Worst Games Ever - Lassie

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everybody and welcome to worst games where games ever it's the show that we play terrible video games sent in by you why you remember they're not all terrible they are just one worth is the most this week it's going to be a good one Peter how do you know if you know what it is no I just feel it in my in my bone area Oh what was it oh it says it in the video title Oh what could it be I can't I can't keep track no what is it it's lastly everyone that the dog who's that in there I hope that's lastly there that's the eponymous Lassie and this is lassies owner little a little Timmy Timmy Goggins that's Timmy Timmy Goggins there and here's the special dog called last seat that is silhouetted in the title oh I don't I don't know how I there's a lot of yellow on the back of that box you're lassie Am I no it belongs to you oh god no you are you are Lassie okay there's a lot of yellow on the back of this box that means it's a blast game don't like that I don't let that already and that's an issue that might be a factor on an issue that I don't like it because hi my name is Ben I am this week's games victim hi my name is Peter and I'm this week's games master which means that I brought this actual game the Ben is the victim to play this day what I still don't really understand who the who the boy in the eye is or the girl what we'll find out in the hot and fresh science facts that are in there that I brought today to talk about this game yeah it's it's time recording it's the early start of the month sort of time period which is the time when everyone can Ford hot and fresh takeaways yes everybody knows you get you take away in the first week of the month yeah and you eat nothing mmm the entire rest because you can do sort of a weekly perhaps two weeks worth of shopping for one takeaway yeah can you think I got on different days I got an uber and also a Domino's at the tail end of January now January was obviously it comes straight after Christmas a new year and you spent all your money anyway there was also a very long month but people they get paid on like the last day of the month or the last Friday of the month both the the uber turned up in about 30 seconds which happens from time to time anyway but it's because it was dead the Domino's from me pressing send arrived at the door in 20 minutes no yes it didn't I've never had that before in fact I was still eating something that I've made for myself to keep me going for my Domino's that's expecting it to take 45 minutes like it normally do because you didn't have cheese on yeah I was gorgeous old boys who help help I've got a room now for Domino's I thought you were gonna say that the the Domino's came first and then the uber came second because you need to be transported as some kind of medical facility yeah for the truth on my nose ago $1 for cheese for cheese people cheese ins yes should we begin let's put this in here oh just that sometimes I know the rest of is absolutely fine it doesn't know what [ __ ] it was that was the blast bomb why was it so fast why did they only show up for a split second why have we not had any production logos apartment yeah that like oh look at that what is the USS the battleship in the background why is the font sort of swinging like it's like it's an actual swing it gets smaller it's not like a sort of Arc it's not just coming in and out straight guys god what what suomi do you know what that is English French Italian I've got Danish they're Finnish Portuguese [Music] well the the suomi KP 31 was a submachine gun of finished design well she's during World War two there you go yeah that's Finland weird there we go and thought it was Finn's Coeur I know we have we have finished viewers as well so sincere apologies usually when you're dealing with European languages it tends to sort of take the English shape yeah they can kind of guess there are similarities but Swami probably mispronouncing as yeah probably our mistake should we get our boys in yes is this an EU passport no it's Russian no but at the top anyway yeah a Steven Seagal scandal penguin jean-claude van LOM Billy Ray dolorous stick my chinko Billy Ray walrus all of our friends all of the boys good it's so much louder than the music yeah I do like the stylized art style oh yeah it's like they had to draw a line at the bottom of the hill so you knew that's where the hill that's where the crease of the hill is where it's been folded by god yes where God done the hill it's a cel-shaded game loading done loading done it they actually just say that yeah lassie savedata ha there he is who is he I don't know well I sort of do it's nice innit oh that's a good logo classic me it's been drawn by thanks Kyle I think mean vicious ends a vicious engine no wait for it though I can't wait feed it whoa yes that's a good PNG yeah hey Peck I'm so excited for you to start the game because you are gonna be taken by surprise enormous Lea Oh lassie turned her head unused or his I mean it she's called lassie so probably probably a lady dollar a [ __ ] I'll have to say that in that content on not with that much venom here flappy laughs II loud clap clap clap I have bought one of those from Ikea how about we add some extra letters in just for fun yeah lapped look lapel oh you can't oh how about a Lapidus it's a Lapidus that's what that's the third evolution of bonito isn't it oh I thought that was the the the evolution of Lapras or it's just a breed of dog that last years I think it's way man that when a Lapras owner and a rapper - have a little baby Lapidus comes out and it looks like that the full name of we'll just keep doing this forever yeah the full name of Lapras once it married limp Biskit front man fred durst it is lapidaire brilliant day trees being saved - memory card eight member great that's good oh here we go the story so far lassie and Joe is it Joe of his name lassie I'm Joe have been reunited despite the best efforts of the villainous Eddie Hines who has been sacked by the Duke everything is happy in what are we called leopard leopard leopard earth lapa Durst and Joe's worlds but not for long Hines out-of-work penniless bitter and full of hate for Lazio concocts a plan that he thinks will solve all his problems he steals lappa Durst's pops yeah dig oh great well is that weird and Gloria here like that oh there's more don't start the game yet okay so lassie is an action game it's more there's more hope there's so much more carry on lassie is an action game as you're about to find out developed by e/m studios and published by the exclamation mark Entertainment Limited which was released in Europe in 2007 Italy idiot second fact the game is based on the film of the same name yeah lassie is a 2005 British American French Irish adventure comedy drama film how many adjectives can I touch Salah there's a lot of Amer based on Eric Knights 1940 novel Lassie Come Home in fact that's hyphenated Lassie Come Home Lassie Come Home that's it come home about the profound bond between Joe karakov and his rough collie Lassie I think this is set after the events of the film where Heinz presumably the villain of the film has now been he's got his comeuppance in the movie and this is almost like a this is a single this is the canonical seat it is that cannot I'm assuming so amazing that should we should we see if we're continuing the proud tradition here and what yes let's have you seen Lassie no have you seen Lassie no wow great wait till you find out who starred in it though oh he travels around Yorkshire trying to sell the six stolen part well we're better to fence some stolen livestock than Yorkshire that's the place he manages to sell five not six though and eventually he going to going to ground in a ruined castle on the moors keeps the last pup to himself lassie must embark on a new adventure rescuing all her pups and finally dealing with Heinz himself beans meantimes as well as rescuing the pups to play I must also look after them yeah sometimes when lassies in a particular situation relevant help will be given on the screen sometimes relevant help will be given when you press Start game you're gonna get all the health you could possibly need okay it's it's it's something is it time yeah it's time hi gang this is blast blast is here to show you how to play let's see the left analog stick controls how les he moves moving it forwards backwards left and right will let lassie explore just like this oh wait the right analog stick controls the camera listen to when he starts saying always but in a short leash because burden the square makes message when you press the X button lesson bird reap this will help her to avoid being seen the triangle button will make a limb sniff if you are lost or can't see well lassie can't see well what if you are lost or suffering from our bad camera if you are looking for extra bones to collect digging is a good way to find them oh yeah just dig through that little little plop there that's been who's left there pancake on the floor hello blood how I don't think they've oh god I've never done that before have they know they've not yeah this is a weird game they seem to have put a Nicole Beck's his level of effort into it as you will see well the writing's not bad either there's some fairly complicated sentence structures in there yeah bit from what I saw la lassie was not just Joe's dog she was his best lassie was not just Joe's dog yeah she was his best friend in the whole world she was everyone's dog those horrible days when the evil Eddie Heinz tried to keep lassie and Joe apart were far behind ray and then and the nasty mr. Heinz had lost his job and been told to leave the Dukes house Oh to add to their happiness lassie was now the proud mother of six beautiful pups what a picture where's the phone misters bother I don't know on look at Joe's sick nine o'clock shadow look at Joe's six sick face sickly sick Joe but Eddie Heinz was a bitter man and he was a bit of Oxford Camilla that's good and he blamed lassie and Joe for all his ills ah what a beautiful nature of perhaps he thought Bell fetch a pretty penny our warrant bit of a down payment to get bit of a down payment against the damage they done me they've done me Heinz drove around the village and the local countryside selling lassies pups for whatever he could get anything then Oh then he returned to his hideout keeping one beautiful little collie pup to himself I went is that blood in the background yeah when lassie and Joe discovered the missing pups they were distraught then Jonah then Joe noticed something Joe looks really distraught in that left picture doesn't he absolutely heartbroken look nice those tracks must have been made by hands fan quit messing you try and track Hynes down and no one a police good luck last three X guys God now we're back here again yeah the evil Eddie Heinz has stolen lassies litter he's trying to sell her pups oh we know eventually he makes a sale there he is pictured Eddie Heinz making a sale from his hearse but lassie is on his trail Jesus what is no my god turn on Jim the final bot for the tracks of high-interest van to lead you to the missing top-10 where you wanted to go so you can creep if you hold that down and move it's just dance it didn't mean that it no I think it just no loop it is it's just gonna be this all the way through so despite what you know about blast games lassie is actually it has a variety of gameplay styles across its six levels I think I feel like there were more on that list maybe one of them was help again yeah and it also requires you to care for your puppies between each stage can we boundary break teasing oh that would be good can you go around that corner find a little Easter egg at the camera the right analog stick for camera is inverted oh okay this is an explosive barrel I can nearly get out there I have to hold right well there's a bowl not crate let's give it is that bone oh that's not a bone it looks like something you buy from Victoria's Secret yeah that's it it's one of those sexy bones usually attached to a man or woman I don't think I mean Victoria thing and they just do I think they just do pants Amazon men yeah I'm as oh dude that's a you anything no I was at him that was hardly not that's his car I think it is yeah his car no I will warn you that I think this level is longer than you would like it to be Oh brilliant to rock on follow the tire tracks and get that flip out of here cuz after that there's other stuff great Oh wrong Oh you see blast his face while you do that it was worth it well at last okay it can't keep up with Lassie lags behind you stopping and then yeah so of course I've got a little quote here from the Amazon product page for this game yeah I don't think we've actually taken it from the back of the box they've just saw him invented it but it says outwit groundsmen on patrol and befriend angry guard dogs then it just says collect bones for bonus activity hey activity just one bonus activity I love bonus activity okay you're gonna have to deal with it all Oh what can you zoom out yeah I can zoom sort of comically far out unnecessarily that around invert that's so you're pressing down on the deal although the camera controls are inverted so this is oh here we go oh my god I'll no zoom me out again it just does it just hates anything that you do yeah standard light across the the width of the tire tracks that car is is the width of it he's all massive this dog is mad she is oh that is definitely some sort of toy God oh USB peace there was a man there oh that speed boost didn't last long oh that's fun sorry lastly I can't help you okay said mr. Darcy look at him thank you for your help anybody else the snow is coming down I know he's just gonna slalom but I bet if I run in a straight line I'll come across the tracks again it's just extending the journey for no reason there you're on track oh yeah I'm on the track but where is it is it gonna miss it but yeah I would have thought so Joran a who starred in the movie of the same name I actually have never wanted anything more than to know that you may be surprised I'm having now learned who played mr. Heinz in this film I'm very surprised at how they've represented him in this game okay Heinz was played by Steve Pemberton of inside number 9 Fame who doesn't have facial hair may have been given facial hair in the get in their film to be fair but the guy's looks nothing like Steve Pemberton in this game Peter Dinklage was in the film is this a is this a lassie reboot or is this the original lassie know the original lassie was a book from the 1940s which was then a TV show I think in like the 6 right ok my dad the film must have been and then a film came out in 2000 and I think 5 yeah 2005 right that explains yeah oh Christ so Steve Pemberton Peter Dinklage here we all know from various things no that one Nicholas Lyndhurst he aware who that is no that no it's Rodney from only ok I didn't realize lassie was set in the UK no I didn't so it was America Island maybe and also Jemma Redgrave who Doctor Who fans will know for playing Kate lethbridge-stewart you and everybody won't what season was that I think at her initial season was possibly a Matt Smith one ok I watched some math shoot she was mostly a Peter Capaldi character but tail end of Matt Smith she may have appeared ok God it really does just go on isn't it was that ever well done upper case deal us oh [ __ ] here it comes Scott even the puppies are massive oh so this the person who bought it yeah sorry lassie we didn't know this was one of your litter we shouldn't have trip Matt's gone ah Dunlap says there's just a one of the in that's like a white page the white freighter you can cycle through I've given Joe a call he'll be here shortly white page well done less you found one then we take care of her while you track down the right found that pup savegame okay but you made such progress sure oh there it is so you can now give it a special play if you are I need three bones for a special play yeah I just need one bone for a special play especially what you just brushed it Wow can you do anything else it's a size so you can do the top ones and oh wow look at it it's called Barney water come on feed guys just the same as the water one with some brown stuff he is the rills got a health bar look at it Barney is thrilled can we okay Google can you kill the puppies from neglect I can tell you that a video game I can tell you that no and you'll find out how I know that later yes Wow you ready for some downhill pursue I am Not sure is the sick fluency level six is nurturer rescued pups safe with Joe lassie sets off in pursuit of the others white scream suddenly in front of lassie a walker appears from off the Moors on Walker she wanna do his voice he could be made yeah lastly they lost earlier view Pop's lassie barked a strong and clear loose no clear yes yeah disgust yes indubitably well I think I know where what bye beep as I was walking I heard tires squealing and looked across towards the road I saw a little collie pop running for all it was worth a [ __ ] outed but the pup was clearly scared and it slipped and fell down a steep hillside I could hear it whimpering but the hill was too steep for me perhaps you could make it Lassie good luck lasse shouted the Walker lassie set off at great speed Wow and quickly found the hill the Walker spoke of how would she get down such a steep slope and how could she get there quickly looking around lassie soon came up with a plot and oh my good use the left analog stick to steer like IRA hell yeah beware of areas of rougher ground which will slow you down and avoid rocks and trees which might stop you altogether and avoid and avoid false trails otherwise lassie might need to start again I'm ready look yeah rough ground will slow you down lassie did you expect a sledging level in this game no come on you yes I can you hit a tree at top speed I'm quite satisfied with this to be honest yeah avoid the rough ground Lassie it slows you down it defense Oh her health bar watch out Lassie okay ah that's it they weren't brave enough to show the dog dying no what's this it's just our bones just that bone you need that to have a special play when you get back to your pups Wow good thing that tree grew that way with the big arrow on it yeah right keep an eye out for a pink bone Kai what's that tube it's too large it's crazy that she's a loach I'm gonna go through the tube dr. log slowly oh oh why don't put an ACME tunnel a tunnel mr. Tumnus I know that was a green one that was that don't know eco-friendly bone oh you're in the riverbeds I mean the Ravin I'm looking at the large way up there Wow way out oh Christ oh not really this is me now this is where I live no remember that bit in the lassie film where they went down a big gray - yeah and lastly just died of exposure yeah the puppies definitely dead at this point yeah and if if I can't even I think you know going up hill yeah Oh something's happening what is that it's a puppy hit it Oh last lassie has reached this stranded pup the pup is chilled to the bone but warmed by the sight of it of mother biology everyone eventually cold and tired mother and pup make it home where Joe is overjoyed to see he looks it I can't bark in them loading screens oh how much you think you can buy a sealed copy of lassie ps/2 on ebay oh I'm going to guess 18 pounds $24.99 yeah doctor can do special meal and special drink if you look identical to regular meals and regular drink I can give them two special drinks okay Oh Harry but can you so are you unable to nurture left him right but it doesn't tell but you got to be careful I wish I could give you a special plane my dude I'm just going to give you a exercise Wow and the feed it's really working out isn't it I can't give you a second special drink bhang carbone's yeah okay put them in the bone Bank the game features on the crappy games wiki round them up Lassie this one doesn't sound fun no it's not gonna be very Rugrats yeah yeah I don't want to remember Rugrats so it's featured on the crappy games wiki although it's marked as a candidate for deletion maybe it's a great game under the why it sucks section which is basically the only bit of pros in the entire article yeah for reasons are given Oakley framerate looking like it was from the late 1990s to mid 2000s I mean it came out 2007 so 2007 yeah Bioshock came out in 2005 poor controls the music is just as ugly as on a late Nintendo 64 game they late nint and maybe this is why this has been flagged for deletion because it's poorly worded awful graphics that was looking like all other blast entertainment games okay that's that's it right should we round them up yeah round them up flying through these levels yeah and we can move on to reviews okay right last unfair I'm some good news I heard that old farmer jolly out at Hassocks [ __ ] farm bought one of the pups I could look after these two if you want to pay him a visit and see if he'll return your pop ah lassie dear oh don't get comfortable dear I guess I should have known better than to trust that Hynes bloke of course you can have your put back but you couldn't do me a bit of a favor could you by old bag is feeling a little too early and the Sheep need to be rounded up I would really appreciate it if you could help me something help me with that lassie bug yes thanks Lassie and I'll keep an eye on your pups all your video I can't wait to oh I've heard they get the candy floss sheep back you sure it isn't Rugrats so oh there's a big poo that you can you can sniff through go digging in there in the plops there yep oh why am i sliding backwards am I saying that a born massive nor will we have expected that let's see how easy this is what happens if you put the wrong colour sheep in the wrong color fen don't I just have to get them all in there no no you have to get them in the appropriate I think they're all one there's one over there look yes I know one doe just have to get the red ones in there then are they response responsive sheep no I mean not not hugely is there at least a magnet excellent Lassie absolutely they're gonna go places with songs in there there is no Wikipedia page or Metacritic entry for this game that is shocked we only mention a sort of official mention on the internet I could find was a single line in the Wikipedia article for the movie which reads a video gamers are released in 2005 for the PlayStation 2 and was negatively received great that's all the confirmation we need all I said is it just gonna suddenly pop into existence when I come over here I don't think so I don't know I'll go talk to the farmer it may have told me burned in the love ask for help no Oh what why wouldn't it just automatically oh no I need to go get that blue sheep back downtown yeah so needless to say because this game wasn't on Metacritic or really anywhere else there were no reviews for it I could really find there were no even Amazon reviews for it no one's even reviewed it there so you could be the first the very first unverified purchaser however I did find two reviews on GameSpot okay one of them was by they're really diggin aren't we yeah are you crossing the rope is that a road you cross on the road where where's the engine you should have followed him I should have done right the entrance has got to be down here yeah well this is just extended isn't it yeah it's just really altered there to dig in if you want no I don't something to figure put oh come on at least move faster than me floppy bone what do you think there's a tile they gave the game bearing alone they can only give it marks out of 10 it's the highest this is just no not really no now we'll get the sheep background I think Atala gave it five out of ten five out of ten sitala rated the game ten percent one out of ten one out of ten I think that's the lowest you can give on GameSpot you can't actually give a a sickening zero right look at for that cow but there was no sort of text to go with the toilet review just just to score however brown snake oh one did give a review yeah and a full breakdown of his reasons what you think brown snake gave the game I think he loved this game because he grew up with the film right on the TV show and he gave it at least eight he also gave it no but wishes he could have given it a sickening 0% that's a low score yeah can't be joking about those scores so here it is I've got the full review here because given that we've got nothing else to talk about I thought I may as well as putting the whole thing lassy the video game makes the film look good oh I think that filmmakers the film is a critically acclaimed actually just didn't perform like a box office yeah graphics equals zero out of ten no detail or thought was put into the game only sheer blindness what are you talking about sheer blindness lassie looks like a zombie her puppies look like dead zombies no not dead zombies and the game has problem probably probably the shortest draw distance ever I mean it doesn't actually the draw distance is something did just pop in but it's not that bad no lassies come together probably let's see the video game has come together probably lassie the video game has come together story yes the farmer will give the dog back he bought for 20 quid if you round up all the Sheep he crew Ellie died yellow in other words terrible gameplay : zero out of ten glitched to the bone glitched to the bone game oh no gameplay yeah zero out of ten glitched to the bone leads to the bone what does that mean there are six levels and I completed the whole game in half an hour on very hard there's no what what game is this guy playing in brackets and I'm not a very good at games he's not a very good at game only a Brian dead person would enjoy this game get a Brian Mooar does actually say brain-dead but he's capitalized B so it looks a bit like Brian get a Brian give it this in all caps oh how I wish I could rape games lower than one out of ten the only fun part in this game is not feeding your puppies until they D know I know one the bobbies daddy it just says da and then Dada da which never happened he can't actually do that unfortunately clarify whether or not its initial d DejaVu PS only get this game if you enjoy bad games and that come fished is lassie facted thank you for all the facts well so my oh god he's gonna go across the bridge isn't he it is just artificial I say that officially it's done you go where are you going where you going that's a weird angle come back come back whoa why is this farm going back to sheep of each color and he keeps them all separated in pairs like that sheep are naturally herd animals there's a frezz meg thought you weren't feeling well meg you're gonna help no it's just a reskin Blasi yeah okay it's got over by the door there look is that no I was the pup it's your pup ah I'll look after your you're not looking after it it's just there you stand in the field that's you've got doing a great job of sharing the Sheep back this way oh I think it actually is oh I mean it's part of the puzzle I think you have to Meg you have to use the inside meg you're sick well done that's all of the sheep in the correct pens go that farmer job come on we're going to the other fields oh oh can you get it over the wall are nearly get it right in the corner the controls were a little less you know this controls are so loose Oh what happens if I jump while it's on top haha Oh will it go over the I mean maybe there's an invisible wall above the walls but I mean I wouldn't want to put too much stock in that we have to do this maybe says we'll be proud we'll make a success of breakfast no behave hey guys there's a show where we basically take the cows anywhere we want enjoy fashion give them over walls yeah sometimes it lets me jump sometimes it doesn't did them don't be like that no it doesn't let me jump in till it's nearly all the way off go on go play with your friend over there go play with your cow friend no doesn't okay well that was that was still fun I enjoyed that very much glitch to the bone is glitch the bone look at them the shadow that continues through the whole field yeah hello oh thank you I see follow be a webpage up oh he goes can I wait to see what I can fly oh I found it now he's already live up oh god here it comes so we're talking in the background oh yeah I don't know what that is that's rest has helped make backup on our feet excellent there's only so much better shape than the last what what good now farmer johnny was pup number two really ill oh I guess because it was on the mountain wasn't it yeah I suppose just don't even feed him just unless you want to see what a special meal looks like just the same as a regular meal don't care don't care bad game truly terrible more to it than I expected yeah that was surprisingly not as bad as expected blast yes well we've not played it for this long with this one we've had for a long time and we just looked at in gone well no that's just gonna be nothing thank you so much for watching everybody we'll be back with a brand new worst games ever in a couple of weeks time why not post this in the gardener's sub rope ready post it in the Peter Dinklage subreddit yeah yeah sure enjoy that and you can get worst games ever two days early if you are a five-dollar patron so head to patreon composter steam triple jump and you get that reward and others and others loads right see you next time everybody bye [Music]
Channel: TripleJump
Views: 87,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lassie ps2, lassie ps2 game, lassie video game, lassie game, lassie blast, lassie blast entertainment, blast entertainment, blast entertainment ps2, blast games, blast games ps2, blast video games, lassie come home, lassie 2005, lassie film 2005, lassie movie 2005, lassie movie, lassie movie video game, worst games ever, wge, triplejump, teamtriplejump, triple jump
Id: thj-HCH3lEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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