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the big thing is i hope the hairline could pull it good morning everyone if you have not already don't forget to hit the subscribe button ring little belly notifications to my videos every tuesday friday and sometime we do do the sunday video it's getting busy some of you may know some of you may not know in november 2020 i applied for a small production ground before we kind of fully decided we're going to go for the shed and we got it which is amazing we've got a few things on it which you'll see through some of the stuff quite big some of the little things just to help the farm go on like a plate cooler not made a video about that it's not very exciting just cools milk but this thing is super exciting i think it's going to be the way we're going to have to go in the next few years and a lot of you will probably agree oh by the way it's not stopped raining and not sorry got fuller and fuller and we went to super excited to put this away because my audio problems lately have been awful yeah so we decided to go with something that will help us make grass grow it will help us be more environmentally friendly probably i'm pretty sure on that just improved the way we do things but the big thing is i hope the whole thing could pull it because if not i have to get a big tractor and that'll be a bigger problem right catch you here and two because it's coming very soon and you can see there's a lot of things going on right now keep doing that at the moment as well we have a load of stuff going on today as well i don't know how much of this we're going to be filming explaining what's going on i have jack with jack who helped fly the drone northwest drone photography the big help and i'm not gonna lie lately i've just been so much stuff going on super stressed my audio doesn't work on top of everything else and just busy and just oh so jack's a big hand anyone who gives me a hand at the moment is just my gods and i love you all right it's coming very very soon have thrown up and see it come in you think i'm stressed you should see it because we're gonna put together a little slob it's a bit of an issue there's a reason why we can't have so much fall or reason why we can't have an underground tank and we're about to figure that out today but in more important news it's here hold on small production granted here it doesn't look like much some of you know what it is some of you won't i'll explain very very soon so mark has just arrived we just get tractor draw it up there lift it up with monitor i'm guessing yes we'll unbolt the door first yep and then uh i assume there's a little bit of slurry in it no no it should be empty oh right well it was empty the other day when i cleaned it out that does move sorry we'll let's see right okay let's move this tractor and uh get it all to what sean just said there's a let me have a sneaky look behind it and make sure it's not full of muck nothing untoward you're happy because always when we take the door off yeah always an olympic drops out if you've got it in a place where you want to oh we want it to be clean as well it's our salad yarn yeah it's going in bed yeah thank you we also have ben as well he's going to talk us through the dribble bar that we have gone for why we've gone for it the importance of a dribble bar of going forward and stuff first you're saying take the back off because it will be fun yeah so we're not going to make too much it's fine here it's it's pretty tidy here right now so yeah yeah really neat the big thing about this master triple wall that we have gone for uh we'll go into it more detail it's super duper easy to put onto our tanker the only thing i have had johnny from primex do is just put a light bar on it because it could be quite big so people might not be able to see my indicators which is very important for going on the road pretty much right yeah that's good we'll fix your pipes down through here so we run three hydraulic pipes down through there so one set does your macerator and your fold well the material is just done on the hydraulic pipe though yeah so you just run that valve did not know that flicker switch which then goes over to your fold does have the advantage of when you fold up to come out of the field yeah because you can't go down the road with your macerator running it's good to know we put a third pipe down through here which doubles this line here up okay because the valve on our dribble bar is double acting oh nice and then we've got quick release fitting on here so you can unplug out of your splash plate and back into your dribble bar so it's nice and easy to flip from one to the other if you want to go back to using your splash plate great shouldn't be too bad you've got a better system than me i was using an old portrait time before we start this video do you reckon muck is going to fall out the bottom of here or not the big hint is the little bit of dribble that's coming out right now i'm going to stand back the current issue that we've been having is our pump is dead our paddle is dead and we've got loads of milk in our slurry because we've had to stop that because of the electric that's been going on there oh and obviously we don't have any pipes anymore to actually fill it up so when that's empty this year it'll be empty what's your toes the first one what do you do with this then this is dead yeah i can go in your workshop yeah my workshop that i i don't have so each of our dribble bars we have to obviously build to fit yes make the tanker watch it got it so mark and ben are already done i was about to put the mower on the track take this dazzle to be about the way and what what did you say i was saying that the primex there's more space for extra pipes in than most other tankers i think what he said it was the best one he's ever done that was it yeah there we go rabbit sank is you know get out of digger's way as well all gone hey there we go so what are you doing here ben just tighten those up and then you've got these holding bolts which just screw in to keep it square effectively on the ceiling holding on the five pins it had in the new four five eggs just retaining pins which which actually this these two they're not actually going to be holding it these top two do actually hold quite a bit of the weight people say to us or will it fall off but actually they're they're holding all the weight and actually the hooks are just holding holding it on to the tank okay there we go she's on it gee that's one stage done i need you to tell me if it's square before you tighten it up i would say yeah yeah that looks about right to me ben just said there you can get off the mud guards because mud guards don't move do they so we just look at the camera there it's hard because the ground's not are you happy you guys know better than me to be honest you trim your pipes to length once it's full yeah so we take it eight in the field full and then you know how much your tires have sunk and obviously your grass will come up to the bottom of your um yeah if you're yellow pipes i'm impressed how quickly this came on yeah it doesn't take long this diverter block obviously does your macerator and your fold so there's a so it just works off one yeah and have you got like a little bit of a switching cap yes yeah it's a little very basic rocker switch is it easy to put that rocker switch anywhere you want like tractor-wise yeah so like if i get my case yeah i can just like oh it's just an unplug when we've gone mowing let's be honest this is gonna be on my case all of this so if we could just move it off that would be banda does it pop back on technically i won't need the splash button anymore it's just just in case yeah just in case you ever do want to the only thing is you know added a little bit of whip around the back isn't it yeah to be honest a lot of people don't actually end up carrying the splash plate yeah i don't think i'm gonna put mine on it's just a question is this the lightest dribble bar out there i think it is at 450 kilos yeah it's definitely the tightest because by fitting to the back door it means that you haven't got anything you haven't got to swing around yeah or and take those lay flat hoses in the direction of travel okay right it will stay quite creased like that yeah so that's perfect you've done that purposely yeah oh because it's a line nice yeah if you put it that way it would leave it in a thick it's little things that you don't even think about isn't it your lights can obviously plug into johnny's plug very good of him what a nice guy oh by the way johnny's just had a baby i said just in like february so big congrats to johnny who wants primex but what mark's just done which is super duper clever i didn't even think it's this like standard way of doing the ones on dribble ball there's the way we do it yeah the way you do it yeah mustache master work what they've done is they've put the hand out we're always left and right but they put his handle forward and back i know it i my mind is also being blown i like little things like that that you wouldn't think about for that is an easy way of doing it and it's tidy as well isn't it so this is our own super cut macerator it was designed with long fiber in mind because it's right in ireland they would have a lot of bailed silage yeah yeah they love big bales over there and anyone doing loose housing with a slurry system yeah so inside your macerator you've got six cutters three either side obviously they're serrated so as they as they turn they basically chop against the wear plate like a pair of scissors so for anyone who doesn't know what a macerator is what is a macerator in the scissors so the macerator is basically chopping up any long fiber but it's also distributing so you get even distribution across the width of the boom kind of smashes anything straw or anything like that because obviously this is a smaller hole so once it it's gone through the hole in the wear plate yeah it'll go down the pipe yeah i mean um and the cutters actually act as a way of distributing because it's blocking a certain number of holes yep which is obviously giving you even distribution another thing which is unique to our own macerator these little uh valves on the outside so as the cutter covers the hole it lets air in through the one-way valve down the pipe means each pipe it's got it's effectively got its own airflow which is important yes so yeah if you're blocked you're only gonna be blocked on one instead of the whole left-hand side yeah as the slurry goes down the pipe effectively you get slurry uh slurry air yeah you gotta compost and that's the best way of doing it yeah that's what i quite liked about this one and the big thing was the weight the weight and ease then and mark just came here chucked it on obviously we've been here probably 30 minutes pretty quick and it's on ready to go the other thing for us which i quite like and i have no idea if the standard does not look it's no wider than my tanker as it is now which is bang on because we have some tight spots at our farm the arms themselves actually fold past 90 degrees so that as you go down the road it's effectively tucked behind the belly of the tanker yeah yeah okay so so when you look in your wing mirrors you effectively can't really see the dribble well which is good if you can see the dribble bar it means you've got it out and stop what you're doing raise it up and sort your life out so effectively blocking a number of holes as it goes around which is what's giving you distribution because you've got to remember this is under pressure yeah so as it's as it's going round as it blocks the holes it's pressurizing down the other hole we'll go fill some soil let's do it now that is cool this is gonna be tight dad actually had to tank some more stuff out the other end you'd say it's gonna be thick probably thick which is good with this we're probably better having just the handle because it's only got three spools actually better in the handle so we don't have a spool for it but when i got this tanker i didn't know the grant was going to come out and then we had to take opportunity of the grant the grant was a 40 grand on a dribble bar to give you 10 grand for the dribble bar 4 grand because you get your 40 of your 10 grams so it was a pretty good deal it looks like in 2026 or 2027 we're going to have to go dribble bar or injection so i'm going ahead of the game a little bit unfold turn on open up macerate it's as easy as that down no that one down there we go first going forward now we're going hey we're cracking on i'm actually doing a job i don't know if you guys can see that i'm making a mess well actually we'll make a list of it i'm overlapping a little bit it doesn't matter i'm so happy that the early bits pull it in don't bother that's that that's the big thing you made a mess there someone's gonna call me out now [Music] i need to figure out the routine that's like any new machine yeah yeah let's have a look at this thing if you are following this youtube channel and you're not into farming you won't know what a dribble bar is normally the splash plate so it splashes the whole of the ground so it would do everything all the area that slurry was quite thick the joys or the benefits of a drawbar you'll see there's lines so what that line is doing it's putting slurry into the ground but it's not getting the whole leaf as they say so if you're a cow you wouldn't want your whole dinner spread with muck this being the dribble bar is put it in line so the cows will actually graze in between that and you can graze quicker can't you yeah you could graze this again in two three weeks time as long as you have a little bit of rain yeah i'm pretty sure we'll have some rain you if you put it on the splash plate you probably wouldn't be grazing it for could be five or six weeks yeah especially this kind of mix because it's really coming out there can you see that's what's doing and that's why i was driving a little bit faster you said ben that you can we can drive faster because there is how many drop downs are there there's testing 41 put him on the spot here 28 28 outlets compared to one outlet which is what so although although the macerator is blocking some of the holes yeah you still have got more slurry coming out so you you do move need to move faster yeah so we moved quite quickly there and obviously getting used to it is there's so many levers that is why the dribble bar is so good contamination of the leaf getting the slurry into the ground because if you can smell slurry that's where the ammonia come nitrogen's out there and that is what they're saying is quite bad for the environment the dribble bars are going to improve that aren't they that's it and it's all about getting the nitrogen into the ground the slurry into the ground looks like it's covered it but there's a lot of ground that's not covered by slurry come on i've got my new drill bar covered in mocham so i'm so upset you'll see as well the big thing about this dribble bar it has this outlet but look at this so if you're someone like me and you might knock into a couple of things you know we've got a tight yard you've got that bail safe haven't you yeah ben did say have you got any lamp posting going to i was like no no no no i'm not doing it purposely but you can do it purposely that's that's the whole point it's safety for itself saves making a mess your driver could be very expensive if you yeah yeah i don't think the grant would cover repairs no if you do want to go back to using your splash plate you just unplug the pipe out of here quickly fitting and then just plug it back into your splash fit again obviously you've got splash plate on which you know well like we were saying before i'm probably not going to put it on the splash plate is great i've used we've used a splash plate for we've only started putting the slurry down the last five years we always used to chuck it open it used to fire off yeah wind used to affect that quite a lot when it chucked it down i was thinking about this when i was doing it wind no no problems no no we got a lot of people say to us that's one of the big reasons for it by actually buying a drill bar because they can go on a windy day and it doesn't matter you're not upsetting neighbors and no if someone's having a house part in a saturday afternoon you're going to get complaints yeah it keeps your tank nice and clean keeps the tank nice and clean you say that but you know i do have a ginger guy the mustache who runs this tanker as well i did give this a wash before johnny took the lights this was a big thing that i know you just had to point to how close this was to the tanker itself so there's nothing actually external you guys could come and do the only thing that we didn't have is a light set and for the likes of this because if we're traveling down the road we needed lights and indicators for people to know where we're coming johnny just took it in to put a light set and that was the only thing you changed it yeah the rest of it we just gave you the dimensions of our door yeah you made that qr tanker which is bang on it's never been as easy to put those pipes in than it has on a prime extent there's lots of space to get the hydraulic pipes shout out to johnny i i love this tank it's my fave biggest purchase i did before we started again swinging arms screaming it's a nice little thing it repeats the other thing the other thing we do on the arms is these cut eights and actually you'll notice that the steel is thinner to keep the weight down yeah um but profiled for strength whole thing all together is 450 kilowatts so that was a big thing as well because of weight and big tires and wet ground that we've got we need to make sure we're not putting any more weight on but it's going to do 450 kilos in the grand scheme of thing when you're caught in 2 200 thousand gallons so eight ton is not a lot really nice it's full of muck and that you actually said that is good for it because it lubes it up it lubricates the the cutters effectively as the slurry in there as those cutters are turning they're blocking a certain number of holes yeah yeah which obviously the macerator is under pressure with the tanker well i thought it came out really nice like when it comes out when i actually figured it out a good pattern as we've just seen i thought it was also what happens if let's say a stone got sucked up um small stones it will push through yeah and pieces of wood if you're very unlucky it could jam a piece of wood in the hole but worst case you know you just put your hand in and just get it make sure everything turned off switch everything off it's got a stone trap as well yeah it's got a stone trap in there so that's the same principle as the door it's just one bolt on there just slacking that bolt off and that comes off and you can just clear any grit it tends to be grit and yeah we've got quite a bit because we've done road cleaning yeah so in inside of the macerator there's a big spring in between the two cutters yep so as your cutters wear down it obviously keeps the pressure nice so actually there's no maintenance to do inside of the mat right here we'd have customers who wouldn't be touching those for four or five years it'll be longer to be honest if you've got no sand that's sand that's the big one yeah don't get sand guys and like i say the big thing for us was the grant the small production grant which again i posted on my instagram and snapchat so anyone else got involved in that that'd be awesome because that'd be amazing through my social media if someone else got the grant or did well through it that's what it's all about and i really like that and that's why this was available we've got a brand new tanker which is amazing we're very fortunate last year to do so but if we had our old tanker you could check on the back of that putting drugs on 10 15 year old tankers it's great to hear we are definitely those kind of people with all the kit i can just hear our manitou growling which is quite close now big thank you to ben and mark for coming to fitting in they normally do this hopefully it'll improve grass production and hopefully it would be better for the environment yeah i think we we would have customers that would tell us they've either significantly reduced their artificial fertiliser usage or some would say they're not using any artificial tornado nice just through the use of the dribble bar grass growing that's the main thing guys hope you enjoyed today's video there's gonna be lots of footage of this being used after we've done first cut which is gonna be in three or four days it's gonna be amazing please give the video a thumbs up subscribe to the youtube channel you can get tp merch at tom pem dash farm life pick up there dribble bars here doing a little bit more from the environment and fingers crossed all excited see you in a bit bye so this is our own smartphone app which we've developed um to allow people to work at a forward speed so you type in your application width so this is 7.5 meters sizes slurry tankers 2 400 gallons and then you time how long it takes you to empty on the first load right yeah so say it takes you three minutes and 50 seconds yeah and you want to put on a load per acre to 2 400 gallons per acre yeah and you press submit and it tells you you've got to drive 8.45 k that's clever isn't it yeah that's awesome so to be honest you only need to do that once and then it's it's giving you a guide for how fast how fast you go and then do you know how many you if you think you've got 10 loads in your tower that you want to put on 20 acres you can work it back oh wow that's awesome that so this app's free as well that's free yeah if you like to have a bit of facts and figures which i'm a big fan of bit of a nerd of doing it this is the app to do it's good to show you if i'm sure it's guys they they love that sort of thing and if you do that they might look at something else i'm not promising that but maybe not
Channel: Tom Pemberton Farm Life
Views: 239,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cow, farm, farming, fails, Countryfile, agriculture, building, countryfile, young farmer, fails 2021, farm animals, farm life, farm life for kids, farm simulator, farmer, farming for toddlers, farming life, feeding cattle, free range, grass, life on a family farm, milking cows, mn millenial farmer, re build, re building a house, tractors, digger, claas, monster machines, MASTEK, dribble bar, government, government grant, grass growth, improve, climate change, sustainable development
Id: abr8LbveCno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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