I Stay At The Blue Lagoon In Iceland - The Volcano ERUPTS!

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it's happening just over there you guys oh my God as you look in your rear view you see a Volcan [Music] erupting just thought I better mention this as well there has been a lot of volcanic activity in Iceland in recent years and especially this year in January and at the back end of last year as well uh where we actually are in grenic they are on alert for an eruption but don't worry it's not going to be one of those eruptions that like you'll need to run for your life they are kind of those Fisher eruptions and scientists have been looking at the magma literally under the ground and they say that it is ready to pop basically which is a little bit unnerving but the hotel is still open and um they have warned me that if an alarm goes off I should quickly go to reception where they'll be able to take us uh to safety fingers crossed that won't happen and what I love about the hotel is the use of volcanic rock in it and you'll see a big bit of volcanic rock kind of edged into the hotel let me show you this my room's down here I like how there's little Windows just every so often so you can get a glimpse of the volcanic landscape I think you can see my room which is just over there but check this out this is like like lava has kind of just come into the building I don't know how they've done this but it's absolutely amazing almost feels like it's burst through don't think I've ever seen anything like this before crazy and here is my room number 33 I've got this wristband that will allow me to go around the resort to actually buy drinks also to get me into the Blue Lagoon as well and also access into my room blimy let there be lights need to take this coat off right that's better so the room is very minimalistic let's show you around now I wanted to go for a lagoon view but unfortunately they were all booked out so one of the last few remaining rooms that uh was available was what they call a Moss Mountain Suite so we can see the volcanic landscape outside the Moss that's on it and obviously mountains stroke volcanoes in the distance I love how this room gets the sun though it's really nice nice full length mirror and what's really exciting is I believe that the mini bar is complimentary so first up we've got the robes and the slippers now I can actually use these to get around the resort to go to the Blue Lagoon Blue Lagoon Iceland I bet I don't think you can take these mind you they don't look overly that are they new Maybe any branding on the robes more wardrobe should have this look I like the LED light so you can see your clothes a very understated little coffee machine couple of Cups some wine glasses these again are complimentary we've got some Earl Gray tea some espresso and we have I'm sure that's like a old Premier in Kettle or what they use in Premier in the mini bar is down here this is all complimentary so I wonder what's inside not much we have two cans of Pepsi not Coke and we have some carbonated Icelandic water bit of a shame it's carbonated so there's no still water then I don't think so so I've got a little desk here a TV a phone that is a very basic remote look at that nice big couch so you can sit here and look at the steam I tell you what I don't know whether you can Pi if the M pick set up but you can really hear it coming from that um geothermal plant over there you can really hear the roar which you could mistake is a fish are going off in a volcano and there is this very oh is it a rocking chair this is nice and if there's two people in here obviously one can get the rocking chair whilst the other one can just enjoy the sofa I love this bed and a bit like in Sweden and Norway you've got the mattress and then you've got this cushiony mattress topper which actually I always find when I'm in Sweden or Norway just so comfortable oh wow that is com dare I say it's too soft can it be really too soft that is nice very space AED with the lighting that there's a little slit in the light there to add a little bit more light to the room and the controls seem very confusing at first until you understand that oh it's like a a floor layout and you can hit each individual light to turn it on okay let's check out my balcony I don't know what this does oh it opens the window look at this view though I even got a little bench that I can sit on you do feel like you're on another planet it's crazy tell you what though they need a mat there because you walk in all the snow on your feet and it's like really slippy I kind of don't want to use this rug but there's nothing to bang your feet on out there either so let's check out the bathroom which is just beyond this door and it has a floating toilet wow I don't want to go down there again that uh a little bit smelly huge big mirror we've got complimentary Blue Lagoon hand lotion this feels a little bit um I don't know a little bit cheap and plasticky to be honest we've got a drawer with the hair dryer in it some cotton bads some tissues the towels are over there and then we have the shower which is a full walk-in waterfall shower and for all those people that say in the comments why do you keep mentioning about people in the shower are you swinger no I just use it to show you how big the showers are because sometimes the camera doesn't really show it off and considering that this is a walk-in shower well there's no end I mean 1 2 3 4 You can have a few people standing around watching if you want and as always I will come to the price at the end of my stay so what is actually included in the price of the room so you got a pull here as well which we're going to go and check out in just a moment The Wristband gives you access over over to the Blue Lagoon I've also booked myself in for a massage later a massage that's done in water so it's a inwater massage that'll be interesting I've got a dinner reservation tonight over in the retreat hotel and also breakfast is included so let's go and check out the rest of the hotel and put my robe on you can just take your clothes off and just walk around the resort in your robe if you want although it's probably a little bit too cold to be walking around in a robe outside there it is got to check it out the entrance is down here so there's a little area here where you can Lounge on a suned inside quite nice look at that they've actually lit the candles it doesn't look like there's anybody in there it is open right fresh water here so you can either go in straight out into the cold or you can go in down those steps which way should we do it let's go down the steps it goes look at this this is amazing the ground feels a little bit um squidgy but in the height of the SE this placeat gets patched now obviously H horrible squidgy bit this isn't the Blue Lagoon obviously this is just the geothermic pool for the hotel the cica hotel you can't obviously see what I'm walking on but it's it's like squidgy playy o it's not nice you can see this is the the white sticky stuff that I'm walking on as long as you don't think about what you're stepping on so basically this is G gmal salt water that's been channeled into the Lagoon from 2,000 M within the Earth uh the temperature is 38° that's see if you can see me through all the steam there is even some sun beds out here for crazy people how different does this compar to to the Blue Lagoon so I don't have to pay any extra to go to the Blue Lagoon but it is quite pricey to actually go in there but you can get these facials so you can get some of the natural minerals and get them on your face you have face masks there's a little bar where you can uh order a drink in there as well so let's go check it out I've got to get changed though before I walk over there I don't know whether you can see just over there they're building literally a lava wall to protect the hotel the Blue Lagoon from the eruptions that are likely to happen over the next few days probably when you're seeing this video they may have already happened or may have not but this is actually lit up at night so you can see where you're going so I am gutted I couldn't stay and film in the retreat but uh my wallet will be happy about it as I said earlier in the video £22,000 a night for the best room that's where I wanted to stay but it has to be a minimum of two nights and you do get your own geothermic pull which sounds amazing but they just do not allow any recording in there say I hope I'm going the right way I guess I just have to follow the steam which is over there none of this is actually natural the way it's heated is natural but uh it is all man-made it's warm out here as well but you're not allowed to go in it wonder how warm actually is compared to inside well it's not that warm so I can go down the express lane because I'm staying at the silica Hotel have a quick look in here actually so obviously they're selling skin care stuff and masks got a cafe here as well champagne well I thought I would go for some lunch I got this sandwich some crisps and a cappuccino which came to a grand total of £20 so we'll have a bit of lunch and then we'll get in blooming cold on your feet right I'm going to get this robot and get in there quick that's better compared to the silica Hotel the floor is not squidgy here which is quite nice so I've got a couple of extra wristbands so one of the wristbands is for my massage and then the other wristband is for a free drink and a free facial question is is how on Earth do you find it just look at what I'm looking at right now how am I supposed to find we see anything it is so can't see anything I'm looking for the bar no this is not the bar wow the water's going so hot here I found the bar that there a Que can I get a beer please and so I have to give the wristband so it is only one free drink you don't see people swimming in here by the way they are just standing around relaxing and I also read stuff online that it smells in here but doesn't really smell at all I thought I'd smell sulfur but you don't it's good to know I'm not the only one that's completely out the lost they do have lifeguards in here this is also one of the 25 Wonders of the World they got a spar here they got a sauna and a waterfall which is just over there let's go check it out so here's some Blue Lagoon facts for you 9 million lers is the amount of geothermal sea water in the Blue Lagoon 40 hours is the time it takes for the blue Lagoon's water to naturally renew itself 38° is the average temperature and 800 years is the age of the lava surrounding the Blue Lagoon wow so I'm just here with a bar is we've got the steam cve here the steam B the SAA The Mask bar is over here and that is where I go and get my massage and under the bridge so basically like having a shower a hot shower I my camera's not overly waterproof so I can't get too close you get the idea got to keep getting your shoulders under though so do you want to try first one for 5 minutes SC okay thanks so they do have a mirror here so you can see yourself put it on I'm probably doing it wrong am I so I actually get all three masks included in the price because of where I'm staying hope it does something for my wrinkles so if you want you can get out and have a a walk around but obviously it's far too cold to do that at a minute so this is where my massage is going to take place on one of these m however you're not going to be able to see anything so I'm not going to even bother filming it well the Lagoon was amazing and I think I was in there far too long I was getting really really bad wrinkles on my fingers I hate when that happens obviously I couldn't film the massage part of the experience in there I laid on a mat basically and it was in the water they put warm towels over you and yeah they kind of massaged you from below um and then gave me a head massage and a hand massage it was um it was really nice it was extra though it was 140 for that so obviously there's still that ongoing threat of the eruption which means I can't leave anything in my room that I consider as valuable I don't want to leave left behind so that's pretty much most of this I do get to enjoy my welcome drink though a little bit later so cheers love the fact they got footrests here as well so you have breakfast here but there is nowhere to eat dinner that's actually in the main Resort just over there the temperatures around about -2 so it's not too bad to have a walk and actually although I won't be able to pick it up on camera I might be able to see the Northern Lights tonight it's just annoying having to take this bag the Blue Lagoon is open until I think it's 8 or 10 tonight see the bar is still open there's people still with face packs on there's quite a lot of people in the Lava restaurant but we're heading into the Moss restaurant it's like a car park all these polished car conrete how are you doing fine thank you would you like to give me your jacket thank you thank you see this is our menu it's actually a seven core set menu designed by our executive chef sorry I know the lighting isn't very good so they do a tasting menu here for £200 seven courses however I said I didn't really want to do that tonight so they said they will do it for three courses not quite sure how much that's going to be but check out what they've put for kind of starters on the table this is like a little garden look at that just been sering some sourdough some butter on a volcanic rock and something I've never seen before in my life lava wow okay so let's talk about dinner I didn't expect it to be a seven course tasting menu when I actually booked the restaurant they didn't tell me that however the Lava restaurant was out of car but by that point of course I felt a little bit guilty cuz they already bought some snacks to the table so I did ask them if I could just have three courses which they actually did help me out with the first course of vegetables wasn't really to my tasting however with tasting menus you either like it or you don't one thing that I didn't like about the restaurant is that the staff were just staring at you the whole time in fact the guy that took my bag um kept like staring not just at me but he just kept walking backwards and forwards and coming up and staring kind of really made it feel really awkward the dessert was amazing that lava cake and the Little Sweets on that bit of lava incredible I wasn't the only person that found some of the food not to their taste couple next to me sent back quite a lot of the food cuz they didn't like it I did see the table next to me had sea urchins I was like what and they at that as well amazing so instead of costing me £200 I think it cost me £100 we'll check with the final bill in the morning anyway I'm going to get some sh ey and I'll see you for breakfast in the morning all night [Music] what what room are you uh 33 33 perfect kind of nervous I don't really know what's going on I think that's what's going on oh my [Music] God so the eruption must be happening well is happening just over there listen to the sound as the car you just drive to re yeah everyone in their own vehicle you can this head straight out of the reg one m so there's nowhere for me to go I just got the airport cuz I'm going today yeah yeah probably better just to go straight to the airport okay do that okay thank you my God just look at that so everyone's getting on the bus and they're telling me to drive my own car and get out basically I can feel the heat from [Music] here I was staying at that hotel got woke up at 6:00 this morning literally 10 minutes ago because of that you see the lava actually starting to flow this way already wow well that's a new one on me driving and as you look in your rear view you see a volcano erupting I'm well away from it now see it in the distance I'm just filling up with Petra right and here in Iceland the Petra stations are very odd there's no four court and the petrol pumps are just in the middle there and if you don't have a debit card you're screwed anyway double check there's no lava on the car cuz I need to take this back to the airport so at the airport and uh I've got to wait now 4 hours before my flight so obviously I didn't get breakfast I'll have something here I'm actually looking out over the Airfield right now and you can see the the lava spewing out and there's a plane just in the foreground that's a crazy view I don't think I'll forget my state of the Blue Lagoon anytime soon I think um just forgetting the eruption for the moment um the hotel itself was it was very minimalistic and I guess it's it's nice if you like that kind of thing for me it was a little bit too plain and obviously going into the actual Blue Lagoon itself was um was a great experience the massage was even better it is very overpriced uh especially for lunch I basically had a sandwich crisps and a cup of coffee which cost £20 shocking how much did it cost me one night to stay there at the Blue Lagoon in the silica hotel cost me £580 that did include breakfast it also included access Into the Blue Lagoon and also a couple of facials as well now obviously if I wanted to go and stay at the retreat prices started at well over £1,000 and in fact one of the best rooms was over £4,000 a night and it was a minimum of two nights which is crazy tell me in the comments would you stay there obviously once it opens up again after the eruption do give the video a thumbs up make sure you hit that subscribe button I'll see you next time
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 811,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue lagoon, blue lagoon iceland, blue lagoon hotel, blue lagoon iceland hotel, the silica hotel iceland, the retreat iceland
Id: Z0whwHkK-YQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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