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five tons first got silage is it going pretty much retired hopefully they'll come out do that might be wrecking the back just working first job of the day good morning everyone that was loud if you haven't already don't forget to hit the subscribe button ring the little bell you get notifications of my videos every tuesday friday and sometimes we do a sunday video so what is the plan today the day is obviously we're chopping grass we've moaned it um we test it out and today's the day so these lads it's actually saturday bank holiday may bank holiday is it late may bank hold it i don't know whatever bank holidays do they exist in farming no ken's still grafted away they're working away that's another story another video going on the lads dropped the kit off yesterday we were gonna chop yesterday they only turned off about seven half seven and then we would have been going all night long and it's not too much in front of them which is good so i should just do it tomorrow they're gonna come about ten it's about half eight now so it works well for us gives us a bit of time and to be honest our knackered last week it was busy busy busy week so i had a good seven hours sleep i've rested the drop pull the kit off and they took one of the vans home just so they don't have to drive the kit all the way this way because i think it might have been this way a little bit i don't know the logistics but anyhow they're here we've emptied the silo clamp for the first time in three or four years she's good chop is here butt rakes here ninja guys here i'm with the trailer and then i'm going to jump in the other trailer and the other lads coming later on he loaded up again he loaded up again i just loaded up with this and then load up with that later on yeah and then now the job me and father got to do the ginger guy with the booster i'm gonna pull the pipe out and just down the sides because if it does rain it can go down the sides out the pipe away i want to say if it does rain it's going to rain just putting that in for tomorrow because we have a little say a little issue it's not an issue at all [Music] we obviously we've still got some selka there so the plan is to put the pipe all the way down the sides and then we'll do it with the selco we'll move the cell coat onto the pipe that side and just bury it it's no bother to bury the selco we can just use it when we're actually feeding the grass out later on so we'd have to buy it for that two weeks of selco there maybe just might as well use the older pipes soon oh i mean dad just thought of a plan to do this as well but that's in a few videos down the line because we might have to move it for something i want to do [Music] so you see that coming at you know what's coming don't you once yeah um another light bulb moment hmm it's weird holy this stuff makes it really well got a bit clumpy in it i never have to break up more additives mixed if you've not seen my youtube video before what additive is is we put it on to the grass it gets sprayed on by the chopper nice and lightly so it's kind of like an additive a preservative onto the grass to make sure it lasts and doesn't go off in the clamp using the same stuff we use the past three years it seems to do a quite a good job uh it works all right this stuff was a little bit harder to get out which is not normal for the product so i don't know why the other thing about it is every year explain it's 50 quid a pot 50 pounds i think it's actually probably more than that now 50 pounds very expensive but how much is the value of the grass in the clamp view probably a lot right let's go see if the lads turned up if not oh jack's here by the way if not we've got to put tractor on trailer trail on tractor that's wrong around do the surprise of everyone watching this youtube video throwing up man john is here and uh we make that joke every year just because i think it's funny because he's normally always like be fair to everybody like once but never let him forget people don't forget john people do not forget unless it is john because if he is early probably won't be john he's never really on time the game is going to be trying to get out of this mess why is the back washer on big pressure on today bob could be a little bit later so it looks like it's me and steve and kind start with so they actually need me at the start it's good jax here right i'm a wanted man why why are you turning stop doing what you're doing okay so there's one thing i dislike about this tractor and someone will tell me how to make it not do what i just like you get your ass off this seat it shouts at you we all knew you wasn't gonna get first time we're gonna change the black one around so it's dump to bottom and bolt going to come out it will come out at the end it doesn't stay with the silage and ruin all the bottom of the silage it seems to work really well for us i don't see a lot of people i've never really seen someone else do it i like it it works really good additive in throne to quit spent going out the window that is stuart filled up he's about to start day's about start we're gonna leave that there dave's i think we're gonna bury it or not plan is just to the plan is to leave it there if we get to it we'll bury it dad thinks we will but we would like to use it in the next you know a couple of weeks for feeding cows anyway but if we don't we don't we can't do much about it hey girls still no carbs there's a little i just come from ireland obviously not just to see me but it's popped in he's from ireland so just say hello to him from the snapshot i then we'll get chopping it's a bit oh it'd be really plastic it's not sharp inside it's just a bit on the outside who has bottles like this i bet there's loads of people just about to go chop in but eva has come and said hello where are you from hello i'm from ireland all the way from ireland just as a farm shop just say hello so big thank to eva uh shout out to your friends yeah apparently they'd be quite jealous hello right i'm gonna go chopping thanks for eva see you too bye choppers on the move we have tried to clean the floor out the best as we can i got a tip off someone where you get a bale of straw and your shear grab and just push it out so that's what dad did yesterday droppers going let's go silage here's a go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first thumbs up i used to cvx it's been a lower gear range because it's too vicious on this i think dude trailers full i've not gone around a 10 acre field once yet for on the outside so you're most smart grass let's figure that out maybe two dollar trailer falls 12 trailers i think this one's 12 i don't know how big that one is just give the thumbs up i didn't get one back hates me some first person ever first load done no shunts there you are call me a contractor just make sure everything is tickly boom so you'll see dad has got a weight on the back of the tractor at the moment just to add a bit of weight on his anti-government from my god mueller's road and dave just stopped me and said i don't know if you remember like few years ago a guy called ash khan had a blue new holland with a blue trailer uh i think he's got a class now but he just said could he come down with his weight he's got a compressor that goes to the back of the tractor just to level it off at the end i was like yeah no but that sounds great to me so he's going to come with his compressor at the end and see how much he can put the mileage down by rolling it so that works i'm happy with that let's do it let's see how much it goes down and see it does a good job these rules are quite big watering in between sometimes about 5k to about 8k so i determine how big they are or how big the roads are by how fast we're going and obviously they can extend it and they can put more and less into each row plenty of grass loads going in between it i reckon it's about 30 yards 25 yards in between each row so that's how much they're bringing it in we're letting this spark a little bit the big one's going to be over the road up into the golf course when we call and there's going to be shed loads of grass in there we'll have to refill that thing anyway [Music] all we have is nothing sometimes nothing's all you need when you're stripped of all your armor you can finally feel the breeze [Music] we're living in the moment we ain't got pockets full of money but we're rich in other things this highway is our living room we're swimming in the mystery [Music] we're living in the moment [Music] we were born with gold on the inside gold on the inside [Music] uh [Music] [Music] will be [Music] is coming with what is this compactor yeah sorry basically david's wrong gonna give it a go and it's great for our club because it's quite easy we could just jump up no bother and literally what do you do just put his ass down and put it down drive up backwards and forwards on the flight you won't need attractive but you know it's just that massive weight there's a lot of steel in here so this is how we're gonna roll it this year dad's been made redundant so he's pretty much retired so he's gonna jump off ashley's gonna jump in here and see how well we can do it we want to fit a second cut in and uh see who does right ash good luck we'll see you again cheers [Laughter] see you ginge so well you know i said it was retired so i kind of want to see ash roll with this i want to see how it does the first couple of rolls i thought ah i'll do it with this so he's gonna go up there that's cvx engines great on field road work i've just not mastered it yet so he's actually doing the first load on the road so so now from the front of the back tractors a lot of weight though i can definitely tell there that's had nothing but the difference between him and him is a lot speaking to astros then said the roll is five ton two and a half in the front and the tractor is nine and a half ton so you're looking at 16 ton the whole thing stay at that see look to the end right we're going to take over from dad he's only one run he's actually taking a while yeah we had a couple of issues with sales playing in a minute definitely in that field and mr harvald is here we're gonna drive properly aren't we yeah danger never takes a day off danger never takes a day off so this is thomas one of my dad's mates sons uh the other son went with dad before tom knows not all heroes were a cave some heroes let you out at the roadside and they are the best we love them don't we yeah makes my life easy thank you very much the general public probably turn it around thomas so we can see your face a little bit better yeah yeah the money maker i'm doing it for the views you're saying you'll get me all of these probably my face so the issue with this field that dad's just been in and i'll show you later on one of the issues i crashed my drone the second issue is that done some fencing over there and the old sheep fencing they just dropped on the floor last year it wasn't dropped i think this year was and i mowed it and the mowed sheep netting so it's mostly i got and ripped out but some of it i didn't obviously because it will smash it a little bit and there's a line over there that we can't do anything with we don't know what to do because it will have some metal here we don't want to feed metal and cows to get into the stomachs and then it can cause imagine you just eat metal works like a bit of a mincer in the cow's stomach so we magnitude most of our cows there's a list that come what i need to do new car testers and so it can cause real issues so i don't know we're gonna have to do we might just have to put it into a trail and forget about it i'd say about 50 yards of grass in a row which is terribly annoying but hey ho what can you do if it wasn't usually put it there i'd mowed it technically but i didn't see it because the crash was so long and it grew through it so it was here grasshopper you see the thumbs up yep thumbs up means we can crack on i feel like this person purposely waited for me so i'm gonna give them a thank you they didn't acknowledge my thank you but you know we gave it them yeah they're oh nice i know i know what you're thinking that was seamless wasn't it i did a great job though yeah i did a great job [Music] all [Music] quick [Music] i'm gonna turn it on and then i'll shut it down [Music] [Music] get me you out stop don't quit [Music] [Music] a little bit there hopefully this audio works because the audio has been an absolute nightmare we just had a bit of a laugh as well so that was terribly annoying about the competitor from the drone it looks like it's doing a really good job overall weight 16 tons which is massive dave says it's just like he puts grass on there and it doesn't go anywhere you know it doesn't build up he said we probably would be to the walls by now over the wall over the wall do you like it i like it it puts a lot more pressure on your clamp if you've got a dodgy clamp you're making that side pressure must be a lot higher fortunately with a very strong clamp yeah he says you can get at least enough shear grab full but only be like 400 from 500 kg depends on the size of his gear up you can let nearly 200 kg more in a sheer grab so you know it's going to take a little bit of cutting out and if he's starting from the bottom just think how solid it could be just talking about that when the audio wasn't working if it's that tight i mean your bottom of the clamp your shear grabs and your mufflers however you get the silo out the clamp is going to be off to be on a good form otherwise you're going to damage things great too it's going to be so tight to get out which is a good thing it's a good problem to have but there'll be no air in there and you'll be able to fit more into the clamp which is a big thing as well obviously 20 acres left to go ish and we've got plenty of room because second cut is going to have to go in there and because we don't have anywhere to go with the second coat which we've discussed before that is the problem because we've knocked the concrete out in front of it we can make a quick clamp next to it more expensive get an egg bag yeah now i'm not getting a handbag they're a that compactor adds a cost to the silo operation that's the only that's the thing that you know it doesn't make better silence for the bullies in the eaton as they say they'd be interesting however we do roll all the time i roll all the time with the trapped when you don't get a proper rolling behind the factory dividends that thing will pay dividends because when you're piling it up and you're almost shoveling up right with a great big loading shovel and he's trying to roll in between loads that will knock the load each other lumps down and flat you've got no chance have you just just do it without each other you're going to make a better silo a chance to make better silence at the end of the day if you can save yourself particularly this year the way proving prices and cake prices are going up and potentially they'll all come down as fast as they've gone up you're talking 300 pound a ton for dairy ration at the moment some dairy rations it's expensive for anything you can save on the that sort of cost will be benefit and that might be to make a break for some people because of cost on imported feeds to the dairy cow catch away a bit at the end see all getting up i've got an issue that's 16 tons washing it we're meant to get second corny just a slight one i'll do four concrete make a second cut clamp really fast problem with that is like having the money to do it or we made a lot of big bales which are really fancy doing and now in july she's just finishing off doing a bit of rolling hell of a piece of kit i'll tell you what it's hard under here dave did say that he couldn't do it without ash there it was just like he was loading it up and it was flattening it the only thing it doesn't leave as good a thing as the tractor would leave but it's definitely compact there's 90 acres in here and it's 90 acres of good crop it's good quality stuff which is bang on it's coming in nice and dry ish the big l shape feels a little bit wetter than i'd like we're happy with it bit annoying gopro with the audio stuff just bought a new gopro whilst these guys had a bit of lunch i was like sonic gotta buy a new one i bought new cables so hopefully i'll sell that out so apologies everyone is stuck by me appreciate it big thanks to the team ash as well for coming he said he wanted to give it a go so he's tried this how'd you do a good job i think so i think it has compact a lot more dad will definitely get on here tomorrow because that is the way he is and just to make it a bit more flat and then we'll have a sheet up tomorrow holiday after because it's just getting the staff because sunday and it's bank holiday hope you enjoyed today's video if you did give it a thumbs up subscribe to youtube tp merch at tom pem dash okay if you're getting in between some certain dates uh we might not be live because i'm getting married and we're just taking it all off for about five weeks so sorry about that and i've got a couple of stuff going on but first cut grass is definitely in and see little carbs are already trying to seal it guys hope you enjoyed it see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Tom Pemberton Farm Life
Views: 234,744
Rating: 4.9645739 out of 5
Keywords: cow, simulator, farm, farming, fails, Countryfile, daggerwin, agriculture, building, countryfile, young farmer, 360 digger, demolition man, demolitions, fails 2021, farm animals, farm life, farm life for kids, farm simulator, farmer, farmers protest, farming for toddlers, farming life, feeding cattle, free range, grass, life on a family farm, milking cows, mn millenial farmer, re build, re building a house, tractors, digger, 1st cut, silage, first cut silage 2021, claas, monster machines
Id: EQ1ha7LJH1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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