Worst Games Ever - London Racer

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to chit games games ever I can say here though uncensored well you can't hit games for wankers when we told yogscast bosses about the name of the show we we led with [ __ ] games for wankers cuz we thought we can finally call it that yeah they weren't do a life they weren't not sure about the name maybe not well we just call it worst games ever and they're like ah much better come comes on a bit strong doesn't it are you ready to play some [ __ ] games Peter then are you ready to play some [ __ ] games because today I am today's games master [Music] which means I am the game's victim [Music] which means you'll be playing a game and guess what what I have got my own game Billy oh my god this what no it's okay we didn't do it let's do it we kept it in the - oh my god Jesus it's it's London racer for the PlayStation 1 Oh Ben oh I'm so sorry what did what did we do to deserve this Ben today you are playing London racer javelin we're gonna have a really horrible time today yeah yeah oh that is grainy isn't it sure is look at that that phone booth over there yeah what's this the mini this cutscene is promising a lot yeah police car car British is nice sports cars there yeah just like Britain oh whoa straight across London Bridge Joe go and yeah right now whoa that is some radical matrix wireframes oh you're in a shopping centre at a shopping center that was like Bailey Circus BIGBANG BIGBANG not a little bun fan even big bunny like a 4x4 politico's that's not how police cars usually Park in some sort of blockade is it no not in the UK it's a bit odd they'd hardly ever do road block from the UK Jesus gavel X sounds like a doctor who villain yeah I am devil X yeah like he used to be David and any fell into the reactor core awesome no this is Pearson right places oh my god they're gonna get you lost guy they're always doing sometimes for what's he actually trying to achieve Jesus oh my god they're all happened twice what the minis just driven round them the mini knows what's going on nice one oh that's all folks there did it that that the definite you see how British that splash screen was that just you idiot Jack she's a union flag unless it's flown a slave loan at sea that's absolutely correct you're right right let's into our name one Jeff one you gotta put one jiff in front of the are you all that is a squished JPEG of a mini in both instances isn't it let's just I mean you say a mini yeah car nine nine nine of course I have some hot and fresh science facts for this game hang on the first track is the the the cornerstone of British racing the iconic British iconic legendary m25 south okay don't go north go south into London yes I've got loads of pompfresh lines back for this game okay I'm well acquainted with this game in in a sickening horrible terrible way is that how you spell Trafalgar no for foul qeh Trafalgar ah you're you're going into all of my stories right now we'll come back to some of these things okay to begin with nice menuing race menu II that's another one of them yeah I'm not touching the controller you tell me I'm ready to look okay so to start with the first hot fresh tanks but the fact of the day is that Michael Johnson forgot to add the graphics to our previous video it certainly did yeah if you damage if you look up there there's one that just says Michael Johnson threw out that graphic to the previous video there it is but he's remembered now yeah released on September 29 2000 in Europe this game was developed and published by dhawal ex gavrillac sir from the Netherlands it's a video game developer and publisher located in Houghton Houghton the netherlands was founded in 1997 as part of lex international who is most well known for its racer franchise sure with the games london racer and london racer to selling over 600,000 copies in the UK hmm double x closed the game division in 2005 because it was not profitable enough and their games were generally not well received Oh No that's very a very nice way of saying that they were bad at making gay yeah if you want to maybe head to the first track being 25 south south oh and while you're they've just blown up that JPEG Emily oh oh I seen this it's xtogo is it oh it is Wow look at the seams I liked the mirages because it's such a nice day look how much it's been there's so much together look at all the look how busy the m25 is am I in I'm in first yes this doesn't police cars police I mean there's no central reservation you do is st 7 miles an hour so they didn't come after you but if you get my God's Christ whoa the [ __ ] is that guy [ __ ] oh hey B how do i honk triangle no you've killed me Peter sorry I don't think you can honk that's too complex for this game if you goes too complex for this game if you go to good pun yeah science fact Michael Johnson that's a good parliament if you go too fast too fast yes past the police car yeah there's other police that's the Italian Elise has the police car yet they will pass the LaVista yeah they we're never gonna finish the sinners that way they'll start chasing you just so there's a sign that said Oxford yeah Oxford is in this game you know Oxford I do that's where I'm from yeah now you remember the intro cutscene yes for this game yes I do suddenly we just had two or three frames that were really smooth there and it threw me off and now we're back to whatever this is right oh look at all these buildings oh we're on the outskirts of London now I guess are we does the m25 just go through a town like this it's like how it works yeah I'm just gonna oh oh you just bumped off the bit of bone keeps their commanders back oh no no absolutely not the intro cutscene is actually rendered in the PC version of this game which performs immensely better has a much better draw distance yeah has general graphical improvements what and there was a huge pile up there really oh [ __ ] oh I just drove through a wall sorry under also the sports car that featured in the opening cutscene might get Hannity cut back to it right now isn't even in this game what so they lifted an opening cutscene from effectively a different game and put it in this one just because it was a port and they thought that was fine it looks cool though it's a cool looking car yeah the list of names of places that oh look you've got 7500 pounds price money price money good question yeah so you continue man how how on earth would you be find in this game if the police catch you how would they do that they're not moving because you didn't actually go over the speed limit there you were doing like 67 all the way so that's good innit yeah carry on the list of place names that whizzed by incredibly quickly yes that was a lot it's just as well he was by incredibly quickly because it actually features several of them twice in the list Whitehall and Buckingham Palace both feature in the list twice the [ __ ] sake and there are typos such as Admiralty Arch being spelled Admiralty are that's the quality that you have when you're in charge of a fleet you have a lot of Admiralty yes and you also you know you you've got a stick to your admin rotten-egg morals Admiralty's yeah and people who who love you very much they offer you a lot of morality yes yeah okay well you've got some price money yeah how can I spend the price money in the menu II in the menu II yeah you can well I'll show you go to the garage now if you move across and go right to the end one of the things you can spend your price money on in the menu a yes press X is a repair job yeah you can referee your car I think I've flown with retro have you yeah yeah that their jingle goes if you wanted fly to a place then you got to make sure that you're playing is working rapper rap that's rapper yeah I remember them yeah yeah yes so basically you can sink yourself into an unwinnable situation where if you get too damaged you can't afford to buy your way out is that what you're saying yeah so you carry forward your damage on to the next race right so if for argument's sake you heard ended that previous race on like 99% damage if you spent all your money on upgrades which you can also do down here you see you can get like a new gearbox and tires and stuff so you used up all your money you would then have no money left to get a repair job yeah and a single bump from a car would end the next race [ __ ] and they knew that would be game over it and that would be game over you'd have to just try again and again you go back into the race with 99 percent damage you also can't backtrack to previous levels yeah to have another go and get some more money you'll have been reversing it would be and you'll be going northbound the the levels in this game just cycle from 1 to 8 and back to 1 so you will be doing racing number 2 next you can't choose to go back so it is like a story yes you're driving into London on the m25 south in York there are the landmarks so you have them a kind of reflective I think is that right yeah because of all that all the water that surrounds that that road yeah Venice on if yeah Venice right Atlantis yeah London , Atlantis you're in your name right now I'm in my name I've just upgraded speed and nothing else okay interestingly the other cars in this game of which you've already seen one the Trafalgar you are yes that's your Falchi oh yeah there's also the bwm this is true hmm the the horse DD which is like a Porsche Audi TT okay also the Opel Astor loves bass oh and also a the beetle but it's spelled bi etl beetle right they couldn't afford the rights for certain cars in this game why would they bother when they've got the London bus yeah there it is so quick question yeah can i you're doing 81 there after you keep going back oh my god first warning first warning the police agree on your first warning [ __ ] can I can I finish this this game with just the mind the time the name sorry I don't know possibly yeah that's that is after all the ninth of the game sure is yeah I don't see why not is that what you wanted barking oh my god is that we want to try and do what I don't well what were you just caught got caught speeding don't [ __ ] off I wish I could honky tonky horny you can oh oh my god first-person mode whoa look at that skyline radar bonus [ __ ] that was my intention of course that's a horrible mistranslation this game is full of them right it was meant to be speed camera right yeah so you've got your price money I'm being chased your your race men men you rapper err if you get wiped out this is your second warning more and your finish is that like this yeah your it or this guy's gonna get you you can try you can't box with God my friend also if you get wiped out it just comes up with total loss on the screen yeah and if you complete the game a splash screen of a trophy comes up and on the base of the trophy inscribed it says you are winning it of all I want that yeah I want that trophy well maybe we'll get it at the end maybe I'm more interested in chasing that sunset look at it yeah oh there it is oh what's that is that drop out he was square yeah that's Nelson's column nope Nelson's come [ __ ] what happening I don't know god it's just look at the Sky box as well I'm so damaged right oh you are you're gonna have to definitely buy a repair job from the manure yeah total loss so the thing is this game is so bad and and in your face broken right there all of the I won that got my life flashed before my eyes then I know what I'm doing all of the science facts about how bad it is come up almost immediately there you get into the menu and it says many of you many we my god look at the skybox this is your father Yod 12 dead in four car pileup oh that's not a fair place to start music oh no they're coming oh you better believe that see you can actually drift in this game enough okay this is your second warning what boy are you finished I sort of want you to get a third warning but not in this trap you've already done enough of it I'm just using offensive weaponry there's Big Ben Big Ben big fuck-off it open which way am I going the cameras getting caught on something I don't know what it is but it's really throwing me off yeah ah you've got to stop this game in the PC version this is a science fact I'm not even prepared but I just know this yeah in the PC version you were able to drive up on the curb but in this that's just too much for the PlayStation version to handle right so if you hit the pavement you're it's a brick wall one more and you're finished or they're coming for you look out he's gonna swerve yes a way oh there's more are you not doing it I'm fine I'm gone oh oh it's all going off how far how much better do I have to go Peter oh not much further oh you've got another lap to do though cos you're about to come to that oh no I didn't even hit it this is your third warning you're coming with us coming with us so that's how the law works in the UK yeah again three it goes if you three if it's your third speeding offence on the same night that's when you get arrested I've been worried recently Peter because I've done two murders and I've been caught twice yeah but it's really worried if if I get caught on the third I mean obviously I've done more than two murders but like they they haven't even caught me for - I've only called me for two if they catch me on the third one I'm finished on there on the second one is that what they said they found the second body they rang you up and said this is your second warning hang on it's just one more should we recreate that John a call me ah the blood and a knife that says property of Ben Potter on it hello yeah hello hello is that Ben Potter yeah hi speaking I hope you know on the phone while you're driving no no this is your first warning oh [ __ ] you Pig you can't tell me what to do did you just call me a pig no I didn't sort thing a police officer this is your first big I love figs they're great right anyway I'm calling about another crime yeah you know you did that murder last week vaguely right well we found another body that you done how do you know that this is your second warning what one more and you're finished you wait till I tell Peter about this while we're playing video games on our YouTube channel is that a threat no that's the threat this week no no there was no threat I think you misheard but this is your third warning ah you're coming with us okay see you soon bye bye very small parts of this of this game not this track of this entire game look likely recognizable like the fogger square looks a bit like trafalgar square value and square Jaffar give a square sorry of course and big burn looks like big burn on this position pretty much accurately relative to the bridge my dad recognized it once when i was playing this game well there we go that's a win yeah ah yeah don't hit those curves oh hey that's Christ what I'd like to think is happening here Peter with those when we get glimpses of the really really brown environment yeah the skyboxes thing there and it's all pixelated I like to think it's just maybe maybe a [ __ ] that they've just really pixelated and that just the poo an actual poo because they knew no one was ever gonna see no ya know what was gonna say yeah that could be it could just be a big old poo right that's like someone's laid out of poo long like the desk of double axe the double best yes double desk is dabble and then they've gone knife and just chopped off the edges so it's straight and then popped it in Oh what hit the wing mirror they're taking a nice photo last laugh oh god we're doing it again [ __ ] now you can get a rapper err job on the go there are occasionally garages nice tactic wise are you oh you're doing I guess I guess 7080 years the city where guys we should know this you are being chased again there's another police car oh that's a useful angle god that boss use your [ __ ] blinkers mates Jesus Christ I think it's here come in here to the left drive through there watch out for the petrol pump service inside a noise just a quickie what yeah hey although the black bar that says quick service does block your view rider like three seconds just roll down your window and poke your dick out yeah quick services you turn I've literally just not even figuratively or metaphorically will literally just pull it right off they'll pull it off will pull you off yeah well all you are and then you will give it back to you later and Oh on a nice little chain that you can wear around your neck Oh lovely a nice talking Pete always that is it the dick like a fertility symbol yes but instead of it being carved out of like an AB deer antler it's an actual Wow careful now stay off the [ __ ] [ __ ] stage I mean we're doing the castle run again now Ben not to worry you yeah first place is all the counts if you come second I think you still have to do the track again [ __ ] kidding no I'm not only one really closely last time there it is honey ever wonder what the back the bottom of an avatar shoe looks like yeah well BAM no it's not no it's so it is is this it yes new race record raw London racer I feel like I'm I have aged several years you got 300 your bonus was bigger than your price money you enjoying this game so far no no I think if you go to the showroom you can buy a new car or just that I can tell you our Opel Astra beetle BW eminently at the BW horse DD I thought of an Audi TT yeah I love Y nice which one you say I said sexy not as the obvious choice you can The Beat Band yes peace are you ready for a ludicrous claim I'm always ready for a ludicrous claim okay spectacular racing game through London fed up with London's Andres Andres traffic junction Endres traffic didn't save ya London rates the charges you to the most spectacular heart-stopping race ever right that's not it yeah I'll tell you when it is Oh [ __ ] hell forget everything you've learned to driving school and prepare for the ride of your life I never wintered sorry what was use the term driving so sure I've never seen a driving school no oh I'm a drummer some kind of Oxford castle this is a castle in Oxford and this is the road to Oxford right there are there are castle like structures but they don't miss it yeah yes joy nothing like that on the road taught the a road that goes to Oxford does not definitely passed I saw a policeman no no there's there's nothing like this in Oxford look at it right okay umm as you speed through the centre of London comma Oxford and on the m25 you'll be outrunning the police okay 125 is like yeah save that [ __ ] for the last cop you'll be out running the police crashing into roadworks smashing traffic camera apostrophe s cameras yes traffic camera they belong to the traffic yeah and breaking all the rules have you ever dreamt of blasting through rush-hour traffic at 180 miles per hour the best I could do was what's [ __ ] til a loss oh my [ __ ] god yes so much why won't they slow down yeah if you ever dreamed of blasting through rush-hour traffic a hundred and eighty miles per hour no well I have an london twiddlin D'Andre sir you will not achieve that dream you'll get to about a hundred tops that's what it says on the back yeah they'll get to maybe a hundred tops have you ever dreamed of blasting through rush-hour traffic at 180 miles an hour most of us have but this isn't where you're going to experience that but you'll get pretty close a long way there anyway hey we tried have you ever had a dream that you will would you you had a view where you want it to you drive under 200 K to do you so far so much the only thing I was I was gonna say realistic Moscone's just on the road and no one doing any roadworks but actually hahaha wife can we bring to the UK yes oh you got a business yes you ever dreamed of flying through a forest at 180 miles an hour well BAM being involved in it in a faisal oh oh oh oh it's this bit yeah that bit is that says no room for anyone that's thread in the needle isn't it dev Alex recycled assets in multiple games okay a to racer three that's actually the name of it that's another one that they did is in featured a Europe tour which included a set of tracks in England identical to those of London racer there were also identical vehicles but it also randomly featured a DeLorean that could go up like a hundred and fifty miles an hour amazing Back to the Future car 109 I think if you went at 88 nothing there's no Easter right why would that thing halfway they go to that and women if you go to 88 you get stopped by the police yeah that's your first warning see one more travel through time in your finish you're finished god that's it you're arrested you're coming with us there was also m25 racer for Windows 95 m25 race m25 really doubling down on the selling point of the UK and driving yeah that was for Windows 95 which came out prior to London racer and was basically the same game but with fewer features it was like a precursor to this game the precursor legacy yeah right there were various others that had the exact same engine with just slightly different levels such as a2 racer to Europe racer Autobahn racer and Autobahn racer to there's also a weird as [ __ ] boat racing game called Grafton racer which I guess is Dutch the boat maybe or germ it doesn't only concern it might be German it's a language it's some kind of Germanic language for speed boat Jam anguish which this this boat racing in was clearly made in the London racer engine but also had this mental water physics engine in there as well when I say mentor I mean temperamental Oh My Christ this is your first warning your car big you're coming with us yet I'm gonna lose this race beat you and I'm and I would do it again yeah and if that's the end Wow well let's just see maybe you don't have to do it again I think you might have to I've got price money but this water physics if if am J could cut in a clip of the insane boat racing game that they made yeah it's ludicrous oh my God look at ya just just pretend you're legit like oh my god there's there's a Snorlax in there that was good acting there thank you we're able to go to Oxford now yes I'm going home let's find Ben's house I live right next to that blue bit that dishwasher is that is that a dishwasher oh yeah is it there's also a yes famously white kitchen in Tampa why is that curb just going can we have a loop of that that curb just losing its minds s do it have another oh yeah look there's there's the big the censored image in the Sky box of this map of course is a big old Willie yeah he's right there one oh looks like maybe a topless woman lying on her back look at these trees Jesus do you live near the the Avenue in Oxford oh yeah right next to the is that your house yes right next to the building is that your house as well yeah yeah oh yes I was not your house that's the place yeah oh and of course there's the card you live there oh I recognize that hello have you weed on that lamppost before oh you bet it do you live in any one of these identical looped texture houses what I really like you too the realism in terms of just how [ __ ] it is to drive it all right Oh cobbles they don't drive into the Hang G space because it knows do not touch that please pack [ __ ] but I did not touch this is your first warning yeah see that that doesn't warrant them coming after you it's only if it going at 71 miles an hour it's not like the GTA no alt maze of course that's the church I can't break so there's the pool there's the wall look at your damage I see it I know what's happening I see Brooke now look out for maybe there might be a way they did know to take any excuse to chase you yeah there might be another garage in there yes nailed it quick service bizarrely whoa [ __ ] bizarrely the quick service is free so you have to pay for a repair job in your own garage to use your own tools and parts but if you want to quickly yeah from someone who who's a professional is doing it for you it's free dude what the [ __ ] was that what did he press triangle I thought that was prayer it was brave it was done' the donut but what the [ __ ] i just started you know the other insane [ __ ] i just did they've just been catching up i guess look at these double yellow line pop pop pop pop oh my god pop pop pop pop pop are you and you're pretty much done I'm losing my mind here Peter right bands yeah London racer is the number one lowest rated ps1 game on game F is it really yeah it doesn't feature on Metacritic at all it's the worst rated game yeah ps1 game cuz remember they're not always they're not the worst games they're not bad games they're just worse than most apart from in this case where it is the worst rated game on the entire game fa Q's PS one section yeah it's got 21% based on 11 reviews okay out of a hundred yeah our percents work let's I mean perhaps the more the more damning is that it's one star out of five that sounds worse it does sound pretty much the same yeah you can drive through these trees by the way people estimated that this game has three point eight hours of gameplay estimation because no one's actually finished it I have actually what is going on look how ugly it is look how [ __ ] easy it is absolutely disgusting right cuz we've said this prior name redacted when we did worst games ever that we don't just o pick old games and have a go at them because they don't stand up today we have a ghetto girl games that have always been bad and this has always been really bad yeah yeah you're in the beat out oh [ __ ] you know you left him in the dust so you see lighter [ __ ] at CEO itu piece of ass oh my god you just got absolutely mullet there but cream-crackered I'm done Peter I can't espera enough I sure hope we've appeased the gods of portal I'm just glad we were emulating in case you can't tell yeah gosh he took Billy he did take Billy gave us a game we had to fill out with this [ __ ] thing Nora our assumption was that you know we we had to play the game to get Billy back that's what happened last time I assume so I mean I'm worried about Billy being held out as again from the poor so I think maybe like this maybe go to the sofa for a spongy landing that's where we were last time Peter well it is but it'd be worse here you're right let's go debrief and by that I mean take your pants off alright so there we go that was was London raid sir look at different hair bit shorter than your clothes have changed someone spiked what we did what we were told we played the game Billy is still missing we are this is the place though this is the place is usually weather oh my god oh there he is he's back ah Thank You old man I wish there was just some explanation though why does he just whoa oh well that's gone down the back of the sofa hasn't it Ryder dan you go your borrower oh it's here oh it's fine it's okay Billy how you doing but what was it like this time needs some logic what sexy is what it was like good great only he can't just take Philly without carnations no it's not weird I'm doing what he's what he's are the words in the box we haven't opened it they're idiots oh you spot videos wrong no I think he knew what he was doing now and that's fair I'm sick of your terrible terrible plan for revealing the games it makes no sense to have a moment of tension when you have already disclosed the game in the video title yeah analyst well that actually just kind of makes sense and also stop bringing in your own games from home god you can't start and another thing listen stop bringing your games from home you have got over 100 now we have and I have decided a much better method for you to select the games from user submission oh he's okay Zach he's upset but he's okay what is it probably Kyle a Dodger is probably yeah but but Dodger projectiles boxes right we've got a tombola slash bingo thing have you seen the the Photoshop job there on that woman's hands oh my enhance why is their hand on the floor and up that's horror film the handle that's not how these things I wonder what they were originally looking at as well Christ probably like a kitten maybe I don't know stop photo isn't it well it just says all my love and then there's no name oh my love comma no wheelies got love though we did I think it might be ironic ironic Oh idiots okay well we now know how we're gonna select our games but we're not doing it at the end of this episode check-in the day before the next episode that's a Thursday to see what game we will be playing next time I hope that he approves of that mr Palmer because if no I know because Billy will just disappear any because apparently that's the only adult way to have a conversation is to take something doesn't belong to unit there are [ __ ] note through a bottle who is he and what is in that case containing a game containing to kill what note stuck with contain containing containing can the detainee the word Oh started containing okay no containing the worst game ever that was good that went pretty well [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Vidiots
Views: 118,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS4, XBOX One, Switch, Nintendo, PlayStation, Worst Games Ever, Yogscast, vidiots, billy ray walrus, london racer, davilex, review, gameplay, trailer
Id: vxy20dsYr8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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