Bizarre Official Pokemon Cards You've Never Seen

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Coolridge innings but against Michael here and I should probably immediately address why I'm not filming this video in front of my usual plushie shelf background that is because me and Jubilee are in the process of moving across the country so for the next few weeks we are living out of this temporary housing which doesn't have his fun of a background the Pokemon Trading Card Game has featured some pretty strange art over the years anywhere from a very depressing cubone to an onyx trapped in a space watermelon to a way to seductive ambipom with a move called furry chance but what you may not have known is that the Pokemon TCG the modern trading card game is not the only set of Pokemon cards that has ever been released there was another one that only came out in Japan and it featured some interesting art that was the Pocket Monsters card ass trading cards yes card ass you heard me correctly apparently that's the name of ban dice card vending machines that are in Japan something that I didn't previously know existed apparently these Pokemon or pocket monster cards were available from these vending machines back in the late 90s in Japan there is no game associated with these cards like the mainline TCG these ones are simply collectibles there are a hundred and fifty three different cards one for each of the original 151 Kanto Pokemon plus two special cards one that features red and the base form starters and one that features red and blue and the fully evolved starters the back of each card features information and trivia about that particular species of Pokemon but the much more interesting front of the card features original art of that Pokemon by Ken Sugimori the original illustrator for the Pokemon games art and each instance of a Pokemon on these cards is shown using a particular move much of this art is exclusive to this set of cards so for the rest of this video I'm gonna go over each and every one of the 150 one species cards and react to them as a way to show off just how strange and interesting so much of these drawings on bulbasaur is using leech seed but the seeds look basically like ladybug eggs Ivysaur is using razor leaf nothing crazy ear just what's cool Venusaur is using vine whip what stands out to me with this art is that the vines are covered in spikes which I don't believe is seen anywhere else in pokémon Charmander is using Ember nothing crazy here Charmeleon is using slash it seems this Charmeleon has two large claws and one small claw on each hand whereas most of the time it's shown with all three claws close to the same size with the center one being a tad longer Charizard is using flamethrower seems normal to me squirtle is using withdraw and what amuses me about this is that normally withdraw entails squirtles head and limbs entering its shell here it just looks like a side AK with a headache Wartortle is using skull bash I suppose skull bash means that hexagons appear over its head that's confusing to me Blastoise is using hydro pump and looks normal maybe just a bit more hunched over than normal Caterpie is using string shot and clearly this one is young because its aim is horrible Metapod is using harden and it looks wildly different first off it's grey making it seem like it's made of metal but this might just be done to show that it's using hardened however the rest of its body looks different too with a much pointy ER top of the head the two points on the sides going more parallel to its body rather than outward much thicker tail stripes that go further up its body and its body width is more uniform throughout rather than it being much wider around the head it honestly looks like a bug steal a Lola form of Metapod water freeze using poison powder and while at first I thought it had an extra pair of wings it turns out that's just representing it flapping its wings Weedle is using poison sting supposedly to me it just looks like it's angry kikuna is using harden and does not appear gray like Metapod did but what's interesting about this is that it's holding its armed slash stinger things out and the only other place that's really ever seen doing this is in its original red and blue sprite Beedrill is using pin missile and is actually launching its abdomen stinger like mega Sceptile does with its tail to my knowledge it has never seen doing this anywhere else Pidgey is using sand attack nothing crazy here just showing that it launches the sand by flapping its wings Pidgeotto is using wing attack but instead of smacking or slicing with its wing it's shooting out its feathers like projectiles Pidgeot is using agility which looks normal to me Rattata is using focus energy like in the games it's simply surrounded by some kind of glowing energy Raticate is using super Fang and looks normal to me Sparrow is using leer and also looks normal it's just staring at you beero is using drill peck spitting its entire body to do so interestingly in the anime while some Pokemon spend their entire bodies to use drill Peck every time a hero is shown using drill Peck only its beak spins Ekans is using leer and its eyes are glowing as a result this is interesting since sparrow using the same move does not have glowing eyes auerbach is using acid and this is the first of many cards that features another Pokemon within the art here are Bacchus spraying acid on a Diglett that honestly looks more annoyed than hurt pikachu is using thunder now while the proportions of it are different than modern pikachu that's not the most interesting part since as we all know Pikachu's body shape has changed many times over the years what's fascinating about this art is that it has a distinct belly of a lighter color than the rest of its body the only other official art of Pikachu that I could find where it has a distinct belly is its original sprites in red blue and green but in these sprites its belly is darker than the rest of its body not lighter right Shu is using thunder shock and looks pretty normal Sam shrew is using sand attack and also looks normal sand slash is using poison sting and may I say it looks really cool doing it I do think it's interesting that it's using this attack by launching the actual spines on its back rather than just the needle shaped poison energy like in the anime neater and female is using growl and looks normal Nita Rena is using bite on a disgruntled Voltorb which to me is just funny nidoqueen is using poison sting and to do so spines are actually jutting out of its body where there normally are none they aren't firing off though they're just there it's pretty strange looking neater and male is using leer but no glowing eyes just like Spiro nee Torino is using focus energy and looks normal neato King is using horn drill and all looks as usual Clefairy is using pound which apparently is used the same way that double slap is clefable is using metronome a subtle detail here is that it has a single thing like clefairy does but clefable isn't shown with that Fang in any other art Vulpix is using tail whip and ninetails is using roar both of these look normal Jigglypuff is using sync again it looks normal Wigglytuff is using disable and is doing so on a very distressed looking side deck this looks like some Frankenstein type Stephanie also Wigglytuff doesn't have a distinct belly like usual Zubat is using super sonic and looks normal golbat is using wing attack and it's using it in the typical fashion of striking with its wing this makes Pidgeotto firing off its feathers even more unusual oddish is using sleep powder but it looks like it in inverted Lee did so on itself and then got really high as a result gloom is using solar beam and while it looks normal I do want to say that I really like the retro looking representation of solar beam in this aren't while plume is using petal dance and looks normal Harris is using leech life and is doing so by literally sinking its teeth into a Weedle this one is pretty unnerving in my opinion you normally never see violence to this degree in pokemon para sect is using Spore but super weirdly instead of making the victim psychic fall asleep it's just making mushrooms start growing on its head it's super weird Venona is using poison powder and looks normal venomoth is using and is doing so by blasting circular waves from its eyes which is definitely not how psychic is usually portrayed Nicollet is using dig and looks normal Dugtrio is using earthquake which is amusingly done by it just shaking also the farthest back head seems really upset about it for some reason Meowth is using pay day and just looks goofy Persian is using slash and looks normal Psyduck is using scratch and is clearly getting revenge for the other Pokemon attacking me Golduck is using confusion which apparently means just holding out your hand angrily speaking of that hand it has four fingers while all Golduck art nowadays shows it with three fingers there are a couple instances of Gothic art very early on where it did have four fingers Menke is using karate chop and looks normal primeape is using thrash and again looks normal actually at first I thought it was drawn with forearms like Machamp but like with Butterfree the extra limbs are only drawn to convey motion growlithe is using ember and looks normal just a little chubby Arcanine is using leer again with no eyes glowing and looks normal I guess it just super cartoony in this drawing which is definitely not how arcanine looks nowadays poliwag is using hypnosis but the hypnotic Gries are coming from its forehead not its spiral belly and I always thought it would come from the spiral belly cuz that's just what makes sense Poliwhirl is using water gun but instead of launching the water from the center of its spiral like it does in the anime it's launching it out of its hands like my dad used to do at the pool although it could just be holding its hands in front of where the water is coming out to streamline it or aiming Poliwrath is using double slap and looks substantially less buff than normal it looks just like a Poliwhirl with angry eyes rather than a buff Poliwhirl with angry eyes like it normally is Abra is using teleport and looks really cool to me I like how its drawn part of the way through its teleportation Kadabra is using psybeam on a poliwag which amusingly due to the effects of the attack has eyes that match its belly Alec is using reflect which is strangely just some energy around it rather than the usual floating wall Machop is using low kick and looks normal Machoke is using seismic toss but it's unclear whether it's using seismic toss on the rock or if throwing the rock is how the attack is done if the rock is part of the attack then that's a dramatic deviation from normal Mon champ is using mega kick and looks normal Bellsprout is using vine whip and the vines are super spindly once that are actually its root feet growing out really long this contrasts with how it is shown using it in the anime where one just shoots out from its torso weepinbell is using acid and from the looks of this art it is doing so in more ways than one it's super elongated and it's just drooling an absurd amount of acid straight onto the ground it looks insane victreebel is using razor leaf and while it doesn't look as crazy as weepinbell it also looks very weird first off its head vine splits into three separate vines rather than just one I could not find any other art of victreebel where it has three vines additionally its use of razor leaf features it spinning its leaves around its body like a helicopter rather than throwing out sharp leaves like it does in the anime or like what Ivysaur is doing from the same scent this whole evolution line in this card set is just odd tentacle is using supersonic launching the sound waves from its tentacles instead of its forehead like how it's usually seen attacking Tentacruel is using constrict on a very annoyed and uncomfortable electrode Geodude is using rock throw and while at first glance its body seems to have spines like Nidoqueen using poison sting I think these are here to convey motion in other words Geodude is just moving down because it's slamming into the ground like it's using body slam so apparently the rock that it's throwing is itself gravel err is using harden and does appear grey but it's grey and early art anyways so that's probably normal golem is using explosion which oh my god apparently means just obliterating its own body why the freaking hell is this so violent it is bursting into pieces with dismembered limbs and head and looks happy about it this is some messed up art ponyta is using fire spin with the circling flames actually circling its own body it doesn't make a whole lot of sense but it looks super cool rapid ash is using agility which looks normal just looks like it's running straight at you slowpoke is using growl and also kind of looks like its jaw is made of putty Slowbro is using amnesia and looks mostly normal just with a putty like jaws similar to slow poke Magnemite is using thunder shock and looks mostly normal but an interesting uniqueness is its I normally Magnemite eyes remain level with the rest of its body so if you remove the screws and the magnets a perfect sphere would be left this manga meit's eye is bulbous and is sticking out from the body this isn't seen anywhere else Magneton is using supersonic and looks normal Farfetch'd is using sword stance which looks like he's just dancing dancing with an incredible amount of smug swagger I might add doduo is using growl and is amusingly shown with its next tangled dodrio is using tri-attack supposedly it just looks like it's yelling at something to the left seal is using rest and looks normal dugong is using ice beam on a very unfortunate ditto which has comically become lustrous and rigid due to being frozen Grimer is using poison gas and muck is using sludge both of which look normal shelter is using supersonic and again looks normal cloyce tourism spike cannon and like be drill is actually shooting off a part of its body that we don't see it detach in any other media gastly is using nightshade its eyes are much redder than normal but i think that's due to it using nightshade pokemon in the anime using that move are often shown with glowing red eyes ponter is supposedly using hypnosis but it doesn't show the spiral energy waves that poliwag was shown using for the same moon Gengar is using Dream Eater and this is probably the funniest art in this entire said it's literally eating a Snorlax is dream about food that's hilarious onyx is using rage and looks normal drowsy is using hypnosis and like Haunter is not shown shooting off any sort of energy it's just looking at you hypno is using meditates and also displaying its impressive hip flexibility graeme is using guillotine on another did oh poor thing Tingler is using crabhammer on probably the same ditto hitting it so hard that chunks of it are splattering off geez some of this art is harsh Voltorb is using light screen and both Voltorb and light screen look much like how they appear in other media electrode is using explosion and like Gollum is actually breaking apart its body when using the attack that is messed up execute is using barrage and interestingly this execute most closely resembles how the species appeared in its red and blue sprite where there's one egg that is much larger than the others exeggutor is using stop playing a game of whack-a-mole with some Diglett cubone is using growl and I believe this art shows the most of what Cubans head looks like under its mother's skull pretty fascinating marowak is using bone meringue and looks normal Hitmonlee is using jump kick and hitmonchan is using counter both of which look normal like a tongue is using slam on a weepinbell which like in its own card is extremely elongated and oh my god coughing coughing is using self-destruct and it has shattered its own body into pieces with a smile on his face this is probably the most disturbing art and this entire set to me this coughing has just shattered its body apart with a smile on its face now I know electrode and golem broke apart their own bodies too but electrode seems like you could just put the two halves back together and while golems dismembered head and legs are pretty uncomfortable it still distinct body segments that look like they could just glue back together whereas coughing looks like a shattered wine glass like that doesn't look like something you could fix reusing is using haze and thankfully looks normal Rhyhorn is using focus energy and ride-on is using take down and both look normal Chauncey is using Singh and again looks normal tangela is using constrict on a crime Psyduck Psyduck ditto and Diglett just get really beat up in this set Kangaskhan is using dizzy punch which apparently looks a lot like sky uppercut horsey is using smoke screen and Sidra is using water gun both of which look normal Goldeen is using supersonic and looks totally fine we just learned that it's supersonic comes from its horn seeking is using horn drill and an interesting difference in this art for most seeking depictions it's how skinny the red stripe on the underside of its body is most of the time it's shown being much thicker Staryu is using swift and looks normal sharmee is using water gun but the water is coming out of its center gem in the anime star bees water gun is always shown coming out of the tip of its uppermost limb mr. Rhyne is using barrier to stop a war turtles attack cycler is using sword stance so apparently this poses it dancing jinx is using lovely kiss and has its original coloring prior to it being changed due to the racist controversy electabuzz is using thunder punch but oddly it has the electricity coming out of its antenna rather than its fist magmar is using flamethrower and looks normal pincer is using guillotine with its pincers bent so far down that it could attack something directly in front of it without bending over to my knowledge it is never shown being able to bend its pincers that far down anywhere else Toros is using takedown again on a very unfortunate side deck Magikarp is using splash and Gyarados is using hyper beam both of which look normal Lapras is using Singh despite not having any musical notes around it like Chauncey and Jigglypuff did ditto is using transform and is apparently frustrated that it can't decide which of the canto starters to transform into this art is pretty bizarre like three different heads just coming out of it like that's weird Eevee is using tail whip and looks normal they pouring on his using mist and also looks normal Jolteon is using pin missile and a pair the quills it shoots out are actually lightning bolts shaped so that's a fun tidbit Flareon is using fire spin and looks normal porygon is using try attack which apparently involves it enclosing itself in some kind of electric tetrahedron I have no idea why it's doing this besides a tetrahedron has four sides and four vertices like what does that have to do a tri attack on the knight is using water gun and looks normal on the star is using spiked cannon and like be drilling cloyster is firing off parts of its body that we don't see detach anywhere else Kabuto is using Harden and the shell that is normally brown looks very grey this is supporting evidence that Metapod was only grey because it too was using harden also the spots on its shell are yellow circles here rather than the usual black dots Kabutops is using slash and looks normal Aerodactyl is using wing attack on a slowpoke that has the belly of a Slowbro oddly enough Articuno is using blizzard and looks normal Zapdos is using thunder shock which oddly is coming from its feet Moltres is using sky attack and looks normal dratini is using bind on a Charmander poor die dragonair is using dragon rage and I must say the energy dragon looks a lot like agario Dragonite is using hyper beam out of its antenna when normally it is seen firing it from its mouth neo2 is using psychic which apparently just means lifting rocks into the air also its proportions look a bit goofy in this art and finally nu is using metronome and looking very smug while doing so so there we have it that was every card and the Bandai card ass training card set thanks so much for checking out these weird cards with me and if you enjoyed this video and want to see some more of my fun Pokemon content I recommend this video here alright that's all I have for now so don't next time to be pants you gotta catch the mom
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,644,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, pokemon cards, pokemon tcg, rare pokemon cards, opening pokemon cards
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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