I Stay In A Pyramid Hotel - The Luxor In Las Vegas

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welcome to the start of my Las Vegas and American road trip some interesting videos coming up I hope you stay with me but first we're going to stay at the Luxor Las Vegas this is an iconic Las Vegas hotel and it's so unique because it's a pyramid Hotel it's got one of the largest atriums in the world the facade of the building is coated in glass I think it's glass and it has a light beam on the top that you can see from space it's a pretty huge Hotel so I've checked in I've put myself into what they call a pyramid Suite there is a tower to this hotel which is over the other side but I thought I'll stay in the actual pyramid itself this is gonna be good this hotel is huge stay with me come on but it's the entrance that you have to check out as you walk into the hotel off the monorail this Sphinx is absolutely huge just look at the size of the feet either side totally amazing so this is the entrance that you come into the hotel when you get off the little monorail and what's really interesting is that as you look over towards the monorail that just goes to show you how big just the entrance to this hotel is amazing let's go in we've got a walk over the uh the cars the size of these flower pots well it does take your breath away when you walk in here look at the size of that now again I'm going to say I'm going to repeat myself and say I don't know whether the camera does it justice but this is just so ridiculously big your eyes kind of Go funny all these are rooms I remember watching the video in this first opened and I was blown away and I was like I've got to come here one day I have actually stayed here before so as you look up walking around it's probably a bad idea so the casino's there and um the middle of the atrium is up those escalators we'll check that out in a little bit but first let's go to our room so first thing you'll notice is how big the reception is and how big are all the receptions in Vegas I mean just look how far it goes luckily I got in when the queue wasn't too bad because they've uh MGM Resorts have been hacked apparently recently so there was like really long delays yesterday of two hours thankfully it checked me in within about 10 minutes which is quite good but top tip don't come in on your check-in time leave it a little bit so the resort is so large the best thing you can do is to look out for landmarks so you know where your room is and you know which elevator to get I've got I've got the East Tower elevators which is just down here so the lifts are not lifts they're called inculators I think I've said that right and they go up pretty fast they go at an angle and you it feels strange going in there I know there has been a problem with these lifts since I've been here and actually been speaking to a couple of other people that their lifts are really slow and there's only ever one working even though there are four lifts around here anyway let's head to the room and let's look down on this amazing Atrium it's crazy come on we're this way turning right now as you just look down the hallway there it doesn't look anything special oh on each level you've got a Coke water and ice machine some they love in America ice machines on every level now I'm not very high and this is only the ninth floor but just check this out crazy all the atmosphere and everything that is going on in this Atrium is just mental there's a restaurant there's exhibitions there's a nightclub um there's so much more they're building actually over there I don't know what they're doing over there they're not going to be building I think they're building something but can you just see all the other rooms the overhang is quite big so I can't just show you up but what I'm going to try and do is get up to the higher levels so you when we look down up there you'll realize just how high this is but there's the reception I'm in room 9149 it's great because as soon as you come out your room you feel like you're in the action one thing you'll notice about Vegas is everything is so far away from your room as always and you've got to do a lot of walking right here we go let's turn the light on first thing that hits you apart from the air conditioning which is lovely is the smell it's a little bit musty in fact the whole hotel smells of old smoke and a bit of a musty smell but here is my room it is huge and the thing that I first of all notice is the bottom of the mattress now I'm already getting freaked out because uh the Luxor has had a lot of reports of bed bugs so I will be checking that in a little bit the mirror is looking a little bit old and very dated as you can see there's scratch marks on it people have put their stickers from their clothes on it too but the carpet looks reasonably new I'm just gonna open these curtains so you just have to pull them across they're a bit tight now that is one hell of a view so I have a Strip view at the front of the hotel there's the uh the Sphinx by the way I just realized that Sphinx is actually bigger than the actual Sphinx in Egypt and the pyramid that we're in is one of the largest in the world to connect indoors which is nice that's a little bit more light in the room see you can tell what they've done they've literally plonked that in here change the bed and obviously updated some of the furniture but some things obviously are still here the air conditioning and it by the looks of things the curtains because they are looking very old and there's me thinking they clean this every day that must be extremely difficult to do got the marks on the window there but it does look nice doesn't it that TV is just insane that is just absolutely massive I love how they've put the remote just like that I've got a little um icebox I guess this is the okay so that's weird normally you get a fridge in the room but now you can rent it well they're not bothered about making money from the minibar loads of drawer space and this big wardrobe there's the ironing board and the iron still looks pretty Egyptian kind of like it there is one of these rooms that is a suite that has like a hot tub just in the middle I could have gone for that but there was a lot more money so and as always in American hotels the big lamps by the side of the bed I mean these are flipping huge see I've noticed that more of these safes are in the drawers now which could be a little bit annoying if you wanted to put something in the Jaws by your bedside soft clothes as well the bed's got this nice leather surround and this is a king or a queen I always get confused let me know in the comments but straight away I don't know what all this plastic is on the end of this but let's do the bed test anyway oh quite surprised about that actually I thought that would be a lot softer than it is I definitely can feel the springs in there a little bit I was expecting that to be really nice and soft really soft but why is it all these hotels never give you firmer pillows they're all soft duck filler dare I look now have they got a mattress protector no they don't look at that so they don't even have a mattress encasement and uh you see little black dots and then you start oh I do I start freaking out but this is a mattress is a real pain to check because you've got so many different grooves and you have to check the underneath and you have to check the box springs on there as well oh nightmare but I'll do that a little bit I've messed the bed up now I apologize I do love this wallpaper yeah for a second now I thought it was tile let's turn this lamp on yeah I really like that it's really nice little table here for you to sit at if you wanted to catch up with a little bit of work nice office chair then we can see that little stains there from where someone's had a actually talking about it there's uh there's no coffee machine in here is there see when I used to come to Vegas years ago they'd have a coffee machine in your room well by the looks of things are pretty simple basic bathroom toilet seats on oh it's bust a little bit whatever wonk loads of too much space actually that sounds weird to say you've got some complimentary shower gel and there's your hair dryer odd design with the lights just there and then there's another light there that is very noisy in here a shower that is so big you could probably fit one two three maybe four people in here the hotel is massive you do get a little map so you can figure your way around there is a spa here there is many restaurants I will check out the swimming pool tomorrow because it's closing in about 10 minutes because obviously I checked in quite late so we'll check that out in the morning along with breakfast in the pyramid calf but let's go and check out the rest of the hotel come on [Music] it's reading online and apparently the Luxor is one of the most haunted hotels in Las Vegas apparently the hallways are very haunted so let's go and have a look and actually let's go right to the top just so I can show you how high this Atrium is it doesn't smell nice I don't know whether it's the buildings in there whether it's the atrium or it's the the carpets some people call this one of the worst rated hotels in Vegas you can see it's looking a little bit dated random door that goes nowhere is this for the elevators Maybe it's locked it looks so weird when you catch a glimpse of people like walking across they just look like ants tell you what these hallways are really long to get to the elevators and they're they're there and there so let's get this one well I hope they don't do that early in the morning and wake you up not quite sure what was there but they're building some fun park or something for kids they're giving a slightly different image to the uh Luxor now yikes look at the state of the elevator it is really battered look at that it is a weird sensation because you're going up at an angle quite fast like that again I know some of you are going to say this is like The Shining hotel more so actually than other hotels that I've come across right you're ready for this no just realize that this is not the highest this is only 4 15. I need to go up a little bit higher this is still ridiculously high but just wait I mean even on floor 15 as you look down look at people down there eating food they look like ants and on every lift level there's this big window where you can look down scared of heights it's not probably worth coming to this hotel that don't even work I've been waiting 10 minutes for a lift to come and the button is still red I'm gonna have to go and walk all the way over the other side to try the other lifts I've just figured out that the lifts go every other floor so there's only two lifts on um each level if you know what I mean so it skips so yeah those lifts are not working so I have to walk all the way around here and then all the way down here back to the other corner it's very confusing literally every elevator that I've been in seems to be uh completely lightly fast anyway we are now here at the top floor floor 30. whoa Head Rush now obviously it's not going to be very long because it's right at the top oh it looks different up here wow it feels uh very different up here so these are the sweets up here I believe it's very strangely quiet considering we're right at the top so as we look down now oh goodness sake I have to go one floor down I think [Music] this elevator door you can see the side so when it goes down here you go if you've got a head for Heights look at that blimey the people they look like ants people that are walking down there looking over to the restaurant it's a building within a building I don't know if I'd want to be right at the top though kind of freaks me out a little bit honestly what human beings can build when they put their minds to it well we've seen what it's like from the top and let's have a look from down here as you look up though you get really dizzy so the casino is ground level and there's a few restaurants down there but this is where a lot of the cooler stuff is this has been here forever when I first came here the Bodies Exhibition was here the Titanic exhibition it's where you can get tickets for the Blue Man Group we'd love to see that show I've actually never seen it but like just down here I mean just the size of this Atrium is just mind-blowing and there's a sphinx in the middle you can see my room from here and if you've been coming to Vegas for a long time you'll know that Carrot Top has been here for years I have been in there once that was good King Tut's experience these were a thing years ago they're still here you breathe into them the O2 bar there's a food court here as well which we saw from above and of course a Starbucks you'll never literally two minutes away from it one minute away from the Starbucks well after all that walking around I can't move my legs honestly that's the thing about Vegas hotels they are huge if you think this hotel is big wait till you see some of my later videos that are coming up anyway I'm gonna go and order some room service I'll see you in the morning for breakfast and a swim well I had a interesting night's sleep I did toss and turn quite a lot because the bed was kind of lumpy I could feel the springs so yeah not a great sleep but it's definitely time for some morning coffee and some breakfast let's go for Starbucks this morning The Hunt is on to find the restaurant for breakfast before I do that though I just want to show you right these hotels are just so big this is the walkway to another hotel so you don't actually even have to go outside so you can go on to the Excalibur from here and then on to New York New York it's crazy I mean this is such a long walkway if you do come to Vegas as I said be prepared for a lot of walking but luckily these escalators are working but you go across there go further up there's another long escalator I mean it's ridiculous but the seaming though continues throughout looking for the pyramid calf it says restaurants I think that's the food court though you can get so disorientating as well hang on no this is it isn't it and we've found the pyramid calf now of course there are plenty of places to actually have breakfast in the hotel I mean there's a whole food court upstairs and there's a couple of other restaurants but I thought I'd go here to the pyramid calf but I'll tell you what breakfast prices in Vegas prices have gone up and uh even in the hotel they are pretty pricey I'll go for the pyramid classic which is uh three slices of bacon two sausage two eggs hash browns and a choice of toast come for a coffee to start and as always a massive coffee jug for you as well so you can keep chopping it up although it's quite gay and breakfast is served bacon eggs hash browns and some toast with some jam on the side I'm gonna eat this and then we're gonna head to the pool I'm gonna get really bloated though aren't I not gonna look good in swimming shorts their Bacon's not only that crisp try the end bit first look at that request but some of the middle bits are quite soft wow breakfast can get expensive that came to 26 dollars so if you're here for a witty can you eat in there it can get pretty pricey so I'm gonna go and check out the pool I was going to go swimming but this is going to sound strange and I know I said earlier on in the video that the hotel is haunted but I've packed my case but I purposely left my swimming shorts in the bathroom I've come back and they've disappeared apparently no clean has been in here nothing else of my stuff has been touched I've checked for my case again and they're not there they have just disappeared I don't understand where they've gone so I can't go in the pool or I've got to buy some which will probably be really expensive I might have to do that but yeah that's just weird my shorts have just poofed disappeared from the bathroom [Music] so this is the pool and I don't think this has changed much since I was last year it's pretty much stayed the same it's an okay pool there's nothing overly special about this Paul pulls you down on a hot day that's the main thing don't know why the main pool seems to be closed though which is a little bit of a shame it's a crazy backdrop though when you look at the hotel from here wow yeah I don't know why this is shut a bit good about that but is the other side open a lot of these pools as well now have over 21 where you can actually go in topless and talk about ladies obviously it's not very busy at the minute because this is first thing in the morning it gets very busy later on oh yeah it looks like a slide but that is not a slide it's just a water feature it's only 11 o'clock people on the beer already so this is an amazing hotel it is starting to show its age now I first came here in 2006 when it was reasonably new but yeah the rooms are looking a little bit dated even though they have been upgraded a lot of people say that the tower rooms are actually better than the pyramid Suites to be honest the casino is well a casino in Las Vegas the entertainment areas the Titanic exhibition wasn't open I did want to go in there the body's experience that has been in there there's Carrot Top the Blue Man Group there's loads of entertainment going on the pool is again pretty basic and the rest of the hotel especially walking around the hallways of the haunted hotel yeah they it is smelly it looks really old the lifts are awful they're taking forever to get you up and down and sometimes um about 12 people are packing in these lifts sorry the inculators that go up at an angle and as you can see by some of the footage that I shot it was pretty hair raised that you can actually see parts of the lift shaft and the lift being broken it kind of made you a little bit nervous the bathroom is pretty basic the bed was a little bit lumpy for my taking um the room was all right the chairs were pretty old they had stains on them and the whole hotel I have to say didn't smell overly that great normally when you walk into a Las Vegas hotel you get that smell especially in the casino but when you walk around the uh the hallways they do smell it smells like um wet moldy dog I don't know why anyway how much did I pay so I paid 222 dollars for the room rate 39 for the results fee and also a 20 early check-in which brought the total to 282 dollars if you like the video please make sure you do give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button and click here for more Las Vegas videos I'll see you next time
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 746,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Vls4T6M8AmM
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Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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