I Try Virgin Atlantic Upper-Class Is It Worth The Price? - Travel Day To Los Angeles

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hey everyone welcome back so today I'm at London Heathrow Airport at Terminal 3 the home to Virgin Atlantic to fly to Los Angeles and today's flight is going to be a bit of a long one 11 hours and 30 minutes I think there is a little bit of good news and that's that I'm going to be traveling for the first time ever in upper class and I guess I think you could agree that upper class on Virgin Atlantic is a kind of a mix between business class and first class it's kind of in the middle there isn't a bar on this particular plane but there is what they call a skyloft whatever that is and also I get access to the world famous Clubhouse here at Heathrow where everything is complementary so I'm looking forward to it come on let's go and check in okay bit of a cue for economy thankfully I'm not going there however I can actually see a bit of a queue which I didn't think was gonna be the case and this is where I check in quite surprised there's a cube whenever I've walked past here in the past just to see what it's like there's never been a queue and it's typical the time that I'm actually flying in upper class and there's a key by the way you might be wondering how on Earth did I afford this well all become clear in a little bit let's get a bag dropped off let's head to the clubhouse and I'll explain so as an upper class passenger you get first class service to your own private security on this lift look at that red carpet thank you that might have been priority but that did seem quite long to be honest I think I've just gone through at a very busy time so it'll be interesting to see how busy the clubhouse is it's early in the morning I'm gonna try and get some breakfast obviously I don't need to spend too much time in the departure Lounge because I want to get as much time as I can in the clubhouse because there's lots on offer the only problem is is that I've got to find it virgin Clubhouse gate 11. so I've got to go around fancy shops here at Heathrow Terminal 3. I've only got about two hours actually before my flight departs so I am trying to find this Lounge to maximize my time in this Lounge because apparently it is very special and there's so much that you can do in there so I better not waste any time although I am because I can't really find anything up these stairs I believe another key all of that is cute hello brilliant thank you very much well I didn't get walked in like that couple did but I'm okay I'm not gonna moan it's very busy so so I can sit here and get table service which is nice let's have a look up here well like a little skyloft now it'd probably be wrong to get some champagne for breakfast wouldn't it but then again how many times am I going to do this so definitely champagne for breakfast um I'm just going to quickly show you because there's an outside area here that you can see the planes which is pretty unique for this uh Lounge at Heathrow I love the smell of jet fuel weird it's actually up here it's called a garden look at this is carpet is it which way is it oh this way it doesn't look like an entrance to the Garden does it looks like a fire exit well no one's out here today but it is pretty amazing because you get some magnificent views of the planes okay let's talk about how I paid for this flight I wanted to do upper class for a very long time as I was doing the booking I noticed that you can bid for an upgrade that means basically you can bid a price point between uh 350 to I don't know two or three thousand pounds to see if you can get an upgrade so I thought I'll put a bid in and try milac and lo and behold 48 hours ago I was told that congratulations your bid which I put in which is around about 800 pounds has been accepted and congratulations you're now flying in upper class so the original flight cost me 500 pounds the upgrade was 800 pound now if you bear this in mind to how much upper class normally costs which could be thousands up to 4 000 even more depending on times but also it could be a little bit less I think I've got myself a good deal and I thought I might as well try it it kind of does feel like you're in a uh a prison though didn't it a little bit like a prison yard there's not many people out here to be honest probably because the weather's not that great like how there's some private seating behind this handled glass here which is no extra cost it's definitely one of the biggest lounges I've been in now I've got to admit that when I'm about to take a flight the last thing I want to do is exercise these are pelotons strange to put in a airport lounge they don't look like they get used very much and these snooze pods so you can just sit here put your feet up and relax I need some breakfast first though I thought there was somewhere you could get a massage in here maybe that's not here anymore but I'm going to try and look for it simmer flight information here as well that's my flight and they also put a cool out apparently compliment your newspaper or a magazine it's my kind of magazine absolutely love this scan for champagne which I've already done so I've been giving a breakfast menu on here there's a whole choice to go for now obviously it's going to be a long flight um but I'm not going to go for anything too heavy at this stage because I want to enjoy the food on board thank you very much can I go for the um the eggs florentine please cheers I can't say it tastes any different to Carver there'll be people out there saying oh my god of course it does I'm more than happy buying some Tesco Carver still tastes the same to me unless they've given me something cheaper I don't know because I didn't see them pour it but you know I can get as much of this as I want but you also get a welcome drink when you get on board as well so the flight is over 11 hours so I should in theory be able to get two meals in there and maybe some snacks too hopefully I'm gonna try and get some sleep because I didn't get much sleep last night and obviously I had to travel from Norfolk which took me forever to get to Heathrow through all the traffic so I'm hoping to get a couple of hours sleep I've never been on a fully flat bed in the air before so I'm looking forward to it so I just spoke to one of the ladies there is no more massage here that's the only reason why I came in here it's been replaced by Peloton bikes which is what we saw which is a bit stupid really because like I would much rather have a massage than go on a fitness bike wouldn't you as airport lounges go it's okay I mean yeah you can get free food and free drink in most airport lounges yes you can't always get champagne and the breakfast is okay around I'd rather just get on and go but this time well I've got priority so I'm going to get on as soon as I can to make the most of it this is like the longest walkway ever why walk when you can glide everyone is here we all board the same door anyway so I think it was on an Emirates plane that I went out on to Dubai you don't even get to see the first class passengers because they uh they board on a separate door this is all the same thank you today yeah I am then in my little cabin hang on that did a lot so I've got a little bit of privacy I will show you around properly once we're Airborne but just looking at some of these buttons down here they look a little bit battered and dirty there's even some food lodged in there cheers I feel like the seat actually isn't that wide I think I've had wider seats in premium economy before this is your seat belt it's like a car ready to go excited to welcome you onward Virgin Atlantic thank you for flying with us today you're no doubt Keen to lose yourself in our dazzling world of entertainment but first we're going to show you a safety film and we'd like you to give it your full attention [Music] thank you let's have a look at the goodie bag see what's inside High patch some flight socks well yeah socks flight socks a toothbrush look at that some Ren lip balm virgin pen some Rend day cream hand cream toothpaste and some earbuds not bad so let's have a look at the menu welcome aboard it's lovely to have you here so I've got a choice of a couple of starters a couple of mains dessert and cheese and port and after that I can have either a cream tea buttermilk chicken slider cheese sandwich or a vegetable Indian platter alcohol might as well go for some champagne they do cocktails and of course coffee and hot drinks so let's show you around the scene first up I've got the entertainment system with the maps on here I can actually pair this to my mobile phone and use it as a when see how long I've got left destination outside temperature loads of movies I can connect to the Wi-Fi loads of movies to choose from my headphones are down here I was saying on the EasyJet flight the other day that don't see sick bags anymore you're doing first class so I can actually push the TV back like that so as we just took off some crisps and some champagne when table comes out here like this pull this across and that's my dinner table ready to go but I can just store it like that not quite sure what this is for all oh I don't look good this is where the bed lays out and my feet can go in there quite comfortably although it is quite tight it's my light here a couple of shelves my phone on it shampoo don't have some nice flowers there and then I can control my seat here lay it down you can also control the audio reading light service Bell so that's my little room tour I'm just gonna enjoy my champagne I will show you what the toilets are like because I'm interested to see if the toilet's in first class sorry upper class are any better than well your normal toilets on Virgin Atlantic cheers once I've added that I will be getting my head down for a few hours so I will show you how this looks as a fully flat bed let's go into the toilets it's not very often I do toilet reviews but obviously I have to talk about it the best thing about this is that you've got a window in a toilet there's not many airplane toilets that have a window is there and a full length mirror more of this Ren stuff as well to put on your hands looks like marble but it's it's not sensor as well that this on the mirror though I don't know how old the plane is but this little divider here which only comes out to here for your privacy doesn't really do much but it's really stiff like I can't pull it and this thing here I just had to get some of the crew to help me lift it up because it wasn't going up so starter is here proper knives and forks so funny all you can hear is people clattering with their knives and forks on their plates yeah it's okay it's salmon I've got a very nice warm bread roll with some not melted butter actually don't they always say that your taste buds change it 30 000 feet one thing I've noticed that's missing and that's the signature salt and pepper for Virgin Atlantic I've seen our photos yet there's no salt and pepper here which I'm absolutely gutted about so here is the main I pre-ordered this actually online because I wanted to try something a little bit different it's um I'm trying to remember what it is now it's Lobster and crap I believe I think it's uh kind of a lobster and crab ravioli in a rich what tastes like buttery sauce that's nice with um looks like stuff of a tree it's just baby asparagus I don't know that's good that's probably one of the best airplane meals I've had I'll tell you what it's a great experience um sitting and eating your dinner and looking out dessert is here this is a chocolate El grain Delice at least the lice is that edible not bad so I'm absolutely good because there used to be a bar here but they've changed this area now for meeting people um and congregating during the flight I think it's called The Loft or something so there's a couple of seats here you can see where you're going across the Atlantic and yeah it's nice a bit lonely when you sat on your own though I think I preferred it when it was a bar not that I ever came up here but I did see photos and Gabby did come and sit on the bar on our honeymoon because we were flying premium economy and they invited us up to the barn so trying to get on to La time where it's 3 A.M I thought I might as well catch a little bit of sleep my pajamas they've made my bed up I've got to change into these and uh yeah we'll go for a nap apparently they don't normally offer this on a day flight so I did actually have to ask for these pajamas which I can keep I think when it says reuse me anyway let's get changed okay so we're waiting for medium large just because I wanted to be comfortable I didn't want it to be too tight but they're massive but that's fine because I just want to relax in them it doesn't matter I don't need no street cred I know don't laugh my better weights your feet go all the way in there this is actually really comfy I have to wear a seat belt as well so you know in case of turbulence and they don't have to wake me up got my eye patches on I'm not going to use the earplugs mood lighting off switch off and I'll see in a few hours and I'm like I feel like I want to say morning I had about two hours sleep I think but actually this is really comfy and this thing they've put on it they should keep it on there all the time because it's so comfy right I'm gonna wake myself up grab a cup of tea and then I'm looking forward to a sandwich or maybe a cream tea just before then because I think we've got about three hours left so I've read somewhere to save on jet lag you should drink a lot of water during the flight so that's what I'm trying to do but jet lag isn't that bad when you go over to La it's when you come back because when it really hits you because I try and beat the jet lag by having a maybe a little snooze on the plane and then staying awake until you know it's it's bedtime over in LA eight hours behind the UK for the cream tea I thought I'd go for a little bit of a snack and get my money's worth this is the Applewood cheese sandwich with house slaw seasoned leaves brown bread served with salted crisps and a nice cup of tea foreign wow my bag was actually waiting for me because the queue through Homeland Security they are very thorough they don't want anyone coming into the United States you know okay so I've got to go and get my car hired which is off the airport and um I tried to go for an all an American car when I went through the hire process what I'm trying to say is I went for a car that is pretty cool so let's go and find this Car Hire I feel like I know this airport so well if you've ever played the game Grand Theft Auto you know I mean it doesn't say anything on the email so I think I better just get a taxi there apparently because traffic's so busy it's going to take about 20 minutes for the taxi to get here what too much I had to get it this car is amazing now obviously when you're cruising around Beverly Hills you've definitely got to look the part so that's why I went to this car so if you want to see more of my American Adventure don't forget to give the video a thumbs up make sure you hit that subscribe button and I'll see you next time get back in the car
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 539,685
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Id: OpanTLnkvqA
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Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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