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juice sounds like a drink didn't it yeah you don't want to drink time good morning everyone if you have not already don't forget to hit the subscribe button ring a little bell yeah notifications on my videos every tuesday thursday and on occasion we just under video feel like i've done a bit of a marathon you'll see that we've chopped grass it's a beautiful mound so now we're about to film the worst job in the world shooting up so my misery is your joy hopefully we're doing things a little bit different today why are we doing things differently because we're trying to improve all the time this got rolled with that 16 ton roller did you do a good job daddy happy with it i'm very pleased it's pushed it down at least a foot more than we'll ever do density will improve the fermentation that will give the results next winter we should have cheated up probably yesterday in an ideal world yes things didn't go well yes they follow me on social media you'll see that they've seen up we've got my brother-in-law joe he's there not really seen joe if you want to find him on social media can't don't have it and i've got my second cousin and his kids got to come give it a hand because they're on holiday from london we like to give sounds like yeah no problem this video is kind of kind of sponsored but not uh we were gifted this sheet and some gravel bag what our gravel back good question we're gonna do a whole video on themselves but it looks like life is gonna get so busy so this is what we did with the gravel bags it's sunday morning at 10 o'clock we've run recruitment so this is my best pal sandy you've seen him when he did the cannon video a while ago i texted him at about nine o'clock saying what are you doing oh he was like yeah i'll give you a hand he was on the sleepless on the couch because his dog will come further this morning yeah didn't his hands that is what you want best pals for we've got a really bad job did i come and give me and he goes yep snowball one bag done 199 to go out of this pack [Music] [Music] is [Music] get the whole thing shaking when we hit the floor 280 of them filled up with a really good system cone gravel build it up work really well four old man shoveled four shovels per gravel bag 280 so you're looking at 120 triple falls so we've got those to put on ark services said you are not allowed to use tires so you see all the tires around here we are not allowed to use them so what we're going to do is adjust fuse gravel bag so it's going to be a bit of a pain first time because we're going to actually have to cut them up we're going to go from the back and the forward and so we will be a pain in the ass and we also have an oxy seal sheet this oxy seal sheet is meant to be they say 150 times stronger and more efficient than black sheet alone better than using cling film and black sheep we just use black sheet we've used cling film before it didn't really work very well for us under the black sheet this is meant to make sure we get no mold underneath we're going to see how that works right let's shut me up get started and see if our agriculture can do what it says on the tin it was very heavy so which is good which means it adds loads away oh and look my second cousin kids and wife they've all come to shoot up on their holiday not my wife your wife we've got six members we do have six members that means we've got seven tons on this sheep great question oliver this is first job green sheep just grab a bit off this is where unfortunately the contractors run over it there we go that lens looks like it could be a bit dusty i hope this isn't running it is running it's not yeah it is i've just gone to blow the dust off oh thanks do you think take both walk yeah no you've got when we've done most of one then put one on top yeah guys we'll pull the next one up so what you'll see on this green sheet it's a bit mucky here because the jcb man tracked it into the ground so i'm trying to keep that off the silage because you don't want your muck like bits like that on it um agriculture funny enough we bought these off them like 10 years ago so the last thing quite well lasting quite long next job is to roll that up jump on it that's all right now well that was quite good whilst we're doing this as well the sheet is stronger so you can stand on it a little bit better the black sheet you stand on it my dad goes eight we'll ask him in a minute what you should do when you see the shoot you'll see exactly why we want the green sheets up there it's a little bit windy not major but it's already pushing this off not what we want are we gonna put any more grass in this clamp yeah i do what you do in there [Music] where i wanna go way to put these gravel bags on they want to be lengthways doubled up at the sides and then every 15 foot or every five meters depends what you're working and just want to be across like that lengthways as well just to make sure all the weights down that is the plan and that's how we're gonna do [Music] is so we've done the front put them down we've put them every five meters singly across all we need to do now is just the edges now i've got a bit of a teamwork job going on we've worked it together are you dry you have you shooting up in a white dj who does that apparently yeah that's right a year old water land all over you nick used to work on the farm ages ago did you oh when you're little so he all knows about tires i think it was tired as well any whole water that these guys have just complained about and the other thing is old tires have wire in them so i don't know if we've got one here so they can have a wire in the tire that can go through the sheet into the silo then the wire can go in the cow's stomach the reason why we left that grass over there still need to tie that up actually it's because we don't want wire in the stomach it works as like a blender in the stomach and can really cause some serious damage tires it does work efficiently if you can do it and the other thing they're really messy so you'll see our pile of tiles tires there and our tires all across here my idea is to have gravel bags if it works well we'll see when we open the clamp on the farm it'll be a lot easier to make the farm a lot tidier and we can eat in the place up and also we don't get covered in thai juice we don't get metal everywhere and the place is neat that's the big thing thai juice sounds like a drink isn't it yeah you don't want to drink thai juice we've got great family who are on a holiday said support they all give us a hand which works well doesn't it [Music] who won it all who won it all [Music] what's that nick i mean you've got the right number of bags almost to the exact bag so that is the other thing that our category are big on so what they did is so they asked me what size my clamp was and then they gave me the bike said if you've got any gravel bags i was like no we don't usually use the tires have you got the skill sheets yes we've been using these for years like i say we've got two more for the clamp over the road because they don't want tyres over there so i think we're gonna have to use gravel bags as well be interested to see how well they were good we've got a good team team was great it was a bit difficult for us starting but when your gravel bags are up it'll be nice and easy when on the clamp 280 doubled up at the sides every 10 meters we've got a single slide of gravel bag first the oxy seal underneath is got seven layers to it it is 150 times more efficient than a black sheet we will find out about that when we open the clamp the only thing is we haven't got holes in here so i might just put some tyres on the front of here i don't know how those holes happened you know i love these secure sheets they work really really well you have to put a lot less tires on them we normally put shed load tires on anyway because we want to make sure that the top is good has a rough and smooth side which i didn't know the rough spide is meant to hold gravel bags on so you learn something new every day gravel bags easy handles a lot cleaner than tyres like look how clean joe is andrea aaron even nick they haven't got juice all over them from the tire they're not black and covered in horrible that's a good thing about them because everyone knows that job is awful it'll be a lot easier when we have them down the side we might there might be something coming up with a second cut clamp because we might struggle to put it in there we might have to look at doing something so we're not going to get rid of tyres just yet but if this works really well i'd love to do so because then we won't have a horrible pile there and like i say tires wires and juice it's just awful they're harder to handle in the long run big thank you to arc agriculture for giving us the oxy seal sheet the gravel bags absolutely awesome they were a gift so take that as you will but we will find out if they work or not we've got a couple of areas where the sheet is not like say i'm gonna put some tyres on there a big thank you to the team to give us a hand the pemberton family and my brother-in-law ginger guy sat on jcb that's the best place for him when we're doing these kind of job oh also park agriculture and they do win breakers if you want fancy windbreaker guys i hope you enjoyed the video also i've still got smiles on our faces hope you enjoyed it please give it a thumbs up subscribe to youtube channel and we'll see you next time see ya bye
Channel: Tom Pemberton Farm Life
Views: 151,175
Rating: 4.9740076 out of 5
Keywords: cow, simulator, farm, farming, fails, Countryfile, daggerwin, worst jobs, worst jobs in history, agriculture, building, countryfile, young farmer, fails 2021, farm animals, farm life, farm life for kids, farm simulator, farmer, farming for toddlers, farming life, feeding cattle, free range, grass, life on a family farm, milking cows, mn millenial farmer, re build, re building a house, tractors, digger, 1st cut, silage, first cut silage 2021, claas, monster machines, sheeting up
Id: -g_ovpCNFAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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