Worst Games Ever - Mary Kate and Ashley: Winners Circle

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Daten tell you friends videos [Music] [Music] [ __ ] your shirt in Yorkshire right you want to show him what you're wearing almost like when you forget your PE kit yeah you have to go to the lost property where something really embarrassing brick Hannah Montana welcome to worst games ever shipped games for Windows well / well we play bad games sent in by you this week this one is from Jane this is Mary Kate Mary - Kate and Ashley's winners winners sir Melissa Camilla circle Sam Mary Kate and Ashley and Simon is Miller's sir I do kind of want to lay down the law here and now we are we shouldn't call Simon Miller in here so he's broken his collarbone bless him yeah and we're not ringing him today no that's fine Peter I was last week's games victim which means this week I am the game's master dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dip and I am there for today's games victim dude it did it did it did it did it did it thanks also with us today yet you may recognize not only that if you've sent it to us we did a load of posts on tap recordings yesterday they're not going out for ages but our friends have changed ever so slightly we brought them in anyway you'll have to wait until their actual official debut in a few weeks time even though this is so it's all like a tiny whiny thing isn't worried about it but it's fine so do you wanna go from right to left yeah okay here we got Billy Ray dolorous Billy clay Waris Billy fly-on-the-wall us Billy our Woolworth very good Billy Ray Boris now this is a new one should we come back to her let's come back to her we've got Billy Ray Ray war original and I highly Walrus Billy Ray Billy will will worse or worse and the winner of all of us yes this because of course we've got Miley we've now also got Hannah Rick Hannah Montana rest in pieces now the problem that we've got is we can't think of a pun name for her the best we've come up with is Hannah swim Tanner not good we need your help to come up with a good pun that is clever something vaguely relating to sea mammals or walruses preferably I'd really like you to get the word walrus in there because all these others are a walrus even the trophy has a walrus I suppose though but tweet us at videos official I still quite like you get the best of both walrus you think you get the best of both war let's start this [ __ ] game oh oh so hot and fresh some really hot things there that's just about fresh let's get in this stinky outer side mary-kate and Ashley calm register now we all games for real girls how many [ __ ] logos okay I'm excited they actually wrote on real horses for this that's not it might be doing a bit of dressage nice that horse has socks on I love how how what the hell is this guy there it's the apocalypse the apocalypse oh god what's wrong with the power they've sped them up walking looks it looks more interesting oh they are actually counting so hunting yeah do you think this was recorded just for this thing or do you think there are episodes well they had a vast meet your own PI big day same riding at some point at some point they were on horses although they both look really uninterested good oh good it's like Michael Flatley you know above the waist he's completely stationary to do well can we just have that horse moving across to some Irish dance music please I'm gonna read the box to you are you ready to ride yes saddle up for some hightailed adventure on horseback yeah joy the true experience of owning your very own horse yeah compete in equestrian events like show jumping cross-country demo mode oh that one's less excited that one sickly it looks yeah dressage dressage explore exciting riding world and earn ribbons by solving puzzles no trade in ribbons to buy fabulous outfits fabulous right as Mary - Kate Ashley or a custom created player in 1 or 2 player riding my make our own players it's stuck on a loading screen shoes choose name and take care of your voice oh my god of your very own arse it's a dream come true it looks great from that yeah looks great it's a dream come true oh my goodness like the mode you want to play is that one of them I don't know what they sound like all I'm aware about the mode you want to play is elizabeth Olsen it's a two-player game it is I just read it carrier oh ok off there that might be Mary - Kate yeah as well she's too - a tease because people keep cutting her off but you can finish your name I think there's actually a third part of the of this app who is just always stood behind the two of them or it's Mary that seems unhygenic having a kitchenette in an area where there are horses around why she got braided hair as well as we Oh not look like either of legally clothes and rider Mary Kay Ashlee's locked where she loaded is she dead I was after their twins oh I have to load a separate model oh there has one of them a slightly different hair Peter write a custom write a custom obviously oh my god what's going on with the left eye oh no all the facial features it's not only good like kitchen okay he's had way too much got Oh put your stuff well let me give you another science fact while I was out what the [ __ ] is going on this game was released on the 5th of March 2001 for the PlayStation and the Game Boy Color it was published by the now-defunct acclaim and developed by Tantalus who were responsible for a number of ports and tie-in titles and who are still around and kicking today ok I go in here poorly as idly he didn't made a horse no I thought that was the sound guy No so Tantalus is still around today Peter Wright having recently ported the likes of Sonic mania and rhyme to the Minton switch and they also handled ports of Zelda games to the Wii U right and zomp formerly zombiu is they ported that oh yeah so they're they're actually they're doing some quite big ports they're still around they're not making anything newest what's her name the the lead writer for Bianca knee well - worked on zombie you that's unfortunate yeah okay I'm in saying look some what's going on with the unwell eyebrows yeah Oh Michael Jackson that's Michael Jackson all the eye oh my god oh oh that was a really bad one I mean well yeah yeah yeah yeah I wanted that one I didn't want that one why don't you want that one Peter why what are you afraid of I want the Michael Jackson one okay coward I'm making me now you're making as a lay Horace Horace why Horace good sounds a bit like a horse right ponytailed you get it no I I just I don't know the I Pat them down the folks might not I feel about setting Horace's Horace or not like short pigtails but this is America and Ashley winner's circle horse riding game not a pig riding game I think I think she should be cool one Jim personally yeah that's fine no sorry well I thought I'd just be a bit all right no it's not what it is that well that's what we're doing here Peter why did all of these look like they could be an Olsen twin yeah can we can we name her how much space do you get can we call her Horace Olson she's the she's be extra triplet yeah no she's just a spare twin you want type four I do I'm a big fan of Type four yeah I mean look at her she's beautiful she is so he's angry I'm just an unreasonably angry let's do it what was that and what was that is that some kind of weird like Mason handshake sort of horse thing I think eggs ear next Yeah right MLP right horse set up to create you can choose all great your various avoid eugenic stuff yes this guy's been dipped in tars select horse named Horace there you go there it is in fact can we just call him horse but spelt Horace you're off the horse Unleashed Star Wars the horse Unleashed yeah let oh right so hang on let me just let me just show you yeah to do leg markings oh god it's just just like quality of life touches to make things to make things usable if you want to do you have a choice of doing face markings or leg markings now to do leg markings you press up on the d-pad yeah so do face markings you go down on the d-pad that doesn't make any sense so it's inverted horse customization control Christ did you know Peter that in 2001 the United States equestrian team listed Mary - Kate and Ashley winner's circle as a top pick a top pick it says it on the box it should not just a topic no a top pick I've googled it it doesn't make any sense 2001 top pick for the United States equestrian team we can have past ins socks stockings a black brown light book skin I've got it so slow isn't it yeah oh that's really bright one shrill we're not gonna lose it chestnut I think we should be riding some sort of demon horse out of hell okay dapple gray all right oh okay maybe he bitten oh no that's just a pasture signal horse not a non-addictive of its health it might be grow in the errata Palomino oh that's like we're definitely a rapper yeah hi bald isn't he Dennis the Menace's friend yes Archie and piebald yeah skew bald well that's nice they only mates they start hey BAE I kind of want a flea-bitten horse yeah I want to kind of pretty no I'm gonna bow to your judgment here okay thanks just because the thing is Peter oh my god I just don't care enough about this game to argue with you right what else you got in there black boldface oh I mean that's pretty demonic like that's real with that that's really bad no X is to go forward exit except okay okay we've made our horrible horse horse yes save that one no ok don't save it that's fine one Jeff Olson horse river line no nothing it's time to get out there on the horse very excited three-day event on an adventure bones check on it free ride free ride let's get three ride forest world or island world I like a good forest let's go for a forest yeah yeah Horus in the forest mm-hmm hmm that's just horse not Horus origin in the forest horse in the force I'm ready for fact are you yeah if you're ready to give me facts oh I looked up the real games for real girls series there's not a lot of information about it and surprisingly if you go to the website it's just a series of flash games okay there was a reddit thread and it seems to be almost exclusively comprised of Mary - Kate and Ashley Olsen games over the fog it's almost exclusively mary-kate and Ashley Mary - Carrie - Kate oh the to do Oh No is that us stop it where did she come from where did she go where did she come from cotton-eye was the point in creating a character when you look like that why is it leaning like that it's like it is like my Michael Jackson move isn't I need a spirit level for my horse go gallop gallop Oh watch out for the tree aren't doing anything just goes oh man so is there like you know maybe something to do here structure on it oh I've just struggled a while can I jump in it yeah it's almost be better if there's no water at the bottom yes I understand there's a well that you've done when you reach the bottom as well I wonder if it works a well doesn't not work it's just does it have water in it oh this Wells broken what you can't break a well it's not saying that the ocean is out of order yeah what are you talking about how do I get off the horse wait this is a camera that's a camera angle option there yeah where you want that one that's the one of the better camera oh there's the floor just having a time kind dismount No so what's the point in the well Christ it's well as so old I wonder if it works can you go into the water cause like minecraft isn't it no there's not like minecraft at all rubbish looks just like minecraft bonk songs yeah with all the chunks loading and that kind of MC Escher painting this why does it figure to the top of this Pete oh there's the world as the boys well that's majestic look stop sniffing a hangar I've got 0 out of 50 hearts rippin internal organ it does look like some kind of organ doesn't it so that's right there's the well I wonder if it works it's so old I wonder if it works well it's so old I wonder if it works oh there's a turn turn your horse around button if you press down when you're rosin but she sort of bends the horse in half look Oh God that's not how horses turn there's a plot there little Lin oh right that's a good angle I wonder if it works I got a this a heart/liver and great well it works I'll in picture up here oh okay great gameplay over there in the mirror she didn't even turn that with her hand you just studies spit why is there just soap they've taken a screenshot of it while it's spinning and that's what that symbol is turned into because it's got the yellow stuff on it oh I see so that please don't make us go around oh it's a Ford Ford awfully old feel afford yield you feel honey or on top this is bad yeah Yuri oh yeah Michael is taking a and I am owl Oh am i yes what is this shitgame is there anything just anything that you got five I'm just riding full had a weird arbitrary number I've got fire you getting my about of fifty so another way there are how many 20 20 go and snowed that's some math is it 25 I've got one tenth of them right so yes we're aware of ten why not just put one out of ten mental maths there that was really hard that wasn't really difficult five out of 50 what is that how that's that's at least two what's five divided by 50 divided by five it's gonna be at least seven I think there's a 1 in it this is the number there shortly well what Peter did you know the Jesse Lee Porter who is the only person to have ever speedrun this really how what the Jesse Lee ported or time did Jesse Lee port again well gender-neutral they did it in 43 minutes and 42 seconds well what's the point what is the actual point in creating a cab whole world was gone they're only just loaded it really is mine if this is like beta minecraft oh look at this oh I'm gonna stand right on this no stop what is the point in creating a character if this is all you see she's white and she's wearing a blue shirt and has and has hair that's all we know in this situation looking really good this so good go fast she's going yeah she's going speed a sound yeah oh can I walk here's the question how steep can you go yelling oh [ __ ] oh my god out there cliff so when do we encounter like the Bears are they here yeah what can I shoot anything ah boo here like are there any loot crate's to open yeah when when is the circle closed yeah smaller the storms coming yeah is Protoss an unlockable character in this game I think so is there anything other than a well I tell you what let's do a three day event shall we yeah that's a good idea how do we leave show map now god loading are we've explored nearly half of it somehow or available from the old mill shop okay leave a venture work done with that leaving oh my god yeah maybe this week I mean I'm giving it a lot of cutting it a lot of slack but maybe because we were just in a free ride there wasn't a great deal to do but apparently there's a pink blue and green ribbon around there some red ribbon so fin well done yeah let's let's do an objective based yeah let's do it let's do an objective based manner to speak yeah the mary-kate and Ashley games are a series of video games released between 1999 and 2002 that feature Mary - Kate and Ashley Olsen in various scenarios such as trying to solve crimes caring for horses or freeing a shopping mall from a curse a curse the games were released by acclaim entertainment on several different game systems such as The Game Boy Color and the first PlayStation console reception for the games have been heavily negative oh dear I like how it can generalize across probably dozens of there's no Wikipedia article for each game is just there Mary Mary - Kate and Ashley games I can buy some planets you'll get just the right pick what you gotta get just the right pair bothers either blue or red red blue or a protection jackets that's it sweet errs yeah it's getting old you have duper jodhpurs what are ya what a jobs pers jodhpurs can we get a job part of this slightly weird tight yoga pants for riding horses sexy let's put them on yeah what is it Jodhpur you'll see how old is our oo naked 3 2 1 massive zoom on that ass oh oh look at a weird finger on the other hand when it comes around you ready oh oh my god Oh white gloves is very fancy yeah we should get a top too much on you Jody Christo shouldn't we hi Jon oh that's not riding a tire is it Matt's cost 30 [ __ ] off I'm bored of this place yeah let's shop let's go somewhere else let's do an actual event actual event ah ah event actual event I forgot what do you mean she didn't put it on on her own jodhpurs oh it's loading them Brown but splits up the naked job does there you go that's not a nice look bad ass in the mirror she's probably five well it's up to us how old she is should we just we made her yeah 1-1 Jeff Olson is at least 56 okay one one Jeff Olson is is her own he's a GILF just a girl I'd like to know grandma grooming you could groom a horse I think he has it let's groom this girl let's groom this this one Jeff Alton it's time to groom her oh if the horse that's fine right feed and water at some point we've got a race Oh in our hearts oh there's not a minigame it's just right okay I fed and watered it groom paint hooves what why these not mini-games hey oh I am appalled I am completely appalled that there's not a game where you just brush the horse what the [ __ ] are you not do you not think this is a massive cop-out oh I think it's [ __ ] but like I'm just I'm still haunted by the shape of that horse tail paint hooves come on hold some pants on I'm gonna choose a color or something no pig pit hooves what pick who's yeah choose choose Bertuzzi 100 just getting this [ __ ] out of his hooves clean stable [Music] so part of the job right what job is that raking up poops big old poop breaks right well that's that's a that's [ __ ] awful a horse has been cared for let's do an actual event now right object on a three-day of maybe three day event or what there's different types of adventure on there well I don't want to draw on any more adventure can beginners well that's the one it's not winner's circle Miller circle yeah beginners circle I was another option on the bottom they don't know if you saw it Miller Miller circle that's where there's a good time yeah just come along bring your horse don't even have to race if you don't like horse that's alright no just lift some weights I've got some of those hobby horses you just get on the stick and pretend it yes oh my god what girl is weird floating stuck on these two debaters yeah but it's fine judges it just moves over you hitting the gym a lot you know they're in good shape they're defined yeah they're not much of a shape but they are in a shake home or it's a bit sort of vomit-inducing this era feel a bit motion sick I've already got the first H I'm standing in it right so there's four H's and then a series of three to halt one yeehaw salute no salute walk dropped to error of gate what the [ __ ] is going on disqualifies why why what does solute mean hello dressage is when you you go at a set [ __ ] because we got the highest school yeah we go [ __ ] in 40 [ __ ] kick whereas it's not like golf is it it's not like guilty Oh next event it's a three day event okay I've got to embarrass ourselves again for those two days right you find out what salute is so I don't want to kind of I kind of understand what dressage is it's like you go at like certain places through through that's what those balls were they were like the different speeds that we had to go and I was doing most of it I just didn't do a salute at the beginning is it what kind of solute is well I think this is a race well they should be is it a drag race it's a straight line what next to jump Oh Oh like that for me oh you look back well like I didn't press X to jump I need to get a run-up Oh limping I press X is it eggs yeah I don't I pressed it I did it I don't actually care I can't be arsed little balcony well well surely you're winning Peter look at all the people who have come out to see you oh it's so high it is really hard how why they put a dream this is surely aimed at like you know eight-year-old girls why is it well done why is it so difficult with all those people oh my god all the people you've killed twelve dead in horrible horse accident this could be a golf course I know there's a lot of trees but it almost looks like a girl oh she's cycling around taking a big old run up mister yeah we know Oh [Applause] the good thing is they could have stolen these images from wherever they wanted and because they're so low res no one would ever know never ever don't ever ah ha ha ha I like it ah ha ha ha oh we've only got 2 more gates left Peter this is exciting yeah this is exciting Peter it's so it look how excited here it comes all of these I bake off 10th Oh where's Mary through the anus but that's still not all that there's a pylon and that's still not all you need the big pile in finish god there's just nothing here is there oh it's just a copy of where we were before I was on the trail the whole sorry everyone we're on the wrong trail [ __ ] oh god he's taking a hit event line please we did it it's a shame she didn't put on your trousers just qualified but that's fine individual score time 310 hey didn't come last not as bad as Jenny and nearly be amber nearly be amber in 2004 Peter yeah the Olsen twins sued acclaim what for and I quote from the IGN article now doing a crappy job of developing and releasing their games no according to a letter from the Olsons band of lawyers the split between camp Olsen and acclaim stems from a claims tarnishing of the Olsen's good name as far as video games were concerned right the letter states that acclaim blatantly abandoned the Mary - cater nationally brand and has taken the Mary - Kate and Ashley brand in video games which has flourished and has now run it into the ground no they were sued for something like a hundred million dollars a hundred million dollars a million dollars because that's what all this is worth and mary-kate and Ashley and Mary - Kayne actually never worked again oh wow finished mark might have been in comic sense that was a really quick while possibly yeah I got 39 seconds and I hit every jump of 39 seconds to go penalty zero oh I just did time 31 Gabe Olsen is the best baby Oh first place you show jumping what does that mean does that put us in reasonable state no we did a really bad got a massive dress education music salute anybody that's our first thing though I've gone into a an adventure mode yeah thing called horseshoes and it's on easy difficulty because I'd not unlocked hard or normal yes okay so I don't know what's gonna happen if our horse is gonna be in big clown oh oh you got 20 minutes to find 26 horseshoes if this gives you five I swear to [ __ ] one all right what's this where is she oh look at this Incan pillbox German pill boggle 100 I'm over here camera come to my voice help help grommet it's gone it's horrors same thing wrong with the control we just edged past it can't see it oh he's done it again he's just gonna circle it forever it wasn't like a Silent Hill fog this would be not as bad but I literally just don't know where they are yeah let's go over click ah that could be one on this beach down there could be one right next you and you'd never know it Mary - Kate and Ashley the only beach isn't it oh come on now let's not make this about their gender oh okay I'm talking about coastline okay fine then no it's I don't know why you had to bring race into it I'm following cuz you're racing against the clock oh nice ha I'm really tired today yeah can you tell did you want to review yeah oh there's a waterfall so that's beautiful can you can you pan it around to get a nice screenshot ah that's nice by the way though no you can only look on the left of the horse well then then face it the other way oh sorry getting faster are we saying are they gonna suddenly split into just aha you ruined it suddenly split into two to know it well it's worse now very much just it has a point where it gets worse oh it stopped look so predictably there are no reviews available for this game ok there surely anywhere but we do go over to game facts we've heard from Alex her one two three we've heard from heard from we've heed from Alex hell one two three on game facts now they wrote a huge review like a really in-depth review he's shut up I'm just skipping to the end of it pros may be free ride which at time can be okay to do no it can't cons anything that is not on the pros that's right everything else is really that bad [ __ ] Alex slamming it down here God conclusion this game is a 3995 piece of junk unless you love Mary - gate mate Mary help Mary gate Mary - Kate and Ashley fan don't buy this game at all please listen to me but if you don't listen and buy this game and hate it remember Alex her one two three warned you what you have 40 bucks to waste on a game go buy something else like a greatest hits for $20 and a strategy guide for it and enjoy it but I hope that if they continue to make Mary - Kate and Ashley games there are there any good just because it's a little kids game it doesn't have to be bad one out of ten unplayable oh it's true though yeah this is unplayable oh wow look at you Oh huh this doesn't seem right how did you get up here this is just the imagine around the waterfall pool I kind of want to clip out of them I think it might be you think it's possible to sort of break out break out the video game world and sort of have have one Jeff Olson and horse the horse sort of join real-life join us in the room yeah I see there's like a hole there yeah I think I think if we squeeze them through that they will come out of the television yeah they will they will be here with that's the stuff right for come come out come out and play come out and play with us one Jeff Olsen come out and play actually stop [ __ ] dreadful that's enough of that that's just super that that's not even like a once in a lifetime glitch that you can just hand the camera through it absolutely totally you know I'm gonna end this thank you very much for watching worst games ever I have been Ben and that's Ben Peter that is one Jeff Alton are behind us right now and also horse the horse thank you for joining all of our family we do this every single week apart from sometimes when something comes up and we don't have enough time but we do do this every Friday make sure as well to eat the official worst games ever meal if you're wondering what that is there's a video about it on our channel it's baked beans potato Smiley's and chicken dippers it's [ __ ] great it's like a school dinner it's a lovely treat yourself to it maybe not every Friday but Peter what am I playing next time Bing Bing a horseshoe list it thank you for watching everybody don't forget to Like share and subscribe and tell your friends hi everybody I'm on the beach bit doll why forward slash vivid speech bye everybody bye everybody this was terrible yeah I feel like I'm an actual video see you next time I feel victim are you next time say about one of the worst games we've ever played [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Vidiots
Views: 50,394
Rating: 4.9541779 out of 5
Keywords: PS4, XBOX One, Switch, Nintendo, PlayStation, Worst Games Ever, Yogscast, vidiots, billy ray walrus, mary-kate and ashley, olsen twins, winner's circle, ps1, gameplay, trailer, let's play, review, akklaim
Id: PzT-9PJmUko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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