Mowing hay in 2021!!

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[Music] all right so i'm back i had a week off um it was a kid's half time so uh we went on holiday for a week took a week away i know it's not the best time to take a week off the farm but it was half term and the kids have already had enough time off school this year so we had to go away in half term so yeah the farm was fine they got the haylage done first cut as you can see i've got the mowers on and i'm gonna go motion hay today it's sunday the sixth of june i haven't got a massive amount to do so i worked out it's roughly about 30 acres give a little take a little bit in three fit to three different fields so we've got a bit of fiddling around to do and we might as well start the motor up in the game there i guess we'll mow our way into the field you see it look we've got the front pto in it's cloudy today but it's supposed to get hot again that uh come at the week coming put both ptos in river up we're going to drop the front pto front lower down hope you can see it you can see the back lower go down [Music] there's quite a bit of grass in here [Music] the back one down there around here i know there's nothing there's fenced all around the outside so there's nothing to worry about running into [Music] so i'm glad to be back anyway it's nice uh it's nice to get away for a week i'll farm for a week um but also it's nice to come back really i enjoy what i do so it's not really a chore to come to work i'm getting much better there still i'll be able to put on some outside video in a minute because steven's going to come down and do a bit of video with the drone and the camera we went down to summerset for our holiday on to um burnham on c and green as well we've spent quite a bit of time in green it's nice down there so for those of you that don't know about hay or how old hay is made i'm wearing this now on sunday it will be headed out tomorrow say 24 hours later get the saw give the actual ground a little bit of time to dry even though it's spitting with drizzle right now and then it'll be headed out the grass will be spread out on the ground and basically when the sun will dry the grass it needs to be sort of like below 12 percent moisture before it can be bailed so we turned it will be headed several times depending on how hot it is but it's supposed to be like 25 degrees this week and then probably say six seven days later after mowing it will then be failed [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] right so this grass is it's just an old like meadow hay old meadow grass which hasn't been replanted in a long time and it's done really well actually we've got nice thick rows tall grass we've got red kites flying around us all over the place looking for their lunch and yeah this would have had um one dose of fertilizer on it end of npk and of probably about 220 kilos per hectare something like that i can't remember exactly what it was and then yeah it shot up a lot since we had the rain in may the 100 mil it really has shot up a lot it was pretty short before we had the rain but no no it's good crop so some of you will be wondering uh what the difference is between hay and haylage now hey obviously it's not wrapped uh because it's such low moisture i think it has 12 or less i might be wrong but it's around maybe 10 or less moisture and it's basically dry it just sits there in the bail under cover and then the farm feeds it to the use to the sheep now the hailage that gets fed to the cows and oh that was a big patch of mole hills that is wrapped because it has the grass has to be kept airtight because it's like say let's say 20 moisture plus it the uh the grass heats up with the moisture and then starts to um ferment and that's what has to be air tight so and then that gets fed to the cattle now i think the difference between the time difference between hay and haylage can be as little as a day of drying just get a little bit there i missed um and i have actually seen uh hay before that we thought was hay it was some italian rye grass it'd been down for seven days and we bailed it thinking it was dry enough for hay and we've and then we actually ended up having to wrap it a bit quick because it started heating up there was still a tiny bit of moisture in it so i'm just going once around the edge of the field just to finish up i left a gap of grass first time around just in case there was any lumps of wood or bits of fence falling into the field although i don't hit it with the mower on the first time around basically and then simon's going to come out here and ted this out tomorrow if i'm passing i'll try and get a bit of video and because i've got to go on the basement tomorrow i think so yeah well this afternoon i'm going to probably turn the blades on these mowers drop the mowers off i've got to put the third spinner on because the payloads ground well they took grasshoppe last week has got to have some hot ash on it so the blade has changed i've well not changed turned they're two-sided so i've turned them over so we'll get another cut out of them do second cut and now i've just been taking it off right the mowers are off and now i'm going to hook up this first spinner i'm not going for spinning today i'm just hooking it up ready for this week and then yeah that'll be it i've got another mowing job to do in a minute but not with the tractor [Music] right so as you can see the bateman is fixed and back on the farm and it's monday afternoon now when nilly said tuesday and we are putting some liquid in on the grass fields where the uh well they took the cut of haylage off last week now this machine has not got auto steer so we need to put in an av line it's got guidance but it's just not got a steering if we do i don't know do we want that one uh new pattern straight we'll run it at 23.5 meters even though that is 24 meters just to allow for mistakes so we start off here and press a you can probably hear lots of wind noise coming from the fans we press a now we're gonna drive switched on the sections i'm gonna follow these wheel marks here look from i would say that from the baler something like that looks like it was a bit soft out here in places when they were loading bales it's soft so yeah the the story with the bateman is it's all fixed now but what it was that failed was the engine oil i think it was a regulating valve pressure regulating valve something like that failed and yeah that's why we were getting low engine oil pressure luckily you know obviously as soon as it detected it had low oil pressure it started flashing warnings at me so i stopped and it hasn't done any damage to the engine so that was very lucky just backing up because i forgot to press b stop there there we go done it now we've got all our a b lines right and i can just follow those lines yeah so we got hunt forest group to fix it because it was a problem with the john deere engine and they would have more experience uh taking fixing on their engines than what baitments would have so it's best to get them to do it obviously if it was a problem with the with the bateman machine we would have got abatements to fix it so now what we've got to do is just follow these lines or avoid the poles that's always good avoid the poles and as you can see it's just a case of going around the field coloring it in basically making sure we don't miss any bits i've already been around the headland and then that's where we just done our a b line what we're putting on is n35 zoom's pretty high but it's okay yeah 245 liters of n35 there is a company i can't actually remember what they're called that want to send me a auto steer kit so we might be trying that in the future fjd steering kit is what it's called that's what they want to send me so they're keen to send me it i'll give it a go we'll put on something simon's out there tedding the hailer that's the thinner crop of grass that is and he got a i think that's a one six one ten no five one ten r he's got there on the tether he's hired it for the summer right so i think this is going to be the end of this video um what's the date today tuesday tuesday morning i've just been washing this machine off and giving it a grease round because i'm up together with spraying now um just for now though uh and then i'm gonna start a new video we've got some other things going on this week yeah i've gotta go for a walk with the agronomist this morning so we'll recommend a load more about some more spraying got a massive amount left to do now and hopefully we'll get a bit of video prevailing hey we will go and get the sub soiler from farm 2 with the 83 things like that in the next video so yeah thank you for watching this video and thank you to stephen as well for doing that bit of video in when i was mowing i'm sure that's going to be great and yeah i'll see you in the next one bye for now
Channel: It's a farming life for me!
Views: 33,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Deere, British Farming, JCB, Farming vlog, Harvest, Arable farming, farming life, farming life uk, uk farming, uk farming vlog, uk farming 2021, uk farming videos, british farming, farming vlog, farm life, farming, farm vlog, farm vlog uk, uk farming vlog 2021, uk harvest, arable farming uk, harvest, harvest 2021, farm videos, farm videos uk, arable farming, day of farming, john deere, jcb, combine, harvesting, farmers weekly, modern farm, agriculture machine
Id: _eerRcATius
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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