDonald's you're up there so $ 13.99 uh Great Value great people uh everything is always stocked up and uh and everything is crazy fresh pun intended and a pro tip from Danny and Steve is to wait when they bring out the fresh items always worth it to wait so again thank you so much for joining and until we see each other again I hope you're keeping well I hope you're traveling well and I hope you're eating well and with that I think we'll need to finish this up but I got to try the chocolate cake very good so all the best to you and yours bye-bye for now a wonderful time with Danny the medic and Steve and once again Danny thank you for the wonderful meal
Channel: Tim Lee
Views: 78,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cheapest Buffet in Vegas, Low Cost Vegas Buffet, Amazing Chinese Vegas Buffet, Great Value Chinese Buffet, Buffets off the Vegas Strip, Chinese Seafood Buffet in Las Vegas, Must Try Buffet in Las Vegas, Krazy Buffet, Krazy Buffet Las Vegas
Id: BTmkexzr0Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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